10,072 research outputs found


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    We describe a new genus for a jumping spider that was originally placed in the large genus Menemerus Simon 1868, from which the new genus is clearly different. They were later reclassified as Icius, then as Pseudicius, and still later as Salticus. These initial classifications were repeated by a number of authors. The distinctive features of the male, and somewhat ambiguous features of the female, do not fit any known genus; and this species is here assigned to the new genus Hakka

    Estimation of Apartment Submarkets

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    The analysis of apartment sub-markets and the modelling of such markets have attracted a considerable degree of attention recently. This study compares apartment submarkets within a major European city. The price behaviour of the Dublin, Ireland apartment market is tested using hedonic models and aggregate and disaggregate data. The results strongly indicate that the modelling of apartment markets at the disaggregate level does result in significant improvements in estimation in comparison to estimations undertaken at an aggregate level. This particular apartment market is especially interesting, due to the introduction of fiscal incentives in inner-city locations. In order to fully understand the Dublin apartment market requires an appreciation of the role played by tax breaks for owner-occupiers and investors in urban renewal locations. The results show that different submarkets responded differently. The central city apartment market [urban renewal locations] saw a short-term stabilization of prices in the months following the fiscal changes, with price increases accelerating again shortly afterwards.

    Impacts of the Indonesian Economic Crisis: Price Changes and the Poor

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    The recent financial crisis in Indonesia has resulted in dramatic price increases. Using very recent data, we investigate whether these price increases have impacted the cost-of-living of poor households in a disproportionately harsh way. We find that the poor have indeed been hit hardest. Just how hard the poor have been hit, though, depends crucially on where the household lives, whether the household is in a rural or urban area, and just how the cost-of-living index is computed. What is clear is that the notion that the very poor are so poor as to be insulated from international shocks is simply wrong. Rather, in the Indonesian case, the very poor appear the most vulnerable.

    Differentiated Products Demand Systems from a Combination of Micro and Macro Data: The New Car Market

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    In this paper we provide an algorithm for estimating characteristic based demand models from alternative data sources, and apply it to new data on the market for passenger vehicles. We find that, provided care is taken in constructing the demand system and rich enough data are available, the characteristic based model can both rationalize existing results and provide realistic out of sample predictions.Product Differentiation, Autos, Demand Estimation

    Magnetic translation and Berry's phase factor through adiabatically rotating a magnetic field

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    For a spin subjected to an adiabatically changing magnetic field, the solid angle result as embodied by a rotation operator is the only path-dependent factor in the quantum evolution operator. For a charged particle, the infinite degeneracy calls for a rigorous investigation. We find that in this case, it is the product of the rotation operator and a path-ordered magnetic translation operator that enters into the evolution operator and determines the geometric phase. This result agrees with the fact that the instantaneous hamiltonian is invariant under magnetic translation as well as rotation. Experimental verification of the result is proposed.Comment: Submitted to Physics Letters A in November 1999. This paper finds the relation between the solid angle result and the magnetic translation operator. Author of Ref[5] should be J. Zak. It was changed by the publishing editor of Phys.Letts.A 275(2000)473 and the change was erroneously followed in the previous versio

    Can Higher Prices Stimulate Product Use? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Zambia

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    The controversy over whether and how much to charge for health products in the developing world rests, in part, on whether higher prices can increase use, either by targeting distribution to high-use households (a screening effect), or by stimulating use psychologically through a sunk-cost effect. We develop a methodology for separating these two effects. We implement the methodology in a field experiment in Zambia using door-to-door marketing of a home water purification solution. We find that higher prices screen out those who use the product less. By contrast, we find no consistent evidence of sunk-cost effects.

    The Treatment of Goitre by Removal

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    Jaw Rotation in Dysarthria Measured With a Single Electromagnetic Articulography Sensor

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    Purpose This study evaluated a novel method for characterizing jaw rotation using orientation data from a single electromagnetic articulography sensor. This method was optimized for clinical application, and a preliminary examination of clinical feasibility and value was undertaken. Method The computational adequacy of the single-sensor orientation method was evaluated through comparisons of jaw-rotation histories calculated from dual-sensor positional data for 16 typical talkers. The clinical feasibility and potential value of single-sensor jaw rotation were assessed through comparisons of 7 talkers with dysarthria and 19 typical talkers in connected speech. Results The single-sensor orientation method allowed faster and safer participant preparation, required lower data-acquisition costs, and generated less high-frequency artifact than the dual-sensor positional approach. All talkers with dysarthria, regardless of severity, demonstrated jaw-rotation histories with more numerous changes in movement direction and reduced smoothness compared with typical talkers. Conclusions Results suggest that the single-sensor orientation method for calculating jaw rotation during speech is clinically feasible. Given the preliminary nature of this study and the small participant pool, the clinical value of such measures remains an open question. Further work must address the potential confound of reduced speaking rate on movement smoothness

    Wolf spiders of the Pacific region: the genus \u3ci\u3eZoica\u3c/i\u3e (Araneae, Lycosidae)

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    The wolf spider genus Zoica Simon 1898 is currently known only from the Indo-Australasian region, including India in the west to northern Western Australia and Papua New Guinea in the east. Here we extend the known distribution of the genus into the Pacific region by describing two new species, Z. carolinensis new species from the Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Z. pacifica new species from the Republic of the Marshall Islands