19 research outputs found

    In vacuum permanent magnet wiggler optimized for the production of hard x rays

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    A new concept of wiggler has been designed and realized at SOLEIL to produce high energy photons in low/intermediate electron storage rings. Instead of using the superconducting technology which requires new equipment and instrumentation, heavy maintenance, and additional running costs, we have proposed to build a compact in-vacuum small gap short period wiggler that operates rather at moderate field than at high field. The wiggler composed of 38 periods of 50 mm produces 2.1 T at a gap of 5.5 mm. The moderate value of the magnetic field enables one to limit the effects on the beam dynamics and to avoid excessive power and magnetic forces. In this purpose, the narrow magnetic system has been equipped with a counterforce device made of nonmagnetic springs. The roll-off resulting from the small size of poles has been compensated in situ by permanent magnet magic fingers. This paper reports the phases of design, construction, magnetic measurements, and on-beam tests of the in-vacuum wiggler WSV50

    Production of high energy photons with in vacuum wigglers : From SOLEIL wiggler to MAXIV wiggler

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    Small gap wigglers become more and more attractive to produce high photon fluxes in the hard X-ray photon range. They use magnet blocks of high magnetization which resists much better to heating (baking, synchrotron radiation) than in the past, produce high magnetic field with numerous periods and are very compact. They also are a very good alternative to superconducting technology which requires special infrastructure, heavy maintenance and is not running cost free. SOLEIL, operating presently at 2.75 GeV has designed and built an in-vacuum wiggler of 38 periods of 50 mm producing 2.1 T at a minimum gap of 5.5 mm to delivered photon beam between 20 keV and 50 keV. Already in operation, further improvements are presently in progress to push photons towards higher energy, in particular thanks to the operation at lower gap (4.5 mm). MAX IV and SOLEIL, in the frame of collaboration, ave built an upgraded version of the existing SOLEIL wiggler with the target to extend the spectral range at high energy (above 50 keV) but also at low energy (4 keV) with the same insertion device. The design of the existing magnetic system has been modified to reach 2.4 T at a minimum gap of 4.2 mm and includes taper operation to avoid undulator structure in the radiated spectrum at low energy

    Development and operation of a Pr_{2}Fe_{14}B based cryogenic permanent magnet undulator for a high spatial resolution x-ray beam line

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    Short period, high field undulators are used to produce hard x-rays on synchrotron radiation based storage ring facilities of intermediate energy and enable short wavelength free electron laser. Cryogenic permanent magnet undulators take benefit from improved magnetic properties of RE_{2}Fe_{14}B (Rare Earth based magnets) at low temperatures for achieving short period, high magnetic field and high coercivity. Using Pr_{2}Fe_{14}B instead of Nd_{2}Fe_{14}B, which is generally employed for undulators, avoids the limitation caused by the spin reorientation transition phenomenon, and simplifies the cooling system by allowing the working temperature of the undulator to be directly at the liquid nitrogen one (77 K). We describe here the development of a full scale (2 m), 18 mm period Pr_{2}Fe_{14}B cryogenic permanent magnet undulator (U18). The design, construction and optimization, as well as magnetic measurements and shimming at low temperature are presented. The commissioning and operation of the undulator with the electron beam and spectrum measurement using the Nanoscopmium beamline at SOLEIL are also reported

    Publisher Correction: Control of laser plasma accelerated electrons for light sources

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    The original version of this Article contained an error in the last sentence of the first paragraph of the Introduction and incorrectly read ‘A proper electron beam control is one of the main challenges towards the Graal of developing a compact alternative of X-ray free-electron lasers by coupling LWFA gigaelectron-volts per centimetre acceleration gradient with undulators in the amplification regime in equation 11, nx(n-β) x β: n the two times and beta the two times should be bold since they are vectorsin Eq. 12, β should be bold as well.’ The correct version is ‘A proper electron beam control is one of the main challenges towards the Graal of developing a compact alternative of X-ray free-electron lasers by coupling LWFA gigaelectron-volts per centimetre acceleration gradient with undulators in the amplification regime.’This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article