27 research outputs found

    The prognosis of streptococcal prosthetic bone and joint infections depends on surgical management-A multicenter retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: The optimal treatment of streptococcal prosthetic joint infections (PJIs) is unclear. METHODS: A cohort of streptococcal PJIs was reviewed retrospectively in seven reference centers for the management of complex bone and joint infections, covering the period January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012. RESULTS: Seventy patients with monomicrobial infections were included: 47 had infections of total hip arthroplasty and 23 had infections of total knee arthroplasty. The median age was 77 years (interquartile range (IQR) 69-83 years), the median Charlson comorbidity score was 4 (IQR 3-6), and 15.6% (n=11) had diabetes. The most commonly identified streptococcal species were Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus dysgalactiae (38.6% (n=27) and 17.1% (n=12), respectively). Debridement, antibiotics and implant retention (DAIR) was performed after a median time of 7 days (IQR 3-8 days), with polyethylene exchange (PE) in 21% of cases. After a minimum follow-up of 2 years, 27% of patients had relapsed, corresponding to 51.4% of DAIR treatment cases and 0% of one-stage (n=15) or two-stage (n=17) exchange strategy cases. Rifampicin or levofloxacin in combination therapy was not associated with a better outcome (adjusted p= 0.99). S. agalactiae species and DAIR treatment were associated with a higher risk of failure. On multivariate analysis, only DAIR treatment and S. agalactiae were independent factors of relapse. Compared to DAIR without PE, DAIR with PE was only associated with a trend towards a benefit (odds ratio 0.33, 95% confidence interval 0.06-1.96; adjusted p= 0.44). CONCLUSIONS: Streptococcal PJIs managed with DAIR have a poor prognosis and S. agalactiae seems to be an independent factor of treatment failure

    Entreprises, arrêtez de vous dire responsables... de tout !

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    L'entreprise a-t-elle des responsabilités autres que celle de faire du profit ? Dans la doctrine libérale, la réponse est clairement négative : l'entreprise ne peut se voir confier d'autres objectifs que la réalisation d'un profit maximum, ce qui, par la magie de « la main invisible du marché », assure un optimum de prospérité économique et, donc, le meilleur bien-être possible de l'ensemble de la société. Les scandales financiers récents remettent actuellement en cause cette doctrine libérale. Alors que les Etats tendent à s'effacer en tant qu'acteurs économiques, tous les regards se tournent actuellement vers l'entreprise, pour lui demander d'être socialement plus responsable.C'est à cette nouvelle obligation socio-économique de l'entreprise que cet ouvrage est consacré, sous forme d'hommage au professeur Roland Pérez. De multiples aspects de la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise sont abordés et discutés dans les quatre parties consacrées, pour la première, aux représentations financières et comptables, pour la deuxième, à la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise dans son environnement, pour la troisième, à la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise comme mythe de l'entreprise-providence, et, pour la dernière, à de nouvelles approches théoriques de la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise

    La passion politique des patrons : le système représentatif à l’épreuve de la loi Macron

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    L’examen de la loi pour la croissance, l’activité et l’égalité des chances économiques (dite loi Macron) nous offre l'occasion d'analyser les discours publics qui ont accompagné son examen parlementaire de la loi. Nous nous penchons sur le rôle joué par la représentation patronale en France telle qu’il se donne à lire dans les principaux organes de la presse nationale. Nous observons aussi d’autres parties prenantes sont la situation et la position méritent notre intérêt. Dans la tradition d’Albert O. Hirschman, nous cherchons à comprendre en quoi et dans quelle mesure le système représentatif actuel favorise le débat public et quel est le rôle des arguments rhétoriques au regard d’autres tactiques de contrôle du champ.We describe and interpret the public debate about a law (la loi Macron) passed in 2015. It is dealing with political economy, and its goal is to transformsand simplify the business envionrment. The debates provide an occasion to analyse some of the main stakeholders’ rhetorics, and compare it with other, non-argumentative strategies and modes of action in the public and private spheres. In the tradition of Albert O. Hirschman, we investigate the choice of « exit, voice or loyalty » as it is staged in the French media. More specifically, we look at the representative system and the influence of rhetorics and other tacticts on actors’ control of the field, in the context of strategic decision-making about market transactions and economics.El examen de la ley para el crecimiento, la actividad y la igualdad de oportunidades económicas (ley Macron) nos da la oportunidad de analizar la toma de palabra de una cierta categoría de actores interesados, en la occasion de su examen parlamentario. Examinamos el papel que desempeña la representación de los patrones en Francia tal como se da a leer en los principales órganos de la prensa nacional. Tomamos nota de que otras partes interesadas participan en este debate. Conforme a la tradición de Albert O. Hirschman, buscamos entender cómo y en qué medida el actual sistema representativo promueve el debate público y el papel de los argumentos retóricos con respecto a otras tácticas de control del campo

    Strategic technology management

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    218 p., tabl.In today's fast-paced, competitive environment, technology can no longer only be the province of engineers and R&D managers: it must become a central component of the strategy-making process. Accordingly, this book seeks to facilitate the integration of technological concerns into the business strategies of organizations. Richly illustrated with many case examples drawn from the authors' experiences, both in the US and Europe, the book takes a distinctly global perspective on the subject. It addresses the economic, organizational, as well as cultural implications of technology. Of great value to lecturers and students of strategic management, business policy, engineering management and management of technology, as well as practitioners who require a broad global picture of the area, it: . blends European and American perspectives . provides comprehensive coverage . provides an integrated perspective

    Confiance et recherche-intervention

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    Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC Paris, n° 59

    Uncovering strategic assumptions: Understanding managers' ability to build representations

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    Strategic management researchers are increasingly showing interest in the underlying assumptions behind strategic decisions made by managers. This article intends to revisit the conceptual framework currently available to study managers' representations. Many researchers in cognitive and social sciences have indeed suggested that construction may be a better metaphor for cognition than the traditional perception paradigm. We suggest that management research could learn a great deal on this matter from other social sciences. Two main arguments are put forward. First we argue that the cognitive/computational framework is not relevant to address the epistemological challenge of describing managerial cognition. Second we argue that adopting a perspective focused on either the individual or the collective level is not suited for the challenge. We suggest at least two simultaneous moves thus leading to a paradigmatic shift: introducing the social (and emotional) dimensions into the picture and recognizing the need for Interactionism as the core of representation-building processes.

    Another look at strategy–Structure relationships:: The resource-Based view

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    International audienceThe authors argue that the creation and sustaining of a firm's competitive advantage must be heavily based on the dynamics of how the firm's resources are acquired and managed. Such a resource-based view leads into a study of the relationships between organizational learning and competitive advantage. Similarly, it requires greater integration of strategies and organizational structure. A case study of Salomon, a French manufacturer of outdoor sports equipment, is presented which illustrates very well how an analytical framework which integrates the concepts of competencies, organizational capabilities, organizational structure, and organizational learning, can explain this and similar firms' succes

    Evaluation of the Autistic Children Motor Skills: A Research Project Proposal

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    International audienceImitation is considered as a platform for interdisciplinary studies where social sciences, cognitive psychology, neurobiology and neurocybernetics interact, as well as clinical psychology. It is often used to explore various and several scientific fields but few works have investigated a series of linked successive motor actions. The current work aimed to study and expand the findings regarding which information subjects of different populations selected and included for reproducing demonstrated model actions. 120 children of 6 age groups divided between 3 years and 8 years, associated to autistic and deficient children were tested in this present study. This developmental scale completed, should provide a baseline for understanding in what type of constraints the autistic child would be specifically deficient in the management of his imitation. The comparison with mentally deficient children also seemed indispensable. The children's imitative responses were videotaped, coded in dichotomy data, and then put into percentage. Our expected goal is to characterize the traits of autistic motor skills in reference to normal and mentally deficient development

    L’enseignement de la sociologie des organisations

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    International audienceQuand et comment l’enseignement de la sociologie des organisations a-t-il débuté en France dans les universités, les écoles, les autres établissements, en formation initiale et en formation des adultes ? Quelles ont été les expériences d’enseignement dans les années 1970 ? Où en est cet enseignement aujourd’hui ? Quels sont les apports de la sociologie des organisations

    Another look at strategy-Structure relationships:: The resource-Based view

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    The authors argue that the creation and sustaining of a firm's competitive advantage must be heavily based on the dynamics of how the firm's resources are acquired and managed. Such a resource-based view leads into a study of the relationships between organizational learning and competitive advantage. Similarly, it requires greater integration of strategies and organizational structure. A case study of Salomon, a French manufacturer of outdoor sports equipment, is presented which illustrates very well how an analytical framework which integrates the concepts of competencies, organizational capabilities, organizational structure, and organizational learning, can explain this and similar firms' success.