3 research outputs found

    The impact of knowledge, attitude, consumption values and destination image on tourists’ responsible environmental behaviour intention

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    The tourism sector has developed over the years as one of the main contributors to the nation’s socio-economy. However, tourism has also said to be the cause of the depletion of the natural environment especially the marine ecosystem due to the irresponsible behavior of tourists. There is a growing interest in understanding the impact of tourism towards the sustainability of a particular ecotourism destination, thus this study aims to examine the drivers of tourists’ intention to behave in an environmentally responsible manner specifically in marine parks. This study utilizes the responsible environmental behavior model with the addition of consumption values theory and destination image in hope to provide a more comprehensive explanation. A researcher-administered face-to-face survey was conducted among 103 tourists and analysed using partial least squares technique. The results empirically revealed that environmental knowledge and destination image significantly influenced the tourists’ intention to behave in an environmentally responsible manner. Thus, in fostering a more responsible behavior among tourists, more emphasis can be placed on enhancing their knowledge while capitalizing on the destination’s image

    The future of social enterprise cafe in Malaysia: a study on millennials’ perception and intention

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    Over the past decade, there have been a growing number of social enterprises in Malaysia, especially in the food and beverage industry. However, social enterprise cafes face various challenges in liquidity and lack of public awareness that hindered their progress. In view of this, millennials are the potential target market for social enterprises due to their rapid growth in population and increasing purchasing power. Millennials have high awareness of social issues and support for socially responsible organisations. Based on a survey collected from 424 millennials in Malaysia, data were analysed using the structural equation modelling. Results indicate that millennials are influenced by perceived price and attitude, followed by social norms, while social enterprise knowledge had a significant but weak influence on their intention. In moving forward, the findings suggest that social enterprise cafes could emphasize more on creating value through their pricing strategy and encourage knowledge sharing and attitude towards social enterprises to strengthen purchase intention towards social enterprise cafes. This study not only sheds light on millennials but also assist social enterprises to sustain their business and have a long-term impact on society and environmental causes

    The role of marketing stimuli and attitude in determining post-COVID buying decisions toward organic food products: evidence from retail consumers in Beijing, China

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    Customers are diverse, and their preferences have changed tremendously, especially post-pandemic, as many business organizations are facing major challenges in meeting those needs. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of consumer buying decisions plays a vital role to develop effective strategies. The aim of this study is to determine whether the marketing mix (4Ps) elements and their attitude have a significant effect on organic food product buying decisions among retail consumers in Beijing, China. A quantitative method was used in this study, whereby 334 questionnaires were physically collected randomly from walk-in customers at Walmart, Darunfa, and Yonghui supermarkets in Beijing, China. Based on the results of the hypothesis test using PLS-SEM, it was confirmed that product, place and promotional strategies had a significant positive relationship with attitude and consumer buying decisions. Interestingly, price had no effect and income was not a moderator. The results of this study provided relevant suggestions to marketing practitioners, especially organic food producers and retail stores on developing and implementing marketing strategies effectively to address changing consumer preferences