11 research outputs found

    Lip-to-incisor relationship and postorthodontic long-term stability of cover-bite treatment.

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    Contains fulltext : 50716.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of a persisting high lip line and other potential relapse-inducing factors on long-term stability of orthodontic correction of retroinclined maxillary central incisors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-one cover-bite ("Deckbiss") patients with retroinclined maxillary central incisors and a deep frontal overbite were evaluated. The maxillary central incisor inclination was determined odontometrically with study models made pretreatment, posttreatment, and at a follow-up examination (mean posttherapeutic interval: 9.0 years). The lip-to-incisor relationship, the interincisal angle, and the anteroposterior maxillary central incisor position were measured on lateral cephalograms taken after active treatment. RESULTS: The relapse tendency of the orthodontic correction of the retroinclined maxillary central incisors displayed great interindividual variability with a range of posttherapeutic inclination change of -6.75 degrees to +8.00 degrees. Multiple regression analysis revealed an increased tendency for relapse in patients with (1) a high posttherapeutic (dorsal) lip line level combined with the maxillary central incisor and lower lip contact only in the incisal crown area (P < .01) and (2) a marked therapeutically induced inclination change of the maxillary central incisors (P < .05). Interrelations between the relapse of the corrected maxillary central incisors and other evaluated parameters were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: For maximum treatment stability, the elimination of an excessive overlap of the upper incisors by the lower lip should be regarded as one of the most important therapeutic objectives when treating this malocclusion

    Force decay of polyethylene terephthalate glycol aligner materials during simulation of typical clinical loading/unloading scenarios

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    Background!#!This in vitro study investigated the effect of three distinct daily loading/unloading cycles on force delivery during orthodontic aligner therapy. The cycles were applied for 7 days and were designed to reflect typical clinical aligner application scenarios.!##!Materials and methods!#!Flat polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PET-G) specimens (Duran®, Scheu Dental, Iserlohn, Germany) with thicknesses ranging between 0.4 and 0.75 mm were tested in a three-point-bending testing machine. Measurements comprised loading/unloading intervals of 12 h/12 h, 18 h/6 h, and 23 h/1 h, and specimens were exposed to bidistilled water during loading to simulate intraoral conditions.!##!Results!#!A very large decay in force for the PET‑G specimens could already be observed after the first loading period, with significantly different residual force values of 24, 20, and 21% recorded for the 12 h/12 h, 18 h/6 h, and 23 h/1 h loading/unloading modes, respectively (Mann-Whitney U test, p &amp;lt; 0.01). In addition, further decays in force from the first to the last loading period at day 7 of 13.5% (12 h/12 h), 9.7% (18 h/6 h), and 8.4% (23 h/1 h) differed significantly among the three distinct loading modes (Mann-Whitney U test, p &amp;lt; 0.01).!##!Conclusion!#!Although the initial material stiffness of PET‑G is relatively high, the transmission of excessive forces is attenuated by the high material-related force decay already within a few hours after intraoral insertion

    Trueness of full-arch IO scans estimated based on 3D translational and rotational deviations of single teeth—an in vitro study

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    Objectives!#!To three-dimensionally evaluate deviations of full-arch intraoral (IO) scans from reference desktop scans in terms of translations and rotations of individual teeth and different types of (mal)occlusion.!##!Materials and methods!#!Three resin model pairs reflecting different tooth (mal)positions were mounted in the phantom head of a dental simulation unit and scanned by three dentists and three non-graduate investigators using a confocal laser IO scanner (Trios 3®). The tooth-crown surfaces of the IO scans and reference scans were superimposed by means of best-fit alignment. A novel method comprising the measurement of individual tooth positions was used to determine the deviations of each tooth in the six degrees of freedom, i.e., in terms of 3D translation and rotation. Deviations between IO and reference scans, among tooth-(mal)position models, and between dentists and non-graduate investigators were analyzed using linear mixed-effects models.!##!Results!#!The overall translational deviations of individual teeth on the IO scans were 76, 32, and 58 µm in the lingual, mesial, and intrusive directions, respectively, resulting in a total displacement of 114 µm. Corresponding rotational deviations were 0.58° buccal tipping, 0.04° mesial tipping, and 0.14° distorotation leading to a combined rotation of 0.78°. These deviations were the smallest for the dental arches with anterior crowding, followed by those with spacing and those with good alignment (p &amp;lt; 0.05). Results were independent of the operator's level of education.!##!Conclusions!#!Compared to reference desktop scans, individual teeth on full-arch IO scans showed high trueness with total translational and rotational deviations &amp;lt; 115 µm and &amp;lt; 0.80°, respectively.!##!Clinical relevance!#!Available confocal laser IO scanners appear sufficiently accurate for diagnostic and therapeutic orthodontic applications. Results indicate that full-arch IO scanning can be delegated to non-graduate dental staff members

    Inadvertent side effects of fixed lingual retainers An in vitro study

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    Purpose To better understand the side effects of fixed lingual retainers by means of an in vitro study in a two-tooth model determining the three-dimensional (3D) force-moment components acting at adjacent teeth combined with different composite-wire interfaces. Methods Triple-stranded round retainer wires were embedded in cured disks of flowable composite. At one side the composite-wire interface was untreated and checked to be absolutely fix. At the other side the composite-wire interface was configured as either an isolated compound with (1) petroleum jelly coating, or an adhered compound with (2) no manipulation, (3) ethanol degreasing or (4) ethanol degreasing and rectangular bending of the wire ends. The 3D force-moment components were registered, while the intertooth distance was increased in steps of 0.01 mm leading to increasing tension of the wire. Measurements were repeated after artificially aging the specimens. Results Retainer wire specimens with adhered compound (2, 3, 4) showed negative vestibulo-oral moments ranging maximally each between -0.3 and -0.9 Nmm in opposite direction to positive moments of 1.9 Nmm for specimens with isolated compound 1. Significant tipping moments occurred in the group with isolated compound at lower forces than in those groups with adhered compound. Similar effects were observed after artificial aging. Conclusion Side effects emerge under specific circumstances: an altered adhesive compound combined with the presence of oral forces. Compounds with lost adhesion at the composite-wire interface showed rotational moments in the direction of the wire windings even during low tensile forces similar to those that may occur in clinical settings. Opposite rotational moments leading to unwinding of the wire may occur in cases with adhered compounds at higher tensile forces. Utilization of round triple-stranded retainer wires without bent ends are of higher risk to induce inadvertent side effects

    Motor learning might contribute to a therapeutic anterior shift of the habitual mandibular position—An exploratory study

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    Background Passive mandibular advancement with functional appliances is commonly used to treat juvenile patients with mandibular retrognathism. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate whether active repetitive training of the mandible into an anterior position would result in a shift of the habitual mandibular position (HMP). Methods Twenty adult healthy subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups: a training group receiving six supervised functional training sessions of 10 min each and a control group without training. Bonded lateral biteplates disengaged occlusion among both groups throughout the 15‐day experiment. Customised registration‐training appliances consisted of a maxillary component with an anterior plane and a mandibular component with an attached metal sphere. Training sessions consisted of repeated mouth‐opening/closing cycles (frequency: 30/min) to hit an anteriorly positioned hemispherical target notch with this metal sphere. The HMP was registered at defined times during the experiment. Results The HMP in the training group showed a statistically significant anterior shift of 1.6 mm (interquartile range [IQR]: 1.2 mm), compared with a significant posterior shift of −0.8 mm (IQR: 2.8 mm) in the control group (p < .05). Although the anterior shift among the training group showed a partial relapse 4 days after the first training block, it then advanced slightly in the 4‐day interval after the second training block, which might indicate neuroplasticity of the masticatory motor system. Conclusions Motor learning by repetitive training of the mandible into an anterior position might help to improve the results of functional appliance therapy among patients with mandibular retrognathism

    Motor learning might contribute to a therapeutic anterior shift of the habitual mandibular position—An exploratory study

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    Background Passive mandibular advancement with functional appliances is commonly used to treat juvenile patients with mandibular retrognathism. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate whether active repetitive training of the mandible into an anterior position would result in a shift of the habitual mandibular position (HMP). Methods Twenty adult healthy subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups: a training group receiving six supervised functional training sessions of 10 min each and a control group without training. Bonded lateral biteplates disengaged occlusion among both groups throughout the 15‐day experiment. Customised registration‐training appliances consisted of a maxillary component with an anterior plane and a mandibular component with an attached metal sphere. Training sessions consisted of repeated mouth‐opening/closing cycles (frequency: 30/min) to hit an anteriorly positioned hemispherical target notch with this metal sphere. The HMP was registered at defined times during the experiment. Results The HMP in the training group showed a statistically significant anterior shift of 1.6 mm (interquartile range [IQR]: 1.2 mm), compared with a significant posterior shift of −0.8 mm (IQR: 2.8 mm) in the control group (p < .05). Although the anterior shift among the training group showed a partial relapse 4 days after the first training block, it then advanced slightly in the 4‐day interval after the second training block, which might indicate neuroplasticity of the masticatory motor system. Conclusions Motor learning by repetitive training of the mandible into an anterior position might help to improve the results of functional appliance therapy among patients with mandibular retrognathism