4,767 research outputs found

    Zeitgemäß oder anachronistisch? Zwangseinweisungspraxis in Frankfurt am Main

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    Background: The evaluation of local mental health care remains difficult. For this reason systematic development of appropriate services is barely possible. Methods: We examined involuntary hospitalization in the city of Frankfurt/Main with regard to diagnoses, socio-demographic data, complementary psychosocial outpatient care, and circumstances of hospitalization. There are four psychiatric clinics, each serving a catchment area of more than 165.000 inhabitants. These clinics are responsible for all psychiatric in-patient treatments regardless of the admission modus. During a one year period, 677 patients were involuntarily hospitalized. Statistical analyses were performed subsequent to pooling the data. Results: During a period of one year, 103 out of 100.000 inhabitants of Frankfurt/Main were admitted involuntarily. The rate of involuntary admissions related to all admissions was 10.98 percent. Any complementary psychosocial care was missing in more than 70 percent of patients admitted involuntarily. Only about 10 percent of patients were examined by a physician before reaching the hospital and in disappointing 1.3 percent the municipal mental health service had been consulted prior to involuntarily admission. Conclusion: Our results show that a systematic improvement of precautionary complementary psychosocial care for risk patients is needed as well as the obligation of psychiatric emergency consultation before involuntary hospitalization.Anliegen: In der gemeindepsychiatrischen Versorgung ist eine systematische Datenerhebung bislang unzureichend etabliert. Daher ist eine planvolle Entwicklung von Versorgungsstrukturen kaum möglich. Zur weiteren Qualitätsverbesserung der gemeindepsychiatrischen Struktur soll eine verlässliche Datenbasis geschaffen werden. Methode: Das durch den Sozialpsychiatrischen Dienst initiierte Projekt PISA untersuchte 677 Zwangseinweisungen in die Versorgungskliniken der Stadt Frankfurt/Main. Ergebnisse: Bei über 70 % der Patienten fehlte eine komplementäre psychosoziale Versorgung, nur 10 % wurden außerhalb der Klinik vor der Einweisung ärztlich untersucht, nur 1,3 % durch den Sozialpsychiatrischen Dienst. Schlussfolgerungen: Eine gezielte Ausweitung ambulanter Hilfesysteme und die Hinzuziehung fachärztlicher Kompetenz vor einer Zwangseinweisung erscheinen dringend erforderlich

    5G Campus Network Factory Floor Measurements with Varying Channel and QoS Flow Priorities

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    5G is considered a promising wireless communication technology to fulfill the high-demanding communication requirements of many Industry 4.0 applications. This work evaluates a 5G campus network for indoor factory floor scenarios using the latest commercially available 3GPP release-16 developments. The measurement campaign is conducted to obtain detailed coverage maps with reference signal received power, channel quality indicators, and downlink and uplink throughput (TP). Moreover, end-to-end delay measurements with varying channel conditions, 5G quality of service (QoS) priorities, and traffic loads were evaluated. It was concluded that even without ultra-reliable low-latency features, the TP and latency performance could be controlled by configuring QoS parameters. The evaluations suggest scenarios where QoS allocation and retention priority levels can be used in order to ensure the required performance of a specific QoS flow within the 5G system.Comment: Submitted to IEEE IECON 202

    Small-scale experimental habitat fragmentation reduces colonization rates in species-rich grasslands

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    Habitat fragmentation is one of the most important threats to biodiversity. Decreasing patch size may lead to a reduction in the size of populations and to an increased extinction risk of remnant populations. Furthermore, colonization rates may be reduced in isolated patches. To investigate the effects of isolation and patch size on extinction and colonization rates of plant species, calcareous grasslands at three sites in the Swiss Jura Mountains were experimentally fragmented into patches of 0.25, 2.25, and 20.25m2 by frequent mowing of the surrounding area from 1993 to 1999. Species richness in the fragment plots and adjacent control plots of the same sizes was recorded during these 7years. In agreement with the theory of island biogeography, colonization rate was reduced by 30% in fragments versus non-isolated controls, and extinction increased in small versus large plots. Habitat specialists, in contrast to generalists, were less likely to invade fragments. In the last 4years of the experiment, extinction rates tended to be higher in fragment than in control plots at two of the three sites. Despite reduced colonization rates and a tendency of increased extinction rates in fragments, fragmented plots had only marginally fewer species than control plots after 7years. Hence, rates were a more sensitive measure for community change than changes in species richness per se. From a conservation point of view, the detected reduced colonization rates are particularly problematic in small fragments, which are more likely to suffer from high extinction rates in the long ru

    Involuntary hospitalizations in Frankfurt/Main, Germany

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    Background: The evaluation of local mental health care remains difficult. For this reason systematic development of appropriate services is barely possible. Methods: We examined involuntary hospitalization in the city of Frankfurt/Main with regard to diagnoses, socio-demographic data, complementary psychosocial outpatient care, and circumstances of hospitalization. There are four psychiatric clinics, each serving a catchment area of more than 165.000 inhabitants. These clinics are responsible for all psychiatric in-patient treatments regardless of the admission modus. During a one year period, 677 patients were involuntarily hospitalized. Statistical analyses were performed subsequent to pooling the data. Results: During a period of one year, 103 out of 100.000 inhabitants of Frankfurt/Main were admitted involuntarily. The rate of involuntary admissions related to all admissions was 10.98 percent. Any complementary psychosocial care was missing in more than 70 percent of patients admitted involuntarily. Only about 10 percent of patients were examined by a physician before reaching the hospital and in disappointing 1.3 percent the municipal mental health service had been consulted prior to involuntarily admission. Conclusion: Our results show that a systematic improvement of precautionary complementary psychosocial care for risk patients is needed as well as the obligation of psychiatric emergency consultation before involuntary hospitalization.Anliegen: In der gemeindepsychiatrischen Versorgung ist eine systematische Datenerhebung bislang unzureichend etabliert. Daher ist eine planvolle Entwicklung von Versorgungsstrukturen kaum möglich. Zur weiteren Qualitätsverbesserung der gemeindepsychiatrischen Struktur soll eine verlässliche Datenbasis geschaffen werden. Methode: Das durch den Sozialpsychiatrischen Dienst initiierte Projekt PISA untersuchte 677 Zwangseinweisungen in die Versorgungskliniken der Stadt Frankfurt/Main. Ergebnisse: Bei über 70 % der Patienten fehlte eine komplementäre psychosoziale Versorgung, nur 10 % wurden außerhalb der Klinik vor der Einweisung ärztlich untersucht, nur 1,3 % durch den Sozialpsychiatrischen Dienst. Schlussfolgerungen: Eine gezielte Ausweitung ambulanter Hilfesysteme und die Hinzuziehung fachärztlicher Kompetenz vor einer Zwangseinweisung erscheinen dringend erforderlich

    No Rationale for a Redefinition of the Mole

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    In the wake of the redefinition of the kilogram, the last unit of the International System of Units (SI) that is still based on a man-made artefact, discussions were launched on the necessity of redefining other units, amongst other the unit mole. Since 1971 the mole is defined as the amount of substance of a system that contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12. The symbol of the unit is 'mol'. When the mole is used, the elementary entities must be specified and may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, other particles, or specified groups of such particles. The definition is based on the pre-existing choice to set the relative atomic mass of carbon 12 equal to 12 exactly. In the proposed new definition the mole is the amount of substance containing exactly 6.022 141 79 × 1023 atoms or molecules, ions, electrons, other particles, or specified groups of such particles, i.e. the Avogardo constant would have a fixed value without an uncertainty. This contribution critically examines the submitted arguments to justify the proposed redefinition of the unit mole by 2011 for their persuasive power to change a scientific and cultural good such as a unit of measurement. As shown, there are no convincing scientific arguments for a redefinition of the mole that stand a closer examination. The current definition is well understood, established in science and technology for almost 50 years and is still up to date

    Bernhard Setzweins "SAHIRA oder Heinz vom Steins Fahrt ins Morgenland" herausgegeben, kommentiert, erläutert und mit Materialien versehen von Hans-Peter Ecker

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    Mit einer kommentierten, erläuterten und mit Materialien versehenen Edition von Bernhard Setzweins Theaterstück „Sahira oder Heinz vom Steins Fahrt ins Morgenland“ eröffne ich die neugegründete Buchreihe „Bamberger Texte für Bühne und Film“ (BTBF) im University-Press-Verlag der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. Die Reihe soll es ermöglichen, thematisch wie ästhetisch relevante dramatische Texte einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit von Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlern, Film- und Theaterleuten sowie einem möglichst breiten Publikum preiswert zugänglich zu machen und zugleich zu erschließen. Wenn dadurch die Aufführungs- bzw. Verfilmungschancen der betreffenden Texte verbessert werden könnten, würde ich dies als Reihenherausgeber billigend in Kauf nehmen. Den Auftakt der Reihe bildet die Edition eines Textes, der in mehr als einer Hinsicht Spannendes zu bieten hat. „Sahira“ changiert als Auftragswerk für eine Festspiel-Aufführung, was seine Genrezugehörigkeit betrifft, zwischen historischem Drama, kritischem Volksstück und postmodernem Spektakel. Inhaltlich verknüpft es bayerische Lokalsagen mit den hochaktuellen Diskursen um ,Heilige Kriege‘, ,Migration‘ und ,Integration‘. Das 2004 uraufgeführte Stück hat sich bereits vor einem Publikum bewährt und verdient es, wegen seiner gut kalkulierten Mischung von humanem Engagement, aufklärerischer Didaktik und guter Unterhaltung im Theaterbetrieb präsent gehalten zu werden