36 research outputs found

    Application of Macro and Micro Fertilizers on Upland Rice Crops Inoculation of Biofertilizers in Bengkulu Coastal Land

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    Coastal land located in the lowlands near the coast has a marginal Entisol soil type. Entisols have the following characteristics: loose soil aggregate, sensitive to erosion, and low levels of nutrients, organic matter, water holding capacity, and soil fertility. The nature of this Entisol is less able to produce maximum upland rice production. The technology used to overcome this problem is by applying macro and micro fertilizers to the soil, which is planted with upland rice seeds, inoculated with biological fertilizers so that it is hoped that upland rice production can be maximized. The purpose of this study was to obtain high upland rice production in coastal areas. The research was carried out from June to December 2020 in Beringin Raya Village, Muara Bangkahulu District, Bengkulu City. The research location is located at coordinates S 03?45'23'' E 102?15'41''. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with 2 factors, namely types of fertilizers and varieties of upland rice. The first factor consists of P0 = No fertilizer; P1 = compound micro fertilizer; P2 = Fertilizer recommended for upland rice from the Institute for Agricultural Research and Technology). The second factor consists of V1 = red upland rice; V2 = white upland rice) The results showed that there was an interaction between the type of fertilizer and upland rice varieties on soil pH (KCl 1:2.5 w/v). the interaction of microfertilizers with white upland rice varieties resulted in the highest soil pH (5.06). The best type of fertilizer is micro-compound fertilizer which produces soil pH (KCl 1:2.5 w/v), P nutrient uptake, the highest root colonization and the highest number of production tillers and the highest grain weight per plant and upland rice yield per plot. The best upland rice variety was the white variety which produced the highest uptake of P nutrients, the number of productive tillers, the weight of grain per plant and the highest yield per plot

    The Improvement of Yield and Quality of Soybeans in a Coastal Area Using Low Input Technology Based on Biofertilizers

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    Indonesia is an archipelagic country, having vast coastal areas which have not been utilized optimally for crop cultivation because their poor soil properties become a limiting factor for plant growth. It is, therefore, necessary to use cultivation technology, such as the use of biofertilizers to overcome this limiting factor. The objective of this study was to determine the appropriate biofertilizers for improving the quality of soybean seeds, the rhizosphere environment, and the soybean yield in a coastal area. The study was conducted in Bengkulu, Indonesia, using Randomized Complete Block Design, with a single factor, namely biofertilizers. Six treatments were applied, namely the addition of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF), phosphate–solubilizing fungi (PSF), Rhizobium (R), AMF+PSF, R+AMF, and R+PSF. The results of this study showed that, in general, the inoculation of biofertilizers could increase the yield of soybeans in the coastal area, as indicated by the higher yield of plants in this study than those as described in the literature. The dual inoculation of PSF+AMF resulted in the highest protein content, the largest populations of PSF and AMF, the highest percentage of root colonization of AMF, plant phosphorus concentration and absorption, the weight of seeds per plant and yield. Meanwhile, the highest fat content of seed was found in the plants inoculated with PSF.  In coastal soil, the dual application of biofertilizers, namely PSF and AMF, should be done, instead of a single application. Further studies are needed to increase the protein content and to reduce the fat content of soybean seeds

    Mekanisme Adaptasi Genotipe Baru Kedelai dalam Mendapatkan Hara Fosfor dari Tanah Mineral Masam

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    Phosphate defi ciency is one of the main constraints to increase soybean yield in acid mineral soil. An experiment was conducted with an objective to discover scientifi c base of fertilizer selection based on soybean adaptation mechanism to mitigate P defi ciency in acid mineral soils in Bengkulu Province. A factorial experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The fi rst factor was soybean genotypes, i.e. Slamet and three new soybean genotypes (NSGs) i.e. 19BE, 25EC and 13ED, and second factor was P fertilization dosages (0 and 400 mg P2O5 kg-1 soil). Soybean was grown in a greenhouse using double pot system. Research results showed that the NSGs had different mechanism in P uptake from soil with high P absorbing capacity compared to Slamet genotype. NSGs translocated more carbon to root, and decreasing of shoot-root ratio, about 66-70%. NSGs 25EC produce more oxalic and malic acid, and 13ED produce more citric acid to obtain same amount of P absorbed by Slamet variety. Under low P, NSGs developed symbioses with mycorrhizal arbuscular fungus, however, only 19BE which increase microbe population in rhizosfer. Phosphosrus fertilization supressed arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus development (15-100%), alkaline phosphatase activity (20-88%), and microbial C biomass (40-71%) in rhizosphere of new soybean genotype

    The effect of humic acid on biological properties of soil and upland rice plants in entisol Coastal Bengkulu City

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    Entisol is a type of soil on coastal land that has low soil fertility, low soil aggregation, low organic matter content, low soil microorganism activity and high salt content that can affect growth and development of crop yields. Application of humic acid is expected to increase the fertility of the entisol soil. This study aims to measure the effect of humic acid application on soil biological properties and yields of upland rice in Entisol Pesisir, Bengkulu city. The research was carried out in July-November 2020 in the Beringin Raya Village, Muara Bangkahulu District, Bengkulu City. The research design used a two-factor Completely Randomized Block Design with four replications, arranged in a factorial manner in experimental units. The first factor is humic acid which consists of not given humic acid, and given humic acid. The second factor is upland rice varieties consisting of Inpago 10, Merah rice, and Putih rice. The results showed that the application of humic acid was able to increase the biological activity of the soil including the total microbial population of 68.73% and the percentage of root colonization reaching 23.65% and increasing the pH, and rice yields per plot reached 14.2%. Inpago variety has better adaptability than local varieties (Merah and Putih) which is indicated by soil biological activity such as total microbial population reaching 570.16 x 106 CFU g-1 with root colonization percentage reaching 88.75%, pH, and upland rice yield per plot was 2033.68 g/plot. So based on the results of the study, it is recommended to cultivate Inpago 10 varieties compamerah to local varieties

    Biomass and Artemisinin Production of Artemisia annua L. on Several Altitudes

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    Increasing supply of artemisinin as a multipurpose medicinal compound, especially to cope with malaria, is a global problem that should be solved immediately. This research aimed to obtain high artemisinin production from Artemisia annua L. cultivated at a suitable altitude at Bengkulu Province of Indonesia. Experimental design used was a Split Plot in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications, altitude (1000, 1100 and 1200 m above sea level altitudes each located at Sukasari, Bandung Baru, and Tangsi Duren, Kepahyang District Province Bengkulu of Indonesia) as main plot and bio-fertilizer application (control, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and phosphate solubilizer fungi) as subplot. Each experimental unit received 10 ton ha-1 of cow-dung. Research result shows that altitude significantly affects artemisinin, essential oil, mycorrhizal and phosphate solubilizer fungus population, but not affect biomass production. Overall, Artemisia annua L. was successfully planted at the 1000 – 1200 m above sea level. Biomass and artemisinin production was higher compared to another experiment, i.e. 350 g per plant with 0.21 – 0.43% of artemisinin content

    Growth and Yield of Soybean with Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Ultisols

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    Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) is the third most important food crop after rice and corn which contains protein and other nutrients essential for the body. Ultisol soil is a less fertile soil that has many limitations on its physical, chemical, and biological properties. Efforts that can be made include the use of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). This research was conducted from February to May 2020, in Beringin Raya, Muara Bangka Hulu District, Bengkulu City with an altitude of + 10 m above sea level. The purpose of this study was to explain the growth and yield of soybeans due to the application of liquid organic fertilizers and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Ultisols. The research design used was a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 2 factors with three replications. The first factor is the LOF dose which consists of four levels, namely: 0, 20, 40, and 60 mL L-1. The second factor is the AMF dose with three levels, namely; 0, 5, and 10 g plant-1. The results showed that there was no interaction between LOF and AMF. Giving a LOF concentration of 60 mL L-1 gave the highest yield on the growth and yield of soybeans, as well as the optimum concentration for seed/plant weight, which was 28.114 mL L-1, and the number of seeds was 37.589 mL L-1. AMF dosage of 10 g plant-1 gave the best growth and yield of soybean plants.

    The Effects of Vermicompost on Carbon and Nitrogen Availability, C/N ratio and Corn Production Planted in Entisol Coastal Areas

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    Entisols are soils that are widely used in Indonesia, both for irrigated and rainfed rice fields, for vegetable cultivation, and others. Vermicompost also contains many of the nutrients available to plants and increases soil porosity, soil aeration, and humidity, and controls soil erosion so that it can help in buffering toxins for plants and promoting plant growth. Corn is a cereal crop that is the second most important food crop in Indonesia besides rice. The volume of corn imports is higher than exports, this is due to the high demand for corn but domestic corn production has not been able to fulfill it. The experimental design used was a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD), seven levels of vermicompost doses, namely 0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5; 10; 12.5; and 15 tons ha-1) each repeated 4 times. This study aims to determine the dose of vermicompost fertilizer that can improve the properties of Entisols and yields of maize (Zea mays L.). The application of vermicompost fertilizer with seven dose levels had a significant effect on N nutrient levels in coastal Entisols. Doses of vermicompost were able to increase dry stover weight, cob weight with husk, and cob weight without husk of corn plants


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    Pepper plants that grow in coastal areas facing a multiple stress i.e high temperatures, strong winds, drought, salinity, and nutrient deficiencies. Cultivation of plants in coastal areas requires specific technology, but cheap and environmentally friendly.Socialization, training, and mentoring implemented to improve the ability of farmers to implement the cultivation of high yielded chillies in coastal areas. The methods implemented namely (1) socialization potential of coastal land for plant cultivation and the technology needed, (2) training production of biocompost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculant, and (3) demoplot pepper cultivation in coastal lands. The activities carried out in the Desa Pekik Nyaring and Beringin Raya, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu province. Demoplot arranged Split-split plot with a randomized block design Complete two-factor with the location, genotype chili and fertilizer as the main plot, subplot, and sub-sub plot. The results show that farmers can absorb the information and training well to produce biocompost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inculant. Desa Beringin Raya is more potential for pepper cultivation compared Desa Pekik Nyaring. Better technology need to be formulated to pepper cultivation in that village. Keywords: pepper, mycorhiza, organic, coastal are

    Application of Vermicompost to Soil P Levels, Tissue P Levels, and Corn Yields in Entisols

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    This study aims to determine the optimum dossage of vermicompost to soil P levels, tissue P levels as well as corn growth and yield in Entisols. This research was conducted at Kandang Mas village, Bengkulu City from August 2019 until November 2019. The design used in this study is Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) one factor is the application of vermicompost dose with three replications. The dossage of vermicompost consists of seven levels, namely 0 tons ha-1, 5 tons ha-1, 10 tons ha-1, 15 tons ha-1, 20 tons ha-1, 25  tons ha-1, and 30 tons ha-1. The results showed that there was no optimum dossage of vermicompost to soil P levels, tissue P levels, and corn yield in Entisols.

    Effect of Humic Acid on Nutrient Availability and Yield of Upland Rice Inoculated with Biofertilizers in the Coastal Area

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    This study aims to determine the effect of humic acid on nutrient availability and upland rice production in coastal land. The research was carried out in June - November 2020 in the Beringin Raya Village, Muara Bangkahulu District, Bengkulu City. This study used a completely randomized block design with 2 factors. The first factor was the local Bengkulu upland rice variety, namely the Red upland rice variety and the White upland rice variety, while the second factor was the type of fertilizer, namely control (basic fertilizer only), humic acid, and fertilizer recommended for upland rice from BPTP (200 kg Urea ha-1, 100 kg SP36 ha-1, 100 kg KCl ha-1). The results showed that the administration of humic acid in both the White and Red varieties resulted in the best KCl pH. And if you look at the yield per plot, the upland rice of the Red variety is better when given humic acid, which has an increase of 7.4% g/plot, while the White variety has better results when given the recommended inorganic fertilizer, which is an increase of 12% g/plot. The Red variety had a higher soil pH, but had a number of pithy grains per panicle, and a lower grain content percentage than the White variety. The application of humic acid resulted in better KCl, CEC, and N-total pH, but had plant height, number of pithy grains per panicle, and yields per plot that were almost the same as recommended inorganic fertilizers