46 research outputs found

    Kejadian Kolibasilosis pada Anak Babi

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    A study was conducted to know the incidence of colibacillosis in piglets based of age factors. A total 2005 samples of fecal swab isolated from a piglets in farm of Badung, Tabanan, Gianyar and Denpasar regency, district of Bali. Fecal swab samples were collected from feces and continued by isolation and identification Escherichia coli. This study showed that, the incidence of colibacillosis in piglets were 846 (42%) and the high risk factors occurrence of colibacillosis for young piglets between 0-2 weeks (62%)


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    Pegagan merupakan tanaman yangbanyak tumbuh di daerah trofis. Pegaganmengandung bahan aktif triterpenoidsaponin yang bermanfaat untukmeningkatkan total sel darah putih,aktivasi makrofag dan titer antibodi,sehingga dapat dipakai sebagaipencegahan terhadap penyakit infeksipada hewan maupun pada manusia.Dengan demikian perlu diteliti lebihlanjut tentang peranan pegagandalammencegah infeksi virus, bakteri, jamurdan parasit baik pada ternak maupunhewan kesayangan


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    ABSTRAK Kolibasilosis adalah salah satu penyakit pada anak babi yang disebabkan oleh Escherichia coli (E.coli) dan umumnya penyakit tersebut diobati dengan antibiotika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi pengaruh kunyit sebagai obat alternatif untuk mengobati kejadian kolibasilosis pada anak babi. Dua belas ekor anak babi yang menderita kolibasilosis dikelompokkan ke dalam tiga kelompok yakni kelompok pertama adalah anak babi sebagai kontrol yakni tidak diberikan ekstrak kunyit maupun sulfonamida. Kelompok kedua anak babi diberikan ekstrak kunyit, sedangkan kelompok ketiga anak babi diobati dengan sulfonamida. Data berupa kejadian diare dan total bakteri E. coli dianalisis dengan analisis varian. Pengaruh pemberian kunyit dan pengobatan dengan sulfonamida nampak pada hari kelima setelah perlakuan, yakni berupa penurunan kejadian diare dan pengurangan total bakteri E.coli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan bahwa ekstrak kunyit sangat potensial dapat dipakai sebagai obat alternatif dalam pengobatan penyakit kolibasilosis pada anak babi. THE EFFECT OF TURMERIC (Curcuma longa) ON PIGLETS WITH COLIBACILLOSIS ABSTRACT Colibacillosis is one of diseases in piglets coused by Eschericia coli (E.coli), and commonly antibiotica therapy to used preventively that diseases. The present study was conducted to observe that effect of turmeric (Curcuma longa), as a alternative drugs on therapy of collibacillosis. Twelve of piglets with colibacillosis diseases were devided in to three groups, each group consisted of four piglets. First group was the negative control group without treatment of sulphonamides and turmeric too, the second group was the turmeric extract treatment and the last group was the colibacillosis piglets treated with sulphonamides. Analisis of variance was to analysed of data from diarrhea occurrence and a total of E. coli bacteria. Effect of turmeric and sulphonamides on colibacillosis of all piglets was detected at fifth days, with suppressed of diarrhea occurrence and the reduced of total of E.coli bacteria. The result of this study showed that turmeric has potential alternative drugs for treatment a colibacillosis in piglets

    Deteksi Protein Bovine Major Histocompatibility Complex Klas I dan Klas II pada Sapi Madura

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    A study to detect the presence of bovine major histocompatibility complex (Bo-MHC) in maduracattle has been carried out. Lymphocyte samples were collected from 25 cattle. The protein of lymphocytesamples was analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) andtransferred onto nitrocellulose membrane. Bo-MHC proteins on the membrane were detected by monoclonalantibodies (anti-Bo-MHC class I) and BAQ150A (anti-Bo-MHC class II). The proteins of 48 kDa and 11kDa were detected by MAb B5C which appeared to be the alpha and beta chain of Bo-MHC class I. MAbBAQ150A detected protein band of 26 KDa which was likely to be the beta chain of Bo-MHC class II. Bo-MHC class I dan class II were clearly detected in madura cattle by MAbs which provides a basis for furtherinvestigation on the role of the MHC in the susceptibility the animals to many diseases


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    Salmonellosis is still problem in many developing countries including Indonesia. Themain problem in controlling and handling the disease is that only few antibiotics are availableto cure the disease. In addition, the prolonged use of such antibiotics often lead to bacterialresistant against the antibiotics. A herbal drugs such as Centella asiatica (in Indonesia isknown as pegagan) contains triterphenoid saphonins which acts as immunostimulant capableof enhancing the phagocytic activity of macrophages. However, no study has been conductedto investigate the use pegagan in activating macrophage of mice infected with Salmonellatyphi. A study was therefore conducted to find out the ability of Cantella asiatica inenhancing on the level interluekine (IL)-6 following challenge with Salmonella typhi. It istherefore expected that herbal drug such as Cantella asiatica can be used as an alternativemedicine to prevent and cure salmonellosis in both animals and human.Experimental laboratory studies were conducted using Completely FactorialRandomized Design. Mice were divided into 4 groups and they were treated respectively withdestilated water (negative control), 125, 250, and 500 mg/kg bw of Centella asiatica extract.The treatment was conducted daily for 2 weeks and the mice were then inoculated with 105cells of S. typhi. The level of IL-6 response were examined 24 hours, 2 weeks, and 4 weeksafter inoculation with S. typhi.The result showed that treatment of mice with Centella asiatica extract significantly(p<0,05) enhaced IL-6 level of Balb/c mice following inoculation with S. typhi. The highes tIL-6 level were observed in mice treated Centella asiatica extract at the dose of 500 mg/kgBW (385,9257±125,4314 pg/ml serum). And the highest IL-6 level were observed at 2 weeksfollowing inoculation with S. typhi (533.4262 ± 81.7184 pg / ml).A further study is recomended to examine the celluler immune response and moredetailed study on the humoral immune response of animals or human before this herbal isused as alternatif medicine to prevent and cure typhoid fever. It is also important to study thebest preparation, the half life, and the side effect of Centella asiatica in human and animals


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    Research has been conducted to determine the quality of Sumbawa horse milk at room temperature storage. Each sample (of 5 horse) was divided into 5 cups Beaker and then stored at room temperature. Observations were made as many as 6 times to checked and tested on parameters including pH, alcohol, smell and a flavor test. This study uses a randomized block design (RBD), using 5 horses as a group, and time observations on days 0, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th as a treatment, so tested 30 samples. The results showed that the pH of milk has significantly (P>0,05) lower quality. On the alcohol test showed positive results and the test on the smell and flavor test shaved changes quality after the 2nd day. Of observations Sumbawa horse milk quality decrease very markedly decreased pH (P0.05) decreased from day 2 to day 3 during storage. Alcohol test resistance at Sumbawa horse milk increasingly distorted and react positively. On the smell and flavor test Sumbawa horse milk taste very significant (P<0.01) deviates smells during storage at room temperature begins 2nd day. To maintain the quality of Sumbawa horse milk should be stored no more than 2 days at room


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kejadian kolibasilosis pada anak babi berdasarkan kelompok umur. Sebanyak 2005 ekor sampel berupa usap rektal anak babi diambil dari peternakan babi di Kabupaten Badung, Tabanan, Gianyar dan Kodya Denpasar di Provinsi Bali. Seluruh sampel dilakukan isolasi dan identifikasi Escherichia coli (E. coli). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan angka kejadian kolibasilosis pada anak babi sebesar 846 (42%), dan faktor resiko tertinggi kejadian kolibasilosis ini ditemukan pada anak babi berumur antara 0-2 minggu sebesar 62%. INCIDENCE OF COLIBACILLOSIS IN PIGLETS ABSTRACT A study was conducted to know the incidence of colibacillosis in piglets based of age factors. A total 2005 samples of fecal swab isolated from a piglets in farm of Badung, Tabanan, Gianyar and Denpasar regency, district of Bali. Fecal swab samples were collected from feces and continued by isolation and identification Escherichia coli. This study showed that, the incidence of colibacillosis in piglets were 846 (42%) and the high risk factors occurrence of colibacillosis for young piglets between 0-2 weeks (62%)


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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the heritability of Heterakis gallinarum   originated from Asian and European in local chicken. Heritability was evaluated by rate and intensity of infection after inoculation of infective egg of the worms. In total of 32 local chickens were used in this study. Sixteen chicken were inoculated with infective egg of H. gallinarum originated from Asian and 16 other chicken were inoculated with infective egg of worms originated from Europa. All chicken were necropsed until 3 months in old.  The result of the study  showed that egg of H. gallinarum originataed from Asian developed in 10 local chicken (62,5%) and egg of worm originated from Europa in   15 (93,8%) of local chickens. The average numbers of H. gallinarum  originated from Asian and Europa were  9,75 ± 12,96 and 22,43 ± 20,45 worms respectively.  The defferences rate and intencity of infection in local chickens were inoculated with H. gallinarum from Asian and Europa indicated the difference of heritability of the worms