36 research outputs found

    Listerioses case of sepsis in HIV infected patient

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    A clinical case pathoanatomical picture listeriosis sepsis in HIV-infected pa-tients. Severe septic form of listeriosis, complicated by multiple organ failure caused fatal disease. The development of sepsis has contributed: the biological characteristics of the pathogen, delaying antimicrobial therapy, resistance to an-tibiotics, expressed immunodeficiency.Описан клинический случай и патологоанатомическая картина листериозного сепсиса у ВИЧ инфицированного пациента. Тяжелая септическая форма листериоза, осложненного полиорганной недостаточностью привела к летальному исходу. Развитию сепсиса способствовали: биологические особенности возбудителя, позднее начало антибактериальной терапии, резистентность к антибиотикам, выраженный иммунодефицит

    Investigation of Metastable Low Dimensional Halometallates

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    The solvothermal synthesis, structure determination and optical characterization of five new metastable halometallate compounds, [1,10-phenH][Pb3.5I8] (1), [1,10-phenH2][Pb5I12]·(H2O) (2), [1,10-phen][Pb2I4] (3), [1,10-phen]2[Pb5Br10] (4) and [1,10-phenH][SbI4]·(H2O) (5), are reported. The materials exhibit rich structural diversity and exhibit structural dimensionalities that include 1D chains, 2D sheets and 3D frameworks. The optical spectra of these materials are consistent with bandgaps ranging from 2.70 to 3.44 eV. We show that the optical behavior depends on the structural dimensionality of the reported materials, which are potential candidates for semiconductor applications


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    The work is devoted to the study of the sorption of radium-228 on the microporous ad-sorbent MN202, on the surface of which a layer of manganese dioxide is deposited. As a result of the study, a solution of radium-228 was obtained, purified from radium-224 and its decay products

    2020 Clinical practice guidelines for Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Russian Society of Cardiology (RSC)With the participation: Russian Association of Cardiovascular SurgeonsEndorsed by: Research and Practical Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Task Force: Gabrusenko S.A. (Chairman), Gudkova A.Ya.* (Chairman), Koziolova N.A. (Chairman), Alexandrova S.A., Berseneva M.I., Gordeev M.L., Dzemeshkevich S.L., Zaklyazminskaya E.V., Irtyuga O.B., Kaplunova V.Yu., Kostareva A.A., Krutikov A.N., Malenkov D.A., Novikova T.N., Saidova M.A., Sanakoev M.K., Stukalova O.V

    4D FLOW МРТ в оценке диастолического кровотока в левом желудочке у пациентов с гипертрофической кардиомиопатией

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    Objective. To assess phase-contrast MRI in the evaluation of left ventricular hemodynamics changes in various forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.Materials and methods. 11 patients were examined: without pathology of the cardiovascular system (n = 3), with apical (n = 3), diffuse-septal (n = 2) and focal-basal (n = 3) types of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. All patients underwent MRI of the heart with an additional phase-contrast sequence of the left ventricular area. Postprocessing carried out in the 4D FLOW application (Siemens).Results. Data were obtained on the geometry and dynamics of vortex diastolic flows in the left ventricular of all patients. In patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an increase in the distance to the center of the vortex and a decrease in the normalized area and peak velocity of the vortex is determined. The diffuse-septal type is characterized by a minimal vortex peak velocity; apical type - by the maximum vortex sphericity index. For patients with a focalbasal type of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy the maximum changes in blood flow are determined in late diastole (absence of vortexes).Conclusion. 4D FLOW Phase-contrast MRI allows identifying and assessing LV vortical flow. Quantitative analysis can be used to characterize the remodeling of LV blood flow of various types of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.Цель исследования: оценить изменения гемодинамики левого желудочка с помощью фазово-контрастной МРТ у пациентов с различными формами гипертрофической кардиомиопатии.Материал и методы. Обследовано 11 пациентов: без патологии сердечно-сосудистой системы (n = 3), с апикальной (n = 3), диффузно-септальной (n = 2) и фокально-базальной (n = 3) формами гипертрофической кардиомиопатии. Всем пациентам выполнено МРТ-исследование сердца с дополнительной фазовоконтрастной последовательностью области левого желудочка. Постпроцессорная обработка проведена в приложении 4D FLOW (Siemens).Результаты. Получены данные о геометрии и динамике вихревых диастолических потоков в левом желудочке у всех пациентов. У пациентов определяется апикальное смещение вортекса, уменьшение нормализованной площади и пиковой скорости вортекса. Диффузно-септальная форма характеризуется минимальной скоростью вихревого потока, апикальная форма – максимальным индексом сферичности вортекса. Для пациентов с фокально-базальной формой максимальные изменения кровотока определяются в позднюю диастолу (отсутствие вортексов)Заключение. Метод 4D FLOW фазово-контрастной МРТ позволяет выявить и оценивать изменения диастолических вихревых потоков в левом желудочке. Количественный анализ данных можно использовать для характеристики ремоделирования кровотока в левом желудочке при различных типах гипертрофической кардиомиопатии


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    The analysis of recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Health about regular provid-ing the sanatorium organizations is provided to publications, reducing standard number of average and associate health workers is shown

    L. as a biotechnological raw material and substitute for peanuts in the production of confectionery products

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    A comparative chemical composition of peanuts and Cyperus esculentus – a raw material that does not contain gluten, rich in fat, vitamins and minerals, is given. The possibility of replacing crushed peanuts with alternative raw materials – Cyperus esculentus. nodules is considered. Appropriate preparation of raw materials is offered. Sprinkling shortcake dough with crushed Cyperus esculentus . nodules, pre-soaked for 12 hours in water, fried and crushed will increase the nutritional value of the product

    Synthesis of Non-Aromatic Pyrroles Based on the Reaction of Carbonyl Derivatives of Acetylene with 3,3-Diaminoacrylonitriles

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    The reaction of 3,3-diaminoacrylonitriles with DMAD and 1,2-dibenzoylacetylene was studied. It is shown that the direction of the reaction depends on the structure both of acetylene and of diaminoacrylonitrile. In the reaction of DMAD with acrylonitriles bearing a monosubstituted amidine group, 1-substituted 5-amino-2-oxo-pyrrole-3(2H)ylidenes are formed. On the other hand, a similar reaction of acrylonitriles containing the N,N-dialkylamidine group affords 1-NH-5-aminopyrroles. In both cases, pyrroles containing two exocyclic double bonds are formed in high yields. A radically different type of pyrroles containing one exocyclic C=C bond and sp3 hybrid carbon in the cycle is formed in reactions of 3,3-diaminoacrylonitriles with 1,2-diaroylacetylenes. As in reactions with DMAD, the interaction of 3,3-diaminoacrylonitriles with 1,2-dibenzoylacetylene can lead, depending on the structure of the amidine fragment, both to NH- and 1-substituted pyrroles. The formation of the obtained pyrrole derivatives is explained by the proposed mechanisms of the studied reactions