16 research outputs found

    A Hypothetical Cohort Model of Human Development

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    This research provides a model of growth of the human development index (HDI) by examining past changes and levels of HDI and creates four ÒcohortsÓ of countries. Using a hypothetical cohort approach reveals a model of HDI growth. Generalized Estimating Equations are used to determine the impact that country characteristics have on HDI. The analysis shows that conflict has a significant impact on HDI. Further, while in 1970, the countries whose HDI was most impacted by conflict were developing nations, currently, conflict is most detrimental to the least developed countries. The research also shows that the 1990s presented particular challenges to the least developed countries, perhaps attributable to ramifications of the AIDS crisis. The research then uses the model to predict HDI in the future and compares results from the prediction with projections that result when Ðrecalculating HDI using components that various agencies have separately projected.human development index, conflict, hypothetical cohorts

    Evaluation essentials : methods for conducting sound research

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    Race and Ethnicity During an Economic Transition: The Withdrawal of Puerto Rican Women from New York City's Labour Force, 1960-1980

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    DAPONTE B. O. (1996) Race and ethnicity during an economic transition: the withdrawal of Puerto Rican women from New York City's Labour Force, 1960-1980, Reg. Studies 30, 151-166. This research shows how broad shifts in the demand for labour can affect racial and ethnic groups differently. Specifically, the paper investigates why, in the 1960s, Puerto Rican women withdrew from the labour force. Using public use files from the 1960, 1970, and 1980 US censuses and focusing exclusively on New York City, the paper demonstrates that rapid changes in the demand for labour in New York City in the 1960s particularly harmed Puerto Rican women. However, within occupational and industrial groupings, the experience of Puerto Rican women did not seem to differ from that of women of other races or ethnicities. What did differ between the racial/ethnic groups were the positions that women held in the labour market in 1960 and their ability to exit declining and enter expanding positions. DAPONTE B. O. (1996) La race et l'ethnie pendant une periode de transition economique: le retrait de la maind'oeuvre feminine portoricaine a New York de 1960 a 1980, Reg. Studies 30, 151-166. La recherche demontre comment de grands deplacements de la demande de travail peuvent avoir une incidence differente sur des groupes raciaux et ethniques. Cet article examine en particulier pourquoi, aux annees 1960, les femmes portoricaines se sont retirees de la main-d'oeuvre. A partir des fichiers a la disposition du grand public relatifs aux recensements de la population de 1960, 1970 et 1980 effectues aux Etats-Unis et ne portant que sur la Ville de New York, l'article demontre que des variations rapides de la demande de travail a New York aux annees 1960 ont serieusement touche notamment les femmes portoricaines. Toujours est-il qu'au sein des categories socio-professionnelles et des secteurs industriels, l'experience des femmes portoricaines n'a pas differe de celle des femmes des autres races et ethnies. Ce qui a differe entre les groupes raciaux/ethniques ont ete les postes occupes par les femmes sur le marche du travail en 1960 et leur capacite a elles a se retirer des postes en declin pour s'inserer dans des postes en expansion. DAPONTE B. O. (1966) Rasse und ethnische Zugerhorigkeit in einer Periode wirtschaftlichen Ubergangs: die Abnahme der Zahl von Puertoricanerinnen der Arbeiterschaft der Stadt New York im Zeitraum 1960-80, Reg. Studies 30, 151-166. Diese Untersuchung zeigt, wie bestimmte Rassen und ethnische Gruppen unterschiedlich von starken Verschiebungen in der Nachfrage nach Arbeitskraften betroffen sein konnen. Der Aufsatz untersucht vor allem, warum Puertoricanerinnen in den sechziger Jahren die Arbeit niederlegten. Unter Zuhilfenahme von Akten der Volkszahlungen der Vereinigten Staaten in den Jahren 1960, 1970 und 1980, und ausschliesslicher Konzentration auf die Stadt New York zeigt der Aufsatz auf, dass wahrend der sechziger Jahre rasche Umstellungen in der Nachfrage nach Arbeitskraften in der Stadt New York sich fur Frauen aus Puerto Rico besonders nachteilig auswirkten. Vom Standpunkt der Zugehorigkeit zu Erwerbstatigkeits- und Industrietypen her scheinen sich die Erfahrungen der Puertoricanerinnen von denen der Frauen anderer Rassen oder ethnischer Gruppen nicht zu unterscheiden. Die Unterschiede zwischen rassischen/ethnischen Gruppen waren vielmehr in den Stellungen zu finden, die Frauen im Stellenmarkt der sechziger Jahre innehatten, sowie ihrer Unfahigkeit, an Bedeutung abnehmende Stellen zu verlassen und in aufstrebende Positionen zu wechseln.Lateinamerikaner, Diskriminierung, Teilnahme am, Erwerbsleben, Wirtschaftliche Umstrukturierung, Wirtschaftsdemographie, Die Stadt New York,

    Why Do Low-Income Households not Use Food Stamps? Evidence from an Experiment

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    This paper explores why many low-income households do not participate in the Food Stamp Program. By analyzing detailed income and asset data from a sample of low-income households, we find that many households that appear to be eligible for food stamps in fact are not eligible. By conducting an experiment designed to investigate the role of information on participation in the Food Stamp Program, we observe that ignorance about the program contributes to nonparticipation. However, there is evidence that knowledge about the program is endogenous-households generally avail themselves of information about the program when the anticipated benefits of doing so are large.