1,340 research outputs found
Poseidon 423 [POS423] Cruise Report
Cruise Report R.V. Poseidon, cruise POS 423, Las Palmas 08.12.11 - Mindelo 18.12.11 ; nordöstlich der Kapverdischen Insel
Cruise Report RV Poseidon cruise POS 295 [POS295], Lisbon 20.03.03 - Las Palmas 01.04.03
The cruise was a pilot cruise in the framework of the EU-project OASIS (Oceanic seamounts: an integrated study) which studies the functioning ecology of seamounts in the NE-Atlantic. The research programme during the cruise included measurements of the physical properties of the water column (temperature and salinity), the sampling of particulate organic matter, measurements of primary production and export fluxes and the sampling of zooplankton
Denotation by Transformation: Towards Obtaining a Denotational Semantics by Transformation to Point-free Style
It has often been observed that a point-free style of programming provides a more abstract view on programs. We aim to use the gain in abstraction to obtain a denotational semantics for functional logic languages in a straightforward way. Here we propose a set of basic operations based on which arbitrary functional logic programs can be transformed to point-free programs. The resulting programs are strict but, nevertheless, the semantics of the original program is preserved. There is a one-to-one mapping from the primitives introduced by the transformation to operations in relation algebra. This mapping can be extended to obtain a relation algebraic model for the whole program. This yields a denotational semantics which is on one hand closely related to point-free functional logic programs and on the other hand connects to the well developed field of algebraic logic including automatic proving
Biology and biogeochemistry of the eastern mediterranean sea : research vessel Meteor, cruise No. M71 ; 11. Dez. 2006 - 04. Feb. 2007
Die METEOR-Fahrt 71 umfasst 3 biologisch und biogeochemisch orientierte Fahrtabschnitte mit insgesamt 50 Schiffstagen im östlichen Mittelmeer und hat folgende Ziele: Der Abschnitt METEOR 71-1 dient der physikalischen, biogeochemischen und biologischen Probengewinnung im Bereich der Anaximander Mountains. Es gibt nur einige wenige Seeberge im östlichen Mittelmeeres, die weitgehend isoliert vom übrigen Ozean sind und in einer Region liegen, die sich durch ein im Vergleich zum Weltozean sehr warmes Tiefenwasser von rund 14 °C auszeichnet. Hauptziel der Untersuchungen an einem Gipfel der Anaximander Mountains ist die Beantwortung der Frage, ob sich ein Seeberg-Ökosystem in einer oligotrophen Region mit warmen Tiefenwasser in Bezug auf seinen Einfluß auf das umgebende Strömungs- und Nährstoffregime, die Produktivität und Verteilung der Nahrungsketten, sowie in Bezug auf die Größe der „Sphere of interference“, das heißt dem Einflußbereich des Seamounts auf den umgebenden Wasserkörper, ähnlich verhält wie entsprechende Erhebungen im Nordostatlantik. Die Expedition METEOR 71-2 beschäftigt sich mit der Biodiversität in der Tiefsee des östlichen Mittelmeeres und ihren Steuerungsfaktoren (Tiefe, Küstenabstand, Nahrungsverfügbarkeit). Zum einen geht es um eine möglichst vollständige Erfassung der Artenzusammensetzung in zwei Referenzregionen durch Vielfachbeprobung an der selben Stelle, zum anderen um die Unterschiede des Arteninventars und des Artenreichtums in Abhängigkeit von der Tiefe und vom Küstenabstand. Die Arbeitsgebiete von jeweils 17 sm x 5 sm sind das Ierapetra-Becken südlich Kreta. (> 4000m Tiefe) und ein Gebiet der gleichen Größe weiter südlich (2800 m Tiefe doppelter Abstand zur Küste).Die Untersuchungen berücksichtigen alle Grössenklassen des Benthos (Mega-, Macro-, Meiound Nanofauna), um Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Abhängigkeit der Biodiversität von Ökofaktoren zu erkennen. Damit sollen die Struktur und die Funktion der Lebensgemeinschaften am äußerst oligotrophen Tiefseeboden des levantinischen Beckens besser und detaillierter verstanden werden. Arbeiten der Expedition METEOR 71-3 zielen auf die Klärung der Frage, ob im heutigen Mittelmeer Phosphatverlust und unvollständige Nitratnutzung, oder Stickstoff-Fixierung im ultraoligotrophen östlichen Mittelmeer für isotopisch abgereicherte d15N Signaturen von Sedimenten und Schwebstoffen verantwortlich sind. Ein Nebenziel ist die Gewinnung zusätzlicher Oberflächensedimente, um die Datenbasis für Eichungen des UK´37-Index und Abschätzung der Nährstoffakkumulationsraten in Sedimenten im Mittelmeers zu verbessern. Dazu werden auf Schnitten durch das östliche Mittelmeer Nährstoffprofile beprobt, Proben für Messungen der 15N/14N-Verhältnisse in Nitrat, gelöstem organischem Stickstoff, in Sinkstoffen und Oberflächensedimenten gewonnen, Untersuchungen des Phytoplanktons sowie Messungen von N2-Fixierungsraten durchgeführt. Weiter werden molekulare Techniken eingesetzt, um das Vorhandensein und die Transkription der nifH-Gene für das Nitrogenase-Enzym diazotropher Organismen zu überprüfen. Die Methoden zielen auf das nifHGen und seine Transkripte und geben Aufschluss über das Potential für Stickstofffixierung. Die Ergebnisse werden zeigen, ob das Gen aktiv in der Plankton-Gemeinschaft transkribiert wird. Ferne wird mit der DNA Sequenzanalyse neben der Anwesenheit auch die Diversität der diazotrophen Organismen etabliert. Schließlich wird im Verlauf der Fahrt an einer Station im Rhodos-Becken eine Sedimentfalle ausgebracht.Meteor expedition 71 has a total of 50 ship days on 3 individual legs. Research is directed towards investigations into deep-sea biology and biogeochemistry of the eastern Mediterra-nean Sea. Goals of the individual legs are: Leg Meteor M71/1 focuses on physical, biogeochemical and biological sampling at the Anaximander Mountains. There are only very few seamount-like structures in the eastern Mediterranean. They are fairly isolated from the world ocean and are located in a region with exceptionally high temperatures of 14 °C in the deep-water layers. The primary goal of the studies at one peak of the Anaximander Mountains is to assess if a seamount ecosystem in an oligotrophic region with a warm deep-water layer is comparable with similar topographic feature in the NEAtlantic, which have been studied within the EU funded project OASIS. In particular, we plan to study if these systems in different oceanographic regimes have similar impacts on the current field and on the particle flux, and if they are similar with regard to their productivity, the distribution of their food webs and their sphere of interference, i.e. the extention of the space which is affected by seamount processes. Leg METEOR 71-2 studies the biodiversity of the deep sea in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and controlling factors (water depth, distance to land, nutrient availability). One goal is to assess the species composition in two reference fields through repeated sampling of the sea floor. The second goal is to map differences in assemblages and species richness in relation to water depth and distance from land. The two reference fields of 17nm x 5 nm are located in the Ierapetra-Deep south of Crete (water depth >4000 m) and an area of the same size located furhter south (water depth 2800m double distance to the coast)The on-board investigations extend to all size classes of benthic organisms (mega-, macro-, meio-, and nanofauna) in order to search for similarities and differences that determine biodiversity and its relationship with ecosystem boundary conditions. This work will result in an improved and detailed understanding of ecosystem structure and functioning in an ultraoligotrophic sea floor region of the Eastern Mediterranean. Work on M71-3 aims to answer the question whether phosphate loss and incomplete utilisation of nitrate on the one hand, or dinitrogen fixation on the other hand are responsible for unusual nutrient ratios in the water column of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. We also seek to find the reason for unusually depleted 15N/14N ratios in dissolved nitrate, suspended matter and surface sediments of that oligotrophic ocean basin. During a total of 18 days of ship time on r/v METEOR, Leg 3 OF M71 will perfom water column and surface sediment work in the eastern Mediterranean Sea (Heraklion-Istanbul). Stations will be aligned on one E-W and two N-S transects and will sample all major basins and water masses. We will analyse water samples for nutrients, and will determine the stable nitrogen isotope composition of dissolved nitrate, suspended matter, and surface sediments. In addition, phytoplankton samples will be taken and experiments will be carried out to determine N2 fixation rates, genetic expressions of nitrogen fixation, and the composition of microbial and algal assemblages. One mooring of sediment traps (Rhodes Gyre) will be deployed and recovered after one year to monitor changes in particle flux and its isotopic signature over a seasonal cycle. An ancillary goal is to sample surface sediments for determinations of diagenetic effects on the 15N/14N signal in combination with analyses of amino acid degradation and calibration of the alkenone unsaturation index UK’ 37
Early Detection of Postpartum Depressive Symptoms in Mothers and Fathers and Its Relation to Midwives’ Evaluation and Service Provision: A Community-Based Study
Background: Postpartum parental mental health problems pose a serious risk for child development and often remain undetected in postpartum primary care. Within the framework of the German Midwifes Prevention Study, the aim of this study was to investigate the presence of postpartum emotional distress in mothers and fathers, and the detection of distressed parents by midwives in a primary care setting. We also examined whether a temporal extension of the postpartum midwife care period is associated with greater use of midwife contacts and higher rates of referral to further professional support if needed.Methods: Mothers, fathers, and midwives filled out questionnaires at two weeks (t1) and six months (t2) postpartum. Compared to standard care in the control group (CG), midwives in an intervention group (IG) offered extended postpartum care of six months postpartum. Parental psychological distress was assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Midwives reported on parental psychological distress as well as the number of postpartum contacts and referrals to additional social care and health providers. Results: Based on their ratings, midwives identified half of mothers and around one quarter of fathers with elevated depressive symptoms according to the EPDS at t1 and t2. IG mothers used significantly more midwife contacts than CG mothers. IG mothers with high postnatal psychological distress at t2 used significantly more contacts than mothers with lower levels of distress. IG mothers with high psychological distress at t2 were referred to additional support services more often than mothers with lower levels of distress
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