11 research outputs found

    Non-viral gene therapy for osteoarthritis

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    Abstract Strategies for delivering nucleic acids into damaged and diseased tissues have been divided into two major areas: viral and non-viral gene therapy. In this mini-review article we discuss the application of gene therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA), one of the most common forms of arthritis. We focus primarily on non-viral gene therapy and cell therapy. We briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of viral and non-viral gene therapy and review the nucleic acid transfer systems that have been used for gene delivery into articular chondrocytes in cartilage from the synovial joint. Although viral gene delivery has been more popular due to its reported efficiency, significant effort has gone into enhancing the transfection efficiency of non-viral delivery, making non-viral approaches promising tools for further application in basic, translational and clinical studies on OA. Non-viral gene delivery technologies have the potential to transform the future development of disease-modifying therapeutics for OA and related osteoarticular disorders. However, further research is needed to optimize transfection efficiency, longevity and duration of gene expression

    Cardiovascular drugs and osteoarthritis:effects of targeting ion channels

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    Abstract Osteoarthritis (OA) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) share many similar features, including similar risk factors and molecular mechanisms. A great number of cardiovascular drugs act via different ion channels and change ion balance, thus modulating cell metabolism, osmotic responses, turnover of cartilage extracellular matrix and inflammation. These drugs are consumed by patients with CVD for many years; however, information about their effects on the joint tissues has not been fully clarified. Nevertheless, it is becoming increasingly likely that different cardiovascular drugs may have an impact on articular tissues in OA. Here, we discuss the potential effects of direct and indirect ion channel modulating drugs, including inhibitors of voltage gated calcium and sodium channels, hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, β-adrenoreceptor inhibitors and angiotensin-aldosterone system affecting drugs. The aim of this review was to summarize the information about activities of cardiovascular drugs on cartilage and subchondral bone and to discuss their possible consequences on the progression of OA, focusing on the modulation of ion channels in chondrocytes and other joint cells, pain control and regulation of inflammation. The implication of cardiovascular drug consumption in aetiopathogenesis of OA should be considered when prescribing ion channel modulators, particularly in long-term therapy protocols

    The effect of CaV1.2 inhibitor nifedipine on chondrogenic differentiation of human bone marrow or menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells and chondrocytes

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    Abstract Cartilage is an avascular tissue and sensitive to mechanical trauma and/or age-related degenerative processes leading to the development of osteoarthritis (OA). Therefore, it is important to investigate the mesenchymal cell-based chondrogenic regenerating mechanisms and possible their regulation. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of intracellular calcium (iCa²⁺) and its regulation through voltage-operated calcium channels (VOCC) on chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells derived from human bone marrow (BMMSCs) and menstrual blood (MenSCs) in comparison to OA chondrocytes. The level of iCa²⁺ was highest in chondrocytes, whereas iCa²⁺ store capacity was biggest in MenSCs and they proliferated better as compared to other cells. The level of CaV1.2 channels was also highest in OA chondrocytes than in other cells. CaV1.2 antagonist nifedipine slightly suppressed iCa²⁺, Cav1.2 and the proliferation of all cells and affected iCa²⁺ stores, particularly in BMMSCs. The expression of the CaV1.2 gene during 21 days of chondrogenic differentiation was highest in MenSCs, showing the weakest chondrogenic differentiation, which was stimulated by the nifedipine. The best chondrogenic differentiation potential showed BMMSCs (SOX9 and COL2A1 expression); however, purposeful iCa²⁺ and VOCC regulation by blockers can stimulate a chondrogenic response at least in MenSCs

    The antihypertensive drug nifedipine modulates the metabolism of chondrocytes and human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    Abstract Aging is associated with the development of various chronic diseases, in which both cardiovascular disorders and osteoarthritis are dominant. Currently, there is no effective treatment for osteoarthritis, whereas hypertension is often treated with L-type voltage-operated calcium channel blocking drugs, nifedipine being among the most classical ones. Although nifedipine together with other L-type voltage-operated calcium channel inhibitors plays an important role in controlling hypertension, there are unresolved questions concerning its possible effect on cartilage tissue homeostasis and the development of osteoarthritis. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of nifedipine on metabolic processes in human chondrocytes and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. To better understand whether the metabolic effects are mediated specifically through L-type voltage-operated calcium channel, effects of the agonist BayK8644 were analyzed in parallel. Nifedipine downregulated and mitochondrial respiration and ATP production in both cell types. Analysis of cartilage explants by electron microscopy also suggested that a small number of chondrocyte mitochondria's lose their activity in response to nifedipine. Conversely, nifedipine enhanced glycolytic capacity in chondrocytes, suggesting that these cells have the capacity to switch from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis and alter their metabolic activity in response to L-type voltage-operated calcium channel inhibition. Such a metabolic switch was not observed in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Nitric oxide activity was upregulated by nifedipine in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and particularly in chondrocytes, implying its involvement in the effects of nifedipine on metabolism in both tested cell types. Furthermore, stimulation with nifedipine resulted in elevated production of collagen type II and glycosaminoglycans in micromass cultures under chondrogenic conditions. Taken together, we conclude that the antihypertensive drug nifedipine inhibits mitochondrial respiration in both chondrocytes and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and that these effects may be associated with the increased nitric oxide accumulation and pro-inflammatory activity. Nifedipine had positive effects on the production of collagen type II and proteoglycans in both cell types, implying potentially beneficial anabolic responses in articular cartilage. These results highlight a potential link between antihypertensive drugs and cartilage health

    Exploring the translational potential of clusterin as a biomarker of early osteoarthritis

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    Abstract Background: Clusterin (CLU; also known as apolipoprotein J) is an ATP-independent holdase chaperone that prevents proteotoxicity as a consequence of protein aggregation. It is a ∼60 kDa disulfide-linked heterodimeric protein involved in the clearance of cellular debris and the regulation of apoptosis. CLU has been proposed to protect cells from cytolysis by complement components and has been implicated in Alzheimer’s disease due to its ability to bind amyloid-β peptides and prevent aggregate formation in the brain. Recent studies suggest that CLU performs moonlighting functions. CLU exists in two major forms: an intracellular form and a secreted extracellular form. The intracellular form of CLU may suppress stress-induced apoptosis by forming complexes with misfolded proteins and facilitates their degradation. The secreted form of CLU functions as an extracellular chaperone that prevents protein aggregation. Methods: In this review, we discuss the published literature on the biology of CLU in cartilage, chondrocytes, and other synovial joint tissues. We also review clinical studies that have examined the potential for using this protein as a biomarker in synovial and systemic fluids of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis (OA). Results: Since CLU functions as an extracellular chaperone, we propose that it may be involved in cytoprotective functions in osteoarticular tissues. The secreted form of CLU can be measured in synovial and systemic fluids and may have translational potential as a biomarker of early repair responses in OA. Conclusion: There is significant potential for investigating synovial and systemic CLU as biomarkers of OA. Future translational and clinical orthopaedic studies should carefully consider the diverse roles of this protein and its involvement in other comorbidities. Therefore, future biomarker studies should not correlate circulating CLU levels exclusively to the process of OA pathogenesis and progression. Special attention should be paid to CLU levels in synovial fluid. The Translational potential of this article: There is significant potential for investigating synovial and systemic CLU as a predictive biomarker of osteoarthritis (OA) progression and response to novel treatments and interventions. Given that CLU plays diverse roles in other comorbidities such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and obesity, future translational and clinical orthopaedic biomarker studies should not directly correlate circulating CLU levels to the process of OA pathogenesis and progression. However, special attention should be paid to CLU levels in synovial fluid. The cytoprotective properties of CLU may support the implementation of regenerative strategies and new approaches for developing targeted therapeutics for OA

    Different phenotypes and chondrogenic responses of human menstrual blood and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to activin A and TGF-β3

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    Abstract Background: Due to its low capacity for self-repair, articular cartilage is highly susceptible to damage and deterioration, which leads to the development of degenerative joint diseases such as osteoarthritis (OA). Menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MenSCs) are much less characterized, as compared to bone marrow mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (BMMSCs). However, MenSCs seem an attractive alternative to classical BMMSCs due to ease of access and broader differentiation capacity. The aim of this study was to evaluate chondrogenic differentiation potential of MenSCs and BMMSCs stimulated with transforming growth factor β (TGF-β3) and activin A. Methods: MenSCs (n = 6) and BMMSCs (n = 5) were isolated from different healthy donors. Expression of cell surface markers CD90, CD73, CD105, CD44, CD45, CD14, CD36, CD55, CD54, CD63, CD106, CD34, CD10, and Notch1 was analyzed by flow cytometry. Cell proliferation capacity was determined using CCK-8 proliferation kit and cell migration ability was evaluated by scratch assay. Adipogenic differentiation capacity was evaluated according to Oil-Red staining and osteogenic differentiation according to Alizarin Red staining. Chondrogenic differentiation (activin A and TGF-β3 stimulation) was investigated in vitro and in vivo (subcutaneous scaffolds in nude BALB/c mice) by expression of chondrogenic genes (collagen type II, aggrecan), GAG assay and histologically. Activin A protein production was evaluated by ELISA during chondrogenic differentiation in monolayer culture. Results: MenSCs exhibited a higher proliferation rate, as compared to BMMSCs, and a different expression profile of several cell surface markers. Activin A stimulated collagen type II gene expression and glycosaminoglycan synthesis in TGF-β3 treated MenSCs but not in BMMSCs, both in vitro and in vivo, although the effects of TGF-β3 alone were more pronounced in BMMSCs in vitro. Conclusion: These data suggest that activin A exerts differential effects on the induction of chondrogenic differentiation in MenSCs vs. BMMSCs, which implies that different mechanisms of chondrogenic regulation are activated in these cells. Following further optimization of differentiation protocols and the choice of growth factors, potentially including activin A, MenSCs may turn out to be a promising population of stem cells for the development of cell-based therapies with the capacity to stimulate cartilage repair and regeneration in OA and related osteoarticular disorders

    Magneto-immunoassay for the detection and quantification of human growth hormone

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    Abstract Physiological and endocrine maintenance of a normal human growth hormone (hGH) concentration is crucial for growth, development, and a number of essential biological processes. In this study, we describe the preparation and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles coated with a gold shell (MNPs-Au). The optimal surface concentration of monoclonal anti-hGH antibodies (m-anti-hGH) on magnetic nanoparticles, as well as conditions that decrease non-specific interactions during the magneto-immunoassay, were elaborated. After the selective recognition, separation, and pre-concentration of hGH by MNPs-Au/m-anti-hGH and the hGH interaction with specific polyclonal biotin-labeled antibodies (p-anti-hHG-B) and streptavidin modified horseradish peroxidase (S-HRP), the MNPs-Au/m-anti-hGH/hGH/p-anti-hGH-B/S-HRP immunoconjugate was formed. The concentration of hGH was determined after the addition of 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine and hydrogen peroxide substrate solution for HRP; the absorbance at 450 nm was registered after the addition of STOP solution. The developed sandwich-type colorimetric magneto-immunoassay is characterized by a clinically relevant linear range (from 0.1 to 5.0 nmol L⁻¹, R² 0.9831), low limit of detection (0.082 nmol L⁻¹), and negligible non-specific binding of other antibodies or S-HRP. The obtained results demonstrate the applicability of the developed magneto-immunoassay for the concentration and determination of hGH in the serum. Additionally, important technical solutions for the development of the sandwich-type colorimetric magneto-immunoassay are discussed

    Evaluation of cartilage integrity following administration of oral and intraarticular nifedipine in a murine model of osteoarthritis

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    Abstract Osteoarthritis (OA) ranks as the prevailing type of arthritis on a global scale, for which no effective treatments are currently available. Arterial hypertension is a common comorbidity in OA patients, and antihypertensive drugs, such as nifedipine (NIF), may affect the course of OA progression. The aim of this preclinical study was to determine the effect of nifedipine on healthy and OA cartilage, depending on its route of administration. In this study, we used the destabilization of medial meniscus to develop a mouse model of OA. Nifedipine was applied per os or intraarticularly (i.a.) for 8 weeks to both mice with OA and healthy animals. Serum biomarker concentrations were evaluated using the Luminex platform and alterations in the knee cartilage were graded according to OARSI histological scores and investigated immunohistochemically. Nifedipine treatment per os and i.a. exerted protective effects, as assessed by the OARSI histological scores. However, long-term nifedipine i.a. injections induced the deterioration of healthy cartilage. Lubricin, cartilage intermediate layer matrix protein (CILP), collagen type VI (COLVI), CILP, and Ki67 were upregulated by the nifedipine treatment. Serum biomarkers MMP-3, thrombospondin-4, and leptin were upregulated in the healthy groups treated with nifedipine, while only the levels of MMP-3 were significantly higher in the OA group treated with nifedipine per os compared to the untreated group. In conclusion, this study highlights the differential effects of nifedipine on cartilage integrity, depending on the route of administration and cartilage condition

    Nanotechnological strategies for osteoarthritis diagnosis, monitoring, clinical management, and regenerative medicine:recent advances and future opportunities

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    Abstract Purpose of Review: In this review article, we discuss the potential for employing nanotechnological strategies for the diagnosis, monitoring, and clinical management of osteoarthritis (OA) and explore how nanotechnology is being integrated rapidly into regenerative medicine for OA and related osteoarticular disorders. Recent Findings: We review recent advances in this rapidly emerging field and discuss future opportunities for innovations in enhanced diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of OA and other osteoarticular disorders, the smart delivery of drugs and biological agents, and the development of biomimetic regenerative platforms to support cell and gene therapies for arresting OA and promoting cartilage and bone repair. Summary: Nanotubes, magnetic nanoparticles, and other nanotechnology-based drug and gene delivery systems may be used for targeting molecular pathways and pathogenic mechanisms involved in OA development. Nanocomposites are also being explored as potential tools for promoting cartilage repair. Nanotechnology platforms may be combined with cell, gene, and biological therapies for the development of a new generation of future OA therapeutics

    Emerging technologies and platforms for the immunodetection of multiple biochemical markers in osteoarthritis research and therapy

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    Abstract Biomarkers, especially biochemical markers, are important in osteoarthritis (OA) research, clinical trials, and drug development and have potential for more extensive use in therapeutic monitoring. However, they have not yet had any significant impact on disease diagnosis and follow-up in a clinical context. Nevertheless, the development of immunoassays for the detection and measurement of biochemical markers in OA research and therapy is an active area of research and development. The evaluation of biochemical markers representing low-grade inflammation or extracellular matrix turnover may permit OA prognosis and expedite the development of personalized treatment tailored to fit particular disease severities. However, currently detection methods have failed to overcome specific hurdles such as low biochemical marker concentrations, patient-specific variation, and limited utility of single biochemical markers for definitive characterization of disease status. These challenges require new and innovative approaches for development of detection and quantification systems that incorporate clinically relevant biochemical marker panels. Emerging platforms and technologies that are already on the way to implementation in routine diagnostics and monitoring of other diseases could potentially serve as good technological and strategic examples for better assessment of OA. State-of-the-art technologies such as advanced multiplex assays, enhanced immunoassays, and biosensors ensure simultaneous screening of a range of biochemical marker targets, the expansion of detection limits, low costs, and rapid analysis. This paper explores the implementation of such technologies in OA research and therapy. Application of novel immunoassay-based technologies may shed light on poorly understood mechanisms in disease pathogenesis and lead to the development of clinically relevant biochemical marker panels. More sensitive and specific biochemical marker immunodetection will complement imaging biomarkers and ensure evidence-based comparisons of intervention efficacy. We discuss the challenges hindering the development, testing, and implementation of new OA biochemical marker assays utilizing emerging multiplexing technologies and biosensors