53 research outputs found

    Electron microscopy shows periodic structure in collagen fibril cross sections.

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    Paediatric non-progression following grandmother-to-child HIV transmission

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    Background In contrast to adult HIV infection, where slow disease progression is strongly linked to immune control of HIV mediated by protective HLA class I molecules such as HLA-B*81:01, the mechanisms by which a minority of HIV-infected children maintain normal-for-age CD4 counts and remain clinically healthy appear to be HLA class I-independent and are largely unknown. To better understand these mechanisms, we here studied a HIV-infected South African female, who remained a non-progressor throughout childhood. Results Phylogenetic analysis of viral sequences in the HIV-infected family members, together with the history of grand-maternal breast-feeding, indicated that, unusually, the non-progressor child had been infected via grandmother-to-child transmission. Although HLA-B*81:01 was expressed by both grandmother and grand-daughter, autologous virus in each subject encoded an escape mutation L188F within the immunodominant HLA-B*81:01-restricted Gag-specific epitope TL9 (TPQDLNTML, Gag 180–188). Since the transmitted virus can influence paediatric and adult HIV disease progression, we investigated the impact of the L188F mutant on replicative capacity. When this variant was introduced into three distinct HIV clones in vitro, viral replicative capacity was abrogated altogether. However, a virus constructed using the gag sequence of the non-progressor child replicated as efficiently as wildtype virus. Conclusion These findings suggest alternative sequences of events: the transmission of the uncompensated low fitness L188F to both children, potentially contributing to slow progression in both, consistent with previous studies indicating that disease progression in children can be influenced by the replicative capacity of the transmitted virus; or the transmission of fully compensated virus, and slow progression here principally the result of HLA-independent host-specific factors, yet to be defined

    Efficient Production of HIV-1 Virus-Like Particles from a Mammalian Expression Vector Requires the N-Terminal Capsid Domain

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    It is now well accepted that the structural protein Pr55Gag is sufficient by itself to produce HIV-1 virus-like particles (VLPs). This polyprotein precursor contains different domains including matrix, capsid, SP1, nucleocapsid, SP2 and p6. In the present study, we wanted to determine by mutagenesis which region(s) is essential to the production of VLPs when Pr55Gag is inserted in a mammalian expression vector, which allows studying the protein of interest in the absence of other viral proteins. To do so, we first studied a minimal Pr55Gag sequence called Gag min that was used previously. We found that Gag min fails to produce VLPs when expressed in an expression vector instead of within a molecular clone. This failure occurs early in the cell at the assembly of viral proteins. We then generated a series of deletion and substitution mutants, and examined their ability to produce VLPs by combining biochemical and microscopic approaches. We demonstrate that the matrix region is not necessary, but that the efficiency of VLP production depends strongly on the presence of its basic region. Moreover, the presence of the N-terminal domain of capsid is required for VLP production when Gag is expressed alone. These findings, combined with previous observations indicating that HIV-1 Pr55Gag-derived VLPs act as potent stimulators of innate and acquired immunity, make the use of this strategy worth considering for vaccine development

    The role of collagen in bone apatite formation in the presence of hydroxyapatite nucleation inhibitors

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    Bone is a composite material in which collagen fibrils form a scaffold for a highly organized arrangement of uniaxially oriented apatite crystals. In the periodic 67¿nm cross-striated pattern of the collagen fibril, the less dense 40-nm-long gap zone has been implicated as the place where apatite crystals nucleate from an amorphous phase, and subsequently grow. This process is believed to be directed by highly acidic non-collagenous proteins, however, the role of the collagen matrix during bone apatite mineralization remains unknown. Here, combining nanometre-scale resolution cryogenic transmission electron microscopy and cryogenic electron tomography with molecular modelling, we show that collagen functions in synergy with inhibitors of hydroxyapatite nucleation to actively control mineralization. The positive net charge close to the C-terminal end of the collagen molecules promotes the infiltration of the fibrils with amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). Furthermore, the clusters of charged amino acids, both in gap and overlap regions, form nucleation sites controlling the conversion of ACP into a parallel array of oriented apatite crystals. We developed a model describing the mechanisms through which the structure, supramolecular assembly and charge distribution of collagen can control mineralization in the presence of inhibitors of hydroxyapatite nucleatio

    Low-angle X-ray diffraction analysis of the collagen-proteoglycan interactions in articular cartilage.

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    International audienceA comparative analysis, by low-angle X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, of bovine articular cartilage either submitted or not to chemical (0.5-2 M CaCl2, 4 M guanidinium chloride) or enzymatic (hyaluronidase, trypsin) treatments is reported. An analysis of the micrographs using a filtering program on the Fourier transform patterns reveals the absence of modification or alteration of the fibrils after treatment, whereas the X-ray diffraction patterns change. The ratio of the first/third orders intensities increases when the tissue proteoglycans content decreases. These results indicate that proteoglycans are regularly ordered on the type II collagen fibrils in articular cartilage.A comparative analysis, by low-angle X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, of bovine articular cartilage either submitted or not to chemical (0.5-2 M CaCl2, 4 M guanidinium chloride) or enzymatic (hyaluronidase, trypsin) treatments is reported. An analysis of the micrographs using a filtering program on the Fourier transform patterns reveals the absence of modification or alteration of the fibrils after treatment, whereas the X-ray diffraction patterns change. The ratio of the first/third orders intensities increases when the tissue proteoglycans content decreases. These results indicate that proteoglycans are regularly ordered on the type II collagen fibrils in articular cartilage

    Comparative structural studies of reconstituted and native type I and type II collagen fibrils by low-angle X-ray diffraction.

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    International audienceAcid-soluble and pepsin-soluble type I collagen from calf skin and pepsin-soluble type II collagen from bovine articular cartilage were precipitated in fibrillar form by various methods. Reconstituted native-like fibrils were analysed by low-angle X-ray diffraction, and the patterns were compared with those obtained with native type I (rat tail tendon) and type II fibrils (bovine articular cartilage). For both orientated and disorientated forms of these samples, we measured the ratio of the first/third-order intensities of the meridional diffraction peaks which are associated with the gap-filling. The values obtained with the reconstituted native-like fibrils (types I and II) were double and 20-times the values, respectively, measured for rat tail tendon and bovine articular cartilage. These differences reflect the extent of specific interactions of other components (proteoglycans) at the gap level along the collagen fibrils in the two tissues.Acid-soluble and pepsin-soluble type I collagen from calf skin and pepsin-soluble type II collagen from bovine articular cartilage were precipitated in fibrillar form by various methods. Reconstituted native-like fibrils were analysed by low-angle X-ray diffraction, and the patterns were compared with those obtained with native type I (rat tail tendon) and type II fibrils (bovine articular cartilage). For both orientated and disorientated forms of these samples, we measured the ratio of the first/third-order intensities of the meridional diffraction peaks which are associated with the gap-filling. The values obtained with the reconstituted native-like fibrils (types I and II) were double and 20-times the values, respectively, measured for rat tail tendon and bovine articular cartilage. These differences reflect the extent of specific interactions of other components (proteoglycans) at the gap level along the collagen fibrils in the two tissues

    An apparatus for stopped-flow X-ray scattering

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    A stopped-flow apparatus and control system, designed for the study of rapid reaction kinetics in solution by X-ray scattering, is described. Inspired from a commercial stopped-flow unit used with UV and visible light, the X-ray device has a dead-time of 80 ms. Results are presented for the polymerization of the coat protein of Brome mosaic virus following a pH jump, using a small angle X-ray scattering instrument at Hasylab (Hamburg)