10 research outputs found

    Rationality in the joint allocation of private and public goods.

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    This paper presents an extension of "collective models" that rationalize household demands as efficient allocations, allowing for the joint allocation of public and private goods. Starting from the problem of efficiency, and adding a separability assumption between public goods and exclusive private goods, we obtain two results. Firstly, we find some new restrictions upon the derivatives of the demand functions. Secondly, we predict how the sharing of household expenditures between the man and the woman changes when the exclusive good's prices changes, and we measure the effect of the consumption of public goods on this change.Collective choice; Public goods; Separability;

    Nature, nurture and market conditions: Ability and education in the policy evaluation approach

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    The present paper follows the rationality of the Human Capital Theory to explain the heterogeneity of returns to schooling in a policy evaluation model with the purpose of testing whether people are blocked in any way (credit constraints, uncertainty or other market environment conditions) when they make their schooling choices. The minimal assumption that abler people face lower costs of schooling guarantees the possibility of making the right choice in this framework. The empirical implications of the model are extended further from the properties of ordinary least squares and instrumental variable estimators and centred on predictions about the sign of different policy evaluation parameters (sorting gains and selection biases) and on the shape and variability of marginal returns to education. Within this framework, the paper revises the modern empirical literature on returns to schooling in combination with the theoretical literature on human capital. Empirical evidence for the U.S., shown by a binary choice model, supports the assumption. Evidence obtained from Spanish data in a sequential choice setting does not support the assumption.Ability gap, schooling, selection models, heterogeneity

    La participación laboral de la mujer y los bienes públicos en el marco de los modelos colectivos del hogar

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    Se aborda el estudio de las decisiones observables sobre la asignación del gasto del hogar con el fin de explorar la estructura implícita del proceso de decisión que tiene lugar en el seno del mismo. La estructura del comportamiento observable se espcifica mediante los sistemas de curvas Engel o los sistemas de demanda, teniendo en cuenta el efecto de la participación laboral de la mujer y de los ingresos laborales de la pareja. Se exploran las propiedades de las funciones de demanda derivadas de un marco teórico que tiene en cuenta las preferencias de los dos agentes que componen el hogar. Se responde a preguntas sobre la influencia del hombre y de la mujer en la asignación del gasto y sobre el reparto del gasto entre los dos agentes. Se estudia la asignación del gasto en los hogares españoles haciendo hincapié en el efecto de la participación laboral de la mujer. Se presentan las estructuras de los modelos de consumidor neoclásico y colectivo con el fin de justificar los valores empíricos y metodologías que nos han llevado a adoptar el modelo colectivo como marco teórico de este estudio de la asignación del gasto en los hogares españoles. La principal aportación es la consideración del efecto de la participación laboral de la mujer sobre el consumo de bienes

    Rationality in the joint allocation of private and public goods

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    This paper presents an extension of "collective models" that rationalize household demands as efficient allocations, allowing for the joint allocation of public and private goods. Starting from the problem of efficiency, and adding a separability assumption between public goods and exclusive private goods, we obtain two results. Firstly, we find some new restrictions upon the derivatives of the demand functions. Secondly, we predict how the sharing of household expenditures between the man and the woman changes when the exclusive good's prices changes, and we measure the effect of the consumption of public goods on this change

    Strategic Intelligence Monitor on Personal Health Systems, Phase 2: Interim report on Impact Assessment - State of the Art and Justifications

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    The challenges for healthcare systems in the European Union include demand side and supply side drivers . On the demand side, demographic changes due to ageing and increasing personal income are shaping growing expectations on healthcare services to increase quality and access, reduce disease burden, respond to emergency disease risks, and assist mobility and adaptation to the workplace. On the supply side, healthcare systems are under the pressure from limited budgets and the increasing complexity of healthcare provision which requires the management of investments in technology and interoperability of information flows alongside organizational changes.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (MAFEIP) First update of the process indicators

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    This report aims to provide information on the evolution of the Commitments that joined the EIP on AHA in the First Invitation for Commitment (June 2012) during the first months of the partnership by analysing the variation for the defined process indicators between the start of the project (June 2012) and spring 2013, the latter corresponding to the time when data was collected through a Monitoring Survey. The survey questions mirrored in general the information submitted by participants through the First Invitation for Commitment, although not all questions were phrased and/or formatted in the same way, which complicates somewhat the comparison of the two data sets.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (MAFEIP) Work Package 2 – Deliverable 2.1 Interim Report on the defined process indicators Administrative Arrangement No. 32846-2012-08

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    This report aims to provide a list of process indicators that will allow monitoring the EIP on AHA process over the period 2012-2020. It also presents main highlights from the baseline data in graphical format, based on the tables provided in Annex I. The latter show the indicators computed from the baseline, i.e. data from the 234 EIP on AHA commitments submitted to the EC in June 2012 through the First Invitation for Commitment. The analysis of the data collected through the 2013 Monitoring Survey and that submitted by participants through the Second Invitation for Commitment in April 2013 will be presented in the next updates of this report. Adding the respective data sets to the analysis will allow us to take into account the enlargement of the EIP on AHA to new regions/ countries and stakeholders and measure progress in general. Although the data presented in this report only refers to the 2012 baseline dataset, the selection of process indicators presented in section 2 has been based on the analysis of both the 2012 baseline data and the 2013 Monitoring Survey data which is why there are references to both datasets. The rationale behind this is the need for the process indicators to be as inclusive as possible so as to allow monitoring and comparing the evolution of the EIP on AHA not only for the 2012-2020 period but also between the baseline (the First Invitation for Commitment), the Monitoring Survey and the Second Invitation for Commitment. Last but not least this report also identifies first gaps related to the baseline data and issues that had to be resolved or decisions to be taken when processing the data.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (MAFEIP). Second update of the process indicators

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    This report aims to provide information about the Commitments that joined the EIP on AHA in the Second Invitation for Commitment in April 2013 and to report this data, whenever possible, with that from the commitments that joined the First Invitation for Commitment (June 2012), providing comprehensive information on EIP on AHA participants’ characteristics. This should contribute to measuring progress of the EIP on AHA in general as well as its enlargement to new regions/countries for instance.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (MAFEIP). Work Package 1 – Deliverable 1.1. Inception Report. Administrative Arrangement No. 32846-2012-08

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    The present inception report aims to describe the process for defining indicators in line with the terms of Work Package 1 of the Technical Annex for "A Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing" (MAFEIP) agreed between DG CNECT and DG JRC. It provides initial thoughts on the shaping of the MAFEIP based on IPTS' own research and taking account of the data and knowledge gained through discussions with the Expert Groups and also provided by the EIP on AHA Action Groups since their inception in June 2012, including: • Information provided by stakeholders in the First Call for Commitment (June 2012) • Knowledge obtained through interaction with partners during the Action Group meetings held between June and November 2012 and information sent by the partners on the monitoring framework of their individual commitments. • Meetings and intensive interaction with the Expert Group on the monitoring framework (June - November 2012) • Results of and decisions made at the 6 November 2012 EIP on AHA 1st Conference of Partners, with objectives and implementation detailed in the final Action Plans. • Information provided by stakeholders in the Second Call for Commitment (February 2013). • Data gathered from Action Groups' partners through the "Survey on the monitoring of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) closed in March 2013. • Data received from the Reference sites (April 2013), more specifically data on the 71 Good Practices submitted by those Reference sites. The objective of this inception report is therefore to propose some initial considerations, both from a theoretical and operational point of view, taking into account the methodological proposal agreed towards the definition of a Monitoring Framework for the EIP on AHA.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Strategic Intelligence Monitor on Personal Health Systems phase 2 (SIMPHS 2) - Country Study France

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    This study presents and discusses the status of integrated personal health systems (IPHS) in France. It aims to illustrate through case studies the patient and health monitoring systems that are available, the level of implementation of these systems, the impact they have on the general socio-economic context, as well as their cost-effectiveness where applicable. The analysis presented in this report is based on interviews with key experts and stakeholders from France and a substantial secondary data collection.JRC.J.3-Information Societ