24 research outputs found

    Status and challenges of Spiral2 SRF linac

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    SPIRAL2 cryomodule production result and analyses

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    THIOB02International audienceThe production and qualification of the SPIRAL2 cryomodules are close to the end. Their performances arenow well established. This paper will explain the path followed to the good achievements, and show somestatistical analyses to be used for future projects. How far can we push the performances? What cryogenicsconsumption shall we take as design values

    Status of the low beta 0.07 cryomodules for SPIRAL2

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    International audienceThe status of the low beta cryomodules for SPIRAL2, supplied by the Irfu institute of CEA Saclay, is reported in this paper. We summarise in three parts the RF tests performed on the cavities in vertical cryostat, the RF power tests of the qualifying cryomodule performed in 2010 and the RF power tests performed in 2011 on the first cryomodule of the serie

    Spiral2 cryomodules B tests results

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    MOP010International audienceAssembly and tests of the SPIRAL2 superconducting linac's cryomodules at CEA/Saclay and IPN/Orsay have now reached cruising speed after having faced a series of problems, among them contamination. 19 cryomodules are composing the whole Linac and IPN Orsay is in charge of the 7 cryomodules B, housing two 88 MHz, beta 0.12 Quarter-Wave Resonators. Threecryomodules have been assembled and successfullytested up to the nominal gradient of 6.5 MV/m for all cavities with also cryogenic losses withinspecifications. Two of them are fully qualified and already delivered to GANIL. The thirdone showed misalignment ofone cavity which could lead to partial disassembly if needed. This paper presents the results of those cryomodules tests as well as the status of the remaining ones

    Status of Cryomodules A&B

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    Testing and installing SPIRAL2 SC linac

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    Status of the SPIRAL 2 Superconducting LINAC

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    MOPD025International audienceSPIRAL2 is a radioactive beams facility, composed of a superconducting linac driver, delivering deuterons with an energy up to 40 MeV (5 mA) and heavy ions with an energy of 14.5 MeV/u (1 mA). The superconducting linac is composed of two families of quarter wave resonators: type A (optimized for ¯=0.07, 1 per cryomodule) and B (¯=0.12, 2 per cryomodule). The accelerator is scheduled to be commissionned from mid-2011 onwards. The project is therefore in production phase. This paper summarizes the latest results and the status of the superconducting linac. All 16 type B cavities have been tested. Cryomodules from both families are presently beeing assembled in series. Installation in the new building shall begin inMay 2011

    Assembling, Testing and Installing the SPIRAL2 Superconducting LINAC

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    THPWO001International audienceAssembly and tests of the SPIRAL2 superconducting linac's components are now proceeding smoothly. Cryomodules are being processed in CEA Saclay and IPN Orsay, inter-cryomodules "warm" sections in GANIL. While installation of the accelerators components is going on in the new SPIRAL2 building in Caen, installation of the cryomodules will begin during the last quarter of 2013. The latest results of the cryomodules tests as well as the installation strategy are depicted in this paper