1,167 research outputs found

    FPGA-based DOCSIS upstream demodulation

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    In recent years, the state-of-the-art in field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology has been advancing rapidly. Consequently, the use of FPGAs is being considered in many applications which have traditionally relied upon application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). FPGA-based designs have a number of advantages over ASIC-based designs, including lower up-front engineering design costs, shorter time-to-market, and the ability to reconfigure devices in the field. However, ASICs have a major advantage in terms of computational resources. As a result, expensive high performance ASIC algorithms must be redesigned to fit the limited resources available in an FPGA. Concurrently, coaxial cable television and internet networks have been undergoing significant upgrades that have largely been driven by a sharp increase in the use of interactive applications. This has intensified demand for the so-called upstream channels, which allow customers to transmit data into the network. The format and protocol of the upstream channels are defined by a set of standards, known as DOCSIS 3.0, which govern the flow of data through the network. Critical to DOCSIS 3.0 compliance is the upstream demodulator, which is responsible for the physical layer reception from all customers. Although upstream demodulators have typically been implemented as ASICs, the design of an FPGA-based upstream demodulator is an intriguing possibility, as FPGA-based demodulators could potentially be upgraded in the field to support future DOCSIS standards. Furthermore, the lower non-recurring engineering costs associated with FPGA-based designs could provide an opportunity for smaller companies to compete in this market. The upstream demodulator must contain complicated synchronization circuitry to detect, measure, and correct for channel distortions. Unfortunately, many of the synchronization algorithms described in the open literature are not suitable for either upstream cable channels or FPGA implementation. In this thesis, computationally inexpensive and robust synchronization algorithms are explored. In particular, algorithms for frequency recovery and equalization are developed. The many data-aided feedforward frequency offset estimators analyzed in the literature have not considered intersymbol interference (ISI) caused by micro-reflections in the channel. It is shown in this thesis that many prominent frequency offset estimation algorithms become biased in the presence of ISI. A novel high-performance frequency offset estimator which is suitable for implementation in an FPGA is derived from first principles. Additionally, a rule is developed for predicting whether a frequency offset estimator will become biased in the presence of ISI. This rule is used to establish a channel excitation sequence which ensures the proposed frequency offset estimator is unbiased. Adaptive equalizers that compensate for the ISI take a relatively long time to converge, necessitating a lengthy training sequence. The convergence time is reduced using a two step technique to seed the equalizer. First, the ISI equivalent model of the channel is estimated in response to a specific short excitation sequence. Then, the estimated channel response is inverted with a novel algorithm to initialize the equalizer. It is shown that the proposed technique, while inexpensive to implement in an FPGA, can decrease the length of the required equalizer training sequence by up to 70 symbols. It is shown that a preamble segment consisting of repeated 11-symbol Barker sequences which is well-suited to timing recovery can also be used effectively for frequency recovery and channel estimation. By performing these three functions sequentially using a single set of preamble symbols, the overall length of the preamble may be further reduced

    Self-Supervised Learning for Precise Pick-and-Place Without Object Model

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank Tamim Asfour for his helpful suggestions and discussions.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Orientations toward personnel selection: Differential reliance on appearance and personality.

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    Social perception and interpersonal behavior: On the self-fulfilling nature of social stereotypes.

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    Notes on Recent Cases

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    Notes on recent cases by Edmund McClarnon, Seymour J. Weisberger, John P. Berscheid, Marc Wonderlin, and Edward P. McGuire

    Autonome Fahrzeuge und hegemoniale MĂ€nnlichkeit in der Automobilkultur

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    "Anhand der Analyse des Diskurses in deutschen Online-Medien ĂŒber autonome Fahrzeuge zeigt die Autorin, inwiefern diese eine Gefahr fĂŒr das Auto als Symbol hegemonialer MĂ€nnlichkeit darstellen können. Das Auto dient bislang als wirkmĂ€chtiges Mittel zur PerformativitĂ€t von MĂ€nnlichkeit, etwa durch das Fahren mit hoher Geschwindigkeit, risikoreiche Manöver, aber auch durch den Ausdruck der eigenen Macht oder FlexibilitĂ€t. An diesem Symbol wird nun durch die "neutrale" Fahrweise eines automatisierten Steuerungscomputers gerĂŒttelt. Der Artikel zeigt auf, dass der Diskurs ĂŒber autonome Fahrzeuge voller WidersprĂŒche steckt: Einerseits wird der Mensch von den Diskurs-AkteurInnen als nicht mehr verantwortbares Sicherheitsrisiko konstruiert, der seine Steuergewalt an den Computer abgeben soll und damit zum Passagier wird. Andererseits wird oftmals ausgeprĂ€gtes Misstrauen in die Technologie und ihre ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit zum Ausdruck gebracht und von vielen Diskurs-AkteurInnen betont, dass sie auf den "Fahrspaß" nicht verzichten möchten. Ironischerweise entsprechen Momente des "Fahrspaßes" jenem risikoreichen und als stereotyp mĂ€nnlich konnotiertem Fahrverhalten, welches eigentlich durch den Einsatz des Computers neutralisiert werden soll. Um diese Ängste und BedĂŒrfnisse aufzugreifen, scheint die Auto-Branche die EinfĂŒhrung eines vollautomatisierten Fahrzeugs gar nicht zu verfolgen, sondern fokussiert auf sogenannte Fahrassistenzsysteme, die ausschaltbar sind und den/die FahrerIn lediglich unterstĂŒtzen, aber nicht vollstĂ€ndig aus der Verantwortung nehmen." (Autorenreferat)"Analyzing the German media discourse on autonomous cars, the author shows how the invention of autonomous cars might undermine the car as a symbol of hegemonic masculinity. An autonomous car would eliminate crucial characteristics usually used to perform masculinity, such as speeding, risk-taking, flexibility or expressing individual power. The analysis illustrates contradictory discourses on autonomous cars: On the one hand, it is argued that this new form of (auto)mobility improves street security by transferring responsibility to the computer and turning the human driver into a passenger. This discourse fosters the idea of a "neutral" and therefore safer driving-style. On the other hand, discourse actors claim that they cannot fully trust technology and therefore, they aim to maintain those factors of driving (a car) which are considered as "fun". Ironically, the concept of "fun" implies stereotyped "masculinity" and therefore often includes dangerous driving characteristics that are meant to get "neutralized" by the autonomous car. These contradictions show that the automobile industry hesitates to give up the car as a means to express masculinity. That might be the reason why the car industry focuses on so called driving assistance systems which are supposed to support the driver, but leave him/her in control of the car as such." (author's abstract

    Queer, feministisch oder einfach nur gaga?

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    Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Frage, inwiefern Lady Gagas Performance hinsicht-lich ihres queer-feministischen bzw. emanzipatorischen Potenzials gelesen werden kann. Zur Beantwortung wird eine mehrstufige Analyse dreier Videoclips Lady Gagas nach einer neuartigen Methode der Autorinnen Martina Schuegraf und Sandra Smykalla durchge-fĂŒhrt. Die Interpretation bzw. Lesart des Analysematerials orientiert sich dabei zum einen am Forschungsstand zur Darstellung von Geschlecht und SexualitĂ€t im Videoclip bzw. zu Madonna. Zum anderen basiert die Interpretation auf sogenannten sensitizing concepts; dies sind theoretische Konzepte, die den Fokus der Analyse bestimmen. Die Analyse setzt sich aus mehreren deskriptiven bzw. kontextualisierenden Teilen zu-sammen, an deren Ende die Interpretation anhand der sensitizing concepts steht. Analy-siert werden die Videos zu Love Game, Telephone sowie Alejandro. Diese Wahl erfolgte, da die Videos zum einen eine zeitliche Entwicklung der Performance Lady Gagas, zum anderen aber auch deren Vielfalt aufzeigen. Ergebnis der Interpretation ist, dass Lady Gaga zwar nicht als klassisch feministisch be-zeichnet werden kann (und sich selbst auch nicht so bezeichnen möchte). Gleichzeitig weisen ihre Videos jedoch verschiedene emanzipatorische Elemente auf, darunter die offene Darstellung von HomosexualitĂ€t und Homoerotik, die Selbstdarstellung der KĂŒnst-lerin als eigenstĂ€ndige Frau, female solidarity sowie das Spiel mit alltĂ€glichem Wissen ĂŒber Geschlecht bzw. geschlechtstypischem Verhalten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, das gesellschaftliche Potenzial eines Pop-PhĂ€nomens wie Lady Gaga aufzuzeigen. Jedoch verbleibt die Analyse auf einer reinen Interpretationsebene, sodass ĂŒber die tatsĂ€chlichen Auswirkungen der Videoclips bislang nur spekuliert werden kann
