80 research outputs found

    Monitoring spatially heterogeneous dynamics in a drying colloidal thin film

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    We report on a new type of experiment that enables us to monitor spatially and temporally heterogeneous dynamic properties in complex fluids. Our approach is based on the analysis of near-field speckles produced by light diffusely reflected from the superficial volume of a strongly scattering medium. By periodic modulation of an incident speckle beam we obtain pixel-wise ensemble averages of the structure function coefficient, a measure of the dynamic activity. To illustrate the application of our approach we follow the different stages in the drying process of a colloidal thin film. We show that we can access ensemble averaged dynamic properties on length scales as small as ten micrometers over the full field of view.Comment: To appear in Soft Material

    Surface tension of the isotropic-nematic interface

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    We present the first calculations of the pressure tensor profile in the vicinity of the planar interface between isotropic liquid and nematic liquid crystal, using Onsager's density functional theory and computer simulation. When the liquid crystal director is aligned parallel to the interface, the situation of lowest free energy, there is a large tension on the nematic side of the interface and a small compressive region on the isotropic side. By contrast, for perpendicular alignment, the tension is on the isotropic side. There is excellent agreement between theory and simulation both in the forms of the pressure tensor profiles, and the values of the surface tension.Comment: Minor changes; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Stochastic processes with finite correlation time: modeling and application to the generalized Langevin equation

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    The kangaroo process (KP) is characterized by various forms of the covariance and can serve as a useful model of random noises. We discuss properties of that process for the exponential, stretched exponential and algebraic (power-law) covariances. Then we apply the KP as a model of noise in the generalized Langevin equation and simulate solutions by a Monte Carlo method. Some results appear to be incompatible with requirements of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem because probability distributions change when the process is inserted into the equation. We demonstrate how one can construct a model of noise free of that difficulty. This form of the KP is especially suitable for physical applications.Comment: 22 pages (RevTeX) and 4 figure

    Defect structures and torque on an elongated colloidal particle immersed in a liquid crystal host

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    Combining molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation we study defect structures around an elongated colloidal particle embedded in a nematic liquid crystal host. By studying nematic ordering near the particle and the disclination core region we are able to examine the defect core structure and the difference between two simulation techniques. In addition, we also study the torque on a particle tilted with respect to the director, and modification of this torque when the particle is close to the cell wall

    Multicanonical Multigrid Monte Carlo

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    To further improve the performance of Monte Carlo simulations of first-order phase transitions we propose to combine the multicanonical approach with multigrid techniques. We report tests of this proposition for the dd-dimensional Φ4\Phi^4 field theory in two different situations. First, we study quantum tunneling for d=1d = 1 in the continuum limit, and second, we investigate first-order phase transitions for d=2d = 2 in the infinite volume limit. Compared with standard multicanonical simulations we obtain improvement factors of several resp. of about one order of magnitude.Comment: 12 pages LaTex, 1 PS figure appended. FU-Berlin preprint FUB-HEP 9/9

    Orientational order in dipolar fluids consisting of nonspherical hard particles

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    We investigate fluids of dipolar hard particles by a certain variant of density-functional theory. The proper treatment of the long range of the dipolar interactions yields a contribution to the free energy which favors ferromagnetic order. This corrects previous theoretical analyses. We determine phase diagrams for dipolar ellipsoids and spherocylinders as a function of the aspect ratio of the particles and their dipole moment. In the nonpolar limit the results for the phase boundary between the isotropic and nematic phase agree well with simulation data. Adding a longitudinal dipole moment favors the nematic phase. For oblate or slightly elongated particles we find a ferromagnetic liquid phase, which has also been detected in computer simulations of fluids consisting of spherical dipolar particles. The detailed structure of the phase diagram and its evolution upon changing the aspect ratio are discussed in detail.Comment: 35 pages LaTeX with epsf style, 11 figures in eps format, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    On the nature of the so-called generic instabilities in dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics

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    It is shown that the so-called generic instabilities that appear in the framework of relativistic linear irreversible thermodynamics, describing the fluctuations of a simple fluid close to equilibrium, arise due to the coupling of heat with hydrodynamic acceleration which appears in Eckart's formalism of relativistic irreversible thermodynamics. Further, we emphasize that such behavior should be interpreted as a contradiction to the postulates of linear irreversible thermodynamics (LIT), namely a violation of Onsager's hypothesis on the regression of fluctuations, and not as fluid instabilities. Such contradictions can be avoided within a relativistic linear framework if a Meixner-like approach to the phenomenological equations is employed.Comment: 13 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in GR

    Deconstructing classical water models at interfaces and in bulk

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    Using concepts from perturbation and local molecular field theories of liquids we divide the potential of the SPC/E water model into short and long ranged parts. The short ranged parts define a minimal reference network model that captures very well the structure of the local hydrogen bond network in bulk water while ignoring effects of the remaining long ranged interactions. This deconstruction can provide insight into the different roles that the local hydrogen bond network, dispersion forces, and long ranged dipolar interactions play in determining a variety of properties of SPC/E and related classical models of water. Here we focus on the anomalous behavior of the internal pressure and the temperature dependence of the density of bulk water. We further utilize these short ranged models along with local molecular field theory to quantify the influence of these interactions on the structure of hydrophobic interfaces and the crossover from small to large scale hydration behavior. The implications of our findings for theories of hydrophobicity and possible refinements of classical water models are also discussed
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