177 research outputs found

    Pneumothorax complicating isolated clavicle fracture

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    Isolated clavicle fractures are among the commonest of traumatic fractures in the emergency department. Complications of isolated clavicle fractures are rare. Pneumothorax has been described as a complication of a fractured clavicle only rarely in English literature. In all the reported cases, the pneumothorax was treated by a thoracostomy and the clavicle fracture was treated conservatively. In our case, the pneumothorax required a chest drain insertion and the clavicle fracture was treated surgically with good result

    Development of a Neural Network approach for Predicting nitrate and sulfate concentration in three lakes: Ifrah, Iffer and Afourgagh, Middle Atlas Morocco

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    Neural networks are mathematical and computer models to power nonlinear data that play a very important role in various scientific fields. They are specially used for automatic resolution of environmental problems.This study focuses on the prediction of nitrate (NO3-) and sulfate (SO42-) of lake water in the Moroccan Middle Atlas. Ifrah, Iffer and Afourgagh are taken as case studies by using a number of parameters physic-chemical of water. Two methods were used: Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Multilayer Perceptron Model (MLP).In order to choose the best neural network architecture, several statistical tests were used in conjunction with some robustness tests: Mean Square Error (MSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and correlation coefficient (R).The results showed that the models established by artificial neural network Multilayer Perceptron type (ANN-MLP) of configuration [17-8-2] are more efficient compared to those determined by the conventional method based on multiple linear regression.This performance demonstrates the existence of a nonlinear relationship between the physic-chemical characteristics of both nitrates and sulfates in the lakes waters studied that are under investigation

    Identifying effluents from a food processing industry

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    The agri-food industry in Morocco generates significant volumes of liquid waste, contributing to environmental challenges that directly impact public health. To address this issue, it is crucial to characterize this wastewater comprehensively, enabling the development of suitable treatment strategies to alleviate pollution and potentially facilitate recycling. This study focuses on the identification of effluents from an olive and caper preservation industry, employing physicochemical and bacteriological analyses on raw, decanted, and filtered effluent samples. The findings reveal that the effluent from the olive and caper preservation industry is characterized by high acidity and an exceptionally elevated mineral load. Notably, the application of decantation and filtration methods demonstrates a limited influence, primarily affecting the reduction of suspended solids. Understanding these physicochemical and bacteriological characteristics is pivotal for devising targeted treatment protocols, ensuring effective pollution reduction, and exploring avenues for potential recycling of this agri-food industry wastewater. This research serves as a foundation for informed decision-making in the development of sustainable and efficient wastewater management practices, balancing environmental preservation with industrial needs

    Two-point phase correlations of a one-dimensional bosonic Josephson junction

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    We realize a one-dimensional Josephson junction using quantum degenerate Bose gases in a tunable double well potential on an atom chip. Matter wave interferometry gives direct access to the relative phase field, which reflects the interplay of thermally driven fluctuations and phase locking due to tunneling. The thermal equilibrium state is characterized by probing the full statistical distribution function of the two-point phase correlation. Comparison to a stochastic model allows to measure the coupling strength and temperature and hence a full characterization of the system

    Milk production of ewes of Timahdite, Sardi and BĂ©ni Gull breeds in purebreeding and crossbreeding

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    La production laitière, durant 8 semaines de lactation, de 144 brebis de races Sardi, Béni Guil et Timahdite luttées par les béliers de leurs races respectives et par ceux des races Île de France, Mérinos Précoce et Suffolk a été estimée par la méthode de pesée avant et après tétée (PAAT) pendant trois années. L'étude a montré que la production laitière est influencée par la race de la brebis mais non par la race du bélier, et que les agneaux issus de pères de races île de France, Suffolk et Sardi transforment mieux le lait que ceux issus des autres races de pères. Il semble impératif de supplémenter les agneaux croisés à partir du 2ème mois d'âge.Milk production of ewes of Timahdite, Sardi and Béni Gull breeds in purebreeding and crossbreedingEight weeks milk production of 144 Sardi, Béni Guil and Timahdite ewes mated to rams of their respective breeds and to rams of Île de France, Mérinos Précoce and Suffolk breeds was estimated during three years by the method of weighting lambs before and after suckling. Milk production was affected by the breed of ewe but not the breed of ram, Lambs sired by île de France, Suffolk and Sardi rams had a better milk efficiency than those produced by rams ofthe other breeds. It seems necessary to supplement crossbred lambs from the age oftwo months

    Performances d'engraissement et caractéristiques des carcasses d'agneaux issus du croisement des brebis de races Timahdite, Sardi et Béni Guil avec des béliers de races à viande

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    L'analyse des performances d'engraissement et des caractéristiques de carcasses de 242 agneaux issus du croisement des brebis de races Timahdite, Sardi et Béni Guil avec des béliers de leurs races respectives et avec des béliers de races Île de France, Suffolk et Mérinos Précoce a montré que les performances des agneaux croisés sont meilleures que celles des agneaux de races pures. De plus, parmi les races à viande, il semble que la race Île de France est celle qui conviendrait le mieux au croisement avec les brebis de races locales marocaines.Fattening performance and carcass characteristics of crossbred lambs born to Timahdite, Sardi and Béni Guil ewes and rams of meat breedsThe analysis offattening performance and carcass characteristics of 242 lambs born to Timahdite, Sardi and Béni Guil ewes mated to rams of their respective breeds and to rams of Ile de France, Suffolk and Mérinos Précoce showed a superiority of crossbred over purebred lambs. Moreover, among the three meat breeds, it seems that Ile de France is the most suitable breed to be crossed to ewes of Moroccan native breeds

    Agronomic valorization of the composts with olive waste

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    In the Mediterranean countries, olive waste, a co-product of the olive oil trituration process, presents a serious environmental problem because of their polyphenol charge, given the quantities rejected each year. In previous works, this waste has been co-composted with other substrates and has been transformed into non-phytotoxic substances in conformity with the French standard NFU44-051 due to their composition in nutritional elements like soluble sugars, proteins and mineral elements. This study examines the efficacy of these substances on radish and potato crops. To do this, seeds were sown on the plot. For each crop, 4 plots were planned: land amended with manure (M), NPK fertilizer (F), the vegetable water substance (VW) and the olive-pomace substance (OP) in addition to the vegetable water. The first three substances served as controls. A statistical study of correlation between the latter and those that characterize the soil after amendment was carried out.  The obtained results showed that there are two strong correlations between pH, organic matter, dry matter and soil moisture amended by the OW compost and, on the one hand, the morphological growth parameters of the two crops and, on the other hand, the parameters of their production

    Surface Optical Waves at Air/Metal Interfaces: Surface Plasmon Polaritons

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    The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) phenomenon has been known for nearly five decades now; since then this method has made great advances in terms of instrumentation development and applications, and it still attracts researchers because of certain subtle issues that could benefit from it mainly detection and analysis of chemical and biochemical substances in different areas including medicine, environmental monitoring, biotechnology and drug and food monitoring. Our interest is focused on the use of this technique for studying thin coating and some application in nanophotonics. In this paper, we discuss the configuration of surface plasmons at air/metal interface by Atenuated total reflection (ATR) technique in the Kretchman configuration, and we present preliminary experimental results on surface plasmons at a Ag/air interface that we obtained in our laboratory.The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) phenomenon has been known for nearly five decades now; since then this method has made great advances in terms of instrumentation development and applications, and it still attracts researchers because of certain subtle issues that could benefit from it mainly detection and analysis of chemical and biochemical substances in different areas including medicine, environmental monitoring, biotechnology and drug and food monitoring. Our interest is focused on the use of this technique for studying thin coating and some application in nanophotonics. In this paper, we discuss the configuration of surface plasmons at air/metal interface by Atenuated total reflection (ATR) technique in the Kretchman configuration, and we present preliminary experimental results on surface plasmons at a Ag/air interface that we obtained in our laboratory

    Clinical and pathological kidney aspects of sickle cell anemia at Dakar: study of 11 cases of renal biopsies

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    Few studies are devoted to the practice of renal biopsy in sickle cell nephropathy; our objective was to determine the histological and evolutionary patterns of renal lesions in sickle cell patients who underwent renal biopsy in Dakar.Methods:This was a retrospective multicentric study (conducted from December 2009 to August 2011) on renal biopsies performed on sickle cell anaemic patients at the Nephrology Department of Teaching Hospital Aristide Le Dantec and the Albert Royer Childrens Hospital. The histological, therapeutic and evolutionary data were analysed.From the 292 total renal biopsies, 11 (3.80%) were performed on sickle cell patients (6SS, 1SBth + 4 AS) with a mean age of 23.1 [13-51 years]. Nephrotic syndrome was the indication of renal biopsy in all cases. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis was the most frequent histological finding (five cases), followed by a combination of various specific lesions (hypertrophy of glomerular and peritubular capillaries), minimal glomerular lesions (three cases), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (two cases) and extra-membranous glomerulonephritis (one case). Complete remission after treatment was achieved in seven cases and one patient expired. Three patients did not continue with follow-up appointments.Conclusions:Renal biopsy is not very frequent in the course of sickle cell anaemia and in most cases it is performed because of nephrotic syndrome. The histological findings are diverse with a predominance of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

    Luxation obturatrice de la hanche: un traumatisme rare en pratique sportive

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    Les luxations antérieures traumatiques de la hanche sans fracture du cotyle ou de la tête fémorale sont rares. Elles sont souvent secondaires à des accidents de haute énergie cinétique. La prise en charge thérapeutique nécessite un chirurgien vigilant et prévenu du risque de complications. Nous rapportons le cas d'une luxation obturatrice (antéro-inférieure) chez un jeune de 18 ans pratiquant le rolle
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