15 research outputs found
Del basurero al museo: Arte con reciclaje
Este artículo profundiza en la incidencia entre arte y reciclaje en la vida cotidiana y el ambiente, específicamente en el campo de la mitigación y la prevención de contaminación por desechos sólidos; en este sentido, a través de la consulta y el análisis de diferentes documentos, además de la recolección de datos propios por medio de una encuesta realizada a un reducido grupo de veinte personas de diferentes demográficas —principalmente ubicadas en Bogotá D. C. y sus alrededores—, se encontró un gran contraste entre la estima que se tiene, y la práctica y el conocimiento real frente al tema del reciclaje artístico. Este artículo también hace hincapié en cómo, en teoría, esta brecha puede ser cerrada a través de diferentes proyectos y propuestas, no solo a pequeña escala en el campo individual y particular, sino a gran escala, al involucrar a instituciones educativas y al Estado. Se toman como ejemplo casos dentro y fuera del país en cuanto a la aplicación de iniciativas de este tipo
Food insecurity was negatively associated with adherence to the “fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in animal protein” dietary pattern among university students’ households: the 2018 Mexican National Household Survey
University students are often affected by food insecurity (FI) and this situation has been associated with low consumption of fruit/vegetables and high intake of added sugars and sweet drinks. However, there needs to be more evidence on the association between FI and dietary patterns (DPs), assessing the overall diet and allowing analysis of commonly consumed food combinations. We aimed to analyze the association between FI and DPs in university students’ households.
We used data from 7659 university student households from the 2018 Mexican National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH, for its acronym in Spanish). We obtained FI levels (mild, moderate, and severe) using the validated Mexican Food Security Scale (EMSA, Spanish acronym). Two DPs were identified by principal component analysis based on the weekly frequency of consumption of 12 food groups. Multivariate logistic regression adjusted by university student and household’s characteristics was applied.
Compared to food security, households with mild-FI (OR:0.34; 95%CI:0.30, 0.40), moderate-FI (OR:0.20; 95%CI:0.16, 0.24) or severe-FI (OR:0.14; 95%CI:0.11, 0.19) were less likely to adhere to the dietary pattern “Fruits, vegetables and foods rich in animal protein” (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish or seafood, dairy products, and starchy vegetables). In addition, people with severe-FI (OR:0.51; 95% CI:0.34, 0.76) were also less likely to adhere to the dietary pattern “Traditional-Westernized” (pulses, oils or fats, sugar, sweets, industrialized drinks, foods made from corn/maize, wheat, rice, oats or bran, coffee, tea and eggs).
In these households FI impairs the ability to consume a healthy dietary pattern (fruits/vegetables and foods rich in animal protein). In addition, the intake of foods typical of the Mexican food culture reflecting the local Western dietary pattern is compromised in households with severe-FI
La Dorada, Caldas : un lugar mágico lleno de paz y emociones mil ¡Que viva mi terruño que tanto amo! : recopilación de cuentos folclóricos
En el libro recupera cuentos folclóricos, versos, canciones, juegos y mitos producto de la tradición oral difundida en La Dorada Caldas y le da reconocimiento a los narradores de la cultura oral del poblado.In the book, he recovers folk tales, verses, songs, games and myths that are the product of the oral tradition spread in La Dorada Caldas and gives recognition to the narrators of the oral culture of the town.El fantasma -- Anécdota de la patasola -- Historia del mohán -- El pollito pio -- Nos ayudamos -- La emboscada -- Toño un amigo con diversidad -- El horripilante olvido en medio de un temblor -- Valoremos -- Mito de un arriero -- El juego de la candela -- Canción el capitán de un buque -- Versos -- Multiplicadores de la cultura oral.na66 página
Gestión del conocimiento. Perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 17
El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 17 de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicación internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada, de acceso abierto a todas las áreas del conocimiento, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestión del conocimiento científico, tecnológico y humanístico. Con esta colección, se aspira contribuir con el cultivo, la comprensión, la recopilación y la apropiación social del conocimiento en cuanto a patrimonio intangible de la humanidad, con el propósito de hacer aportes con la transformación de las relaciones socioculturales que sustentan la construcción social de los saberes y su reconocimiento como bien público
Responsabilidade social e equidade de gênero: análise de dez organizações aderidas ao Pacto Global na Colômbia
The purpose of the present article is to analyze the progress made by several Colombian organizations in relation to gender equality, an aspect that has been considered by the United Nations Global Compact as one of the principles of work standards that must be assumed by companies in order to improve the quality of life of their workers. The research included the analysis of the case of ten organizations that are part of the initiative in Colombia, randomly selected, and a study was carried out using the Communication in Progress reports presented by these organizations as source documents. The results show that few practices are carried out in favor of gender equiality and that these are focused on socio-occupational management indicators. Likewise, the outreach is limited and heterogeneous, which limits the possibility of establishing comparisons and identifying good practices.El presente trabajo tiene como propósito analizar los avances que presentan algunas organizaciones colombianas en materia de equidad de género, aspecto que ha sido considerado por el Pacto Global de las Naciones Unidas dentro de los principios de estándares laborales que deben asumir las empresas para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus trabajadores. Se analizó el caso de diez organizaciones adheridas a esta iniciativa en Colombia, seleccionadas aleatoriamente; se realizó un estudio documental utilizando como fuente los informes de Comunicación en Progreso presentados por estas organizaciones. Los resultados muestran que se desarrollan pocas prácticas en pro de la equidad de género y que estas se centran en algunos indicadores de gestión sociolaboral; asimismo, la divulgación es limitada y heterogénea, lo que restringe la posibilidad de establecer comparaciones e identificar buenas prácticas.O presente trabalhou tem como propósito analisar os avanços que algumas organizações colombianas apresentam em matéria de equidade de gênero, aspecto que tem sido considerado pelo Pacto Global das Nações Unidas dentro dos princípios de padrões trabalhistas as empresas que devem assumir para melhorar a qualidade de vida de seus trabalhadores. Analisou-se o caso de dez organizações aderidas a esta iniciativa na Colômbia, selecionadas aleatoriamente; se realizou um estudo documental utilizando como fonte os informes de Comunicação em Progresso apresentados por estas organizações. Os resultados mostram que se desenvolvem poucas práticas em prol da equidade de gênero e que estas se centralizam em alguns indicadores de gestão sociolaboral; da mesma forma, a divulgação é limitada e heterogênea, o que restringe a possibilidade de estabelecer comparações e identificar boas práticas
The Reproducibility and Relative Validity of a Food Frequency Questionnaire for Identifying Iron-Related Dietary Patterns in Pregnant Women
Analyzing pregnant women’s iron intake using dietary patterns would provide information that considers dietary relationships with other nutrients and their sources. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproducibility and relative validity of a Qualitative Food Frequency Questionnaire to identify iron-related dietary patterns (FeP-FFQ) among Mexican pregnant women. A convenience sample of pregnant women (n = 110) completed two FeP-FFQ (FeP-FFQ1 and FeP-FFQ2) and a 3-day diet record (3DDR). Foods appearing in the 3DDR were classified into the same food groupings as the FeP-FFQ, and most consumed foods were identified. Exploratory factor analysis was used to determine dietary patterns. Scores were compared (FeP-FFQ for reproducibility and FeP-FFQ1 vs. 3DDR for validity) through intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), cross-classification, Bland–Altman analysis, and weighed Cohen kappa (κw), using dietary patterns scores tertiles. Two dietary patterns were identified: “healthy” and “processed foods and dairy”. ICCs (p < 0.01) for “healthy” pattern and “processed foods and dairy” pattern were 0.76 for and 0.71 for reproducibility, and 0.36 and 0.37 for validity, respectively. Cross-classification and Bland–Altman analysis showed good agreement for reproducibility and validity; κw values showed moderate agreement for reproducibility and low agreement for validity. In conclusion, the FeP-FFQ showed good indicators of reproducibility and validity to identify dietary patterns related to iron intake among pregnant women
Design and Reproducibility of a Mini-Survey to Evaluate the Quality of Food Intake (Mini-ECCA) in a Mexican Population
Evaluating food intake quality may contribute to the development of nutrition programs. In Mexico, there are no screening tools that can be administered quickly for the evaluation of this variable. The aim was to determine the reproducibility of a mini-survey designed to evaluate the quality of food intake (Mini-ECCA) in a Mexican population. Mini-ECCA consists of 12 questions that are based on Mexican and international recommendations for food and non-alcoholic beverage intake, with the support of photographs for food quantity estimation. Each question scores as 0 (unhealthy) or 1 (healthy), and the final score undergoes a classification procedure. Through the framework of a nutritional study, 152 employees of the municipal water company in Guadalajara, Mexico (April–August 2016), were invited to participate. The survey was administered in two rounds (test and retest) with a 15-day interval between them. We calculated the Spearman correlation coefficient, the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), and weighted kappa for score classification agreement (SPSS versus 14 p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant). The survey obtained a “good” reproducibility (ρ = 0.713, p < 0.001), and an excellent concordance (ICC = 0.841 Confidence Interval 95% 0.779, 0.885). It can thus be said that the Mini-ECCA displayed acceptable reproducibility and is suitable for the purpose of dietary assessment and guidance
Emotional Eating and Dietary Patterns: Reflecting Food Choices in People with and without Abdominal Obesity
Emotional eating (EE) is food consumption in response to feelings rather than hunger. EE is related to unhealthy food intake and abdominal obesity (AO). However, little evidence exists about the association between EE and dietary patterns (DPs) and EE–AO interaction related to DPs. DPs allow describing food combinations that people usually eat. We analyzed the association of EE with DPs in adults (≥18 years) with AO (WC ≥ 80/90 cm in women/men, respectively; n = 494; 66.8% women;) or without AO (n = 269; 74.2% women) in a cross-sectional study. Principal component analysis allowed identifying four DPs from 40 food groups (validated with a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire). Among the subjects presenting AO, being “emotional/very-emotional eater” (emotional eating questionnaire) was negatively associated with the “Healthy” DP (fruits, vegetables, olive oil, oilseeds, legumes, fish, seafood) (OR:0.53; 95% CI: 0.33, 0.88, p = 0.013) and positively with the “Snacks and fast food” DP (sweet bread, breakfast cereal, corn, potato, desserts, sweets, sugar, fast food) (OR:1.88; 95% CI: 1.17, 3.03, p = 0.010). Emotional eaters with AO have significantly lower fiber intake, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B1, and vitamin C, while they had a higher intake of sodium, lipids, mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and saturated fats. In non-AO participants, EE was not associated with any DP (p > 0.05). In conclusion, EE is associated with unhealthy DPs in subjects with AO
Motivos de deserción en estudiantes de nutrición de una universidad pública
The objective of this article is to identify the prevalence of dropout in students from the bachelor\u27s degree in nutrition (LN) at a public university in Mexico, the causes related to dropout, and group them according to their characteristics. A descriptive study was carried out in two phases; in phase 1, the historical data on attrition from the educational program were identified. In phase 2, we applied a self-constructed survey with open and closed questions and obtained a response from 75 dropout students. The survey included a dichotomous analysis (yes, no) of 18 factors associated with school dropout, totaling 22 when incorporating the qualitative aspects obtained from the "other" response option; these factors were grouped into six categories. A dropout rate of 18 % was found for the current and intermediate curriculum and up to 33 % in the first curriculum. Of the dropouts detected, 58.6 % came to pass in the first year of studies. The 66 % of the dropouts have failed at least one subject; their average grade is 72.71, below the general average from the LN of the university center (91.8). Of the dropouts, 49.3 % identified career change as their reason for dropping out, which is part of the category of "vocational causes" that ranked first with 72 %, followed by "personal aspects" with 49.3 % including 3 cases of maternity; and in third place the category of "economic aspects" (26.7 %). The main reason for dropout among LN students is vocational aspects related to the search for another career.El objetivo de este artículo es identificar la prevalencia de deserción en los alumnos de la Licenciatura en Nutrición (LN) de una universidad pública de México, las causas relacionadas con la deserción y agruparlas de acuerdo a sus características. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en dos fases, en la fase 1 se identificaron los datos históricos de deserción del programa educativo. En la fase 2, se aplicó una encuesta de construcción propia con preguntas abiertas y cerradas, de la cual se obtuvo la respuesta de 75 estudiantes desertores. La encuesta incluyó un análisis dicotómico (sí, no) de 18 factores asociados a la deserción escolar, totalizando 22 al incorporar los aspectos cualitativos obtenidos de la opción de respuesta "otros"; estos factores se agruparon en seis categorías. Se encontró una tasa de deserción escolar del 18% para el plan de estudios actual y el intermedio y hasta el 33% en el primer plan de estudios. De los desertores detectados, el 58.6% lo hizo en el primer año de estudios. El 66% de los desertores reprobaron al menos una unidad de aprendizaje y tienen una calificación promedio de 72.71, por debajo de la media general de la LN del centro universitario (91.8). De los desertores, el 49.3% identificó el cambio de carrera como su motivo de abandono, este factor forma parte de la categoría de "causas vocacionales" que ocupó el primer lugar con el 72%, seguido de "aspectos personales" con el 49.3% incluyendo 3 casos de maternidad; y en tercer lugar la categoría de "aspectos económicos" (26.7%). El principal motivo de deserción de los alumnos de la LN son los aspectos vocacionales relacionados con la búsqueda de otra carrera
Motivos de deserción en estudiantes de nutrición de una universidad pública
The objective of this article is to identify the prevalence of dropout in students from the bachelor\u27s degree in nutrition (LN) at a public university in Mexico, the causes related to dropout, and group them according to their characteristics. A descriptive study was carried out in two phases; in phase 1, the historical data on attrition from the educational program were identified. In phase 2, we applied a self-constructed survey with open and closed questions and obtained a response from 75 dropout students. The survey included a dichotomous analysis (yes, no) of 18 factors associated with school dropout, totaling 22 when incorporating the qualitative aspects obtained from the "other" response option; these factors were grouped into six categories. A dropout rate of 18 % was found for the current and intermediate curriculum and up to 33 % in the first curriculum. Of the dropouts detected, 58.6 % came to pass in the first year of studies. The 66 % of the dropouts have failed at least one subject; their average grade is 72.71, below the general average from the LN of the university center (91.8). Of the dropouts, 49.3 % identified career change as their reason for dropping out, which is part of the category of "vocational causes" that ranked first with 72 %, followed by "personal aspects" with 49.3 % including 3 cases of maternity; and in third place the category of "economic aspects" (26.7 %). The main reason for dropout among LN students is vocational aspects related to the search for another career.El objetivo de este artículo es identificar la prevalencia de deserción en los alumnos de la Licenciatura en Nutrición (LN) de una universidad pública de México, las causas relacionadas con la deserción y agruparlas de acuerdo a sus características. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en dos fases, en la fase 1 se identificaron los datos históricos de deserción del programa educativo. En la fase 2, se aplicó una encuesta de construcción propia con preguntas abiertas y cerradas, de la cual se obtuvo la respuesta de 75 estudiantes desertores. La encuesta incluyó un análisis dicotómico (sí, no) de 18 factores asociados a la deserción escolar, totalizando 22 al incorporar los aspectos cualitativos obtenidos de la opción de respuesta "otros"; estos factores se agruparon en seis categorías. Se encontró una tasa de deserción escolar del 18% para el plan de estudios actual y el intermedio y hasta el 33% en el primer plan de estudios. De los desertores detectados, el 58.6% lo hizo en el primer año de estudios. El 66% de los desertores reprobaron al menos una unidad de aprendizaje y tienen una calificación promedio de 72.71, por debajo de la media general de la LN del centro universitario (91.8). De los desertores, el 49.3% identificó el cambio de carrera como su motivo de abandono, este factor forma parte de la categoría de "causas vocacionales" que ocupó el primer lugar con el 72%, seguido de "aspectos personales" con el 49.3% incluyendo 3 casos de maternidad; y en tercer lugar la categoría de "aspectos económicos" (26.7%). El principal motivo de deserción de los alumnos de la LN son los aspectos vocacionales relacionados con la búsqueda de otra carrera