61 research outputs found

    La cartografia di Cesare Battisti: sperimentazione di una procedura di digitalizzazione automatica

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    Flood Lamination Strategies for Risk Reduction

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    The purpose of 2007/60 UE Directive is namely the establishment of a framework for measures to reduce the risks of flood damage in Europe. In Italy, the Po Basin District Authority, with the contribution of the regional Authorities, published the hazard and risk maps, which are now in force and available for public participation. A common methodology to evaluate risks is now necessary, in order to set priorities for flood management and the financing of countermeasures (ReNDiS procedure). An analysis for the quantification of risk of flooding is presented in the chapter by means of the proportional index of risk (IRP). In particular, it is focused on the flood’s lamination strategy, at the entrance of Turin, in terms of hazard and the risk reduction. The sensitivity analysis of the main variables that affect the results is presented and discussed. The benefits of the designed countermeasures are evaluated and quantified in terms of percentage risk reduction. The methodology proves to be a suitable means for decision-makers to compare flooding risks in the flood-prone areas, which are mapped by the 2007/60 UE Directive

    Index of Proportional Risk (IRP) Flood-Risk Assessment Model and Comparison to Collected Data

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    After the publication of the flood directive hazard and risk maps, risk assessment and risk evaluation became useful tools to set priorities for flood management and for countermeasure financing. Regione Piemonte, in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino and University of Turin, proposed a procedure for risk assessment (named IRP model, Index of Proportional Risk), already applied in different case studies. The comparison among the obtained results and the collected data on damages recorded during the recent 2016 flood in Piemonte region showed the effectiveness of the IRP procedure for the quantitative assessment of direct damages. The IRP model can also be usefully applied to the revision and the updating of flood directive risk maps and to assess the cost/benefit ratio of the designed countermeasures (National Repository for Soil defense (Re.N.Di.S.) procedure)

    From Litery GIS to local tourism development: literary routes in Trentino based on cartography and travel writings

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    Negli ultimi anni le applicazioni dei software GIS per il trattamento, l’a-nalisi e la rappresentazione di dati geografici sono andate espandendosi sino a comprendere anche la georeferenziazione di opere letterarie. In particolare, l’esame e l’esegesi della letteratura di viaggio del passato, ric-ca di riferimenti spaziali topografici precisamente localizzabili, ha con-sentito di strutturare veri e propri sistemi informativi geografici letterari, denominati Literary GIS, che hanno permesso di supportare ricerche ri-guardanti le prassi dei viaggiatori e le loro categorie di lettura dei territori ed elementi paesaggistici oggi scomparsi. Visto l’interesse esistente per tali forme di turismo letterario, questi sistemi informativi aprono interes-santi possibilità di sviluppo di itinerari culturali per la fruizione territoriale. Il contributo prende quindi le mosse da un progetto, attualmente in corso, volto alla realizzazione di un GIS storico e letterario riguardante la lette-ratura di viaggio dedicata al territorio del Trentino e prodotta da autori noti e meno celebri tra il XVIII e il XIX secolo durante l’epoca del Grand Tour. Brani di opere di viaggio che descrivono i territori attraversati sono stati trascritti, censiti e georeferenziati sulla base dei riferimenti geografici presenti. In questa sede si vuole, in particolare, esplorare le potenzialità di tale dataset per progettare e sviluppare specifici percorsi culturali, che permettano al turista di ripercorrere il territorio sulle orme di celebri viag-giatori del passato beneficiando delle descrizioni letterarie di paesaggi scomparsi o ancora esistenti per arricchire la propria esperienza. Come ri-sultato, si propone una cartografia di alcuni itinerari che possano fungere da originali elementi di placetelling e da veicolo di promozione turistica, diffusa e sostenibile, anche per contesti meno noti del territorio trentino.In recent years, the applications of GIS software for the processing, analysis and representation of geographic data have expanded to in-clude the georeferencing of literary works. In particular, the travel writ-ings of the past, rich in precise topographical spatial references, allow the development of literary geographic information systems, the so-called “Literary GIS”. Literary GIS can support research regarding the practices of travelers as well as their categories of reading and describ-ing territories and landscape that may have disappeared today. Given the existing interest in literary tourism, tthese information systems could be of interest for the development of cultural itineraries. The pa-per presents an ongoing project aiming to the development of a his-torical and literary GIS; such dataset involves travel literature describ-ing the territory of Trentino and produced between the 18th and 19th centuries during the era of the Grand Tour. Texts of travel writings that represent local spaces and landscapes have been transcribed, classi-fied and georeferenced on the basis of present references. In this paper, we specifically explore the potential of such dataset to develop specific cultural routes to enable tourists to dwell the territory in the footsteps of famous travelers of the past, benefiting from literary descriptions of disappeared or still existing landscapes to enrich their experience. As a result, a cartography of some itineraries for widespread and sustain-able tourism development and placetelling for lesser-known contexts of the Trentino territory is proposed

    Climatic Analysis of Wind Patterns to Enhance Sailors’ Performance during Races

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    he impact of environmental and meteorological conditions when dealing with sport performance has been demonstrated by several studies carried out in recent years. Among the meteorological variables with the greatest effect are temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind direction and speed. This research focused on analyzing and forecasting the wind patterns occurring in Enoshima Bay (Japan). In particular, the objective of this study was to provide support and guidance to sailors in the preparation of the race strategy, thanks to an in-depth knowledge of these meteorological variables. To do this, an innovative method was used. First, through the combined use of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and CALMET models, a simulation was performed, in order to reconstruct an offshore database of a recent 10-year period (2009–2018) over the race area, inside the bay. Subsequently, the verification of hind-cast was performed: the wind data measured at sea were compared with the data extracted from the CALMET database to verify the validity of the model. The verification was performed through three statistical indexes: BIAS, MAE, and PCC. The analysis showed mixed results, depending on the examined pattern, but made it possible to identify the days that best simulated the reality. Then, the wind data from the selected days were summarized and collected in plots, tables, and maps to design a decision support service (DSS), in order to provide athletes with the necessary information in a simple and effective way. In conclusion, we state that the application of this method extends beyond the sports field. Indeed, the study of wind patterns may be necessary in the design of actions to contrast and adapt to climate change, particularly in coastal areas

    Ottimizzazione di percorsi di rete. Un'applicazione al sistema di sentieri montani del Trentino

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