34 research outputs found


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    Einige litauische Ortssagen, bodenlose Gewässer und Frau Holle (KHM 24, ATU 480)Nekaj litovskih legend o nastanku krajev, vodovje brez dna in Frau Holle (KHM 24, ATU 480)

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    The paper discusses Lithuanian legends on sunken animals and objects in lakes and swamps. Moving through a water barrier means passing into the Otherworld, as is seen in tales ATU 480, e.g. „Frau Holle“. Cows resting on the ground of waters are images of the dead in the meadows of the Otherworld. The sinking has been interpretated as a funeral, while the rise to the surface is connected with images of childgiving.It results in the prediction of archeological findings from the 2nd mill. BC in lakes and swamps called Groundless. As corpses may remain conserved in a swamp for a long time this could give interesting results

    Ar lie. túopa 'Populus spp.' - tikrai paveldėtas žodis?

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    There is an opinion that Lithuanian “tuopa” (Populus spp.) can not reasonably be considered as legacy of the “ide.” parent language and compared to Latin “populus”. The etymology of the Latin word is not clear; there is no base to reconstruct the “ide.” “pop-“ or similar. In case Lithuanian “tuopa” developed from Lithuanian “puopa” due to the influence of the word “topolis”, as it was maintained so far, footprints of such word should be found in Lithuanian place names and botanical names. But they are not. The meaning of the word “puopa” is unclear too. “Populus spp.” are foreign, not local, trees. Local tree is “drebulė” (asp) synonymically called “epušė” both abundantly witnessed in place names. “Tuopa” is almost never met in dialects, just in literature. Thus it should not be inherited. The author discusses the way the word developed: analysing the word “top-elė “ or similar into neo root “top-“ and supposed suffix “-e/ė”. But the words “topas” or “topa” were not detected. The other alternative is due to the homophonic “tuopa” (idler, slow-walker) witnessed in the same sources as the influence of “Populus”


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    Augalų pavadinimai su priešdėliu "pa-" lietuvių ir latvių kalbose bei artimieji reiškiniai

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    The article examines the names of plants and mushrooms with the prefix lie. pa- (la. pa-) and lie. po- (la. pa-). The different names, formed by specifying the place of growing, for instance: paalksnė 'Lactarius trivialis' : alksnis, palazdinis 'Primula veris' : lazda, lazdynas. In other cases the prefixes are used for expressing similarity, for instance: padirsė 'Festuca spp.' : dirsa 'Bromus spp.', pažirnis 'Lathyrus sp.' : žirnis, la. padilles 'Oenanthe aquatica' : dilles 'Anethum graveolens'. Other names are of verbal origin with the prefix, for instance: pominis 'Festuca spp.' : (pa)mìnti, pataisas 'Lycopodium sp.': (pa)tiesti, padraika 't.p.' : (pa)driekti. When identifying the way of formation it is necessary to perform a thorough subject overview. The Lithuanian word padružnykai 'Cichorium intybus' <Polish podróżnik 't.p.; keleivis' is a borrowing

    Ist litauisch <em>túopa </em>’Pappel’ wirklich ein Erbwort?

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    AR LIE. túopa ‘POPULUS SPP.’ – TIKRAI PAVELDĖTAS ŽODIS? SantraukaTeigiama kad nėra pagrindo laikyti lie. túopa ‘Populus spp.’ paveldu iš ide. prokalbės ir lyginti su lo. pōpulus. Lo. žodžio etimologija nėra aiški, nėra pagrindo rekonstruoti ide. *pōp- ar pan. Manant, kaip iki šiol argumentuojama, buvus lie. *puopa, iš kurio dėl topolis įtakos atsirado túopa, turėtų būti šio žodžio pėdsakų vietovardžiuose, augalų vardyne. Jų nėra. Neaiški ir *puopa reikšmė. Populus spp. nevietiniai, atvežti medžiai. Vietinė tik drebulė, turinti dar kitą sinonimą ẽpušė; abi gausiai paliudytos vietovardžiuose. Túopa beveik neaptinkama tarmėse, tik literatūroje. Taigi jis neturėtų būti paveldėtas žodis. Svarstoma, kaip atsirado žodis: ar skaidant *top-elė ar pan. į neošaknį *top- su tariamu sufiksu -elė. Tačiau *topas ar *topa neužfiksuota. Arba dėl homofoninio túopa ‘tinginys, lėtai einantis’, paliudyto ten pat kur túopa ‘Populus’, įtakos.</p

    LIT. pelynas, garstyčios, APR. garkity – SLAVISMEN ODER BALTISCHES ERBGUT?

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    LIT. pelynas, garstyčios, APR. garkity– SLAVISMEN ODER BALTISCHES ERBGUT

    Some links of linguisties and folkloristics vvith archaeology

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    The object of the research is the data of folklore as well as of the language, particularly place names being linked with the subjects of archaeology and history, more precisely - the analysis of the word ragana (witch) and of the place names with the element ragan- in the folkloristic context, as well as the origin of the witch as the mythic personage. Also, the etymology of the place name Spigino ragas (the Spiginąs horn) (nearby lake Biržulis, where burial ground of the Neolithic is present). The question of the sunk Raigardas has been investigated with reference to the way of burying the dead in the water (in a bog). The aim is to encourage interdisciplinary research on linguistics, folklore and archaeology by presenting for the discussion some new hypotheses. Concludingly Raganinės (the witch places) are most probably the ones that got their names because of būriai rites. The Spigino ragas may be related to the name of the Latvian spigana (a witch). The element of burying the dead being reconstructed: the survivals of the pilė used to be harrowed up. By this fact the explanation could be made why in some cultures of the Eastern Balts burial-grounds or bones in the cremated graves can not be found. Supposedly, the tradition of burying the dead in the bog of the Raigardas Valley ought to have existed