4,205 research outputs found

    On the formation of the welding seams with high speed

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    Целью настоящей работы является определение направлений исследований по установлению возможности повышения качества формирования сварочных швов с повышенной скоростью формирования тела шва. В статье вопрос решается путём отклонения сварочной дуги углом вперед, поперечным магнитным полем. Дополнительное магнитное поле в зоне сварки генерируют, пропуская часть сварочного тока по присадочной проволоке. Проволока подается в сварочную ванну позади дуги параллельно электроду в плоскости свариваемого стыка, в направлении, противоположном току дуги. Проведенный анализ отечественных и зарубежных литературных источников по рассматриваемой теме показал, что современный подход к определению влияния на повышение качества формирования сварочных швов с повышенной скоростью формирования тела шва, за счет дополнительного поперечного магнитного поля является актуальным в настоящее время и недостаточно изучен. Приведены сведения о формировании тела шва при скоростной сварке вольфрамовым электродом с присадочной проволокой, которые могут быть использованы для повышения производительности сварочных работ.The aim of this work is to determine the areas of research to establish the possibility of improving the quality of the formation of welds with an increased rate of formation of the joint body. In the article the problem is solved by the deviation of the arc angle forward transverse magnetic field. Additional magnetic field generated in the welding zone by passing part of the welding current for the filler wire. The wire is fed into the weld puddle behind the arc electrode in the plane parallel to the welded joint, in a direction opposite to the arc current. The analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the topic has shown that the modern approach to determine the effect on the improvement of quality of formation of welds with an increased rate of formation of the joint body, due to the additional transverse magnetic field is relevant in the present and not fully understood. Information is given about the formation of a seam in the tungsten electrode welding with filler wire, which can be used to improve the performance of welding

    Viskoplastische Materialmodellierung am Beispiel des Dichtungswerkstoffs Polytetrafluorethylen

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    Thermoplastische Dichtungswerkstoffe, wie Polytetraflourethylen (PTFE), zeigen in einachsigen, isothermen Zugversuchen typische Charakteristika viskoplastischen Materialverhaltens. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die im Experiment beobachteten Phänomene der Geschwindigkeitsabhängigkeit und der Relaxation mit einem rheologischen Modell, bestehend aus der Reihenschaltung eines elastoplastischen Elementes mit einer endochronen Fließregel und einem Kelvin-Element, beschrieben, das eine additive Zerlegung der Gesamtdehnung in einen elastischen, einen plastischen und einen viskosen Anteil motiviert. Im Unterschied zu früheren im Bereich der Dichtungstechnik verwendeten Ansätzen ist dieses Modell geeignet, Zugversuche mit anschließender Spannungsrelaxation wiederzugeben. Beim Vergleich von Zug- und Druckversuchen mit nachfolgender Spannungsrelaxation kann eine durch die Zugabe der Glasfasern hervorgerufene Zug-Druck-Asymmetrie beobachtet werden. Die Einführung einer Schalterfunktion ermöglicht die Materialbeschreibung im Zug- und Druckbereich. Numerische Berechnungen zeigen, dass die Zug-Druck-Asymmetrie durch ein erweitertes Modell wiedergegeben wird

    Age-related Changes in the Cellular Level of Amylase and Protein Synthesis in the Rat Parotid Gland

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    Age-related changes in the cellular content of secretory proteins and protein synthesis were studied in parotid glands of rats of various ages. The secretory protein content (determined by measuring the level of α-amylase activity) and the synthesis of proteins (assayed by the rate of incorporation of 3H-leucine into acid-insoluble proteins) decline with increasing age. Morphological and radioautographic studies of the gland indicate that the decline in protein synthesis is due to the reduction in the ability of secretory cells to synthesize proteins.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67245/2/10.1177_00220345810600031401.pd

    No association between CTNNBL1 and episodic memory performance

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    Polymorphisms in the gene encoding catenin-β-like 1 (CTNNBL1) were recently reported to be associated with verbal episodic memory performance—in particular, delayed verbal free recall assessed between 5 and 30 min after encoding—in a genome-wide association study on healthy young adults. To further examine the genetic effects of CTNNBL1, we tested for association between 455 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in or near CTNNBL1 and 14 measures of episodic memory performance from three different tasks in 1743 individuals. Probands were part of a population-based study of mentally healthy adult men and women, who were between 20 and 70 years old and were recruited as participants for the Berlin Aging Study II. Associations were assessed using linear regression analysis. Despite having sufficient power to detect the previously reported effect sizes, we found no evidence for statistically significant associations between the tested CTNNBL1 SNPs and any of the 14 measures of episodic memory. The previously reported effects of genetic polymorphisms in CTNNBL1 on episodic memory performance do not generalize to the broad range of tasks assessed in our cohort. If not altogether spurious, the effects may be limited to a very narrow phenotypic domain (that is, verbal delayed free recall between 5 and 30 min). More studies are needed to further clarify the role of CTNNBL1 in human memory

    Sodium and Fluid Excretion With Torsemide in Healthy Subjects is Limited by the Short Duration of Diuretic Action

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142477/1/jah32580_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142477/2/jah32580.pd

    Genetic associations with learning over 100 days of practice

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    Cognitive performance is both heritable and sensitive to environmental inputs and sustained practice over time. However, it is currently unclear how genetic effects on cognitive performance change over the course of learning. We examine how polygenic scores (PGS) created from genome-wide association studies of educational attainment and cognitive performance are related to improvements in performance across nine cognitive tests (measuring perceptual speed, working memory, and episodic memory) administered to 131 adults (N = 51, ages = 20–31, and N = 80, ages = 65–80 years) repeatedly across 100 days. We observe that PGS associations with performance on a given task can change over the course of learning, with the specific pattern of change in associations differing across tasks. PGS correlations with pre-test to post-test scores may mask variability in how soon learning occurs over the course of practice. The associations between PGS and learning do not appear to simply reconstitute patterns of association between baseline performance and subsequent learning. Associations involving PGSs, however, were small with large confidence intervals. Intensive longitudinal research such as that described here may be of substantial value for clarifying the genetics of learning when implemented as far larger scale

    Langevin Simulation of Thermally Activated Magnetization Reversal in Nanoscale Pillars

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    Numerical solutions of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert micromagnetic model incorporating thermal fluctuations and dipole-dipole interactions (calculated by the Fast Multipole Method) are presented for systems composed of nanoscale iron pillars of dimension 9 nm x 9 nm x 150 nm. Hysteresis loops generated under sinusoidally varying fields are obtained, while the coercive field is estimated to be 1979 ±\pm 14 Oe using linear field sweeps at T=0 K. Thermal effects are essential to the relaxation of magnetization trapped in a metastable orientation, such as happens after a rapid reversal of an external magnetic field less than the coercive value. The distribution of switching times is compared to a simple analytic theory that describes reversal with nucleation at the ends of the nanomagnets. Results are also presented for arrays of nanomagnets oriented perpendicular to a flat substrate. Even at a separation of 300 nm, where the field from neighboring pillars is only \sim 1 Oe, the interactions have a significant effect on the switching of the magnets.Comment: 19 pages RevTeX, including 12 figures, clarified discussion of numerical technique

    Religion and religious education : comparing and contrasting pupils’ and teachers’ views in an English school

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    This publication builds on and develops the English findings of the qualitative study of European teenagers’ perspectives on religion and religious education (Knauth et al. 2008), part of ‘Religion in Education: A contribution to dialogue or a factor of conflict in transforming societies of European countries?’ (REDCo) project. It uses data gathered from 27 pupils, aged 15-16, from a school in a multicultural Northern town in England and compares those findings with data gathered from ten teachers in the humanities faculty of the same school, collected during research for the Warwick REDCo Community of Practice. Comparisons are drawn between the teachers’ and their pupils’ attitudes and values using the same structure as the European study: personal views and experiences of religion, the social dimension of religion, and religious education in school. The discussion offers an analysis of the similarities and differences in worldviews and beliefs which emerged. These include religious commitment/observance differences between the mainly Muslim-heritage pupils and their mainly non-practising Christian-heritage teachers. The research should inform the ways in which the statutory duties to promote community cohesion and equalities can be implemented in schools. It should also facilitate intercultural and interreligious understanding between teachers and the pupils from different ethnic and religious backgrounds