8,411 research outputs found

    Light Hadron Spectrum in Quenched Lattice QCD with Staggered Quarks

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    Without chiral extrapolation, we achieved a realistic nucleon to (\rho)-meson mass ratio of (m_N/m_\rho = 1.23 \pm 0.04 ({\rm statistical}) \pm 0.02 ({\rm systematic})) in our quenched lattice QCD numerical calculation with staggered quarks. The systematic error is mostly from finite-volume effect and the finite-spacing effect is negligible. The flavor symmetry breaking in the pion and (\rho) meson is no longer visible. The lattice cutoff is set at 3.63 (\pm) 0.06 GeV, the spatial lattice volume is (2.59 (\pm) 0.05 fm)(^3), and bare quarks mass as low as 4.5 MeV are used. Possible quenched chiral effects in hadron mass are discussed.Comment: 5 pages and 5 figures, use revtex

    Holographic classification of Topological Insulators and its 8-fold periodicity

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    Using generic properties of Clifford algebras in any spatial dimension, we explicitly classify Dirac hamiltonians with zero modes protected by the discrete symmetries of time-reversal, particle-hole symmetry, and chirality. Assuming the boundary states of topological insulators are Dirac fermions, we thereby holographically reproduce the Periodic Table of topological insulators found by Kitaev and Ryu. et. al, without using topological invariants nor K-theory. In addition we find candidate Z_2 topological insulators in classes AI, AII in dimensions 0,4 mod 8 and in classes C, D in dimensions 2,6 mod 8.Comment: 19 pages, 4 Table

    Chiral corrections to the axial charges of the octet baryons from quenched QCD

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    We calculate one-loop correction to the axial charges of the octet baryons using quenched chiral perturbation theory, in order to understand chiral behavior of the axial charges in quenched approximation to quantum chromodynamics (QCD). In contrast to regular behavior of the full QCD chiral perturbation theory result, c0+cl2mπ2 ln⁥mπ2+⋯c_0+c_{l2}m_\pi^2\,\ln{m_\pi^2}+\cdots, we find that the quenched chiral perturbation theory result, c0Q+(cl0Q+cl2Qmπ2)ln⁥mπ2+c2Qmπ2+⋯c_0^Q+(c_{l0}^Q+c_{l2}^Qm_\pi^2)\ln{m_\pi^2}+c_2^Q m_\pi^2+\cdots, is singular in the chiral limit.Comment: standard LaTeX, 16 pages, 4 epsf figure

    Ambiguities of neutrino(antineutrino) scattering on the nucleon due to the uncertainties of relevant strangeness form factors

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    Strange quark contributions to neutrino(antineutrino) scattering are investigated on the nucleon level in the quasi-elastic region. The incident energy range between 500 MeV and 1.0 GeV is used for the scattering. All of the physical observable by the scattering are investigated within available experimental and theoretical results for the strangeness form factors of the nucleon. In specific, a newly combined data of parity violating electron scattering and neutrino scattering is exploited. Feasible quantities to be explored for the strangeness contents are discussed for the application to neutrino-nucleus scattering.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, submit to J. Phys.

    Finite-volume two-pion energies and scattering in the quenched approximation

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    We investigate how L\"uscher's relation between the finite-volume energy of two pions at rest and pion scattering lengths has to be modified in quenched QCD. We find that this relation changes drastically, and in particular, that ``enhanced finite-volume corrections" of order L0=1L^0=1 and L−2L^{-2} occur at one loop (LL is the linear size of the box), due to the special properties of the ηâ€Č\eta' in the quenched approximation. We define quenched pion scattering lengths, and show that they are linearly divergent in the chiral limit. We estimate the size of these various effects in some numerical examples, and find that they can be substantial.Comment: 22 pages, uuencoded, compressed postscript fil

    Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory for Heavy-light Mesons

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    We formulate quenched chiral perturbation theory for heavy-light mesons coupled to pions, and calculate the one-loop chiral logarithmic corrections to fBf_B, fBsf_{B_{s}}, BBB_B and BBsB_{B_{s}}. We also calculate these corrections for ``partially quenched'' theories. In both theories, the chiral logarithms diverge in the chiral limit, indicating that (partially) quenched theories should not be used to study this limit. Comparing the chiral logarithms to those in QCD, we estimate the errors caused by (partial) quenching. By forming suitable ratios, we can reduce the uncertainties in our estimates.Comment: 22 pages, revtex format, 5 Postscript figure

    The QCD spectrum with three quark flavors

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    We present results from a lattice hadron spectrum calculation using three flavors of dynamical quarks - two light and one strange, and quenched simulations for comparison. These simulations were done using a one-loop Symanzik improved gauge action and an improved Kogut-Susskind quark action. The lattice spacings, and hence also the physical volumes, were tuned to be the same in all the runs to better expose differences due to flavor number. Lattice spacings were tuned using the static quark potential, so as a byproduct we obtain updated results for the effect of sea quarks on the static quark potential. We find indications that the full QCD meson spectrum is in better agreement with experiment than the quenched spectrum. For the 0++ (a0) meson we see a coupling to two pseudoscalar mesons, or a meson decay on the lattice.Comment: 38 pages, 20 figures, uses epsf. 5/29/01 revision responds to referee's Comments, changes pion fits and tables, and corrects Fig. 10 and some minor error

    Thermodynamics of Lattice QCD with Chiral 4-Fermion Interactions

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    We have studied lattice QCD with an additional, irrelevant 4-fermion interaction having a U(1)xU(1) chiral symmetry, at finite temperatures. Adding this 4-fermion term allowed us to work at zero quark mass, which would have otherwise been impossible. The theory with 2 massless staggered quark flavours appears to have a first order finite temperature phase transition at N_t=4 for the value of 4-fermion coupling we have chosen, in contrast to what is expected for 2-flavour QCD. The pion screening mass is seen to vanish below this transition, only to become massive and degenerate with the sigma (f_0) above this transition where the chiral symmetry is restored, as is seen by the vanishing of the chiral condensate.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Thermodynamics of lattice QCD with two light quark flavours on a 16^3 x 8 lattice II

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    We have extended our earlier simulations of the high temperature behaviour of lattice QCD with two light flavours of staggered quarks on a 163×816^3 \times 8 lattice to lower quark mass (m_q=0.00625). The transition from hadronic matter to a quark-gluon plasma is observed at 6/g2=5.49(2)6/g^2=5.49(2) corresponding to a temperature of Tc≈140T_c \approx 140MeV. We present measurements of observables which probe the nature of the quark-gluon plasma and serve to distinguish it from hadronic matter. Although the transition is quite abrupt, we have seen no indications that it is first order.Comment: 23 pages, RevteX, 6 encapsulated postscript figure

    Perfect Lattice Actions for Staggered Fermions

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    We construct a perfect lattice action for staggered fermions by blocking from the continuum. The locality, spectrum and pressure of such perfect staggered fermions are discussed. We also derive a consistent fixed point action for free gauge fields and discuss its locality as well as the resulting static quark-antiquark potential. This provides a basis for the construction of (classically) perfect lattice actions for QCD using staggered fermions.Comment: 30 pages, LaTex, 10 figure
