85 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Students' Attitudes towards Peer Counsellors in Student Discipline in Secondary Schools in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya

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    The attitude of the counselee towards the counsellor is crucial factor in determining the results of the counselling process. Adolescents are readily guided and influenced by one who understands them, listens to them and is of their status. This paper examines the attitude of students on the role of peer counsellors in managing student discipline based on a study of public secondary schools in Kisumu Municipality. Cross-sectional survey design was used in the study. The study population consisted of 28 head teachers, 28 heads of guidance and counselling department, 532 peer counsellors and 3,250 students in 28 public secondary schools. Stratified random sampling was used to select 10 head teachers, 10 Heads of Department of Guidance and Counselling, 110 peer counsellors and 300 form two and three students. Questionnaire and interview guide were used to collect data. Questionnaires were administered to heads of guidance and counselling and students while head teachers were interviewed, face to face. Research instruments were piloted in three secondary schools to determine their reliability and validity. Descriptive statistics in the form of frequencies and percentages were used to analyze the quantitative data generated by questionnaires while qualitative data from interviews were transcribed and organized into themes, categories and subcategories as they emerged during the study. The study established that students valued peer counsellors and had a positive attitude towards them. It was thus recommended that that all peer counsellors be trained to effectively, efficiently and ethically handle counselling issues that students consult them about. The findings of this study may help teachers and education stakeholders to appreciate the role played by peer counsellors in managing student discipline and engage them more often. Keywords: Students, Attitudes, Peer Counsellors, Student Discipline, Secondary Schools, Kisumu Municipality, Keny

    Sex-related differences in extracranial complications in patients with traumatic brain injury

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    Background: Extracranial complications after traumatic brain injury (TBI) are common. Their influence on outcome is uncertain. Furthermore, the role of sex on the development of extracranial complications following TBI remains poorly investigated. We aimed to investigate the incidence of extracranial complications after TBI with particular focus on sex-related differences with regard to complications and their influence on outcome. Methods: This retrospective, observational study was conducted in a level I universitary swiss trauma center. Consecutive patients with TBI admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) between 2018 and 2021 were included. Patients’ and trauma characteristics, in-hospital complications (i.e., cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, metabolic, gastrointestinal, hematological, and infectious) as well as functional outcome 3 months after trauma were analyzed. Data was dichotomized by sex or by outcome. Univariate as well as multivariate logistic regression was performed to reveal possible associations between sex, outcome and complications. Results: Overall, 608 patients were included (male n = 447, 73.5%). Extracranial complications occurred most frequently in cardiovascular, renal, hematological and infectious systems. Men and women suffered similarly from extracranial complications. While men needed correction of coagulopathies more often (p = 0.029), women suffered more frequently from urogenital infections (p = 0.001). Similar results were found in a subgroup of patients (n = 193) with isolated TBI. A multivariate analysis did not show extracranial complications to be independent predictors of unfavorable outcome. Conclusion: Extracranial complications following TBI occur frequently during the ICU-stay, can affect almost all organ systems but are not independent predictors of unfavorable outcome. The results suggest that sex-specific strategies for early recognition of extracranial complications might not be needed in patients with TBI

    Sino-African relations : does the presence of China contribute to sustainable development in Africa?

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    China’s involvement in Africa has steadily increased after its economic reform in 1978. However, since the year 2000, Sino-African trade volumes and Chinese loans to Africa began to rise rapidly. This was further bolstered by the establishment of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This thesis aimed to investigate the implications of the Sino-African relationship. Research was divided into five objectives in order answer the final question of whether the presence of China contributes to sustainable development in Africa. Secondary data was collected with key observations from the findings being discussed with relevant theories in order to examine China’s contribution to the three development levels, namely, economic, human and environmental stewardship. The first section of the findings presented a performance review of Africa against the UN SDGs. This review revealed a dire situation of poverty and unemployment in Africa as well as the prevalence of deeply entrenched corruption. The second section of the findings displayed the performance of China’s businesses against the UN Global Compact’s principles for responsible businesses. The results from this were mixed. While Chinese companies performed well with workforce localization and skills training, they did not score well on corruption and pollution. The third and final findings section aimed to find out what the BRI brings for Africa. It was found that Africa gains from the relationship through the construction of much needed infrastructure. However, considering that the BRI is labeled as a development strategy, China’s impact on job creation in Africa has not yet reached its potential. China on the other hand benefits handsomely from Africa’s participation in the project, as it gains access to raw materials and markets to sustain domestic economic growth. The key observations were then contextualized with relevant theories to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon’s observed. Concerning economic development, findings showed that the case for Africa as the next flying geese was weak, with some notable exceptions in East Africa due to a stable political system. In the case for human development, the extractive institutions theory showed that China needs to assist in anti-corruption measures. In the context of the world systems theory, it was decided that there is a case for exploitation, however, Africa has overall benefitted from the relationship and therefore caution is taken with labeling the relationship as such. From an environmental perspective, the thesis found evidence of China relocating factories that do not meet their own environmental standards. China has since, with pressure from foreign powers, implemented a more environmentally friendly approach to its BRI projects. Limitations of this thesis revolve around the lack of readily and reliable information. China has in the past been accused of underreporting trade and loan data, whereas Africa lacked statistical capacity to gather information. Having said this, continuous workings from the China Africa Research Initiative as well as the largest field study on Chinese companies by McKinsey & Company allowed this thesis to carry out a holistic study. Recommendations for further research suggest focusing on an in-depth analysis on single countries or regions in Africa, as a contrast to analyzing Africa as a single entity

    Mittendrin! : Ergotherapie in der Schule zur UnterstĂĽtzung von Kindern mit Down Syndrom

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    Contribution of teacher preparedness in the provision of student safety in emergency incidents in public secondary schools in kisumu county, kenya

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    Parents expect a safe learning environment for their children while in teachers’ custody, yet threats to student safety are increasing globally, and Kenya is no exception. In Kisumu County, media and official reports on incidents from floods, criminal activity, community conflicts, fires and strikes continue to be noted. Due to legal responsibility, preparation and their position as first responders in school emergency, teachers have a crucial role in ensuring student safety, yet little has been done to explore teacher preparedness. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine contribution of teacher preparedness in the provision of student safety in emergency incidents in public secondary schools in Kisumu County. Objectives of the study were to; examine contribution of teacher knowledge; establish the contribution of teacher attitude; determine contribution of teacher practices; and establish the contribution of teacher demographic factors on teacher preparedness in the provision of student safety in emergency incidents in public secondary schools in Kisumu County. The study adopted survey research design. The study population was 42 principals, 324 teachers, and 6 Sub County Quality Assurance and Standards Officers (SCQASOs). Purposive sampling was used to select principals, while SCQASOs teachers were selected by saturated sampling. Study sample consisted of 37 principals, 299 teachers and 4 SCQASOs. Questionnaire for teachers and principals, and interview schedule for SCQASOs, were used to collect data. Piloting was done to establish reliability of instruments; where 5 principals, 25 teachers and 2 SCQASOs were included in piloting. Test-retest was used to determine reliability of the questionnaires. Reliability coefficient of 0.86 and 0.81 were attained for teachers’ and principals’ questionnaires, respectively. Validity was determined by experts in Educational Administration and Policy studies. Quantitative data was analyzed using mean, t-test, correlation and multiple regression while qualitative data was coded, transcribed and organized thematically. Ethics was observed during both data collection and reporting of findings. It was established that; teacher knowledge and practices moderately contributed to student safety with overall mean ratings of 3.21 and 2.93 respectively, while teacher attitude highly contributed with overall mean rating of 3.54. Teacher demographic factors moderately contributed to teacher preparedness with overall mean rating of 3.35, and all aspects considered. In all, teacher demographic factors moderately influenced teacher preparedness, and had a positive and significant relationship (r=0.438, p<.05). Findings of this study are important to educational administrators, policy makers and planners in understanding how teacher preparedness contributes to, and how demographic factors contribute to teacher preparedness as well as contribute to the body of knowledge on teacher preparedness in the provision of student safety in emergency in schools, and to researchers interested in pursuing student safety in future

    L’Idée latine du Félibrige et la Renaissance romanche 1874-1914

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    À partir de 1874, la RLaR publia régulièrement des textes littéraires romanches, souvent accompagnés d’études sur cette langue romane minoritaire parlée dans les Alpes suisses. Dans cette période de renaissance littéraire et linguistique de la langue d’oc le mouvement de la Renaissance romanche suivit l’exemple des Félibres. C’est bien dans l’esprit de l’Idée latine que les Félibres et les représentants de la Renaissance romanche ont entretenu des rapports mutuels. Les rapports avec l’Engadine commencent par la publication de « Un Recueil de poésies rumonches » de Roque-Ferrier, publié dans la RLaR en 1874, atteignent leur sommet en 1882 avec la participation de l’écrivain romanche Gian Fadri Caderas aux Jeux Floraux de Forcalquier mais perdent d’intensité après le décès de celui-ci. Les rapports entre la Provence et la Surselva sont instaurés par Caspar Decurtins et Frédéric Mistral. Ils battent leur plein grâce à la publication de plusieurs articles sur les deux langues et de nombreuses traductions du romanche vers l’occitan et vice-versa par Flurin Camathias et Jules Ronjat. Ainsi les questions régionales prirent une dimension internationale.From 1874 onwards, the RLaR regularly published Romansh literary texts, often accompanied by studies on this minority Romansh language spoken in the Swiss Alps. In this period of literary and linguistic revival of Occitan language, the Romansh Renaissance movement followed the example of the Félibres. It was in the spirit of Latin Idea that the Félibres and the representatives of the Romansh Renaissance maintained a mutual relationship. Relations with Engadine began in 1874 with Roque-Ferrier’s “Un Recueil de poésies rumonches”, published in the RLaR, then reached a peak in 1882 with the participation of the Romansh writer Gian Fadri Caderas in the Jeux Floraux de Forcalquier, and eventually declined after his death. A relationship between Provence and Surselva was established by Caspar Decurtins and Frédéric Mistral, which was in full swing thanks to the publication of several articles on the two languages and several translations from Romansh into Occitan and vice versa by Flurin Camathias and Jules Ronjat. In this way, regional questions took on an international dimension

    Comparison of neutral oral contrast versus positive oral contrast medium in abdominal multidetector CT

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    To determine whether neutral contrast agents with water-equivalent intraluminal attenuation can improve delineation of the bowel wall and increase overall image quality for a non-selected patient population, a neutral oral contrast agent (3% mannitol) was administered to 100 patients referred for abdominal multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT). Their results were compared with those of 100 patients given a positive oral contrast agent. Qualitative and quantitative measurements were done on different levels of the gastrointestinal tract by three experienced readers. Patients given the neutral oral contrast agent showed significant better qualitative results for bowel distension (P < 0.001), homogeneity of the luminal content (P < 0.001), delineation of the bowel-wall to the lumen (P < 0.001) and to the mesentery (P < 0.001) and artifacts (P < 0.001), leading to a significant better overall image quality (P < 0.001) than patients receiving positive oral contrast medium. The quantitative measurements revealed significant better distension (P < 0.001) and wall to lumen delineation (P < 0.001) for the patients receiving neutral oral contrast medium. The present results show that the neutral oral contrast agent (mannitol) produced better distension, better homogeneity and better delineation of the bowel wall leading to a higher overall image quality than the positive oral contrast medium in a non-selected patient populatio

    Pulmonary Toxoplasmosis, a Rare but Severe Manifestation of a Common Opportunistic Infection in Late HIV Presenters: Report of Two Cases

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    Abstract : Pulmonary toxoplasmosis is rare, particularly in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Here, we describe two severe cases in patients not known to be HIV-infected. In both patients, early diagnosis and therapy led to a favourable outcome. Pulmonary toxoplasmosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis in potentially HIV-infected patients with respiratory symptom

    Sex-related differences in extracranial complications in patients with traumatic brain injury

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    Background: Extracranial complications after traumatic brain injury (TBI) are common. Their influence on outcome is uncertain. Furthermore, the role of sex on the development of extracranial complications following TBI remains poorly investigated. We aimed to investigate the incidence of extracranial complications after TBI with particular focus on sex-related differences with regard to complications and their influence on outcome. Methods: This retrospective, observational study was conducted in a level I universitary swiss trauma center. Consecutive patients with TBI admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) between 2018 and 2021 were included. Patients' and trauma characteristics, in-hospital complications (i.e., cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, metabolic, gastrointestinal, hematological, and infectious) as well as functional outcome 3 months after trauma were analyzed. Data was dichotomized by sex or by outcome. Univariate as well as multivariate logistic regression was performed to reveal possible associations between sex, outcome and complications. Results: Overall, 608 patients were included (male n = 447, 73.5%). Extracranial complications occurred most frequently in cardiovascular, renal, hematological and infectious systems. Men and women suffered similarly from extracranial complications. While men needed correction of coagulopathies more often (p = 0.029), women suffered more frequently from urogenital infections (p = 0.001). Similar results were found in a subgroup of patients (n = 193) with isolated TBI. A multivariate analysis did not show extracranial complications to be independent predictors of unfavorable outcome. Conclusion: Extracranial complications following TBI occur frequently during the ICU-stay, can affect almost all organ systems but are not independent predictors of unfavorable outcome. The results suggest that sex-specific strategies for early recognition of extracranial complications might not be needed in patients with TBI

    Sex-related differences in extracranial complications in patients with traumatic brain injury

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    BackgroundExtracranial complications after traumatic brain injury (TBI) are common. Their influence on outcome is uncertain. Furthermore, the role of sex on the development of extracranial complications following TBI remains poorly investigated. We aimed to investigate the incidence of extracranial complications after TBI with particular focus on sex-related differences with regard to complications and their influence on outcome.MethodsThis retrospective, observational study was conducted in a level I universitary swiss trauma center. Consecutive patients with TBI admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) between 2018 and 2021 were included. Patients’ and trauma characteristics, in-hospital complications (i.e., cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, metabolic, gastrointestinal, hematological, and infectious) as well as functional outcome 3 months after trauma were analyzed. Data was dichotomized by sex or by outcome. Univariate as well as multivariate logistic regression was performed to reveal possible associations between sex, outcome and complications.ResultsOverall, 608 patients were included (male n = 447, 73.5%). Extracranial complications occurred most frequently in cardiovascular, renal, hematological and infectious systems. Men and women suffered similarly from extracranial complications. While men needed correction of coagulopathies more often (p = 0.029), women suffered more frequently from urogenital infections (p = 0.001). Similar results were found in a subgroup of patients (n = 193) with isolated TBI. A multivariate analysis did not show extracranial complications to be independent predictors of unfavorable outcome.ConclusionExtracranial complications following TBI occur frequently during the ICU-stay, can affect almost all organ systems but are not independent predictors of unfavorable outcome. The results suggest that sex-specific strategies for early recognition of extracranial complications might not be needed in patients with TBI
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