93 research outputs found

    Issues Related to the Success of the TMDL Program

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    Estimating Discharge in Low-Order Rivers With High-Resolution Aerial Imagery

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    Remote sensing of river discharge promises to augment in situ gauging stations, but the majority of research in this field focuses on large rivers (\u3e50 m wide). We present a method for estimating volumetric river discharge in low-order (wide) rivers from remotely sensed data by coupling high-resolution imagery with one-dimensional hydraulic modeling at so-called virtual gauging stations. These locations were identified as locations where the river contracted under low flows, exposing a substantial portion of the river bed. Topography of the exposed river bed was photogrammetrically extracted from high-resolution aerial imagery while the geometry of the remaining inundated portion of the channel was approximated based on adjacent bank topography and maximum depth assumptions. Full channel bathymetry was used to create hydraulic models that encompassed virtual gauging stations. Discharge for each aerial survey was estimated with the hydraulic model by matching modeled and remotely sensed wetted widths. Based on these results, synthetic width-discharge rating curves were produced for each virtual gauging station. In situ observations were used to determine the accuracy of wetted widths extracted from imagery (mean error 0.36 m), extracted bathymetry (mean vertical RMSE 0.23 m), and discharge (mean percent error 7% with a standard deviation of 6%). Sensitivity analyses were conducted to determine the influence of inundated channel bathymetry and roughness parameters on estimated discharge. Comparison of synthetic rating curves produced through sensitivity analyses show that reasonable ranges of parameter values result in mean percent errors in predicted discharges of 12%–27%

    Beaver Dam Influences on Streamflow Hydraulic Properties and Thermal Regimes

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    Beaver dams alter channel hydraulics which in turn change the geomorphic templates of streams. Variability in geomorphic units, the building blocks of stream systems, and water temperature, critical to stream ecological function, define habitat heterogeneity and availability. While prior research has shown the impact of beaver dams on stream hydraulics, geomorphic template, or temperature, the connections or feedbacks between these habitat measures are not well understood. This has left questions regarding relationships between temperature variability at different spatial scales to hydraulic properties such as flow depth and velocity that are dependent on the geomorphology. We combine detailed predicted hydraulic properties, field-based maps with an additional classification scheme of geomorphic units, and detailed water temperature observations throughout a study reach to demonstrate the relationship between these factors at different spatial scales (reach, beaver dam complexes, and geomorphic units). Over a three-week, low flow period we found temperature to vary 2 °C between the upstream and downstream extents of the reach with a net warming of 1 °C during the day and a net cooling of 0.5 °C at night. At the beaver dam complex scale, net warming of 1.15 °C occurred during the day with variable cooling at night. Regardless of limited temperature changes at these larger scales, the temperature variability within a beaver dam complex reached up to 10.5 °C due to the diversity of geomorphic units. At the geomorphic unit scale, the highly altered flow velocity and depth distributions within primary geomorphic units provide an explanation of the temperature variability within the dam complex and insight regarding increases in habitat heterogeneity

    Analysis of the Effects of Dam Release Properties and Ambient Groundwater Flow on Surface Water‐Groundwater Exchange Over a 100‐km‐Long Reach

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    Hydroelectric dams often create highly dynamic downstream flows that promote surface water‐groundwater (SW‐GW) interactions including bank storage, the temporary storage of river water in the riverbank. Previous research on SW‐GW exchanges in dammed rivers has primarily been at single study sites, which has limited the understanding of how these exchanges evolve as dam releases travel downstream. This study evaluates how dam releases affect SW‐GW exchange continuously over a 100‐km distance. This is accomplished by longitudinally routing water releases through a synthetic river and modeling bed and bank fluid and solute exchange across transverse transects spaced along the reach. Peak and square dam release hydrograph shapes with three magnitudes (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 m) were considered. The effect of four ambient groundwater flow conditions (very slightly losing, neutral, and two gaining from the perspective of the river) was evaluated for each dam release scenario. Both types of dam release shapes cause SW‐GW interaction over the entire 100‐km distance, and our results show that square type releases cause bank storage exchange well beyond this distance. Strongly gaining conditions reduce the amount of exchange and allow flushing of river‐sourced solute out of the bank after the dam pulse has passed. Both neutral and losing conditions have larger fluid and solute flux into the bank and limit the amount of solute that returns to the river. Our results support that river corridors downstream of dams have increased river‐aquifer connectivity and that this enhanced connectivity can extend at least 100 km downstream

    Simple Optimization Method to Determine Best Management Practices to Reduce Phosphorus Loading in Echo Reservoir, Utah

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    This study develops and applies a simple linear optimization program to identify cost effective Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce phosphorus loading to Echo Reservoir, Utah. The optimization program tests the feasibility of proposed Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) allocations based on potential BMP options and provides information regarding the spatial redistribution of loads among sub-watersheds. The current version of the TMDL for Echo reservoir allocates phosphorus loads to existing non-point phosphorus sources in different sub-watersheds to meet a specified total load. Optimization results show that it is feasible to implement BMPs for non-point sources in each sub-watershed to meet reduction targets at a cost of $1.0 million. However, relaxing these targets can achieve the overall target at lower cost. The optimization program and results provide a simple tool to test the feasibility of proposed TMDL allocations based on potential BMP options and can also recommend spatial redistributions of loads among sub-watersheds to lower costs

    Increasing Parameter Certainty and Data Utility Through Multi-Objective Calibration of a Spatially Distributed Temperature and Solute Model

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    To support the goal of distributed hydrologic and instream model predictions based on physical processes, we explore multi-dimensional parameterization determined by a broad set of observations. We present a systematic approach to using various data types at spatially distributed locations to decrease parameter bounds sampled within calibration algorithms that ultimately provide information regarding the extent of individual processes represented within the model structure. Through the use of a simulation matrix, parameter sets are first locally optimized by fitting the respective data at one or two locations and then the best results are selected to resolve which parameter sets perform best at all locations, or globally. This approach is illustrated using the Two-Zone Temperature and Solute (TZTS) model for a case study in the Virgin River, Utah, USA, where temperature and solute tracer data were collected at multiple locations and zones within the river that represent the fate and transport of both heat and solute through the study reach. The result was a narrowed parameter space and increased parameter certainty which, based on our results, would not have been as successful if only single objective algorithms were used. We also found that the global optimum is best defined by multiple spatially distributed local optima, which supports the hypothesis that there is a discrete and narrowly bounded parameter range that represents the processes controlling the dominant hydrologic responses. Further, we illustrate that the optimization process itself can be used to determine which observed responses and locations are most useful for estimating the parameters that result in a global fit to guide future data collection efforts

    Active Layer Groundwater Flow: The Interrelated Effects of Stratigraphy, Thaw, and Topography

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    The external drivers and internal controls of groundwater flow in the thawed “active layer” above permafrost are poorly constrained because they are dynamic and spatially variable. Understanding these controls is critical because groundwater can supply solutes such as dissolved organic matter to surface water bodies. We calculated steady‐state three‐dimensional suprapermafrost groundwater flow through the active layer using measurements of aquifer geometry, saturated thickness, and hydraulic properties collected from two major landscape types over time within a first‐order Arctic watershed. The depth position and thickness of the saturated zone is the dominant control of groundwater flow variability between sites and during different times of year. The effect of water table depth on groundwater flow dwarfs the effect of thaw depth. In landscapes with low land‐surface slopes (2–4%), a combination of higher water tables and thicker, permeable peat deposits cause relatively constant groundwater flows between the early and late thawed seasons. Landscapes with larger land‐surface slopes (4–10%) have both deeper water tables and thinner peat deposits; here the commonly observed permeability decrease with depth is more pronounced than in flatter areas, and groundwater flows decrease significantly between early and late summer as the water table drops. Groundwater flows are also affected by microtopographic features that retain groundwater that could otherwise be released as the active layer deepens. The dominant sources of groundwater, and thus dissolved organic matter, are likely wet, flatter regions with thick organic layers. This finding informs fluid flow and solute transport dynamics for the present and future Arctic.Plain Language SummaryGroundwater flow in permafrost watersheds is potentially a key component of global carbon budgets because permafrost soil stores vast amounts of carbon that could be mobilized due to a warming climate and the corresponding increase in soil thaw. In addition to carrying carbon, groundwater can supply important nutrients and solutes to surface waters. However, we do not yet understand the factors that control groundwater flow in soils above permafrost because saturation changes rapidly and continuously, and soil hydraulic properties are largely unknown. We created measurement‐informed calculations of groundwater flow from areas of permafrost with different characteristics and found that soil types, which vary based on the slope of the land surface, are the most important control. Near‐surface soils were identical in hillslopes and valleys, whereas deeper soils in hillslopes allowed for less groundwater flow than in valleys. In early summer, when only the near‐surface soils were thawed, groundwater flows in the hillslopes and valley were similar. In late summer, when the deeper soil was thawed, groundwater flow in the valley remained high, but flow in the hillslope was negligible. Our observations also showed that small mounds on the land surface caused groundwater to be trapped behind underground ice dams.Key PointsDetailed measurements of hydraulic head, hydraulic conductivity, and saturated thicknesses in active layers were made over time and spaceThree main soil layers consistently comprise the stratigraphy of the active layer across the studied Arctic watershedGroundwater flow depends most on the depth of the water table and the subsurface stratigraphy, which varies based on landscape typePeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151862/1/wrcr24085_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151862/2/wrcr24085.pd

    Active Layer Groundwater Flow: The Interrelated Effects of Stratigraphy, Thaw, and Topography

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    The external drivers and internal controls of groundwater flow in the thawed “active layer” above permafrost are poorly constrained because they are dynamic and spatially variable. Understanding these controls is critical because groundwater can supply solutes such as dissolved organic matter to surface water bodies. We calculated steady‐state three‐dimensional suprapermafrost groundwater flow through the active layer using measurements of aquifer geometry, saturated thickness, and hydraulic properties collected from two major landscape types over time within a first‐order Arctic watershed. The depth position and thickness of the saturated zone is the dominant control of groundwater flow variability between sites and during different times of year. The effect of water table depth on groundwater flow dwarfs the effect of thaw depth. In landscapes with low land‐surface slopes (2–4%), a combination of higher water tables and thicker, permeable peat deposits cause relatively constant groundwater flows between the early and late thawed seasons. Landscapes with larger land‐surface slopes (4–10%) have both deeper water tables and thinner peat deposits; here the commonly observed permeability decrease with depth is more pronounced than in flatter areas, and groundwater flows decrease significantly between early and late summer as the water table drops. Groundwater flows are also affected by microtopographic features that retain groundwater that could otherwise be released as the active layer deepens. The dominant sources of groundwater, and thus dissolved organic matter, are likely wet, flatter regions with thick organic layers. This finding informs fluid flow and solute transport dynamics for the present and future Arctic

    Quantifying Thermal Refugia Connectivity by Combining Temperature Modeling, Distributed Temperature Sensing, and Thermal Infrared Imaging

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    Watershed-scale stream temperature models are often one-dimensional because they require fewer data and are more computationally efficient than two- or three-dimensional models. However, one-dimensional models assume completely mixed reaches and ignore small-scale spatial temperature variability, which may create temperature barriers or refugia for cold-water aquatic species. Fine spatial- and temporal-resolution stream temperature monitoring provides information to identify river features with increased thermal variability. We used distributed temperature sensing (DTS) to observe small-scale stream temperature variability, measured as a temperature range through space and time, within two 400 m reaches in summer 2015 in Nevada\u27s East Walker and main stem Walker rivers. Thermal infrared (TIR) aerial imagery collected in summer 2012 quantified the spatial temperature variability throughout the Walker Basin. We coupled both types of high-resolution measured data with simulated stream temperatures to corroborate model results and estimate the spatial distribution of thermal refugia for Lahontan cutthroat trout and other cold-water species. Temperature model estimates were within the DTS-measured temperature ranges 21 % and 70 % of the time for the East Walker River and main stem Walker River, respectively, and within TIR-measured temperatures 17 %, 5 %, and 5 % of the time for the East Walker, West Walker, and main stem Walker rivers, respectively. DTS, TIR, and modeled stream temperatures in the main stem Walker River nearly always exceeded the 21 ∘C optimal temperature threshold for adult trout, usually exceeded the 24 ∘C stress threshold, and could exceed the 28 ∘C lethal threshold for Lahontan cutthroat trout. Measured stream temperature ranges bracketed ambient river temperatures by −10.1 to +2.3 ∘C in agricultural return flows, −1.2 to +4 ∘C at diversions, −5.1 to +2 ∘C in beaver dams, and −4.2 to 0 ∘C at seeps. To better understand the role of these river features on thermal refugia during warm time periods, the respective temperature ranges were added to simulated stream temperatures at each of the identified river features. Based on this analysis, the average distance between thermal refugia in this system was 2.8 km. While simulated stream temperatures are often too warm to support Lahontan cutthroat trout and other cold-water species, thermal refugia may exist to improve habitat connectivity and facilitate trout movement between spawning and summer habitats. Overall, high-resolution DTS and TIR measurements quantify temperature ranges of refugia and augment process-based modeling
