239 research outputs found

    Knowledge about AIDS among medical students in Iran

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    Young people are among the high risk group who are susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases. Several educational programs are scheduled to raise awareness about risky behaviours and to decrease the rate of the HIV pandemic. This cross sectional study showed that in young medical students, the level of awareness about HIV/AIDS increased during the years of academic education (not significant) and that males have a higher level of awareness than females. Higher awareness is desirable in this group due to their key role in the community

    Effect of ethanolic extract of Adiantum capillus-veneris in comparison with Gentamicine on 3 pathogenic bacteria in vitro

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    Objectives: Adiantum capillus-veneris is one of herbs that has been used in traditional medicine of Iran and has mucolytic and antipyretic effects. Antibiotic resistancy is developing against severe bacteria,due to irrational prescription. Therefore, we assessed Adiantum capillus-veneris effects as a medicinal herb on three common bacteria. Methods: Ethanolic extract of Adiantum capillus-veneris was prepared by a pharmacology company with perculation method and was diluted in distilled water to 1/2,1/4 and 1/8 concentration.blank discs were placed in extracts for one day.Then ,the bacteria were cultured in muller hinton agar plate and the discs were placed on them.We used Gentamicine disc as control.After incubation in 37° for 24 hour, the diameter of no growth hallo around the discs were read. Results: The ethanolic extract of Adiantum capillus-veneris herb has no antimicrobial effects on the bacteria. Conclusion: Results of this study suggested that ethanolic extract of Adiantum capillus-veneris has no antimicrobial effects on this three bacteria mentioned above.Because this herb has been used in traditional medicine, we suggest more studies about it

    Modifiable risk of breast cancer in Northeast Iran: Hope for the future. a case-control study

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Its prevalence is increasing annually by 2. The determination of modifiable risk factors has been the subject of various studies. The aim of this study was to determine risk factors of breast cancer in women in Golestan Province. Patients and Methods: This case-control study was conducted among women with breast cancer recorded in the cancer registry system between 2004 and 2006 (n = 134), and their agematched healthy neighbors (n = 133). Data were statistically analyzed. Results: Age at marriage, menarche and pregnancy, breast feeding, positive family history, marital status, and educational level were not significantly correlated with risk of breast cancer, but age at menopause (< 46.6 years) was significantly correlated (95 confidence interval 1.15-7.37; p = 0.021). Live births, still births, and infant deaths were not significantly different between the 2 groups. For other variables, such as smoking history, no odds ratio was calculated. Conclusion: Results show that there is no significant correlation between variables and risk of breast cancer in our population, except for age at menopause. A large cohort study is recommended. © 2011 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg

    Silica and esophageal cancer in Golestan province northeast of Iran

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    Objectives: Association of silica with diseases like cancers has been determined previously. This study was designed to determine the quantity of silis in flour produced in Golestan province and its relation to the esophageal cancer. Methodology: We took flour samples from all flour mills in Golestan province. Base-melting method in nickel cruise was used in 550° c; the extract was reduced with acid. The differences between silis concentration in various regions were compared. P-value 0.05). Conclusions: This study did not show high level of silica in the flour of Golestan province. We could not find significant differences between silica contaminations in the various areas. Further studies on the consumed bread and rice in the various regions of the province can be helpful

    Molecular epidemiology of high-risk types of Human Papillomaviruses (16, 18) in pap-smear, the North East of Iran

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    Background: Cervical Cancer is one of the most important and commonly diagnosed types of cancer in females. There are different causes of cervical cancer, amongst which recurrent and persistent infection with HPV types 16 and 18 are the most renowned ones. These genotypes are the main factors in 99% of cases in developed countries and 70% in developing ones. Due to the importance of these viruses in cervical cancer, molecular detection of HPV and its high risk genotypes in Gorgan was designed. Methods: Pap smears and swabs specimens were taken from 308 women. Papanicola staining method and cytology were used. Nucleic acid was extracted by proteinase K phenol-chloroform standard method and then assessed by using beta-globin primer. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was then performed for papilomaviruses on all patients and positive cases from both types, including HPV 16 and 18 genotypes, were detected. Results: Three hundred and eight women (15-75 years old) with mean age of 37.54±10.6 were recruited. Seventy six cases (20.1%) of whom were infected with HPV and 48.6% with HPV16 or 18 positive. Normal cytology was seen in 226 cases and 41 patients (18.1%) were HPV positive. Amongst those 152 cases with inflammation or abnormal cytology, 35 cases (23%) were HPV positive. No significant relation was reported between different variables and HPV infections. Conclusions: Due to high rate of HPV infection, as well as its high risk genotypes in different studies, more careful screening of women by Pap smear is recommended

    Hepatitis C in hemodialysis centers of golestan province, northeast of Iran (2005)

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    Background and Aims: Nosocomial transmission of blood-borne pathogens is common in a dialysis setting. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a common problem that increases morbidity and mortality in hemodialysis patients. Blood transfusion and the duration of hemodialysis are the most important factors in HCV transmission. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence rate of HCV antibody in hemodialysis patients and its association with some factors. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, HCV antibody was measured in 93 hemodialysis patients in all hospitals affiliated to Golestan University of Medical Sciences. Standard infection prevention measures in hospital settings and dialysis units were performed including serologic testing for HCV antibody for every new patient in the dialysis unit as well as routine testing of all patients. Negative cases of hepatitis C antibody (confirmed with ELISA 2nd generation and RIBA II Immunoblot methods) were selected and followed for 18 months. Some predisposing factors such as transfusion, duration of hemodialysis, medical procedures including surgery, transplantation, invasive odontology, suspicious sexual contact, diagnostic or therapeutic manipulation, tattooing, and IV drug abuse, were registered and considered. Other rare procedures like acupuncture, manicure and pedicure blood brotherhood rituals, perinatal risk factors, common circumcision rituals and history of abortion were also considered. Ve used a tight control policy through the separation of the rooms within the unit, specific hemodialysis apparatus for suspicious patients and a separate staff caring for the patients. We maintained a low rate of staff turnover in dialysis units and tried to control hepatitis B viral infection. Results: Marital status and living area were significantly related to HCV antibody positivity. It means that more HCV antibody positive cases were observed in married people in urban areas. History of tattooing, medical procedures including surgery, transplantation, invasive odontology and IV drug usage were not significantly related to HCV antibody status. During the follow up, three cases (4.3%) converted to positive. There was a relationship between numbers of hemodialysis per week and HCV antibody positivity (P<0.001). Conclusions: Tight control of transmission routes and severe isolation policy in this study explains an almost ideal decrease in incidence rate of HCV antibody positivity. We suggest periodical screening programs (at least every 6 months) for blood samples that remain in the dialysis apparatus and all procedures used for hemodialysis in these specific patients to achieve a better infection control

    Idiopathic neonatal haemochromatosis: A case report

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    A case of neonatal hemochromatosis is reported in a premature 35-week infant who presented at birth with coffee ground vomiting and gradual appearance of grayish icter and colorless stool. Neonatal hemochromatosis was confirmed by elevated ferritin levels and extrahepatic siderosis detected in liver biopsy

    Opium as a fatal substance

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    Objective: Poisoning does the most serious damages in pediatrics. In the northeast of Iran (Golestan province), opium is used widely for symptomatic therapy of routine illnesses in young children by parents. In the present study, opium toxicity was assessed in young children referred to pediatric centers in our area. Methods: This survey was done as a prospective cross-sectional study. At first, a pilot study was undertaken to estimate the condition of opium intoxicated children and evaluate the validity of questionnaire. We collected data in collaboration with committee of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) in Golestan Province. All members of ADR committee in pediatric centers were trained to complete questionnaires in referred or admitted children under-5-year. Data was entered into computer and analyzed by Chi-square and Fisher exact test. Results: In this survey, 67 opium-intoxicated children were recruited. Minimum age of the cases was 6 days and maximum 5-year. Uneducated mothers, in most cases, gave opium to the child. Most of them were from the low socio-economic level. Ethnic was disparity was observed. Four deaths occurred. Conclusion: As the results showed, opioids are dangerous in pediatric population, especially under 5-year. Respiratory depression, bradypnea, coma and death are the serious outcomes of opium toxicity in pediatrics. Such a practice of unrestricted use of opium contributes to children mortality and so it is essential to launch educational programs. © 2008 Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation

    Wild lettuce (Lactuca virosa) toxicity

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    Wild lettuce (Lactuca virosa) can cause toxic effects when eaten. Wild lettuce grows in the north of Iran and some natives consume it unaware of its adverse side effects. We describe eight patients with manifestations of wild lettuce toxicity, admitted to a general hospital affiliated to the Golestan University of Medical Sciences. All the patients recovered (although one had to spend 48 h in the intensive care unit) and no chronic complications were reported. A clinical suspicion of toxicity caused by wild lettuce intake and an accurate history formed the basis of the diagnosis. Conservative treatment, vital sign monitoring, control of patient intake and output, and reducing patient agitation provided the basis for treatment
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