61 research outputs found

    VR09 cell line : an EBV-positive lymphoblastoid cell line with in vivo characteristics of diffuse large B cell lymphoma of activated B-cell type

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    Background: small B-cell neoplasms can show plasmacytic differentiation and may potentially progress to aggressive lymphoma (DLBCL). Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection may cause the transformation of malignant cells in vitro. Design and Method: we established VR09 cell line with plasmacytic differentiation, obtained from a case of atypical, non-CLL B-cell chronic lymphoproliferative disease with plasmacytic features. We used flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, polymerase chain reaction, cytogenetic analysis and florescence in situ hybridization in the attempt at thoroughly characterizing the cell line. We showed VR09 tumorigenic potential in vivo, leading to the development of activated DLBCL with plasmacytic features. Results: VR09 cells displayed plasmacytic appearance and grew as spherical tumors when inoculated subcutaneously into immunodeficient Rag2-/- \u3b3-chain-/- mice. VR09 cell line and tumors displayed the phenotype of activated stage of B cell maturation, with secretory differentiation (CD19+ CD20+ CD79a+ CD79b+/- CD138+ cyclin D1- Ki67 80% IgM+ IgD+ MUM1+ MNDA+ CD10- CD22+ CD23+ CD43+ K+, \u3bb- Bcl2+ Bcl6-) and they presented episomal EBV genome, chromosome 12 trisomy, lack of c-MYC rearrangement and Myd88 gene mutation, presence of somatic hypermutation in the VH region, and wild-type p53. Conclusion: This new EBV-positive cell line may be useful to further characterize in vivo activated DLBCL with plasmacytic features

    Hierarchy Theory of Evolution and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Some Epistemic Bridges, Some Conceptual Rifts

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    Contemporary evolutionary biology comprises a plural landscape of multiple co-existent conceptual frameworks and strenuous voices that disagree on the nature and scope of evolutionary theory. Since the mid-eighties, some of these conceptual frameworks have denounced the ontologies of the Modern Synthesis and of the updated Standard Theory of Evolution as unfinished or even flawed. In this paper, we analyze and compare two of those conceptual frameworks, namely Niles Eldredge’s Hierarchy Theory of Evolution (with its extended ontology of evolutionary entities) and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (with its proposal of an extended ontology of evolutionary processes), in an attempt to map some epistemic bridges (e.g. compatible views of causation; niche construction) and some conceptual rifts (e.g. extra-genetic inheritance; different perspectives on macroevolution; contrasting standpoints held in the “externalism–internalism” debate) that exist between them. This paper seeks to encourage theoretical, philosophical and historiographical discussions about pluralism or the possible unification of contemporary evolutionary biology

    Famiglia Violenza Pari Opportunit\ue0 visti con gli occhi di bimbi e adolescenti

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    Indagine \u201cpilota\u201d su alunni e studenti della scuola primaria, secondaria di I\ub0 grado e di II\ub0 grado (per quest\u2019ultima categoria Licei e Istituti tecnici e professionali), testata su due provincie della Regione Veneto, Vicenza posta sulla direttrice mediana della regione e Rovigo, pi\uf9 piccola e ai margini, prevedendo per entrambe il coinvolgimento di Istituti scolastici collocati tanto nel capoluogo, quanto nel territorio provinciale. Essa mira a individuare non la realt\ue0 dei soggetti che sono un \u201cuniverso in formazione\u201d, ma i riflessi di un fenomeno sulle loro coscienze

    Appunti ... per un lungo viaggio

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    Analisi dei dati sulla violenza domestic
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