2,819 research outputs found

    Desmotivación en los estudiantes filipinos de inglés como segundo idioma: exploración de algunos correlatos

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    The study explores correlates of Filipino students’ reasons for amotivation in learning English as a second language. Students answered questionnaires on reasons for amotivation, approaches to learning, and language use outside school. Results show that amotivation is positively associated with surface learning approaches but negatively associated with deep learning approaches. Frequency of use of English in activities outside school was also associated with dimensions of amotivation. The results indicate how amotivation arises from students’ engagement of their English classes and the importance of English in their life, and can help ESL teachers identify students at risk of amotivation.El estudio explora correlatos de las razones por las que los estudiantes filipinos muestran “desmotivación” al aprender inglés como segundo idioma. Los estudiantes respondieron a cuestionarios sobre la desmotivación, enfoques de aprendizaje, y uso del idioma fuera del ámbito académico. Los resultados muestran que la desmotivación está positivamente asociada con enfoques de aprendizaje superficiales y negativamente con enfoques de aprendizaje profundos. También la frecuencia del uso del inglés en actividades fuera del ámbito académico se asocia con dimensiones de amotivación. Los resultados indican cómo la desmotivación proviene del compromiso de los alumnos en sus clases de inglés y la importancia del inglés en sus vidas, y pueden ayudar a los profesores de Inglés como segunda lengua a identificar a los alumnos en riesgo de desmotivación

    Information capacity in the weak-signal approximation

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    We derive an approximate expression for mutual information in a broad class of discrete-time stationary channels with continuous input, under the constraint of vanishing input amplitude or power. The approximation describes the input by its covariance matrix, while the channel properties are described by the Fisher information matrix. This separation of input and channel properties allows us to analyze the optimality conditions in a convenient way. We show that input correlations in memoryless channels do not affect channel capacity since their effect decreases fast with vanishing input amplitude or power. On the other hand, for channels with memory, properly matching the input covariances to the dependence structure of the noise may lead to almost noiseless information transfer, even for intermediate values of the noise correlations. Since many model systems described in mathematical neuroscience and biophysics operate in the high noise regime and weak-signal conditions, we believe, that the described results are of potential interest also to researchers in these areas.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Brownian motion with dry friction: Fokker-Planck approach

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    We solve a Langevin equation, first studied by de Gennes, in which there is a solid-solid or dry friction force acting on a Brownian particle in addition to the viscous friction usually considered in the study of Brownian motion. We obtain both the time-dependent propagator of this equation and the velocity correlation function by solving the associated time-dependent Fokker-Planck equation. Exact results are found for the case where only dry friction acts on the particle. For the case where both dry and viscous friction forces are present, series representations of the propagator and correlation function are obtained in terms of parabolic cylinder functions. Similar series representations are also obtained for the case where an external constant force is added to the Langevin equation.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures (in color

    Hole depletion and localization due to disorder in insulating PrBa2Cu3O7-d: a Compton scattering study

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    The (mostly) insulating behaviour of PrBa2Cu3O7-d is still unexplained and even more interesting since the occasional appearance of superconductivity in this material. Since YBa2Cu3O7-d is nominally iso-structural and always superconducting, we have measured the electron momentum density in these materials. We find that they differ in a striking way, the wavefunction coherence length in PrBa2Cu3O7-d being strongly suppressed. We conclude that Pr on Ba-site substitution disorder is responsible for the metal-insulator transition. Preliminary efforts at growth with a method to prevent disorder yield 90K superconducting PrBa2Cu3O7-d crystallites.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised version submitted to PR

    Nuclear medicine procedures and the evaluation of male sexual organs: a short review

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    Sexuality consists of three aspects that are interrelated and inseparable, biological, physiological and social. The biological aspect considers the individual's capability to give and to receive pleasure. In consequence, it covers the functionality of the sexual organs and the physiology of human sexual response cycle. Diagnostic imaging modalities, such as single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) have been used to evaluate clinical disorders of the male reproductive system. PET and SPECT procedures basically involve the administration of a radiopharmaceutical that has a higher uptake in a specific tumor or tissue. The aim of this brief review is to present some radiopharmaceuticals that have been used in the clinical evaluation of the male sexual organs (testes, prostate, seminal vesicles, penis) related with male sexuality. This information could be useful in better understanding the male sexual response cycle, as well as the sexual disorders, when considering the male sexual organs and the pelvic floor. Moreover, the findings obtained with PET and SPECT imaging could help to evaluate the efficacy of clinical results of therapeutic procedures. In conclusion, the knowledge from these images could aid in better understanding the physiology of the different organs related with sexuality. Furthermore, they could be important tools to evaluate the physiological integrity of the involved organs, to improve clinical strategies and to accompany the patients under treatment

    Pathophysiology of Blood–Brain Barrier Permeability Throughout the Different Stages of Ischemic Stroke and Its Implication on Hemorrhagic Transformation and Recovery

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    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a dynamic interface responsible for maintaining the central nervous system homeostasis. Its unique characteristics allow protecting the brain from unwanted compounds, but its impairment is involved in a vast number of pathological conditions. Disruption of the BBB and increase in its permeability are key in the development of several neurological diseases and have been extensively studied in stroke. Ischemic stroke is the most prevalent type of stroke and is characterized by a myriad of pathological events triggered by an arterial occlusion that can eventually lead to fatal outcomes such as hemorrhagic transformation (HT). BBB permeability seems to follow a multiphasic pattern throughout the different stroke stages that have been associated with distinct biological substrates. In the hyperacute stage, sudden hypoxia damages the BBB, leading to cytotoxic edema and increased permeability; in the acute stage, the neuroinflammatory response aggravates the BBB injury, leading to higher permeability and a consequent risk of HT that can be motivated by reperfusion therapy; in the subacute stage (1-3 weeks), repair mechanisms take place, especially neoangiogenesis. Immature vessels show leaky BBB, but this permeability has been associated with improved clinical recovery. In the chronic stage (>6 weeks), an increase of BBB restoration factors leads the barrier to start decreasing its permeability. Nonetheless, permeability will persist to some degree several weeks after injury. Understanding the mechanisms behind BBB dysregulation and HT pathophysiology could potentially help guide acute stroke care decisions and the development of new therapeutic targets; however, effective translation into clinical practice is still lacking. In this review, we will address the different pathological and physiological repair mechanisms involved in BBB permeability through the different stages of ischemic stroke and their role in the development of HT and stroke recovery.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Computer Vision and Metrics Learning for Hypothesis Testing: An Application of Q-Q Plot for Normality Test

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    This paper proposes a new procedure to construct test statistics for hypothesis testing by computer vision and metrics learning. The application highlighted in this paper is applying computer vision on Q-Q plot to construct a new test statistic for normality test. Traditionally, there are two families of approaches for verifying the probability distribution of a random variable. Researchers either subjectively assess the Q-Q plot or objectively use a mathematical formula, such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, to formally conduct a normality test. Graphical assessment by human beings is not rigorous whereas normality test statistics may not be accurate enough when the uniformly most powerful test does not exist. It may take tens of years for statistician to develop a new and more powerful test statistic. The first step of the proposed method is to apply computer vision techniques, such as pre-trained ResNet, to convert a Q-Q plot into a numerical vector. Next step is to apply metric learning to find an appropriate distance function between a Q-Q plot and the centroid of all Q-Q plots under the null hypothesis, which assumes the target variable is normally distributed. This distance metric is the new test statistic for normality test. Our experimentation results show that the machine-learning-based test statistics can outperform traditional normality tests in all cases, particularly when the sample size is small. This study provides convincing evidence that the proposed method could objectively create a powerful test statistic based on Q-Q plots and this method could be modified to construct many more powerful test statistics for other applications in the future

    Avaliação de cultivares de bananeira na microrregião do Guamá, Pará.

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