29 research outputs found

    VACTERL association etiology: The impact of de novo and rare copy number variations

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    Copy number variations (CNVs), either DNA gains or losses, have been found at common regions throughout the human genome. Most CNVs neither have a pathogenic significance nor result in disease-related phenotypes but, instead, reflect the normal population variance. However, larger CNVs, which often arise de novo, are frequently associated with human disease. A genetic contribution has long been suspected in VACTERL (Vertebral, Anal, Cardiac, TracheoEsophageal fistula, Renal and Limb anomalies) association. The anomalies observed in this association overlap with several monogenetic conditions associated with mutations in specific genes, e.g. Townes Brocks (SALL1), Feingold syndrome (MYCN) or Fanconi anemia. So far VACTERL association has typically been considered a diagnosis of exclusion. Identifying recurrent or de novo genomic variations in individuals with VACTERL association could make it easier to distinguish VACTERL association from other syndromes and could provide insight into disease mechanisms. Sporadically, de novo CNVs associated with VACTERL are described in literature. In addition to this literature review of genomic variation in published VACTERL association patients, we describe CNVs present in 68 VACTERL association patients collected in our institution. De novo variations (>30 kb) are absent in our VACTERL association cohort. However, we identified recurrent rare CNVs which, although inherited, could point to mechanisms or biological processes contributing to this constellation of developmental defects

    Comparable low-level mosaicism in affected and non affected tissue of a complex CDH patient

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    In this paper we present the detailed clinical and cytogenetic analysis of a prenatally detected complex Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) patient with a mosaic unbalanced translocation (5;12). High-resolution whole genome SNP array confirmed a low-level mosaicism (20%) in uncultured cells, underlining the value of array technology for identification studies. Subsequently, targeted Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization in postmortem collected tissues demonstrated a similar low-level mosaicism, independently of the affected status of the tissue. Thus, a higher incidence of the genetic aberration in affected organs as lung and diaphragm cannot explain the severe phenotype of this complex CDH patient. Comparison with other described chromosome 5p and 12p anomalies indicated that half of the features presented in our patient (including the diaphragm defect) could be attributed to both chromosomal areas. In contrast, a few features such as the palpebral downslant, the broad nasal bridge, the micrognathia, microcephaly, abnormal dermatoglyphics and IUGR better fitted the 5p associated syndromes only. This study underlines the fact that low-level mosaicism can be associated with severe birth defects including CDH. The contribution of mosaicism to human diseases and specifically to congenital anomalies and spontaneous abortions becomes more and more accepted, although its phenotypic consequences are poorly described phenomena leading to counseling issues. Therefore, thorough follow-up of mosaic aberrations such as presented here is indicated in order to provide genetic counselors a more evidence based prediction of fetal prognosis in the future

    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia and chromosome 15q26: determination of a candidate region by use of fluorescent in situ hybridization and array-based comparative genomic hybridization

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    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) has an incidence of 1 in 3,000 births and a high mortality rate (33%-58%). Multifactorial inheritance, teratogenic agents, and genetic abnormalities have all been suggested as possible etiologic factors. To define candidate regions for CDH, we analyzed cytogenetic data collected on 200 CDH cases, of which 7% and 5% showed numerical and structural abnormalities, respectively. This study focused on the most frequent structural anomaly found: a deletion on chromosome 15q. We analyzed material from three of our patients and from four previously published patients with CDH and a 15q deletion. By using array-based comparative genomic hybridization and fluorescent in situ hybridization to determine the boundaries of the deletions and by including data from two individuals with terminal 15q deletions but without CDH, we were able to exclude a substantial portion of the telomeric region from the genetic etiology of this disorder. Moreover, one patient with CDH harbored a small interstitial deletion. Together, these findings allowed us to define a minimal deletion region of approximately 5 Mb at chromosome 15q26.1-26.2. The region contains four known genes, of which two--NR2F2 and CHD2--are particularly intriguing gene candidates for CDH

    Implication of long-distance regulation of the HOXA cluster in a patient with postaxial polydactyly

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    Apparently balanced chromosomal inversions may lead to disruption of developmentally important genes at the breakpoints of the inversion, causing congenital malformations. Characterization of such inversions may therefore lead to new insights in human development. Here, we report on a de novo inversion of chromosome 7 (p15.2q36.3) in a patient with postaxial polysyndactyly. The breakpoints do not disrupt likely candidate genes for the limb phenotype observed in the patient. However, on the p-arm the breakpoint separates the HOXA cluster from a gene desert containing several conserved noncoding elements, suggesting that a disruption of a cis-regulatory circuit of the HOXA cluster could be the underlying cause of the phenotype in this patient

    Early-onset parkinsonism caused by alpha-synuclein gene triplication: Clinical and genetic findings in a novel family

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    Introduction: Triplications of SNCA, the gene encoding for Ξ±-synuclein, cause a very rare Mendelian form of early-onset parkinsonism combined with cognitive and autonomic dysfunctions. Only six families with SNCA triplications have been described so far, limiting our knowledge of the associated phenotype. In this study, we report clinical and genetic findings in a new Italian family with SNCA triplication. Methods: The patients' phenotype was assessed by neurological examination, neuropsychological tests, and brain imaging (MRI and SPECT-DaTSCAN). For the genetic investigation, we used three independent techniques: genome-wide SNP microarrays, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). Results: Genetic studies documented the presence of four copies of the SNCA gene in the affected family members. FISH experiments and the segregation in the family were consistent with a heterozygous triplication of the SNCA locus. The patients carrying the SNCA triplication developed early-onset parkinsonism combined with depression, behavior disturbances, sleep disorders, and cognitive decline; marked autonomic dysfunctions were not observed. Brain imaging revealed fronto-parietal atrophy and a severe striatal dopaminergic deficit. Conclusion: The identification of this novel family contributes to the genetic and clinical characterization of this rare form. Our data reinforce the view that SNCA triplications cause early-onset parkinsonism, with prominent non-motor features

    Stable X chromosome reactivation in female human induced pluripotent stem cells

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    In placental mammals, balanced expression of X-linked genes is accomplished by X chromosome inactivation (XCI) in female cells. In humans, random XCI is initiated early during embryonic development. To investigate whether reprogramming of female human fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) leads to reactivation of the inactive X chromosome (Xi), we have generated iPSC lines from fibroblasts heterozygous for large X-chromosomal deletions. These fibroblasts show completely skewed XCI of the mutated X chromosome, enabling monitoring of X chromosome reactivation (XCR) and XCI using allele-specific single-cell expression analysis. This approach revealed that XCR is robust under standard culture conditions, but does not prevent reinitiation of XCI, resulting in a mixed population of cells with either two active X chromosomes (Xas) or one Xa and one Xi. This mixed population of XaXa and XaXi cells is stabilized in naive human stem cell medium, allowing expansion of clones with two Xas

    Distinctive phenotypic abnormalities associated with submicroscopic 21q22 deletion including DYRK1A

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    Partial monosomy 21 has been reported, but the phenotypes described are variable with location and size of the deletion. We present 2 patients with a partially overlapping microdeletion of 21q22 and a striking phenotypic resemblance. They both presented with severe psychomotor delay, behavioral problems, no speech, microcephaly, feeding problems with frequent regurgi

    Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in patients with esophageal atresia

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    Background: Patients born with esophageal atresia (EA) have a higher incidence of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS), suggestive of a relationship. A shared etiology makes sense from a developmental perspective as both affected structures are foregut derived. A genetic component has been described for both conditions as single entities and EA and IHPS are variable components in several monogenetic syndromes. We hypothesized that defects disturbing foregut morphogenesis are responsible for this combination of malformations. Methods: We investigated the genetic variation of 15 patients with both EA and IHPS with unaffected parents using exome sequencing and SNP array-based genotyping, and compared the results to mouse transcriptome data of the developing foregut. Results: We did not identify putatively deleterious de novo mutations or recessive variants. However, we detected rare inherited variants in EA or IHPS disease genes or in genes important in foregut morphogenesis, expressed at the proper developmental time-points. Two pathways were significantly enriched (p < 1 Γ— 10βˆ’5): proliferation and differentiation of smooth muscle cells and self-renewal of satellite cells. Conclusions: None of our findings could fully explain the combination of abnormalities on its own, which makes complex inheritance the most plausible genetic explanation, most likely in combination with mechanical and/or environmental factors. As we did not find one defining monogenetic cause for the EA/IHPS phenotype, the impact of the corrective surgery could should be further investigated

    Copy number variations in 375 patients with oesophageal atresia and/or tracheoesophageal fistula

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    Oesophageal atresia (OA) with or without tracheoesophageal fistula (TOF) are rare anatomical congenital malformations whose cause is unknown in over 90% of patients. A genetic background is suggested, and among the reported genetic defects are copy number variations (CNVs). We hypothesized that CNVs contribute to OA/TOF development. Quantifying their prevalence could aid in genetic diagnosis and clinical care strategies. Therefore, we profiled 375 patients in a combined Dutch, American and German cohort via genomic microarray and compared the CNV profiles with their unaffected parents and published control cohorts. We identified 167 rare CNVs containing genes (frequency<0.0005 in our in-house cohort). Eight rare CNVs - in six patients - were de novo, including one CNV previously associated with oesophageal disease. (hg19 chr7:g.(143820444-143839360)-(159119486-159138663)del) 1.55% of isolated OA/TOF patients and 1.62% of patients with additional congenital anomalies had de novo CNVs. Furthermore, three (15q13.3, 16p13.3 and 22q11.2) susceptibility loci were identified based on their overlap with known OA/TOF-associated CNV syndromes and overlap with loci in published CNV association case-control studies in developmental delay. Our study suggests that CNVs contribute to OA/TOF development. In addition to the identified likely deleterious de novo CNVs, we detected 167 rare CNVs. Although not directly disease-causing, these CNVs might be of interest, as they can act as a modifier in a multiple hit model, or as the second hit in a recessive condition

    Generation of 3 human induced pluripotent stem cell lines LUMCi005-A, B and C from a Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage with Amyloidosis-Dutch type patient

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    Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage with Amyloidosis-Dutch type (HCHWA-D) is an autosomal dominant hereditary disease caused by a point mutation in exon 17 of the APP gene. We generated human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) from a symptomatic HCHWA-D patient by using non-integrating Sendai virus (SeV). The newly generated hiPSCs express all pluripotency markers, have a normal karyotype, carry the Dutch mutation, can differentiate in the three germ layers in vitro and are SeV free