78 research outputs found

    Simulazione dinamica di un velivolo per il predimensionamento e verifica dei sistemi di attuazione

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    Il processo di design della trasmissione di potenza primaria del velivolo unmanned svi-luppato nell’ambito del progetto TIVANO si basa fondamentalmente sulla definizione delle storie temporali di potenza motrice erogata dai motori termico ed elettrico durante il compi-mento di un particolare profilo di missione. In aggiunta alle informazioni fornite dal velivo-lista lo sviluppo di un modello matematico comprensivo dell’intero UAS permette di deter-minare le curve di potenza dei motori in funzione delle manovre, del payload e dei carichi elettrici imposti dal funzionamento dei sistemi di bordo. Inoltre il modello consente la veri-fica delle stime delle azioni aerodinamiche sulle superfici di governo, estrarne le storie tem-porali e raffinare il dimensionamento degli attuatori di volo migliorando il livello di confi-denza nelle assunzioni fatte in fase di predesign. Infine il modello matematico si presta allo sviluppo dei sistemi di controllo che regolano il funzionamento degli attuatori di volo, del sistema propulsivo, stato carica degli accumulatori, degli attuatori che gestiscono il funzio-namento della trasmissione oltre che di tutte le leggi di regolazione che consentono al veli-volo di compiere il profilo di missione specificato. Il modello Simulink è stato preparato per utilizzare informazioni parametriche caricate nel workspace utilizzando pacchetti di script afferenti a specifiche configurazioni e suddivisi per sottosistema funzionale. Sempre attraverso script i risultati delle simulazioni vengono interpretati e organizzati per ottenere informazioni utili al predesign degli equipaggiamenti di bordo

    Controlling Dynamic DNA Reactions at the Surface of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Electrodes to Design Hybridization Platforms with a Specific Amperometric Readout

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    : Carbon nanotube (CNT)-based electrodes are cheap, highly performing, and robust platforms for the fabrication of electrochemical sensors. Engineering programmable DNA nanotechnologies on the CNT surface can support the construction of new electrochemical DNA sensors providing an amperometric output in response to biomolecular recognition. This is a significant challenge, since it requires gaining control of specific hybridization processes and functional DNA systems at the interface, while limiting DNA physisorption on the electrode surface, which contributes to nonspecific signal. In this study, we provide design rules to program dynamic DNA structures at the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes electrodes, showing that specific DNA interactions can be monitored through measurement of the current signal provided by redox-tagged DNA strands. We propose the use of pyrene as a backfilling agent to reduce nonspecific adsorption of reporter DNA strands and demonstrate the controlled formation of DNA duplexes on the electrode surface, which we then apply in the design and conduction of programmable DNA strand displacement reactions. Expanding on this aspect, we report the development of novel amperometric hybridization platforms based on artificial DNA structures templated by the small molecule melamine. These platforms enable dynamic strand exchange reactions orthogonal to conventional toehold-mediated strand displacement and may support new strategies in electrochemical sensing of biomolecular targets, combining the physicochemical properties of nanostructured carbon-based materials with programmable nucleic acid hybridization

    Disintegratable core/shell silica particles for encapsulating and releasing bioactive macromolecules

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    The present invention relates to disintegratable core/shell silica particles encapsulating a bioactive macromolecule or bioactive macromolecule cluster in an active conformation, a method for producing the same, and uses thereof

    Design of specific nucleic acid‐based biosensors for protein binding activity

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    Nucleic acid-based biosensors for the detection of specific proteins combine the typical programmability of synthetic DNA systems with artificially controlled DNA-protein communication. The high-affinity interaction between a target protein and a specific ligand, such as an aptamer sequence, or a double stranded DNA domain, or a small peptide, is paired with a nature-mimicking molecular mechanism allowing for probing, processing, and translating protein binding activity into a measurable signal. In this Review, two main strategies developed in the context of protein-responsive nucleic acid-based biosensors are discussed. One is the design of proximity-based assays harnessing the spatial colocalization of functional probes within the volume of a multivalent protein. The other is the engineering of dynamic DNA structures that undergo a controlled conformational or structural change upon protein binding. Examples of applications from optical and electrochemical detection of antibodies in biofluids to fluorescence imaging of transcription factors in living cells are reported, and suggestions along with possible future directions in the field are discussed

    A Folding-Based Electrochemical Aptasensor for the Single-Step Detection of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

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    Efficient and timely testing has taken center stage in the management, control, and monitoring of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Simple, rapid, cost-effective diagnostics are needed that can complement current polymerase chain reaction-based methods and lateral flow immunoassays. Here, we report the development of an electrochemical sensing platform based on single-walled carbon nanotube screen-printed electrodes (SWCNT-SPEs) functionalized with a redox-tagged DNA aptamer that specifically binds to the receptor binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit. Single-step, reagentless detection of the S1 protein is achieved through a binding-induced, concentration-dependent folding of the DNA aptamer that reduces the efficiency of the electron transfer process between the redox tag and the electrode surface and causes a suppression of the resulting amperometric signal. This aptasensor is specific for the target S1 protein with a dissociation constant (K-D) value of 43 +/- 4 nM and a limit of detection of 7 nM. We demonstrate that the target S1 protein can be detected both in a buffer solution and in an artificial viral transport medium widely used for the collection of nasopharyngeal swabs, and that no cross-reactivity is observed in the presence of different, non-target viral proteins. We expect that this SWCNT-SPE-based format of electrochemical aptasensor will prove useful for the detection of other protein targets for which nucleic acid aptamer ligands are made available

    Responsive Nucleic Acid-Based Organosilica Nanoparticles

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    The development of smart nanoparticles (NPs) that encode responsive features in the structural framework promises to extend the applications of NP-based drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic tools. New nanocarriers would ideally consist of a minimal number of biocompatible components and exhibit multiresponsive behavior to specific biomolecules, but progress is limited by the difficulty of synthesizing suitable building blocks. Through a nature-inspired approach that combines the programmability of nucleic acid interactions and sol–gel chemistry, we report the incorporation of synthetic nucleic acids and analogs, as constitutive components, into organosilica NPs. We prepared different nanomaterials containing single-stranded nucleic acids that are covalently embedded in the silica network. Through the incorporation of functional nucleic acids into the organosilica framework, the particles respond to various biological, physical, and chemical inputs, resulting in detectable physicochemical changes. The one-step bottom-up approach used to prepare organosilica NPs provides multifunctional systems that combine the tunability of oligonucleotides with the stiffness, low cost, and biocompatibility of silica for different applications ranging from drug delivery to sensing

    Dissecting the intracellular signalling and fate of a DNA nanosensor by super-resolution and quantitative microscopy

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    DNA nanodevices have been developed as platforms for the manipulation of gene expression, delivery of molecular payloads, and detection of various molecular targets within cells and in other complex biological settings. Despite efforts to translate DNA nanodevices from the test tube (in vitro) to living cells, their intracellular trafficking and functionality remain poorly understood. Herein, quantitative and super-resolution microscopy approaches were employed to track and visualise, with nanometric resolution, the molecular interactions between a synthetic DNA nanosensor and transcription factors in intracellular compartments. Specifically, fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and multicolour single-molecule localisation microscopy were employed to probe the specific binding of the DNA nanosensor to the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-kappa B). We monitored the mobility, subcellular localisation and degradation of the DNA nanosensor inside living prostate cancer PC3 cells. Super-resolution imaging enabled the direct visualisation of the molecular interactions between the synthetic DNA nanosensors and the NF-kappa B molecules in cells. This study represents a significant advance in the effective detection as well as understanding of the intracellular dynamics of DNA nanosensors in a complex biological milieu

    Porous Silicon Nanoparticles Embedded in Poly(lactic‐ co ‐glycolic acid) Nanofiber Scaffolds Deliver Neurotrophic Payloads to Enhance Neuronal Growth

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    Scaffolds made from biocompatible polymers provide physical cues to direct the extension of neurites and to encourage repair of damaged nerves. The inclusion of neurotrophic payloads in these scaffolds can substantially enhance regrowth and repair processes. However, many promising neurotrophic candidates are excluded from this approach due to incompatibilities with the polymer or with the polymer processing conditions. This work provides one solution to this problem by incorporating porous silicon nanoparticles (pSiNPs) that are pre-loaded with the therapeutic into a polymer scaffold during fabrication. The nanoparticle-drug-polymer hybrids are prepared in the form of oriented poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanofiber scaffolds. We test three different therapeutic payloads: bpV(HOpic), a small molecule inhibitor of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN); an RNA aptamer specific to tropomyosin-related kinase receptor type B (TrkB); and the protein nerve growth factor (NGF). Each therapeutic is loaded using a loading chemistry that is optimized to slow the rate of release of these water-soluble payloads. The drug-loaded pSiNP-nanofiber hybrids release approximately half of their TrkB aptamer, bpV(HOpic), or NGF payload in 2, 10, and >40 days, respectively. The nanofiber hybrids increase neurite extension relative to drug-free control nanofibers in a dorsal root ganglion explant assay