65 research outputs found

    Long-term outcomes in patients with West syndrome: An outpatient clinical study

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    AbstractPurposeNearly half of all patients with seizure onset in the first year of life suffer from West syndrome (WS). The prognosis of epilepsy and psychosocial outcomes in children with WS are variable. This study was performed to examine the factors influencing the outcome of this patient population.MethodsA total of 109 patients with WS followed up regularly for at least 3 years were included in the study. Relevant clinical, laboratory, and imaging data were collected.ResultsThe male/female ratio was 65/44 (59.6%/40.4%). The mean age at onset of infantile spasm (IS) was 6±6 (1–36) months. With regard to neuro-developmental and social conditions during the final evaluation, 29.4% of the patients were socially dependent on caregivers, 61.8% needed assistance, and 8.8% were normal. Among the patients, 5.9% were free of epilepsy and antiepileptic drugs (AED) for at least 2 years, 49.0% had no seizures with AEDs, and 45.1% had uncontrollable seizures. Parameters with significant negative effects on the long-term outcomes included symptomatic etiology, presence of developmental retardation before the onset of IS, persistence of active epilepsy, and male gender.ConclusionIn this study, 37 (33.9%) patients had severe consequences as a result of WS. The majority of the rest could cope with daily life with varying degrees of assistance. Eight percent of the patients had a normal development. These results draw attention to the two-thirds of patients with WS who have the chance of an acceptable quality of life (QoL) with early diagnosis and therapeutic measures

    Over restrictive elimination of foods in children with foodallergy

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    Background. Previous studies demonstrated critical deficits in diagnosis and management of childhood foodallergy (FA), and recent developments in FA research support adopting a proactive approach in FA management.Our objective was to describe FA knowledge and management patterns of pediatricians.Method. We applied a 24-item survey to 170 general pediatricians, pediatric allergists and pediatricgastroenterologists practicing in Turkey.Results. Some IgE-mediated symptoms of FA such as cough, urticaria, wheezing and anaphylaxis were falselyrecognized as symptoms of non-IgE-mediated FA by 30%, 29%, 25% and 19% of the participants, respectively.By contrast, 50% of the participants falsely recognized bloody stool, a finding of IgE-mediated FA. Mostfrequently and least frequently used diagnostic tools were specific IgE (30.5%) and oral food challenge test(1.7%), respectively. Maternal diet restrictions and infant diet restrictions were advised by 82% and 82%,respectively. Percentages of physicians eliminating only 1 food were 21%, 19%; 2 foods were 15%, 11%; 3 foodswere 7%, 8%; 4-5 foods were 8%, 11%; 5 to 10 foods were 21%, 26%; and >10 foods were 28%, 25% from thematernal and infant diet, respectively. Cow’s milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt, baked milk products and hen’s eggwere the most commonly restricted items.Conclusion. Overall, FA knowledge of pediatricians was fair. Pediatricians utilize an overly restrictive approachwhen advising diet eliminations in FA. Recent developments favor a more proactive approach to induce immunetolerance and need to be encouraged in pediatric clinical practice. Future educational efforts should focus onemphasizing the deleterious effects of injudicious and extensive eliminations

    Assessment of Factor Affecting the Quality of Life in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

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    Abstract Introduction and Objectives: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a frequently seen chronic rheumatoid disease in childhood, which may cause disability and severely affect quality of life (QoL). The aim of present study was to assess relationships between disease activation and socio-cultural status of family, QoL, anxiety level, and depression level in patients with JIA and their parents. Methods: The study included 100 patients with JIA. The socio-demographic data were obtained from all patients. Child- and parent-reported PedsQL, Beck depression inventory (BDI), Kovacs' Child Depression Inventory (CDI), SCARED child version, CHAQ discomfort and disability scales were applied and JADAS-27 score was calculated in a cross-sectional manner. Then, we compared the characteristics of patients with the scales’ results. Results: JADAS-27, BDI, and CHAQ discomfort scores were higher and child- and parent-reported PedsQL scores were lower in patients with active disease than patients on remission (p<0.05). The SCARED score was higher in girls than boys. The CHAQ disability score was high in children aged 8-12 years (p<0.05). JADAS-27 and CHAQ disability scores were significantly low in patients with better compliance to treatment. Parental statements about changes in mental health after diagnosis were consistent with results of depression and anxiety scales of children. Conclusions: Quality of life is adversely affected in children with JIA, which may result in depression and anxiety. In management of JIA, one of our goals should be maintaining QoL. Further comprehensive studies in relationships between QoL and depression, anxiety, socio-demographic parameters, disease activation and social circle of patient are needed

    Characteristics of food allergy in children: National multicenter study

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    Conference: Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI) Location: Lisbon, PORTUGAL Date: JUN 01-05, 2019Background : Food allergies impose a significant burden on the life of the child and the family. In this study, to determine the demographic characteristics of food allergies, we investigated the characteristics of patients with food allergies in different regions of Pediatric Allergy- Immunology departments in Turkey. Method : Turkey ' s National Study of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society has conducted a Study Group on Food Allergies. 25 centers participated in this multicenter, cross- sectional and descriptive study.European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunolog

    Epilepsy, Pregnancy, and Antiepileptic Drugs

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    Pregnancy follow-up is different in epilepsy patients in comparison with healthy individuals. The rate of maternal and infant mortality, as well as pregnancy and delivery complications, is greater than in the normal population. The use of antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy increases the rate of congenital malformation 2 to 5-fold. Polytherapy patients are more at risk than monotherapy patients. In studies conducted in recent years, valproate, phenobarbital, and topiramate have been reported as the riskiest drugs to use during pregnancy, while levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, and lamotrigine have been reported as the least risky. In order to reduce the teratogenic effects of antiepileptic drugs, additional folic acid is recommended

    Understanding Maturidi Kalam - Legacy, Present & Future Challanges (28-29 Ekim 2017, Amman/Ürdün)

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    28-29 Ekim 2017 tarihlerinde Amman'da düzenlenen "Understanding Maturidi Kalam - Legacy, Present &amp; Future Challanges" başlıklı sempozyum birçok ülkeden araştırmacıyı bir araya getirerek Mâtüridîlik hakkındaki çalışmalarını sunmaya imkan sağladı

    Doğu Akdeniz'de münhasır ekonomik bölge uyuşmazlığı

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    Dünyada sanayileşmenin beraberinde getirdiği yoğun tüketim enerji kaynağı arayışlarını arttırmış ve son olarak bu arayış denizlerdeki petrol ve gaz yataklarına yönelmiştir. Bunun üzerine insanlığın ortak malı kabul edilen denizler üzerindeki hâkimiyet mücadelesi de hız kazanmıştır. Denizlere ilişkin kullanım yalnızca kıyılara yakın olan kesimlerle sınırlı kalmamış, günümüzde insanlığın ortak malı sayılan okyanusların kullanımı da yaygınlaşmış ve bu hususta pek çok uluslararası sözleşme yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda, Doğu Akdeniz’de keşfedilen zengin hidrokarbon kaynakları bölgede denizler üzerindeki egemenliğin önemini arttırmıştır. Doğu Akdeniz’e kıyısı olan devletlerin deniz alanlarını ikili anlaşmalarla paylaşması ve bu anlaşmalarda Türk kıta sahanlığını ihlal etmeleri üzerine Türkiye’de Doğu Akdeniz deniz yetki alanlarına verilen önem artmıştır. Önemle belirtilmesi gerekir ki Kıbrıs, Meis, Karaada ve Fener gibi pek çok ada, Doğu Akdeniz’deki deniz yetki alanlarının sınırlandırılmasında kilit öneme sahiptir. Sahildar devletlerin bu yarı kapalı deniz üzerindeki egemenlik iddialarının deniz yetki alanları hususunda uyuşmazlık yarattığı aşikardır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın amacı, Doğu Akdeniz’de deniz yetki alanlarının paylaşımı konusunda yaşanan uyuşmazlıkları ve sahildar devletlerin bu konudaki uygulamalarını inceleyerek Türkiye’nin Doğu Akdeniz özelinde uluslararası hukuka göre ileri sürebileceği olası argümanları ortaya koymaktır.--------------------The intensive consumption stemmed from industrialization in the world has increased the search for energy sources and in the recent years this search has been directed towards the oil and gas deposits in the seas. Thereupon, the battle for dominance over the seas, which are accepted as common property of mankind, has also accelerated. The exploitation of the seas is not limited with the areas closed to shores; today, the oceans that are considered as the common property of mankind have been exploited as well and in this regard many international conventions have been introduced. In this context, the rich hydrocarbon resources discovered in the Eastern Mediterranean have increased the importance of sovereignty over the seas in the region. Due to the division of maritime boundaries through the bilateral agreements between the states located within the Eastern Mediterranean coasts and violations on Turkey’s rights arising from continental shelf, Turkey has given greater importance to maritime boundaries issue in the Eastern Mediterranean. It is crucial to state that many islands such as Cyprus, Meis, Rho, (Karaada) and Hypsili (Fener) located in the Eastern Mediterranean have vital importance on the issue of delimitation of maritime boundaries. It is explicit that the sovereignty claims of the coastal states over this semi-closed sea create some disputes with regard to maritime boundaries. Therefore, the aim of this study is to present the possible legal arguments, which could be alleged by Turkey under international law, by examining the dispute regarding the delimitation of maritime boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean and practices conducted by the coastal states

    Tusi’nin Tecridü’l-İtikad’ı ve Şerhlerinde varlık ve mahiyet

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    GENEL BİLGİLERİsim ve Soyadı: Ayşe Betül TekinAna Bilim Dalı: Felsefe ve Din BilimleriProgramı: İslam FelsefesiTez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Muhittin MacitTez Türü ve Tarihi: Doktora – Aralık 2013Anahtar Kelimeler: Nasîruddin Tûsî, Tecrîdü’l-İtikâd, Şerh, Varlık, MahiyetÖZETTUSİ’NİN TECRİDÜ’L-İTİKAD’I VE ŞERHLERİNDE VARLIK VE MAHİYETSon iki yüzyıldır bir çok şarkiyâtçı ve Müslüman reformcu, şerh geleneğinin İslam entelektüel düşüncesinin gelişimini engellediğini iddia etmişlerdir. Şerhlerde yeni fikirlerin bulunmayacağını varsayan bu yaklaşımın etkisiyle bir çok akademisyen Felsefe ve Kelâm alanındaki şerhlerle ilgilenmemişlerdir. Bu tezde şerh türündeki eserlere farklı fikirlerin birbirleriyle yarıştığı ve çatıştığı alanlar olarak bakılarak söz konusu iddiaya karşı çıkılmaktadır. Özellikle İbnü’l-Mutahhar Hıllî (ö. 1326), Şemsüddin Isfahânî (ö. 1348), Ali Kuşçu (ö. 1474) ve Abdurrezzak Lâhicî’nin (ö.1642) şerhleri ile Seyyid Şerif Cürcânî’nin (ö.1413) haşiyesine odaklanarak Nasîruddin Tûsî’nin (ö. 1274) Tecrîdü’l-İ’tikâd adlı eseri ele alındı. Bu şerhler, hem Sünnî ve Şiî medreselerinde yüzyıllarca okutulmuş meşhur eserler olduğu hem de birbirini tamamlayan yorumların yanında birbirinden farklı yorumları da içerdikleri için seçildi. Tezin konusu varlık ve mahiyet meselesi üzerine yapılan şerhlerle sınırlandırıldı. Tecrîd’in varlık ve mahiyet bölümleri üzerine yapılan yorumlar arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıklar analiz edilerek, şârihlerin metni nasıl çeşitli biçimlerde yorumlayıp algıladıkları ortaya konuldu. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda Tûsî’nin felsefi sisteminin ve metafizik anlayışının sonraki yüzyıllara aktarımında şerh ve haşiyelerin oynadığı önemli rolü ortaya koymaktadır. GENERAL KNOWLEDGEName and Surname: Ayse Betul TekinField: The Sciences of Philosophy and Religion Program: Islamic PhilosophySupervisor: Professor Muhittin MacitDegree Awarded and Date: Doctorate – December 2013Keywords: Nasīr al-Din al-Tūsī, Tajrīd al-I’tiqād, Commentary, Essence, ExistenceABSTRACTESSENCE AND EXISTENCE IN AL-TUSI’S TAJRID AL-ITIQAD AND ITS COMMENTARIES During the last two centuries, many Muslim reformists claimed that commentary tradition prevented development of Islamic intellectual thought. Since this view was too prevalent, many scholars were not interested in studying commentaries in the field of Islamic theology and philosophy as they were not expecting to see any new ideas. Challenging this view, I look at the commentaries as sites of contentions and disagreements. I focus on the commentaries of Ibn al-Mutahhar al-Hillī (d.1326), Shams al-Din Isfahānī (d.1348), Ala al-Din al-Qushjī (d.1474), Abd al-Razzāq al-Lahidjī (d.1642) and the gloss of Sayyid Sharīf al-Jurjānī (d.1413) on Tajrīd al-I’tiqād of Nasir al-Din al-Tūsī (d.1274). I chose these texts, because they were studied in both Sunni and Shi’ite madrasas. Moreover, they are salient since they concur as well as diverge in their interpretations of al-Tūsī’s Tajrīd. I have limited the dissertation with the similarities and differences between these commentaries with regard to the issues of existence and essence. By analyzing these differences among the commentaries of Tajrīd, I show how they encountered the text and interpreted it in various ways. My dissertation also demonstrates the role of commentaries in the transmission of al-Tūsī’s philosophical theology in later centuries