1,076 research outputs found

    Lessons from Nature

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    Terrestrial and marine animals, plants, insects, and microorganisms produce a large variety of compounds for the organism's development, daily survival, self-defence, symbiosis, sexual attraction, etc. Certain of these compounds are discussed here, with emphasis not only on their isolation and structure determination, but also on the question as to why they are active. This requires a multidisciplinary approach, for a better understanding of life's processes and nature's mysteries


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    The experience was brought out to the experimental fi eld of the Agroecological Centre at the Agricultural University of Plovdiv which owns a Certifi cate of ecological farm work. The research was carried out on two pepper cultivars: Gorogled 6 and Buketen 50 – intended for production of red pepper for grinding. For the purpose of the experiment a bio-fertilizer, produced by the Californian earthworm Lumbricus rubellus was used. Two levels of the bio-fertilizer were applied - 50 and 100 ml/per plant. It was determined that the bio-fertilizer speeds up plant growth. It infl uences the growth rate of the roots and stems and affects the formation of the foliage. The bio-fertilizer has a positive effect upon the functional activity of the photosynthetic apparatus /increased content of photosynthetic pigments, improved leaf gas exchange/. The biofertilizer also infl uences the yield (raw material for drying). The highest effect has been achieved at application of 100 ml fertilizer to the Gorogled 6 cultivar.Полският опит беше изведен на опитно поле в Агроекологичния център при АУ-Пловдив, който притежава сертификат за екологична ферма. В изследването бяха включени два сорта пипер: Гороглед 6 и Букетен 50 - предназначени за производство на червен пипер за мелене. За извеждане на опита беше използван биотор произведен от калифорнийския червей Lumbricus rubellus. В изследването бяха включени две нива от биотора – 50 и 100 ml/растение. Въз основа на получените резултати бeше установено, че подхранването с Лумбрикал ускорява растежа на растенията. Оказва влияние върху темпа на нарастване на корените и стъблото, въздейства върху формирането на листната площ. Установен е положителен ефект от биотора върху функционалната активност на фотосинтетичния апарат /повишено съдържание на фотосинтетичните пигменти, подобрен листен газообмен/. Лумбрикал влияе въху формирането на добива (суровина за изсушаване). Най- висок ефект е установен при подхранване на растенията с 100 ml биотор – при сорт Гороглед 6

    Circular Dichroism of Optically Active 1,2-Disubstituted 1,2-Diphenyl Ethanes Part II: Compounds without COOR-group at Benzylic C

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    (R,R)-Hydrobenzoin and homochirally analogous thTeo-compounds of formula Ph-CHX-CHY-Ph (X = Y; X rO Y; Y = H) show anegative O-O - CD-line below 37200 crn? and/er a positive one just above it, which can be explained by conformational equilibria around the Ph-C - bonds. The Cotton effect at 220-210 nm is negative for this same configuration, if X rO Y (also Y = H), in these other cases there no such simple correlation. Cotton effects within the Elg- or the E2g-transitions might be the reason for this, although otherwise no indication of them could be found. The same rules hold if a ring is closed between X and Y, the Cotton effect at 220-210 nm has thus the same sign as the torsional angle (Ph-)C-C(-Ph), and the same is also true of the next Cotton effect at 198-191 nm. The temperature dependence of the CD can be explained only by assuming conformational as well as solvational equilibria. Introduction of asingle p-chloro substituent shifts the borderline between the two O-O - CD-lines of opposite signs to 36200 cm-lo It causes a sign inversion of the CD within the «-band of a »half\u27-molecule« of type CI-C6H4-C(H, Bn)-OZ, not however in the case of CI-C6H4(H, Bn)-CH20Z. Such p-chloro substitution does not influence the Cotton effects below 220 nm. p,p\u27-Disubstitution by the CH3CO- -group shifts the p-band strongly batbochromically, the corresponding intense CD-couplet prooves the preponderance of that conformation deduced already from NMR-spectra, and prooves as well the absolute configuration


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    The effect of ammonium sulphate supply on plant Cd uptake, growth and photosynthesis of bean plants (cv. Limburgse vroege) grown in Cd-contaminated artifi cial soil was studied. The experiments were performed at controlled conditions in absence or presence of Cd (0 or 50 mg Cd kg-1 soil) and with or without supply of ammonium sulphate [0 or 0.687 g (NH4)2SO4 kg-1]. Cadmium inhibited both growth and photosynthetic activity of bean plants. The supply of ammonium sulphate had no signifi cant effect on plant Cd uptake and growth inhibition, but to some extend, reduced Cd-induced stress and its negative impact on the photosynthetic performance.Изследван е ефектът от приложението на амониевия сулфат върху постъпването на Cd, растежа и фотосинтезата на фасулеви растения (сорт Limburgse vroede), отглеждани върху замърсена с Cd изкуствена почва. Опитите са изведени при контролирани условия в отсъствие или присъствие на Cd (0 или 50 mg Cd kg-1 почва) и при торене или без торене с амониев сулфат [0 или 0.687 g (NH4)2SO4 kg-1 почва]. Установено е, че Cd инхибира растежа и фотосинтетичната активност на фасулевите растения. Приложението на амониев сулфат не оказва съществено влияние върху постъпването на Cd и растежа на растенията, но намалява, в известна степен, проявите на Cd стрес и техния негативен ефект върху фотосинтезата

    Energiewirtschaft in Bulgarien

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    Die Diplomarbeit betrachtet die Möglichkeiten für erneuerbare Energieherstellung, sowie auch neue Kernkraftkapazitäten, die die alten von 1., 2., 3. und 4.Blocks von AKW Kozloduy nach deren Abschalten ersetzen können. Man sucht Antworten auf die wichtigen Fragen über den Einsatz solcher Kapazitäten und über welche schon gebauten Anlagen das Land verfügt

    Wpływ działania stresu solnego na wzrost i aktywność fotosyntezy roślin bazylii pospolitej (Ocimum basilicum L.)

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    The study evaluated basil plants’ response (var. Sweet Green) to increased concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) and macro- and micronutrients in the medium. The following variants were used: ½ Hoagland nutrient solution containing NaCl (0, 80 and 160 mM) and 4/2 Hoagland solution with 0 mM NaCl. Biometric and physiological parameters were measured 20 days after saline application. The application of 160 mM NaCl in nutrient solution caused the suppression of basil plants’ growth. The height of plants was decreased by 22% and the length of the roots was less by 60%. Control plants had 68% greater leaf area than those grown in the medium with 160 mM NaCl. Compared to the control, basil grown in ½ Hoagland solution with 80 mM NaCl and 4/2 Hoagland solution with 0 mM NaCl had leaf area reduced by 43.4% and 48.2%, respectively. A single plant’s highest fresh weight was found in the control variant (17.78 g) and the lowest in the ½ Hoagland solution with 160 mM NaCl (5.14 g). A negative effect of 160 mM NaCl in solution on the leaf gas exchange of salt-treated plants was found. At the same time, no negative influence of salinity on the content of photosynthetic pigments was found. The addition of NaCl into Hoagland solution did not affect the maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv /Fm) but modified the actual activity of Photosystem II (PSII). Increasing the concentration of macro- and microelements in the nutrient solution (4/2 of Hoagland and 0 mM NaCl) had a significantly lower negative effect on the growth and photosynthetic activity of basil plants.Badania obejmowały ocenę reakcji roślin bazylii pospolitej (odmiany Sweet Green) na podwyższone stężenie chlorku sodu (NaCl) oraz makro- i mikroskładników pokarmowych w pożywce. Zastosowano następujące warianty doświadczalne: ½ pożywki Hoaglanda zawierająca NaCl (0, 80 i 160 mM) oraz 4/2 roztwór Hoaglanda zawierający 0 mM NaCl. Parametry biometryczne i fizjologiczne mierzono 20 dni po zastosowaniu zasolenia. Zastosowanie 160 mM NaCl w pożywce spowodowało zahamowanie wzrostu roślin bazylii. Wysokość roślin była mniejsza o 22%, a długość korzeni o 60%. Rośliny kontrolne miały o 68% większą powierzchnię liści niż rośliny uprawiane na pożywce z 160 mM NaCl. W porównaniu z kontrolą, bazylia uprawiana w roztworze ½ Hoaglanda z 80 mM NaCl i roztworze 4/2 Hoaglanda z 0 mM NaCl miała zmniejszoną powierzchnię liści odpowiednio o 43.4% i 48.2%. Istotnie najwyższą świeżą masę pojedynczej rośliny stwierdzono w wariancie kontrolnym (17.78 g), a najniższą w roztworze ½ Hoaglanda z 160 mM NaCl (5,14 g). Stwierdzono negatywny wpływ 160 mM NaCl w roztworze na wymianę gazową roślin. Jednocześnie nie negatywnego wpływu zasolenia na zawartość barwników fotosyntetycznych. Wprowadzenie soli NaCl do pożywki Hoaglanda nie wpłynęło na maksymalną wydajność fotochemiczną (Fv /Fm), zmodyfikowało jednak faktyczną aktywność fotoukładu II (PSII). Zwiększone stężenie makro- i mikroelementów w pożywce (4/2 Hoaglanda i 0 mM NaCl) miało istotnie mniejszy negatywny wpływ na wzrost i aktywność fotosyntetyczną roślin


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    Gas-exchange, plastid pigments and some other physiological parameters were determined in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. local populations) leaves naturally infected by Xanthomonas campestris pv.phaseoli (Smith) Dye, and Pseudomonas syringae pv.phaseolicola (Bukholder) Young, Dye et Wilkie, and in healthy leaves (control). It was established that infected leaves had lower both plastid pigments content and photosynthetic activity as well as lower yield and quality of produce

    Evaluation of Functional Characteristics of Lactose by Inverse Gas Chromatography

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    AbstractThe work was focused on the analysis of different batches of the common pharmaceutical excipient lactose using inverse gas chromatography (IGC). Several batches of amorphous (spray dried) and crystalline form of lactose were studied. Surface properties represented by the surface energy and specific (acid-base) interactions between probes and analyzed samples shows batch variations and significant differences between manufacturers and technological processes. The second part of this work was focused on effect of relative humidity and temperature on stability of lactose. The variations of surface energy and specific interactions over time were studied. The changes in surface properties of two batches of lactose-amorphous and crystalline caused by higher relative humidity were measured by IGC. From measured values are obvious different chemical and physical properties of both lactose forms. Negative effect of higher temperature and air humidity lead to changes in surface energy and mainly rapid changes of electron–acceptor and electron-donor surface sites. Lactose monohydrate shows dramatic decrease in the surface energy and in the strength of electron-accepting sites on the contrary of spray dried where the acidity of surface increased

    Anomalias de calendário dos mercados financeiros português, russo e alemão

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    Mestrado em Controlo e Gestão dos NegóciosO conceito dos mercados eficientes foi proposto por Eugene Fama em 1970, seguindo-se pelos trabalhos que confirmaram a consistência da teoria da eficiência de mercado. Contudo, os testes realizados posteriormente detectaram a presença de comportamentos anormais nos retornos dos produtos financeiros, pondo em causa algumas das ideias principais da teoria. Estes comportamentos dos preços e dos retornos associados aos produtos financeiros que não correspondem às regras dos mercados eficientes, designam-se por anomalias. As principais anomalias de mercado podem ser divididas em anomalias de calendário, fundamentais e técnicas. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se verificar a hipótese da existência das anomalias de calendário dos mercados financeiros português, russo e alemão, assim como obter um conhecimento mais profundo acerca do tema estudado com a perspectiva de contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento e divulgação. No âmbito desta investigação, foram analisados os índices dos mercados financeiros de Portugal, Rússia e Alemanha, com o objectivo de averiguar o comportamento e a sensibilidade face às eventuais alterações temporais e sazonais em cada um dos países apresentados