49 research outputs found

    The Precise Orbit and the Challenge of Long Term Stability

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    The computation of a precise orbit reference is a fundamental component of the altimetric measurement. Since the dawn of the modern altimeter age, orbit accuracy has been determined by the quality of the GPS, SLR, and DORIS tracking systems, the fidelity of the measurement and force models, and the choice of parameterization for the orbit solutions, and whether a dynamic or a reduced-dynamic strategy is used to calculate the orbits. At the start of the TOPEX mission, the inaccuracies in the modeling of static gravity, dynamic ocean tides, and the nonconservative forces dominated the orbit error budget. Much of the error due to dynamic mismodeling can be compensated by reduced-dynamic tracking techniques depending on the measurement system strength. In the last decade, the launch of the GRACE mission has eliminated the static gravity field as a concern, and the background force models and the terrestrial reference frame have been systematically refined. GPS systems have realized many improvements, including better modeling of the forces on the GPS spacecraft, large increases in the ground tracking network, and improved modeling of the GPS measurements. DORIS systems have achieved improvements through the use of new antennae, more stable monumentation, and of satellite receivers that can track multiple beacons, and as well as through improved modeling of the nonconservative forces. Many of these improvements have been applied in the new reprocessed time series of orbits produced for the ERS satellites, Envisat, TOPEX/Poseidon and the Jason satellites, and as well as for the most recent Cryosat-2 and HY2A. We now face the challenge of maintaining a stable orbit reference for these altimetric satellites. Changes in the time-variable gravity field of the Earth and how these are modelled have been shown to affect the orbit evolution, and the calibration of the altimetric data with tide gauges. The accuracy of the reference frame realizations, and their projection into the future remains a source of error. Other sources of omission error include the geocenter for which no consensus model is as of yet applied. Although progress has been made in nonconservative force modeling through the use of detailed satellite-specific models, radiation pressure modeling, and atmospheric density modeling remain a potential source of orbit error. The longer term influence of variations in the solar and terrestrial radiation fields over annual and solar cycles remains principally untested. Also the long term variation in optical and thermal properties of the space vehicle surfaces would contribute to biases in the orbital frame if ignored. We review the status of altimetric precision orbit determination as exemplified by the recent computations undertaken by the different analysis centers for ERS, Envisat, TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason, Cryosat2 and HY2A, and we provide a perspective on the challenges for future missions such as the Jason-3, SENTINEL-3 and SWOT

    PPP-RTK and inter-system biases: the ISB look-up table as a means to support multi-system PPP-RTK

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    PPP-RTK has the potential of benefiting enormously from the integration of multiple GNSS/RNSS systems. However, since unaccounted inter-system biases (ISBs) have a direct impact on the integer ambiguity resolution performance, the PPP-RTK network and user models need to be flexible enough to accommodate the occurrence of system-specific receiver biases. In this contribution we present such undifferenced, multi-system PPP-RTK full-rank models for both network and users. By an application of (Formula presented.)-system theory, the multi-system estimable parameters are presented, thereby identifying how each of the three PPP-RTK components are affected by the presence of the system-specific biases. As a result different scenarios are described of how these biases can be taken into account. To have users benefit the most, we propose the construction of an ISB look-up table. It allows users to search the table for a network receiver of their own type and select the corresponding ISBs, thus effectively realizing their own ISB-corrected user model. By applying such corrections, the user model is strengthened and the number of integer-estimable user ambiguities is maximized

    An analytical study of PPP-RTK corrections: precision, correlation and user-impact

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    PPP-RTK extends the PPP concept by providing single-receiver users, next to orbits and clocks, also information about the satellite phase and code biases, thus enabling single-receiver ambiguity resolution. It is the goal of the present contribution to provide an analytical study of the quality of the PPP-RTK corrections as well as of their impact on the user ambiguity resolution performance. We consider the geometry-free and the geometry-based network derived corrections, as well as the impact of network ambiguity resolution on these corrections. Next to the insight that is provided by the analytical solutions, the closed form expressions of the variance matrices also demonstrate how the corrections depend on network parameters such as number of epochs, number of stations, number of satellites, and number of frequencies. As a result we are able to describe in a qualitative sense how the user ambiguity resolution performance is driven by the data from the different network scenarios

    Review and principles of PPP-RTK methods

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    PPP-RTK is integer ambiguity resolution-enabled precise point positioning. In this contribution, we present the principles of PPP-RTK, together with a review of different mechanizations that have been proposed in the literature. By application of S-system theory, the estimable parameters of the different methods are identified and compared. Their interpretation is essential for gaining a proper insight into PPP-RTK in general, and into the role of the PPP-RTK corrections in particular. We show that PPP-RTK is a relative technique for which the ‘single-receiver user’ integer ambiguities are in fact double-differenced ambiguities. We determine the transformational links between the different methods and their PPP-RTK corrections, thereby showing how different PPP-RTK methods can be mixed between network and users. We also present and discuss four different estimators of the PPP-RTK corrections. It is shown how they apply to the different PPP-RTK models, as well as why some of the proposed estimation methods cannot be accepted as PPP-RTK proper. We determine analytical expressions for the variance matrices of the ambiguity-fixed and ambiguity-float PPP-RTK corrections. This gives important insight into their precision, as well as allows us to discuss which parts of the PPP-RTK correction variance matrix are essential for the user and which are not

    Serum magnesium concentrations in patients receiving sodium picosulfate and magnesium citrate bowel preparation: an assessment of renal function and electrocardiographic conduction

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    Gerald Bertiger,1 Edward Jones,2 David N Dahdal,3 Dennis C Marshall,3 Raymond E Joseph3 1Hillmont GI, Flourtown, PA, USA; 2Delaware Valley Nephrology and Hypertension Associates, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 3Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc., Parsippany, NJ, USA Background: We performed a post hoc analysis of two clinical trials to assess whether sodium picosulfate and magnesium (Mg2+) citrate (Prepopik® [P/MC]), a dual-action bowel preparation for colonoscopy, has an impact on serum Mg2+ levels and cardiac electrophysiology. Although rare, hypermagnesemia has been reported in patients consuming Mg2+-containing cathartics, especially patients who are elderly and have renal impairment. Methods: Data were analyzed from two prospective, Phase III, randomized, assessor-blinded, active-control, multicenter, pivotal studies that investigated split-dose/day-before P/MC. Serum Mg2+ and creatinine clearance (CrCl) were measured at screening, on the day of colonoscopy, and 24–48 hours, 7 days, and 4 weeks after colonoscopy; electrocardiograms also were obtained at these time points. Results: In total, 304 patients received split-dose P/MC and 294 patients received day-before P/MC. Only 10% of the patients had serum Mg2+ above the upper limit of normal (1.05 mmol/L) on the day of colonoscopy. There was a slight inverse correlation between CrCl and Mg2+ levels on the day of colonoscopy; however, even at the lowest CrCl, serum Mg2+ remained below clinically significant levels of 2.0 mmol/L. Increases in serum Mg2+ were transient, with levels returning to baseline within 24–48 hours, regardless of renal function. No patients with elevated Mg2+ experienced a corrected QT (QTc) interval >500 milliseconds or a QTc interval increase of ≥60 milliseconds from baseline. P/MC had no impact on PR or QRS interval. Conclusion: P/MC produces little impact on serum Mg2+ levels with no clinically significant effect on cardiac conduction in patients, including those with mild-to-moderate renal impairment. Keywords: bowel preparation, hypermagnesemia, renal impairment, sodium picosulfat

    Towards the 1 mm/y Stability of the Radial Orbit Error at Regional Scales

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    An estimated orbit error budget for the Jason-1 and Jason-2 GDR-D solutions is constructed, using several measures of orbit error. The focus is on the long-term stability of the orbit time series for mean sea level applications on a regional scale. We discuss various issues related to the assessment of radial orbit error trends; in particular this study reviews orbit errors dependent on the tracking technique, with an aim to monitoring the long-term stability of all available tracking systems operating on Jason-1 and Jason-2 (GPS, DORIS, SLR). The reference frame accuracy and its effect on Jason orbit is assessed. We also examine the impact of analysis method on the inference of Geographically Correlated Errors as well as the significance of estimated radial orbit error trends versus the time span of the analysis. Thus a long-term error budget of the 10-year Jason-1 and Envisat GDR-D orbit time series is provided for two time scales: interannual and decadal. As the temporal variations of the geopotential remain one of the primary limitations in the Precision Orbit Determination modeling, the overall accuracy of the Jason-1 and Jason-2 GDR-D solutions is evaluated through comparison with external orbits based on different time-variable gravity models. This contribution is limited to an East-West "order-1" pattern at the 2 mm/y level (secular) and 4 mm level (seasonal), over the Jason-2 lifetime. The possibility of achieving sub-mm/y radial orbit stability over interannual and decadal periods at regional scales and the challenge of evaluating such an improvement using in situ independent data is discussed