65 research outputs found

    Growth of Pseudotypes of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus with N-Tropic Murine Leukemia Virus Coats in Cells Resistant to N-Tropic Viruses

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    Formation of pseudotypes between murine RNA tumor viruses and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) has been confirmed. Pseudotypes of VSV genomes coated by the surface envelope from an N-tropic tumor virus grew equally well in cells homozygous for either the Fv-1n or Fv-1b alleles. Therefore, the product of the Fv-1 locus, which restricts growth of murine RNA tumor viruses, must act on an intracellular aspect of tumor virus replication, a step after attachment and penetration

    Role of Dimerization of the Membrane-associated Growth Factor Kit Ligand in Juxtacrine Signaling: The Sl17H Mutation Affects Dimerization and Stability—Phenotypes in Hematopoiesis

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    The Kit ligand (KL)/Kit receptor pair functions in hematopoiesis, gametogenesis, and melanogenesis. KL is encoded at the murine steel (Sl) locus and encodes a membrane growth factor which may be proteolytically processed to produce soluble KL. The membrane-associated form of KL is critical in mediating Kit function in vivo. Evidence for a role of cytoplasmic domain sequences of KL comes from the Sl17H mutation, a splice site mutation that replaces the cytoplasmic domain with extraneous amino acids. Using deletion mutants and the Sl17H allele, we have investigated the role of the cytoplasmic domain sequences of KL in biosynthetic processing and cell surface presentation. The normal KL protein products are processed for cell surface expression, where they form dimers. Both Sl17H and the cytoplasmic deletion mutants of KL were processed to the cell surface; however, the rate of transport and protein stability were affected by the mutations. Deletion of cytoplasmic domain sequences of KL did not affect dimerization of KL. In contrast, dimerization of the Sl17H protein was reduced substantially. In addition, we have characterized the hematopoietic cell compartment in Sl17H mutant mice. The Sl17H mutation has only minor effects on hematopoiesis. Tissue and peritoneal mast cell numbers were reduced in mutant mice as well as in myeloid progenitors. Interestingly, long-term bone marrow cultures from Sl17H mice did not sustain the long-term production of hematopoietic cells. In addition, homing of normal hematopoietic progenitors to the spleen of irradiated Sl17H/Sl17H recipient mice was diminished in transplantation experiments, providing evidence for a role of Kit in homing or lodging. These results demonstrate that the membrane forms of KL exist as homodimers on the cell surface and that dimerization may play an important role in KL/Kit-mediated juxtacrine signaling

    Visualization of the Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC) Network in Mice

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    The interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are mesenchymal derived "pacemaker cells" of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract that generate spontaneous slow waves required for peristalsis and mediate neuronal input from the enteric nervous system1. Different subtypes of ICC form distinct networks in the muscularis of the GI tract 2,3. Loss or injury to these networks is associated with a number of motility disorders4. ICC cells express the KIT receptor tyrosine kinase on the plasma membrane and KIT immunostaining has been used for the past 15 years to label the ICC network5,6. Importantly, normal KIT activity is required for ICC development5,6. Neoplastic transformation of ICC cells results in gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), that frequently harbor gain-of-function KIT mutations7,8. We recently showed that ETV1 is a lineage-specific survival factor expressed in the ICC/GIST lineage and is a master transcriptional regulator required for both normal ICC network formation and for of GIST tumorigenesis9. We further demonstrate that it cooperates with activating KIT mutations in tumorigenesis. Here, we describe methods for visualization of ICC networks in mice, largely based on previously published protocols10,11. More recently, the chloride channel anoctamin 1 (ANO1) has also been characterized as a specific membrane marker of ICC11,12. Because of their plasma membrane localization, immunofluorescence of both proteins can be used to visualize the ICC networks. Here, we describe visualization of the ICC networks by fixed-frozen cyrosections and whole mount preparations

    Tumor-induced STAT3 activation in monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells enhances stemness and mesenchymal properties in human pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) mobilizes myeloid cells from the bone marrow to the tumor where they promote tumor growth and proliferation. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a population of tumor cells that are responsible for tumor initiation. Aldehyde dehydrogenase-1 activity in PC identifies CSCs, and its activity has been correlated with poor overall prognosis in human PC. Myeloid cells have been shown to impact tumor stemness, but the impact of immunosuppressive tumor-infiltrating granulocytic and monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells (Mo-MDSC) on ALDH1(Bright) CSCs and epithelial to mesenchymal transition is not well understood. In this study, we demonstrate that Mo-MDSC (CD11b(+)/Gr1(+)/Ly6G(−)/Ly6C(hi)) significantly increase the frequency of ALDH1(Bright) CSCs in a mouse model of PC. Additionally, there was significant upregulation of genes associated with epithelial to mesenchymal transition. We also found that human PC converts CD14(+) peripheral blood monocytes into Mo-MDSC (CD14(+)/HLA-DR(low/−)) in vitro, and this transformation is dependent on the activation of the STAT3 pathway. In turn, these Mo-MDSC increase the frequency of ALDH1(Bright) CSCs and promote mesenchymal features of tumor cells. Finally, blockade of STAT3 activation reversed the increase in ALDH1(Bright) CSCs. These data suggest that the PC tumor microenvironment transforms monocytes to Mo-MDSC by STAT3 activation, and these cells increase the frequency of ALDH1(Bright) CSCs. Therefore, targeting STAT3 activation may be an effective therapeutic strategy in targeting CSCs in PC. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00262-014-1527-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Virus-Like 30S RNA in Mouse Cells

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    Uninfected JLS-V9 mouse cells are known to express high levels of viral sequences that hybridize to complementary DNA made by the BrdU-induced virus of JLS-V9 cells. The genome in the BrdU-induced virus has been found to consist mainly of an RNA species that migrates as 30S RNA material during electrophoresis through agarose gels. This virus-like 30S RNA, designated VL30 RNA, apparently represents a new class of endogenous defective retroviruses that are not generally evident because of their defectiveness and lack of biological function. Fingerprint analysis and hybridization studies show that VL30 RNA does not have homology with the standard nondefective murine leukemia viruses. Upon superinfection with a nondefective murine leukemia virus, or upon induction of endogenous virus with BrdU, VL30 RNA is rescued into virions by phenotypic mixing. When VL30 RNA is rescued by BrdU induction, the VL30 RNA is mainly organized as a 50S complex, but when VL30 is rescued by superinfection, VL30 is also found in 70S RNA. Rescued VL30 RNA sequences can be reverse transcribed by the virion-associated DNA polymerase in an endogenous reaction. Many mouse cells express the sequences, whereas heterologous cells such as rat or rabbit cells do not contain them. By using hybridization of a complementary DNA probe to cellular RNA immobilized on paper, no subgenomic RNA related to the VL30 RNA could be found in cells expressing the VL30 sequences. From 20 to 50 copies of these sequences were found to be contained in the mouse genome. VL30 RNA is probably present in most stocks of leukemia and sarcoma viruses made in mouse cells

    Avian bic, a Gene Isolated from a Common Retroviral Site in Avian Leukosis Virus-Induced Lymphomas That Encodes a Noncoding RNA, Cooperates with c-myc in Lymphomagenesis and Erythroleukemogenesis

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    bic is a novel gene identified at a common retroviral integration site in avian leukosis virus-induced lymphomas and has been implicated as a collaborator with c-myc in B lymphomagenesis. It lacks an extensive open reading frame and is believed to function as an untranslated RNA (W. Tam, Gene 274:157-167, 2001; W. Tam, D. Ben-Yehuda, and W. S. Hayward, Mol. Cell. Biol. 17:1490-1502, 1997). The oncogenic potential of bic, particularly its ability to cooperate with c-myc in oncogenesis, was tested directly by expressing c-myc and bic, either singly or in pairwise combination, in cultured chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) and in chickens using replication-competent retrovirus vectors. Coexpression of c-myc and bic in CEFs caused growth enhancement of cells. Most importantly, chick oncogenicity assays demonstrated that bic can cooperate with c-myc in lymphomagenesis and erythroleukemogenesis. The present study provides direct evidence for the involvement of untranslated RNAs in oncogenesis and provides further support for the role of noncoding RNAs as riboregulators

    A Distant Upstream Locus Control Region Is Critical for Expression of the Kit Receptor Gene in Mast Cells

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    The Kit receptor tyrosine kinase functions in hematopoiesis, melanogenesis, and gametogenesis and in interstitial cells of Cajal. We previously identified two upstream hypersensitive site (HS) clusters in mast cells and melanocytes. Here we investigated the roles of these 5′ HS sequences in Kit expression using transgenic mice carrying Kit-GFP reporter constructs. In these mice there is close correspondence between Kit-GFP reporter and endogenous Kit gene expression in most tissues analyzed. Deletion analysis defined the 5′ upstream HS cluster region as critical for Kit expression in mast cells. Furthermore, chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis in mast cells showed that H3 and H4 histone hyperacetylation and RNA polymerase II recruitment within the Kit promoter and in the 5′ HS region were associated with Kit expression. Therefore, the 5′ upstream hypersensitivity sites appear to be critical components of locus control region-mediated Kit gene activation in mast cells

    Dynamic Hydraulics in a Drinking Water Distribution System Influence Suspended Particles and Turbidity, But Not Microbiology

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    Spatial and short-term temporal changes in water quality as a result of water age and fluctuating hydraulic conditions were investigated in a drinking water distribution system. Online measurements of total and intracellular adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP), total and intact cell concentrations measured with flow cytometry (FCM), turbidity, and particle counts were performed over five weeks at five subsequent locations of the distribution system. The high number of parallel FCM and ATP measurements revealed the combined effect of water age and final disinfection on spatial changes in microbiology in the system. The results underlined that regular daily dynamics in flow velocities are normal and inevitable in drinking water distribution systems, and significantly impact particle counts and turbidity. However, hydraulic conditions had no detectable impact on the concentration of suspended microbial cells. A weak correlation between flow velocity and ATP concentrations suggests incidental resuspension of particle-bound bacteria, presumably caused by either biofilm detachment or resuspension from sediment when flow velocities increase. The highly dynamic hydraulic conditions highlight the value of online monitoring tools for the meaningful description of short-term dynamics (day-scale) in drinking water distribution systems
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