3,083 research outputs found

    Customary Law and the Limits of Female Land Tenure Reform in Kenya

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    Validating a method for the estimate of gait spatio-temporal parameters with IMUs data on healthy and impaired people from two clinical centers

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    Instrumented gait analysis offers objective clinical outcome assessment. To this purpose, inertial measurement units (IMUs) represent nowadays a very effective solution due to their limited cost, ease of use and improved wearability. The aim of this study was to apply a well-documented IMU-based method to measure gait spatio-temporal parameters in a large number of healthy and gait-impaired subjects, and evaluate its robustness and validity across two clinical centers. Overall, the results of this work represent a robust and reliable foundation for the clinical use of the proposed IMU based method for gait parameters estimation

    Altered deoxyribonucleotide pools in T-lymphoblastoid cells expressing the multisubstrate nucleoside kinase of Drosophila melanogaster

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    The multisubstrate nucleoside kinase of Drosophila melanogaster (Dm-dNK) can be expressed in human solid tumor cells and its unique enzymatic properties makes this enzyme a suicide gene candidate. In the present study, Dm-dNK was stably expressed in the CCRF-CEM and H9 T-lymphoblastoid cell lines. The expressed enzyme was localized to the cell nucleus and the enzyme retained its activity. The Dm-dNK overexpressing cells showed approximately 200-fold increased sensitivity to the cytostatic activity of several nucleoside analogs, such as the pyrimidine nucleoside analogs (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (BVDU) and 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylthymine (araT), but not to the antiherpetic purine nucleoside analogs ganciclovir, acyclovir and penciclovir, which may allow this technology to be applied in donor T cells and/or rescue graft vs. host disease to permit modulation of alloreactivity after transplantation. The most pronounced effect on the steady-state dNTP levels was a two- to 10-fold increased dTTP pool in Dm-dNK expressing cells that were grown in the presence of 1 microm of each natural deoxyribonucleoside. Although the Dm-dNK expressing cells demonstrated dNTP pool imbalances, no mitochondrial DNA deletions or altered mitochondrial DNA levels were detected in the H9 Dm-dNK expressing cells

    Usos potenciales de la madera de roble europeo y fresno americano cultivados en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    - Spavento, E. Ing. Forestal, Docente-Investigadora, Xilotecnología y Profesional Independiente. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP. [email protected] - Keil, G. Ing. Forestal M. Sc., Docente-Investigador, Xilotecnología e Industrias de Transformación Mecánica. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP. [email protected] - Murace, M. Licenciada en Biología, Docente-Investigadora, Protección Forestal. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP. [email protected] - Luján M . Doctora en Ciencias Naturales, Docente-Investigadora, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLP. CIC, PBA. - Bertoli, B Ingeniero Forestal, Profesional Independiente.Los usos de una madera están estrechamente relacionados a sus características tecnológicas. Para utilizar con fiabilidad la madera de roble europeo (Quercus robur L.) y fresno americano (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.) cultivada en la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) es necesario conocer sus propiedades físicomecánicas y su durabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar, mediante ensayos estandarizados, las características tecnológicas de la madera de roble y fresno, implantados en la provincia de Buenos Aires, con el propósito de definir sus usos. Las propiedades físicas determinadas fueron: contenido de humedad (IRAM 9532), densidades aparentes (IRAM 9544), cambios dimensionales (IRAM 9543). Las propiedades mecánicas determinadas fueron: dureza Janka (IRAM 9570), flexión estática (IRAM 9542), corte paralelo a las fibras (IRAM 9596), compresión perpendicular y paralela a las fibras (IRAM 9547 y 9541 respectivamente). La durabilidad natural se estimó aplicando la norma IRAM 9518. Se estudió además la estructura del leño de ambas especies, a nivel macro y microscópico, con el fin de relacionar estas características con las propiedades tecnológicas. Para ello se cuantificaron los siguientes caracteres: longitud, espesor de pared y diámetro del lumen de fibras y diámetro de vasos mayores. Ambas maderas resultaron medianamente estables, de densidad media alta y durables. De acuerdo con esto las maderas de roble europeo y fresno americano cultivadas en Argentina son aptas para una amplia gama de usos: elementos deportivos, mangos de herramientas, muebles, escaleras, molduras, puertas, solados interiores y exteriores y elementos estructurales como vigas y columnas, entre otros

    Automated synthesis of executable web service compositions from BPEL4WS processes

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    We propose a technique for the automated synthesis of new com-posite web services. Given a set of abstract BPEL4WS descriptions of component services, and a composition requirement, we auto-matically generate a concrete BPEL4WS process that, when exe-cuted, interacts with the components and satisfies the requirement. We implement the proposed approach exploiting efficient repre-sentation techniques, and we show its scalability over case stud-ies taken from a real world application and over a parameterized domain


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    У цій статті ми пропонуємо метод для автоматизованого синтезу нових композитних Веб-сервісів. Враховуючи набір абстрактних BPEL4WS описів компонентних сервісів, а також вимогу композиції, ми автоматично генеруємо виконуваний BPEL4WS процес, який, після розгортання, здатний взаємодіяти з компонентами, щоб задовольнити вимогу. Ми реалізували запропонований підхід, використовуючи ефективні засоби синтезу, і експеримент з деякими тематичними дослідженнями, взятими з реальних застосувань і з параметризованим доменом. Ми показали, що метод може масштабуватися до випадків, в яких ручна розробка BPEL4WS композитних сервісів не є тривіальною і вимагає багато часу


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    Ми описуємо метод для автоматизованого синтезу нових композитних Веб-сервісів. Враховуючи набір компонентних сервісів, які описані як абстрактні BPEL4WS процеси, збагачені семантичними анотаціями, а також враховуючи вимогу композиції, ми автоматично генеруємо виконуваний BPEL4WS процес, який після розгортання здатний взаємодіяти з компонентами, щоб задовольнити вимогу. Ми орієнтуємося, зокрема, на опис анотацій, які ми повинні додати до \ud абстрактних BPEL4WS процесів для того, щоб охопити «семантичні» аспекти їх виконання, і на роль, яку ці семантичні анотації грають в завданні автоматизованої композиції

    D-SPACE4Cloud: A Design Tool for Big Data Applications

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    The last years have seen a steep rise in data generation worldwide, with the development and widespread adoption of several software projects targeting the Big Data paradigm. Many companies currently engage in Big Data analytics as part of their core business activities, nonetheless there are no tools and techniques to support the design of the underlying hardware configuration backing such systems. In particular, the focus in this report is set on Cloud deployed clusters, which represent a cost-effective alternative to on premises installations. We propose a novel tool implementing a battery of optimization and prediction techniques integrated so as to efficiently assess several alternative resource configurations, in order to determine the minimum cost cluster deployment satisfying QoS constraints. Further, the experimental campaign conducted on real systems shows the validity and relevance of the proposed method

    The effect of a secondary task on kinematics during turning in Parkinson's disease with mild to moderate impairment

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    Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) show typical gait asymmetries. These peculiar motor impairments are exacerbated by added cognitive and/or mechanical loading. However, there is scarce literature that chains these two stimuli. The aim of this study was to investigate the combined effects of a dual task (cognitive task) and turning (mechanical task) on the spatiotemporal parameters in mild to moderate PD. Participants (nine patients with PD and nine controls (CRs)) were evaluated while walking at their self-selected pace without a secondary task (single task), and while repeating the days of the week backwards (dual task) along a straight direction and a 60 degrees and 120 degrees turn. As speculated, in single tasking, PD patients preferred to walk with a shorter stride length (p< 0.05) but similar timing parameters, compared to the CR group; in dual tasking, both groups walked slower with shorter strides. As the turn angle increased, the speed will be reduced (p< 0.001), whereas the ground-foot contact will become greater (p< 0.001) in all the participants. We showed that the combination of a simple cognitive task and a mechanical task (especially at larger angles) could represent an important training stimulus in PD at the early stages of the pathology

    Determinants of obesity in Italian adults : the role of taste sensitivity, food liking, and food neophobia

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    Recent evidence has suggested that factors related to sensory perception may explain excess weight. The objective of this study was to consider multiple aspects while investigating the phenomenon of obesity. One goal was to compare taste acuity (taste threshold and density of fungiform papillae) in both normal weight and obese subjects. Thresholds for 4 basic tastes and the fat stimulus were investigated. A second research goal was to study the relationship between food neophobia and food liking according to the body mass index and taste sensitivity. The results showed that obese subjects seem to have higher threshold values and a reduced number of fungiform papillae than do normal weight subjects. Food neophobia did not vary with nutritional status, whereas differences were found for food liking, with obese subjects showing significantly higher liking ratings for high energy dense products compared with normal weight subjects