319 research outputs found

    Comprehensive mutational analysis of yeast DEXD/H box RNA helicases involved in large ribosomal subunit biogenesis

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    DEXD/H box putative RNA helicases are required for pre-rRNA processing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, although their exact roles and substrates are unknown. To characterize the significance of the conserved motifs for helicase function, a series of five mutations were created in each of the eight essential RNA helicases (Has1, Dbp6, Dbp10, Mak5, Mtr4, Drs1, Spb4, and Dbp9) involved in 60S ribosomal subunit biogenesis. Each mutant helicase was screened for the ability to confer dominant negative growth defects and for functional complementation. Different mutations showed different degrees of growth inhibition among the helicases, suggesting that the conserved regions do not function identically in vivo. Mutations in motif I and motif II (the DEXD/H box) often conferred dominant negative growth defects, indicating that these mutations do not interfere with substrate binding. In addition, mutations in the putative unwinding domains (motif III) demonstrated that conserved amino acids are often not essential for function. Northern analysis of steady-state RNA from strains expressing mutant helicases showed that the dominant negative mutations also altered pre-rRNA processing. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicated that some RNA helicases associated with each other. In addition, we found that yeasts disrupted in expression of the two nonessential RNA helicases, Dbp3 and Dbp7, grew worse than when either one alone was disrupted

    Evolution-based screening enables genome-wide prioritization and discovery of DNA repair genes

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    DNA repair is critical for genome stability and is maintained through conserved pathways. Traditional genome-wide mammalian screens are both expensive and laborious. However, computational approaches circumvent these limitations and are a powerful tool to identify new DNA repair factors. By analyzing the evolutionary relationships between genes in the major DNA repair pathways, we uncovered functional relationships between individual genes and identified partners. Here we ranked 17,487 mammalian genes for coevolution with 6 distinct DNA repair pathways. Direct comparison to genetic screens for homologous recombination or Fanconi anemia factors indicates that our evolution-based screen is comparable, if not superior, to traditional screening approaches. Demonstrating the utility of our strategy, we identify a role for the DNA damage-induced apoptosis suppressor (DDIAS) gene in double-strand break repair based on its coevolution with homologous recombination. DDIAS knockdown results in DNA double-strand breaks, indicated by ATM kinase activation and 53BP1 foci induction. Additionally, DDIAS-depleted cells are deficient for homologous recombination. Our results reveal that evolutionary analysis is a powerful tool to uncover novel factors and functional relationships in DNA repair

    Secondary somatic mutations restoring RAD51C and RAD51D associated with acquired resistance to the PARP inhibitor rucaparib in high-grade ovarian carcinoma

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    High-grade epithelial ovarian carcinomas (OC) containing mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 (BRCA1/2) homologous recombination (HR) genes are sensitive to platinum-based chemotherapy and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors (PARPi), while restoration of HR function due to secondary mutations in BRCA1/2 has been recognized as an important resistance mechanism. We sequenced core HR pathway genes in 12 pairs of pre-treatment and post-progression tumor biopsy samples collected from patients in ARIEL2 Part 1, a phase 2 study of the PARPi rucaparib as treatment for platinum-sensitive, relapsed OC. In six of 12 pre-treatment biopsies, a truncation mutation in BRCA1, RAD51C or RAD51D was identified. In five of six paired post-progression biopsies, one or more secondary mutations restored the open reading frame. Four distinct secondary mutations and spatial heterogeneity were observed for RAD51C. In vitro complementation assays and a patient-derived xenograft (PDX), as well as predictive molecular modeling, confirmed that resistance to rucaparib was associated with secondary mutations

    Clinically Actionable Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertriglyceridemia in Children with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the percentage of children with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in whom intervention for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol or triglycerides was indicated based on National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute guidelines. STUDY DESIGN: This multicenter, longitudinal cohort study included children with NAFLD enrolled in the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network. Fasting lipid profiles were obtained at diagnosis. Standardized dietary recommendations were provided. After 1 year, lipid profiles were repeated and interpreted according to National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Expert Panel on Integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Health and Risk Reduction. Main outcomes were meeting criteria for clinically actionable dyslipidemia at baseline, and either achieving lipid goal at follow-up or meeting criteria for ongoing intervention. RESULTS: There were 585 participants, with a mean age of 12.8 years. The prevalence of children warranting intervention for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol at baseline was 14%. After 1 year of recommended dietary changes, 51% achieved goal low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, 27% qualified for enhanced dietary and lifestyle modifications, and 22% met criteria for pharmacologic intervention. Elevated triglycerides were more prevalent, with 51% meeting criteria for intervention. At 1 year, 25% achieved goal triglycerides with diet and lifestyle changes, 38% met criteria for advanced dietary modifications, and 37% qualified for antihyperlipidemic medications. CONCLUSIONS: More than one-half of children with NAFLD met intervention thresholds for dyslipidemia. Based on the burden of clinically relevant dyslipidemia, lipid screening in children with NAFLD is warranted. Clinicians caring for children with NAFLD should be familiar with lipid management

    CRUSE®-An innovative mobile application for patient monitoring and management in chronic spontaneous urticaria

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    Background: Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is unpredictable and can severely impair patients' quality of life. Patients with CSU need a convenient, user-friendly platform to complete patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) on their mobile devices. CRUSE ®, the Chronic Urticaria Self Evaluation app, aims to address this unmet need. Methods: CRUSE ® was developed by an international steering committee of urticaria specialists. Priorities for the app based on recent findings in CSU were defined to allow patients to track and record their symptoms and medication use over time and send photographs. The CRUSE ® app collects patient data such as age, sex, disease onset, triggers, medication, and CSU characteristics that can be sent securely to physicians, providing real-time insights. Additionally, CRUSE ® contains PROMs to assess disease activity and control, which are individualised to patient profiles and clinical manifestations. Results: CRUSE ® was launched in Germany in March 2022 and is now available for free in 17 countries. It is adapted to the local language and displays a country-specific list of available urticaria medications. English and Ukrainian versions are available worldwide. From July 2022 to June 2023, 25,710 observations were documented by 2540 users; 72.7% were females, with a mean age of 39.6 years. At baseline, 93.7% and 51.3% of users had wheals and angioedema, respectively. Second-generation antihistamines were used in 74.0% of days. Conclusions: The initial data from CRUSE ® show the wide use and utility of effectively tracking patients' disease activity and control, paving the way for personalised CSU management.</p

    CRUSE®-An innovative mobile application for patient monitoring and management in chronic spontaneous urticaria

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    Background: Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is unpredictable and can severely impair patients' quality of life. Patients with CSU need a convenient, user-friendly platform to complete patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) on their mobile devices. CRUSE ®, the Chronic Urticaria Self Evaluation app, aims to address this unmet need. Methods: CRUSE ® was developed by an international steering committee of urticaria specialists. Priorities for the app based on recent findings in CSU were defined to allow patients to track and record their symptoms and medication use over time and send photographs. The CRUSE ® app collects patient data such as age, sex, disease onset, triggers, medication, and CSU characteristics that can be sent securely to physicians, providing real-time insights. Additionally, CRUSE ® contains PROMs to assess disease activity and control, which are individualised to patient profiles and clinical manifestations. Results: CRUSE ® was launched in Germany in March 2022 and is now available for free in 17 countries. It is adapted to the local language and displays a country-specific list of available urticaria medications. English and Ukrainian versions are available worldwide. From July 2022 to June 2023, 25,710 observations were documented by 2540 users; 72.7% were females, with a mean age of 39.6 years. At baseline, 93.7% and 51.3% of users had wheals and angioedema, respectively. Second-generation antihistamines were used in 74.0% of days. Conclusions: The initial data from CRUSE ® show the wide use and utility of effectively tracking patients' disease activity and control, paving the way for personalised CSU management.</p

    The Rad51 paralogs facilitate a novel DNA strand specific damage tolerance pathway

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    Accurate DNA replication is essential for genomic stability and cancer prevention. Homologous recombination is important for high-fidelity DNA damage tolerance during replication. How the homologous recombination machinery is recruited to replication intermediates is unknown. Here, we provide evidence that a Rad51 paralog-containing complex, the budding yeast Shu complex, directly recognizes and enables tolerance of predominantly lagging strand abasic sites. We show that the Shu complex becomes chromatin associated when cells accumulate abasic sites during S phase. We also demonstrate that purified recombinant Shu complex recognizes an abasic analog on a double-flap substrate, which prevents AP endo-nuclease activity and endonuclease-induced double-strand break formation. Shu complex DNA binding mutants are sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate, are not chromatin enriched, and exhibit increased mutation rates. We propose a role for the Shu complex in recognizing abasic sites at replication intermediates, where it recruits the homologous recombination machinery to mediate strand specific damage tolerance

    Large Scale Gene Expression Profiles of Regenerating Inner Ear Sensory Epithelia

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    Loss of inner ear sensory hair cells (HC) is a leading cause of human hearing loss and balance disorders. Unlike mammals, many lower vertebrates can regenerate these cells. We used cross-species microarrays to examine this process in the avian inner ear. Specifically, changes in expression of over 1700 transcription factor (TF) genes were investigated in hair cells of auditory and vestibular organs following treatment with two different damaging agents and regeneration in vitro. Multiple components of seven distinct known signaling pathways were clearly identifiable: TGFβ, PAX, NOTCH, WNT, NFKappaB, INSULIN/IGF1 and AP1. Numerous components of apoptotic and cell cycle control pathways were differentially expressed, including p27KIP and TFs that regulate its expression. A comparison of expression trends across tissues and treatments revealed identical patterns of expression that occurred at identical times during regenerative proliferation. Network analysis of the patterns of gene expression in this large dataset also revealed the additional presence of many components (and possible network interactions) of estrogen receptor signaling, circadian rhythm genes and parts of the polycomb complex (among others). Equal numbers of differentially expressed genes were identified that have not yet been placed into any known pathway. Specific time points and tissues also exhibited interesting differences: For example, 45 zinc finger genes were specifically up-regulated at later stages of cochlear regeneration. These results are the first of their kind and should provide the starting point for more detailed investigations of the role of these many pathways in HC recovery, and for a description of their possible interactions

    The Digital Fish Library: Using MRI to Digitize, Database, and Document the Morphological Diversity of Fish

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    Museum fish collections possess a wealth of anatomical and morphological data that are essential for documenting and understanding biodiversity. Obtaining access to specimens for research, however, is not always practical and frequently conflicts with the need to maintain the physical integrity of specimens and the collection as a whole. Non-invasive three-dimensional (3D) digital imaging therefore serves a critical role in facilitating the digitization of these specimens for anatomical and morphological analysis as well as facilitating an efficient method for online storage and sharing of this imaging data. Here we describe the development of the Digital Fish Library (DFL, http://www.digitalfishlibrary.org), an online digital archive of high-resolution, high-contrast, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the soft tissue anatomy of an array of fishes preserved in the Marine Vertebrate Collection of Scripps Institution of Oceanography. We have imaged and uploaded MRI data for over 300 marine and freshwater species, developed a data archival and retrieval system with a web-based image analysis and visualization tool, and integrated these into the public DFL website to disseminate data and associated metadata freely over the web. We show that MRI is a rapid and powerful method for accurately depicting the in-situ soft-tissue anatomy of preserved fishes in sufficient detail for large-scale comparative digital morphology. However these 3D volumetric data require a sophisticated computational and archival infrastructure in order to be broadly accessible to researchers and educators