236 research outputs found
Iterative Interplay between Aharonov-Bohm Deficit Angle and Berry Phase
Geometric phases can be observed by interference as preferred scattering directions in the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect or as Berry phase shifts leading to precession on cyclic paths. Without curvature single-valuedness is lost in both case. It is shown how the deficit angle of the AB conic metric and the geometric precession cone vertex angle of the Berry phase can be adjusted to restore single-valuedness. The resulting interplay between both phases confirms the non--linear iterative system providing for generalized fine structure constants obtained in the preliminary work. Topological solitons of the scalar coupling field emerge as localized, non-dispersive and non-singular solutions of the (complex) sine-Gordon equation with a relation to the Thirring coupling constant and non-linear optics
Berry's Phase and Fine Structure
Irrational numbers can be assigned to physical entities based on iterative processes of geometric objects. It is likely that iterative round trips of vector signals include a geometric phase component. If so, this component will couple back to the round trip frequency or path length generating an non-linear feedback loop (i.e. induced by precession). In this paper such a quantum feedback mechanism is defined including generalized fine structure constants in accordance with the fundamental gravitomagnetic relation of spin-orbit coupling. Supported by measurements, the general relativistic and topological background allows to propose, that the deviation of the fine structure constant from 1/137 could be assigned to Berry's phase. The interpretation is straightforward: spacetime curvature effects can be greatly amplified by non-linear phase-locked feedback-loops adjusted to single-valued phase relationships in the quantum regime
Soliton Compton Mass from Auto-Parametric Wave-Soliton Coupling
In this paper a self-excited Rayleigh-type system models the auto-parametric wave-soliton coupling via phase fluctuations. The parameter of dissipative terms determine not only the most likely quantum coupling between solitons and linear waves but also the most likely mass of the solitons. Phase fluctuations are mediated by virtual photons coupling at light-velocity in a permanent Compton scattering process. With a reference to the SI-units and proper scaling relations in length and velocity, the final result shows a highly interesting sequence: the likely soliton Compton mass is about 1.00138 times the neutron and 1.00276 times the proton mass
Soliton Compton Mass from Auto-Parametric Wave-Soliton Coupling
In this paper a self-excited Rayleigh-type system models the auto-parametric wave-soliton coupling via phase fluctuations. The parameter of dissipative terms determine not only the most likely quantum coupling between solitons and linear waves but also the most likely mass of the solitons. Phase fluctuations are mediated by virtual photons coupling at light-velocity in a permanent Compton scattering process. With a reference to the SI-units and proper scaling relations in length and velocity, the final result shows a highly interesting sequence: the likely soliton Compton mass is about 1.00138 times the neutron and 1.00276 times the proton mass
Iterative Interplay between Aharonov-Bohm Deficit Angle and Berry Phase
Geometric phases can be observed by interference as preferred scattering directions in the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect or as Berry phase shifts leading to precession on cyclic paths. Without curvature single-valuedness is lost in both case. It is shown how the deficit angle of the AB conic metric and the geometric precession cone vertex angle of the Berry phase can be adjusted to restore single-valuedness. The resulting interplay between both phases confirms the non--linear iterative system providing for generalized fine structure constants obtained in the preliminary work. Topological solitons of the scalar coupling field emerge as localized, non-dispersive and non-singular solutions of the (complex) sine-Gordon equation with a relation to the Thirring coupling constant and non-linear optics
(Split-)Quaternion and (Split-)Octonion Dynamics in Discrete-Time Recurrent Frenet Frames
We consider and apply a multidimensional discrete-time delay autonomous third order non-linear vector difference equation system, where the orthogonal change after two reflections is given by a vector cross product leading to spinor rotations , where the symmetry invariant allows at every step for a memory sign flip including expansion/contraction by a scalar factor. Using the Frenet frame approach defining orthogonal co-moving components with torsion and curvature parameter, both, the orthogonal frame and the change of the frame are represented by the three position memory terms recurrently. The necessary cross and dot vector product (split-)algebra is encoded in variable multiplication tables in 3\textit{d} and 7\textit{d}. We discuss two special types showing stable point densities, which are drifting limit cycles with sub-cycles, where the resulting smooth orbital spinor dynamics shows discrete atomic-type orbital eigenstates or local waves with characteristic numbers, non-local reflection, instability, hysteresis, interaction, helical emissions, and transition to chaos
Growth and fibrinolytic parameters of human umbilical vein endothelial cells seeded onto cardiovascular grafts
AbstractIt was the aim of this study to investigate possible effects of biomaterials used to produce vascular grafts on the fibrinolytic system of endothelial cells. Therefore growth conditions for human umbilical vein endothelial cells on polytetrafluoroethylene and on polyurethane were optimized. Tissue culture polystyrene was used as a control material. We could demonstrate that precoating of the materials with fibronectin significantly increased the growth rate of human umbilical vein endothelial cells on these materials. Furthermore, we showed that human umbilical vein endothelial cells grown on polytetrafluoroethylene or polyurethane released more plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and tissue type-plasminogen activator into the conditioned media than did human umbilical vein endothelial cells grown on tissue culture polystyrene. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells cultured on polytetrafluoroethylene also deposited more plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 into the extracellular matrix than did control cells grown on tissue culture polystyrene. Our results give evidence that human umbilical vein endothelial cells grown on two biomaterials used to construct vascular grafts, namely polytetrafluoroethylene and polyurethane, produce tissue-type plasminogen activator as well as plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, two major components of the fibrinolytic system also expressed by endothelial cells in vivo. In conclusion, our data suggest that endothelial cells grown on vascular grafts show functional integrity concerning their fibrinolytic system, which in turn might contribute to reduce the thrombogenic properties of the graft material. (J T HORAC C ARDIOVASC S URG 1995;109:1059-65
A Conceptual Mathematical Model of the Dynamic Self-Organisation of Distinct Cellular Organelles
Formation, degradation and renewal of cellular organelles is a dynamic process based on permanent budding, fusion and inter-organelle traffic of vesicles. These processes include many regulatory proteins such as SNAREs, Rabs and coats. Given this complex machinery, a controversially debated issue is the definition of a minimal set of generic mechanisms necessary to enable the self-organization of organelles differing in number, size and chemical composition. We present a conceptual mathematical model of dynamic organelle formation based on interacting vesicles which carry different types of fusogenic proteins (FP) playing the role of characteristic marker proteins. Our simulations (ODEs) show that a de novo formation of non-identical organelles, each accumulating a different type of FP, requires a certain degree of disproportionation of FPs during budding. More importantly however, the fusion kinetics must indispensably exhibit positive cooperativity among these FPs, particularly for the formation of larger organelles. We compared different types of cooperativity: sequential alignment of corresponding FPs on opposite vesicle/organelles during fusion and pre-formation of FP-aggregates (equivalent, e.g., to SNARE clusters) prior to fusion described by Hill kinetics. This showed that the average organelle size in the system is much more sensitive to the disproportionation strength of FPs during budding if the vesicular transport system gets along with a fusion mechanism based on sequential alignments of FPs. Therefore, pre-formation of FP aggregates within the membranes prior to fusion introduce robustness with respect to organelle size. Our findings provide a plausible explanation for the evolution of a relatively large number of molecules to confer specificity on the fusion machinery compared to the relatively small number involved in the budding process. Moreover, we could speculate that a specific cooperativity which may be described by Hill kinetics (aggregates or Rab/SNARE complex formation) is suitable if maturation/identity switching of organelles play a role (bistability)
Einfluss von Omega-3-Fettsäuren auf postprandiale Triglyceride und Aktivität von Monozyten
Der Einfluss von Triglyceriden (TG) auf die Atherosklerose ist nicht eindeutig geklärt. Einige epidemiologische Studien weisen darauf hin, dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen postprandialer Triglyceridserumkonzentration und kardiovaskulären Ereignissen besteht. In Untersuchungen, in denen die Wirkung von Omega-3-Fettsäuren (ω3-FS) getestet wurde, zeigte sich in höheren Dosierungen ein senkender Einfluss auf die Nüchtern-Triglyceride. Bei der Pathogenese von atherosklerotischen Plaques spielen Makrophagen eine wichtige Rolle. Ob hohe Blutfettspiegel ausreichen um einen inflammatorischen Reiz mit Monozytenaktivierung auszulösen ist bisher nicht bekannt.
Im Rahmen der hier durchgeführten randomisierten placebokontrollierten Cross-Over-Studie sollte daher geklärt werden, ob ω3-FS dazu geeignet sind auch in der postprandialen Phase die Triglyceride zu senken und eine Monozytenaktivierung zu attenuieren.
Hierfür wurden im Zeitraum zwischen dem 01.09.2009 und dem 27.11.2010 30 Patienten mit Koronarer Herzkrankheit (KHK) und ausgeschlossener Diabeteserkrankung für je drei Wochen mit 4g/Tag Omega-3-Säuremethylester 90 bzw. Placebo behandelt. Vor und nach jeder Behandlungsphase erfolgte ein oraler Triglycerid-Toleranz-Test (oTTT) mit 80 g Fett. In der mit ω3-FS behandelten Gruppe zeigte sich ein Abfall der Nüchtern-Triglyceride im Vergleich zum Vortest von 137,1 ± 12,9 mg/dl auf 112,2 ± 8,6 mg/dl (p < 0,05). Die Messungen der Blut-Triglyceride während des oTTT zeigten eine Kurve mit Höhepunkt des Triglyceridanstieges nach 4 Stunden (184,0 ± 7,37 % vom Ausgangswert / nichtbehandelte Kontrollen). In der Verum-Gruppe waren nach Behandlung die maximal erreichten Triglycerid-Spiegel (205,9 ± 17,1 mg/dl) signifikant niedriger als davor (244,8 ± 24,6 mg/dl) (p<0.05) und gegenüber der Placebo-Gruppe (242,4 ± 21,0 mg/dl) (p<0.05). Dabei ähnelte der relative TG-Konzentrationsanstieg unter Verum (192,8 ± 12,7 % vom Ausgangswert) dem unter Placebo.
Zur Identifikation von Monozytenaktivierung bzw. Veränderung leukozytärer und monozytärer Subpopulationen wurden die Oberflächenmarker CD11b, CD14, CD16 (Cluster of Differentiation 11b, 14 und 16) sowie CCR2 (C-C Chemokine Rezeptor 2) nach oTTT im Zeitverlauf mittels Durchflusszytometrie gemessen. Außerdem wurden s-ICAM-1 (soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecul 1), ein Biomarker für endotheliale Entzündungsreaktionen, und 8-Isoprostan, als Marker des oxidativen Stresses bestimmt.
Dabei zeigte sich bei keinem der gemessenen Parameter ein eindeutiger Einfluss weder durch die Fettaufnahme und den TG-Anstieg noch durch die Behandlung mit ω3-FS.
Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass ω3-FS nicht nur die Nüchtern-Triglyceride sondern auch die postprandialen Triglyceride im Blut signifikant senken. Eine durch eine hohe Triglyceridserumkonzentration ausgelöste Makrophagenaktivierung oder Entzündungs-reaktion ließ sich durch die verwendeten Methoden nicht nachweisen. Ebenfalls wurde kein Einfluss von ω3-FS auf die gemessenen inflammatorischen Parameter festgestellt.Data regarding the importance of triglycerides in the development of atherosclerosis are conflicting. Epidemiologic studies suggest an association between postprandial serum triglyceride concentrations and cardiovascular events. Omega-3 fatty acids (ω3-FA) reduce fasting serum triglyceride concentrations when administered in high dose rates. Macrophages play an important role in the development of atherosclerosis. It is unknown if high serum triglyceride concentrations themselves are able to stimulate vascular inflammation with monocyte and macrophage involvement.
Therefore in the present randomized placebo-controlled cross-over-study we investigated if omega-3-fatty acids can reduce postprandial serum triglyceride concentrations. A second goal was to measure a possible effect of ω3-FA on triglyceride induced activation of monocytes.
In the period between 01-09-2009 and 27-11-2010 30 non-diabetic patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) were treated for 3 weeks with 4 g/day ω3-FA or placebo. Before and after every treatment period an oral triglyceride tolerance test (oTTT) with 80 g fat was performed. Omega-3-fatty acids reduced fasting triglycerides from 137.1 ± 12.9 mg/dl to 112.2 ± 8.6 mg/dl (p < 0.05). Measurements of triglycerides during the oTTT showed a maximum after 4 h (184.0 ± 7.37 % from controls). In the treatment-group maximum serum triglyceride concentrations where significant lower after treatment (from 244.8 ± 24.6 mg/dl to 205.9 ± 17.1 mg/dl) (p<0.05) and also when compared to the placebo group (242.4 ± 21.0 mg/dl) (p<0.05). The relative triglyceride increase was similar in the ω3-FA group when checked against placebo.
In order to detect an effect on monocyte activation, we measured surface markers CD11b, CD14, CD16 (cluster of differentiation 11b, 14 and 16) and CCR2 (C-C chemokine receptor 2) following oTTT using flow cytometry. Additionally serum concentrations of s-ICAM-1 (soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1), a biomarker for endothelium inflammation, and 8-Isoprostan, a marker of oxidative stress, were investigated. Neither oTTT intake nor the treatment with ω3-FA showed a clear influence on those parameters.
In conclusion ω3-FA are able to reduce not only the fasting triglycerides but also postprandial serum triglyceride concentrations. No influence was detected of triglycerides or ω3-FA on inflammatory parameters or monocyte activation
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