73 research outputs found

    Exchange integrals and magnetization distribution in BaCu2X2O7 (X=Ge,Si)

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    Estimating the intrachain and interchain exchange constants in BaCu2X2O7 (X=Ge,Si) by means of density-functional calculations within the local spin-density approximation (LSDA) we find the Ge compound to be a more ideal realization of a one-dimensional spin chain with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction than its Si counterpart. Both compounds have a comparable magnitude of interchain couplings in the range of 5-10 K, but the nearest neighbor intrachain exchange of the Ge compound is nearly twice as large as for the Si one. Using the LSDA+U method we predict the detailed magnetization density distribution and especially remarkable magnetic moments at the oxygen sites

    Temperature- and Size-dependence of Line shape of ESR spectra of XXZ antiferromagnetic chain

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    The ESR (Electron Spin Resonance) spectrum of the XXZ spin chain with finite length shows a double-peak structure at high temperatures around the EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) resonance frequency. This fact has been pointed out by direct numerical methods (S. El Shawish, O. Cepas and S. Miyashita; H. Ikeuchi, H. De Raedt, S. Bertaina and S. Miyashita). On the other hand, at low temperatures the spectrum has a single peak with a finite shift from the frequency of EPR as predicted by the analysis of field theoretical works (M. Oshikawa and I. Affleck). We study how the spectrum changes with the temperature, and also we study the size-dependence of the line shape including the even-odd effect. In order to understand those dependences, we introduce a decomposition of the spectrum into contributions from transitions specified by magnetization, and we characterize the structure of the spectrum by individual contributions. Applying the moment method introduced by M. Brockman et al., to each component, we analyze the size-dependence of the structure of the spectrum, which supports the numerical observation that separation of the double-peak structure vanishes inversely with the size.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Spin-Orbit Qubits of Rare-Earth-Metal Ions in Axially Symmetric Crystal Fields

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    Contrary to the well known spin qubits, rare-earth qubits are characterized by a strong influence of crystal field due to large spin-orbit coupling. At low temperature and in the presence of resonance microwaves, it is the magnetic moment of the crystal-field ground-state which nutates (for several μ\mus) and the Rabi frequency ΩR\Omega_R is anisotropic. Here, we present a study of the variations of ΩR(H⃗0)\Omega_R(\vec{H}_{0}) with the magnitude and direction of the static magnetic field H0⃗\vec{H_{0}} for the odd 167^{167}Er isotope in a single crystal CaWO4_4:Er3+^{3+}. The hyperfine interactions split the ΩR(H⃗0)\Omega_R(\vec{H}_{0}) curve into eight different curves which are fitted numerically and described analytically. These "spin-orbit qubits" should allow detailed studies of decoherence mechanisms which become relevant at high temperature and open new ways for qubit addressing using properly oriented magnetic fields

    Rabi oscillations of solitons in spin-chains: a new route to quantum computation and communication

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    We provide the first evidence for coherence and Rabi oscillations of spin-solitons pinned by the local breaking of translational symmetry in isotropic Heisenberg chains (simple antiferromagnetic-N\'{e}el or spin-Peierls).We show that these correlated spin systems made of hundreds of coupled spin bear an overall spin S=1/2 and can be manipulated as a single spin. This is clearly contrary to all known spin-qubits which are paramagnetic centres, highly diluted to prevent decoherence. These results offer an alternative approach for spin-qubits paving the way for the implementation of a new type of quantum computer

    Measuring Motional Dynamics of (CH3_3)2_2 NH2+_2^+ in the Perovskite-Like Metal--Organic Framework [(CH3_3)2_2 NH2_2][Zn(HCOO)3_3]: The Value of Low-Frequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

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    Dimethylammonium zinc formate (DMAZnF) is the precursor for a large family of multiferroics, materials which display co-existing magnetic and dielectric ordering. However, the mechanism underlying these orderings remains unclear. While it is generally believed that the dielectric transition is related to the freezing of the order-disorder dynamics of the dimethylammonium (DMA+) cation, no quantitative data on this motion are available. We surmise that this is due to the fact that the timescale of this cationic motion is on the borderline of the timescales of experimental techniques used in earlier reports. Using multifrequency EPR, we find that the timescale of this motion is ~ 5 x 10 -9 s. Thus, S-band (4 GHz) EPR spectroscopy is presented as the technique of choice for studying these motional dynamics. This work highlights the value of the lower-frequency end of EPR spectroscopy. The data are interpreted using DFT calculations and provide direct evidence for the motional freezing model of the ferroelectric transition in these metal-organic frameworks with the ABX3 perovskite-like architecture

    Electron spin resonance in the SS=1/2 quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction BaCu2_2Ge2_2O7_7

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    We have investigated the electron spin resonance (ESR) on single crystals of BaCu2_2Ge2_2O7_7 at temperatures between 300 and 2 K and in a large frequency band, 9.6 -134 GHz, in order to test the predictions of a recent theory, proposed by Oshikawa and Affleck (OA), which describes the ESR in a SS=1/2 Heisenberg chain with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. We find, in particular, that the ESR linewidth, ΔH\Delta H, displays a rich temperature behavior. As the temperature decreases from Tmax/2≈T_{max}/2\approx 170 K to 50 K, ΔH\Delta H shows a rapid and linear decrease, ΔH∼T\Delta H \sim T. At low temperatures, below 50 K, ΔH\Delta H acquires a strong dependence on the magnetic field orientation and for H∥cH \| c it shows a (h/T)2(h/T)^2 behavior which is due to an induced staggered field hh, according to OA's prediction

    Quantum Coherence of Strongly Correlated Defects in Spin Chains

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    AbstractMost of qubit systems known to date are isolated paramagnetic centres in magnetically diluted samples since their dilution allows to considerably weaken the dipole-dipole inter-qubit interaction and thus to prevent the decoherence. Here we suggest an alternative approach for spin qubits which are built on spin S = 1/2 defects in magnetically concentrated strongly correlated systems - spin chains. The corresponding qubits are made of spin solitons resulting from local breaking of transitional symmetry associated with point-defects. We provide the first evidence for coherence and Rabi oscillations of spin solitons in isotropic Heisenberg chains, simple antiferromagnetic-Ńeel or spin-Peierls, proving that they can be manipulated as single spin S = 1/2. The entanglement of these many-body soliton states over macroscopic distances along chains gives rise to networks of coupled qubits which could easily be decoupled at will in extensions of this work

    Ferromagnetic resonance and magnetic damping in C-doped Mn5Ge3

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    International audience2 X-band ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) was used to investigate static and dynamic magnetic properties of Mn5Ge3 and Carbon-doped Mn5Ge3 (C0.1 and C0.2) thin films grown on Ge(111). The temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy shows an increased perpendicular magneto-crystalline contribution at low temperature with an in-plane easy axis due to the large shape contribution. We find that our samples show as small as 40Oe FMR linewidth (corresponding Gilbert damping α=0.005), for the out-of-plane direction, certifying of their very good structural quality. The perpendicular linewidth shows a minimum around 200K for all samples, which seems not correlated to the C-doping. The magnetic relaxation parameters have been determined and indicate as main extrinsic contribution the two-magnon scattering. A transition from six-fold to twofold plus fourth-fold in-plane anisotropy is observed in the FMR linewidth of Mn5Ge3C0.2 around 200K

    Very low-temperature epitaxial growth of Mn5Ge3 and Mn5Ge3C0.2 films on Ge(111) using molecular beam epitaxy

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    International audienceC-doped Mn5Ge3 compound is ferromagnetic at temperature up to 430 K. Hence it is a potential spin injector into group-IV semiconductors. Segregation and diffusion of Mn at the Mn5Ge3 /Ge interface could severely hinder the efficiency of the spin injection. To avoid these two phenomena we investigate the growth of Mn5Ge3 and C-doped Mn5Ge3 films on Ge(111) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy at room-temperature. The reactive deposition epitaxy method is used to deposit these films. Reflection high energy electron diffraction, X-ray diffraction analysis, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy indicate that the crystalline quality is very high. Magnetic characterizations by superconducting quantum interference device and ferromagnetic resonance reinforce the structural analysis results on the thin films quality
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