4 research outputs found

    New block bootstrap methods: Sufficient and/or ordered

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    In this study, we propose sufficient time series bootstrap methods that achieve better results than conventional non-overlapping block bootstrap, but with less computing time and lower standard errors of estimation. Also, we propose using a new technique using ordered bootstrapped blocks, to better preserve the dependency structure of the original data. The performance of the proposed methods are compared in a simulation study for MA(2) and AR(2) processes and in an example. The results show that our methods are good competitors that often exhibit improved performance over the conventional block methods

    Construction of multi-step forecast regions of VAR processes using ordered block bootstrap

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    In this study, an ordered non-overlapping block bootstrap procedure has been proposed to obtain multi-step forecast regions for unrestricted vector autoregressive models. The proposed method is not based on either backward or forward representations, so it can be implemented to VARMA or VAR-GARCH models. Also, it is computationally more efficient than the existing techniques. Its finite sample performance is investigated by Monte Carlo experiments and two-real world examples. Our findings show that the proposed method is a good alternative to the available resampling methods and produces better results for long-term forecasting when the model is near non-stationary or near-cointegrated. © 2019, © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC