56 research outputs found

    Effects of Sediment on the Energy Budgets of Four Scleratinian (Bourne 1900) and Five Alcyonacean (Lamouroux 1816) Corals

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    The physiological reactions to sediment of four scleractinia and five alcyonacea from South Africa were observed in the laboratory. Species tested were Favia favus Forskal, Favites pentagona Esper, Platygyra daedalea Ellis & Solander, Gyrosmilia interrupta Ehrenberg, Lobophytum depressum Tixier-Durivault,Lobophytum venustum Tixier-Durivault, Sinularia dura (Pratt), Sinularia leptoclados (Ehrenberg) andSarcophyton glaucum (Quoy & Gaimard). Natural sedimentation levels and light conditions were simulated. Photosynthetic carbon production and respiration were measured by respirometry. Loss of fixed carbon through mucus production was measured directly by filtration. The results were used to model daily energy budgets for these species. One set of models allowed for 50% PARs (photosynthetically active radiation at the surface), another set of models allowed for 25% PARs. The models showed severely diminished productivity and decreased respiration under sedimented conditions. Production/respiration () ratios of all species were above 1 in the absence of sediment and dropped below unity when the corals were subjected to sedimentation. Although overall respiration dropped, its demand upon the also diminished amount of photosynthetically produced carbon rose dramatically. Without sediment, mucus output averaged 35% of daily respiration; this rose to 65% when sediment was applied. Sediment affects coral metabolism by decreasing photosynthetic production, increasing relative respiration and increasing carbon-loss through greater mucus output

    Coral Population Trajectories, Increased Disturbance and Management Intervention: A Sensitivity Analysis

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    Coral reefs distant from human population were sampled in the Red Sea and one-third showed degradation by predator outbreaks (crown-of-thorns-starfish = COTS observed in all regions in all years) or bleaching (1998, 2010). Models were built to assess future trajectories. They assumed variable coral types (slow/fast growing), disturbance frequencies (5,10,20 years), mortality (equal or not), and connectivity (un/connected to un/disturbed community). Known disturbances were used to parameterize models. Present and future disturbances were estimated from remote-sensing chlorophyll and temperature data. Simulations and sensitivity analysis suggest community resilience at \u3e20-year disturbance frequency, but degradation at higher frequency. Trajectories move from fast-grower to slow-grower dominance at intermediate disturbance frequency, then again to fast-grower dominance. A similar succession was observed in the field: Acropora to Porites to Stylophora/Pocillopora dominance on shallow reefs, and a transition from large poritids to small faviids on deep reefs. Synthesis and application: Even distant reefs are impacted by global changes. COTS impacts and bleaching were key driver of coral degradation, coral population decline could be reduced if these outbreaks and bleaching susceptibility were managed by maintaining water quality and by other interventions. Just leaving reefs alone, seems no longer a satisfactory option

    Function of Funnel-Shaped Coral Growth in a High-Sedimentation Environment

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    Advantages and disadvantages of a funnel-shaped growth in 2 coral species (Acropora clathrata, Turbinaria peltata) in a high-sedimentation environment (Natal, South Africa) were observed in the field and modeled in a flow tank. Funnel-shaped growth serves different purposes in different hydrographic settings. In calm waters with little currents (in our case deep reef areas, 18 to 25 m) funnel-shaped colonies served as \u27sacrificial sediment traps\u27: all sediment trapped inside the funnel was directed towards the centre, where it was concentrated. There, tissues underwent necroses, but all other tissues remained sediment free and healthy. In areas with high currents (in our case shallower reef areas with high surge, 8 to 14 m) funnels tended to be self-cleaning. By a process of vortex shedding, mass replacement of fluid within the funnel also led to the removal of all sediment. Current speeds between 30 and 90 cm s-1 were enough to clean the funnels of 3 experimental grain sizes (coarse, fine, medium sand)

    Structure of Africa\u27s Southernmost Coral Communities

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    The structure of Africa\u27s southernmost coral communities, which grow on submerged fossil dune and beachrock systems and do not form true coral reefs, was quantitatively investigated by means of line transects and phototransects. None of the typical geomorphological reef-zones such as lagoons, reef crests or reef slopes were developed. A uniform community structure, differentiated only into two major community-types with three subcommunities, was found, Shallow reefs were dominated by alcyonaceans and differed from scleractinian dominated deep reefs. A high proportion of alcyonaceans was found in shallow communities (40–60%). Subcommunities, which were found on most reefs, were an alcyonacean dominated reef-top community in areas of low sedimentation, dominated by the genera Sinularia and Lobophytum, and a scleractinian dominated gully community (predominantly Montipora and Faviidae), in areas of high sedimentation. A deep sponge-dominated subcommunity existed on the deepest outcrops. The lower limit for most coral growth was between 35 and 40 m

    Rapid Recovery of a Coral Reef at Darwin Island, Galapagos Islands

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    Surveys at Darwin Island in 2006 and 2007 have demonstrated that this northernmost Galapagos Islands coral reef has recovered significantly since the 1982–3 El Niño event. When first surveyed in 1975, this structural reef exhibited actively accreting frameworks of pocilloporid and poritid corals. The coral suffered severe mortality in 1983, resulting in the near total loss of pocilloporids and extensive partial mortality of poritid corals. Large sections of the reef had not recovered by 1992 and dead frameworks were subject to bio-erosion, although small numbers of sexual recruits of pocilloporid corals and numerous recruits plus regenerating patches of Porites lobata were present in some areas. An increase in live coral cover and recruitment was apparent through 2000 and 2002. Recent sampling at three sites along the reef has demonstrated mean (± 1 SD) live coral cover of 21.9 ± 1.7 % with P. lobata as the predominant species. Pocillopora spp. were present, but not so abundant as in earlier surveys. In spite of moderate erosion by echinoid and fish grazers, much of the original coral framework remained intact, providing a substrate for coral regeneration and recruitment. Recovery can be attributed to the original reef structure remaining intact, asexual regrowth of surviving tissues and sexual recruitment of poritid corals from surviving source populations

    A Coral Damage Index and its Application to Diving Sites in the Egyptian Red Sea

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    A coral damage index (CDI) is provided, to screen sites to obtain a perspective on the extent and severity of physical damage to coral. Sites are listed as “hot spots” if in any transect the percent of broken coral colonies (BCC) is greater than or equal to 4% or if the percent cover of coral rubble (CR) is greater than or equal to 3%. To demonstrate its utility, the CDI is applied to a real-life management situation off Hurghada and Safaga, Egypt in the Red Sea. The extent of coral damage covered all four diving sites. Forty percent of all the transects were “hot spots” that required management action. Thirty-one percent of the 16 “hot spot” transects were identified by both broken coral and rubble criteria, 25% by only broken coral criterion and 44% by only coral rubble criterion of the CDI, suggesting that past breakage was responsible for most of the observed damage. Sixty-three percent of the “hot spot” transects were at 4 m depth versus 37% at 8 m depth, suggesting that most of the damage was caused by anchors dragging across the reef in shallow water. The severity of coral damage, reflected by CR, was the greatest at Small Giftun in transect 5 at 4 m depth (333% above the CDI). EI Fanous experienced the most severe degree of broken coral damage (325% above the CDI) at 8 m depth along transect 2. Estimates of the number of dives per year show diving carrying capacities for El Fanous, Gotta Abu Ramada, Ras Abu Soma and Small Giftun being exceeded by large amounts. The CDI can be used globally to; gauge the severity and extent of damage, focus managers on areas that need mooring buoys and associated dive site management programs, and provide a starting point from which to focus more detailed coral reef assessments and restoration programs

    A Quantitative Ecological Assessment of Diving Sites in the Egyptian Red Sea During a Period of Severe Anchor Damage: A Baseline for Restoration and Sustainable Tourism Management

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    This paper assesses damage to diving sites off Hurghada and Safaga, Egypt, and examines management responses and options. Data were obtained using the line-intercept-transect method. Using general field observations, a control site comparison and a historical comparison, it was found that the four diving sites studied suffered varying degrees of physical damage and needed management attention. Some transect locations had experienced severe physical damage while others had escaped damage. The most obvious difference between the control site and the four damaged sites (at both 4 and 8 m depths) was the consistently high percentage cover of hard coral (especially Acropora coral) and low percentage cover of soft corals among all transects at the Giftun Canal control site. Total algae percentages were also consistently higher at impacted transect sites versus the control site. From a historical perspective, at the Small Giftun site from 1987 to 1996, percentage hard coral cover decreased by 43% and algal cover increased over fourfold. If the diving tourism industry is to sustain itself in the Egyptian Red Sea, every management effort must be made to minimise controllable sources of stress on the coral reef system. Dive site management programme options, based on peer-reviewed carrying capacity research and stakeholder involvement, are reviewed

    Living on the Edge: High-Latitude Porites Carbonate Production Under Temperate Eutrophic Conditions

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    Non-framework building high-latitude coral communities have recently received increased attention as a result of their potential to act as refugia during global change, as proxies for such change and for testing the environmental tolerance limits of various species of coral. In this study, we report on high-resolution in situ measured environmental factors influencing the development of monospecific (Porites panamensis) non-framework building coral communities and the resulting coral-derived carbonate sediment production in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico (Bahía de Los Angeles, 29°N, 113°E). Half-hourly measurements of temperature and chlorophyll a (a nutrient proxy) for a 1-year period indicate temperature extremes ranging from 14°C to 30°C, and average chlorophyll a values of 2.2 mg Chl a/m3(eutrophic). Even though P. panamensis only occur as small massive and encrusting colonies, they nonetheless show a significant carbonate sediment production potential (0.14 kg CaCO3/m2/year). A calculation of carbonate production rates vs amount of coral found in the sediment shows that this high-latitude community must have persisted for an extended period of time

    Best Practices for Tourism Center Development Along the Red Sea Coast

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    The spectacular coastlines along Egypt\u27s Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba are the focus for one of the fastest growing tourism economies in the world. In order to accomplish national objectives for growth in permanent, well-paying jobs and in foreign exchange earnings, the Tourism Development Authority (TDA) has launched an initiative to make land available to investors for resort development along these coastlines. As of December, 1997, 6,000 hotel rooms are under construction in the Red Sea region and the TDA has proposals for at least 240 major resorts to be built by the year 2020. While this program has begun to yield impressive results in terms of new hotel construction, tourism jobs and tourist visitations, TDA has recognized that priority must be given to guiding private development in ways that protect Egypt\u27s natural heritage and insure that tourism can be sustained far into the future. It is clear from experience to date that such rapid growth, if not carefully planned and managed, threatens the very attractions that bring visitors here. In the best practices described here, TDA defines well planned and managed -- as distinct from haphazard and destructive -- tourism development for the Red Sea coastal environment. We look to lessons gained from several case studies of tourism center sites being jointly planned by TDA and development companies and from studies of successful established tourism centers in Egypt and from other parts of the world. We also draw upon technical literature from a variety of related fields, including marine biology, landscape architecture, engineering, tourism marketing, environmental planning, and others. These lessons and research are distilled into best practices for the planning and siting of new tourism centers and for the use and protection of environmental assets adjacent to the centers including the coral reef ecosystems, the beaches and headlands, the setback areas along coastal waters, and the surrounding desert landscape. This Best Practices Handbook is designed to be practical, well-illustrated and easily understood. It covers aspects of tourism center development that will: assist the development community to achieve environmentally sound, aesthetically pleasing and market-sensitive tourism centers, and assist the TDA and other public agencies by providing benchmarks on which to set environmental policies, guide the location of tourism centers and the subdivision of public lands, judge development plans and proposals, and base environmental management regulations. In the first section, Best Practices focuses on the framework for tourism development and environmental protection: the roles and responsibilities of key groups and the development process. The subsequent section describes the unique physical and environmental context in which tourism development is occurring and the special measures needed to respect these development shaping features. The subsequent sections address the best practices to accomplish sustainable tourism development. The best practices are not presented as a rigid set of prescribed steps and procedures, but rather as guidance and assistance in designing successful tourism facilities and managing the environmental assets on which tourism depends. Furthermore, this should be seen as our first effort. We intend to build upon and refine these practices as wel gain continued experience. Your suggestions for improvement will be sincerely appreciated

    Present Limits to Heat-Adaptability in Corals and Population-Level Responses to Climate Extremes

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    Climate change scenarios suggest an increase in tropical ocean temperature by 1–3°C by 2099, potentially killing many coral reefs. But Arabian/Persian Gulf corals already exist in this future thermal environment predicted for most tropical reefs and survived severe bleaching in 2010, one of the hottest years on record. Exposure to 33–35°C was on average twice as long as in non-bleaching years. Gulf corals bleached after exposure to temperatures above 34°C for a total of 8 weeks of which 3 weeks were above 35°C. This is more heat than any other corals can survive, providing an insight into the present limits of holobiont adaptation. We show that average temperatures as well as heat-waves in the Gulf have been increasing, that coral population levels will fluctuate strongly, and reef-building capability will be compromised. This, in combination with ocean acidification and significant local threats posed by rampant coastal development puts even these most heat-adapted corals at risk. WWF considers the Gulf ecoregion as “critically endangered”. We argue here that Gulf corals should be considered for assisted migration to the tropical Indo-Pacific. This would have the double benefit of avoiding local extinction of the world's most heat-adapted holobionts while at the same time introducing their genetic information to populations naĂŻve to such extremes, potentially assisting their survival. Thus, the heat-adaptation acquired by Gulf corals over 6 k, could benefit tropical Indo-Pacific corals who have <100 y until they will experience a similarly harsh climate. Population models suggest that the heat-adapted corals could become dominant on tropical reefs within ∌20 years
