8 research outputs found

    Infragravity waves: From driving mechanisms to impacts

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    Infragravity (hereafter IG) waves are surface ocean waves with frequencies below those of wind-generated “short waves” (typically below 0.04 Hz). Here we focus on the most common type of IG waves, those induced by the presence of groups in incident short waves. Three related mechanisms explain their generation: (1) the development, shoaling and release of waves bound to the short-wave group envelopes (2) the modulation by these envelopes of the location where short waves break, and (3) the merging of bores (breaking wave front, resembling to a hydraulic jump) inside the surfzone. When reaching shallow water (O(1–10 m)), IG waves can transfer part of their energy back to higher frequencies, a process which is highly dependent on beach slope. On gently sloping beaches, IG waves can dissipate a substantial amount of energy through depth-limited breaking. When the bottom is very rough, such as in coral reef environments, a substantial amount of energy can be dissipated through bottom friction. IG wave energy that is not dissipated is reflected seaward, predominantly for the lowest IG frequencies and on steep bottom slopes. This reflection of the lowest IG frequencies can result in the development of standing (also known as stationary) waves. Reflected IG waves can be refractively trapped so that quasi-periodic along-shore patterns, also referred to as edge waves, can develop. IG waves have a large range of implications in the hydro-sedimentary dynamics of coastal zones. For example, they can modulate current velocities in rip channels and strongly influence cross-shore and longshore mixing. On sandy beaches, IG waves can strongly impact the water table and associated groundwater flows. On gently sloping beaches and especially under storm conditions, IG waves can dominate cross-shore sediment transport, generally promoting offshore transport inside the surfzone. Under storm conditions, IG waves can also induce overwash and eventually promote dune erosion and barrier breaching. In tidal inlets, IG waves can propagate into the back-barrier lagoon during the flood phase and induce large modulations of currents and sediment transport. Their effect appears to be smaller during the ebb phase, due to blocking by countercurrents, particularly in shallow systems. On coral and rocky reefs, IG waves can dominate over short-waves and control the hydro-sedimentary dynamics over the reef flat and in the lagoon. In harbors and semi-enclosed basins, free IG waves can be amplified by resonance and induce large seiches (resonant oscillations). Lastly, free IG waves that are generated in the nearshore can cross oceans and they can also explain the development of the Earth's “hum” (background free oscillations of the solid earth)

    3D printing as a pedagogical tool for teaching normal human anatomy: a systematic review

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    Abstract Background Three-dimensional-printed anatomical models (3DPAMs) appear to be a relevant tool due to their educational value and their feasibility. The objectives of this review were to describe and analyse the methods utilised for creating 3DPAMs used in teaching human anatomy and for evaluating its pedagogical contribution. Methods An electronic search was conducted on PubMed using the following terms: education, school, learning, teaching, learn, teach, educational, three-dimensional, 3D, 3-dimensional, printing, printed, print, anatomy, anatomical, anatomically, and anatomic. Data retrieved included study characteristics, model design, morphological evaluation, educational performance, advantages, and disadvantages. Results Of the 68 articles selected, the cephalic region was the most studied (33 articles); 51 articles mentioned bone printing. In 47 articles, the 3DPAM was designed from CT scans. Five printing processes were listed. Plastic and its derivatives were used in 48 studies. The cost per design ranged from 1.25 USD to 2800 USD. Thirty-seven studies compared 3DPAM to a reference model. Thirty-three articles investigated educational performance. The main advantages were visual and haptic qualities, effectiveness for teaching, reproducibility, customizability and manipulability, time savings, integration of functional anatomy, better mental rotation ability, knowledge retention, and educator/student satisfaction. The main disadvantages were related to the design: consistency, lack of detail or transparency, overly bright colours, long printing time, and high cost. Conclusion This systematic review demonstrates that 3DPAMs are feasible at a low cost and effective for teaching anatomy. More realistic models require access to more expensive 3D printing technologies and substantially longer design time, which would greatly increase the overall cost. Choosing an appropriate image acquisition modality is key. From a pedagogical viewpoint, 3DPAMs are effective tools for teaching anatomy, positively impacting the learning outcomes and satisfaction level. The pedagogical effectiveness of 3DPAMs seems to be best when they reproduce complex anatomical areas, and they are used by students early in their medical studies

    Increased surface P2X4 receptors by mutant SOD1 proteins contribute to ALS pathogenesis in SOD1-G93A mice

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    International audienceAbstract Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal motoneuron (MN) disease characterized by protein misfolding and aggregation leading to cellular degeneration. So far neither biomarker, nor effective treatment has been found. ATP signaling and P2X4 receptors (P2X4) are upregulated in various neurodegenerative diseases. Here we show that several ALS-related misfolded proteins including mutants of SOD1 or TDP-43 lead to a significant increase in surface P2X4 receptor density and function in vitro. In addition, we demonstrate in the spinal the cord of SOD1-G93A (SOD1) mice that misfolded SOD1-G93A proteins directly interact with endocytic adaptor protein-2 (AP2); thus, acting as negative competitors for the interaction between AP2 and P2X4, impairing constitutive P2X4 endocytosis. The higher P2X4 surface density was particularly observed in peripheral macrophages of SOD1 mice before the onset and during the progression of ALS symptoms positioning P2X4 as a potential early biomarker for ALS. P2X4 expression was also upregulated in spinal microglia of SOD1 mice during ALS and affect microglial inflammatory responses. Importantly, we report using double transgenic SOD1 mice expressing internalization-defective P2X4mCherryIN knock-in gene or invalidated for the P2X4 gene that P2X4 is instrumental for motor symptoms, ALS progression and survival. This study highlights the role of P2X4 in the pathophysiology of ALS and thus its potential for the development of biomarkers and treatments. We also decipher the molecular mechanism by which misfolded proteins related to ALS impact P2X4 trafficking at early pathological stage in cells expressing-P2X4

    RĂŽle des microorganismes dans le biomining et la bioremĂ©diation des sites miniers : cas du site d’orpaillage de Kokumbo (CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    International audienceL’orpaillage, qui fait vivre plusieurs millions de personnes, a des consĂ©quences dĂ©sastreuses sur l’environnement et la santĂ© humaine. Les microorganismes peuvent ĂȘtre utiles pour limiter la pollution de cette activitĂ©. Ce travail s’intĂ©resse aux microorganismes prĂ©sents dans le site d’orpaillage de Kokumbo de CĂŽte d’Ivoire

    Microorganismes au service de la remĂ©diation des sites miniers en CĂŽte d’Ivoire : site d’orpaillage de Kokumbo

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    International audienceL’orpaillage joue un rĂŽle Ă©conomique trĂšs important et fait vivre plusieurs millions de personnes Ă  travers le monde en gĂ©nĂ©ral et en Afrique de l’Ouest en particulier. Or lorsqu’elle est mal maitrisĂ©e, cette activitĂ© a des consĂ©quences dĂ©sastreuses de par l’utilisation de produits chimiques toxiques (Mercure, Cyanure, Acide sulfurique, Zinc etc.) pour extraire l’or, par la remobilisation de mĂ©taux toxiques associĂ©s Ă  l’or, par l’obstruction des cours d’eaux, la dĂ©forestation, la pollution de l’eau, de l’atmosphĂšre et des sols. De nombreux microorganismes, naturellement prĂ©sents dans ces environnements multipolluĂ©s, peuvent ĂȘtre utiles Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes du cycle d’un site d’orpaillage. Ils permettent d’extraire l’or plus facilement, avec un impact Ă©cologique moindre sur l’environnement en limitant l’utilisation de produits toxiques. Ils peuvent apporter une aide prĂ©cieuse dans la remĂ©diation des sites polluĂ©s. Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier les microorganismes du site d’orpaillage de Kokumbo (Centre de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire). L’identification taxonomique de ces microorganismes et l’étude de leur diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique permettront d’étudier la biodiversitĂ© et de mieux apprĂ©hender leurs rĂŽles potentiels sur le site. Ces connaissances permettront d’amĂ©liorer la gestion des exploitations artisanales de l’or, d’apporter des solutions pour la bioremĂ©diation des eaux et des sols polluĂ©s

    Abstracts of the 1st International Colloquium in Mine & Society

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    This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the First International Colloquium on Mines and Society (CIMS) organized by The Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boke. The theme of this colloquium was "Mining and Sustainable Development, a major challenge for an Emerging Africa" which aims to bring together teachers, researchers, and Professionals from different backgrounds in order to exchange the results of their research work, share their points of view on the issue of mining and sustainable development. It also aims to define, in a collaborative and inclusive manner, research prospects or future projects between all the actors involved in this field. Colloquium Title: 1st International Colloquium in Mine & SocietyTheme: Mining and Sustainable Development, A Major Challenge for an Emerging AfricaColloquium Date: 20-22 May 2022Colloquium Location: A L’Hîtel Rio Nunez de BokeColloquium Organizer: The Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Bok