216 research outputs found

    The Effects of Ash and Black Carbon (Biochar) on Germination of Different Tree Species

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    Forest fires generate large amounts of ash and biochar, or black carbon (BC), that cover the soil surface, interacting with the soil’s constituents and its seedbank. This study concerns reproductive ecology assessments supported by molecular characterisation to improve our understanding of the effects of fire and fire residues on the germination behaviour of 12 arboreal species with a wide geographic distribution. For this purpose, we analysed the effects of three ash and one BC concentration on the germination of Acacia dealbata Link, A. longifolia (Andrews) Willd., A. mearnsii De Wild., A. melanoxylon R. Br., Pinus nigra Arnold, P. pinaster Aiton, P. radiata D. Don, P. sylvestris L., Quercus ilex L., Q. pyrenaica Willd., Q. robur L., and Q. rubra L. Each tree species was exposed to ash and BC created from its foliage or twigs (except for Q. rubra, which was exposed to ash and BC of Ulex europaeus L.). We monitored germination percentage, the T50 parameter, and tracked the development of germination over time (up to 1 yr). The BC of A. dealbata, P. pinaster, and Q. robur was analysed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PY-GC-MS) to assess the molecular composition. In six species, ash inhibited the germination, while in another five species, germination was not affected by ash or by BC. In Q. rubra, ash and BC stimulated its germination. This stimulating effect of the BC on Q. rubra is likely to be related to the chemical composition of the ash and BC obtained from Ulex feedstock. The BC of U. europaeus has a very different molecular composition than the other BC samples analysed, which, together with other factors, probably allowed for its germination stimulating effects.This study was carried out within the Project 10MDS200007PR, financed by the Xunta de Galicia; the Project AGL2013-48189-C2-2-R, financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain; and FEDERS

    Responsabilidad social y universidad

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    182 p.En esta colección se centra en la responsabilidad social que corresponde a las instituciones de educación superior. Así mismo , aporta al compromiso misional de la universidad de inculturar la doctrina social católica y el estudio, análisis, sensibilización y propuestas frente a las realidades culturales, políticas, económicas y sociales de Colombia. Esta obra está destinada a las comunidades académicas que orientan sus reflexiones a la proyección social de sus entes educativos.Prólogo Responsabilidad social universitaria 1· Humanizar el hábitat. Un ejemplo de responsabilidad social William Fernando Puentes González 2. Una introducción a la idea de justicia. Un debate contemporáneo ¿qué es una sociedad justa? Armando Rojas Claros 3. Acercamiento al personalismo de Emmanuel Mounier como propuesta ante la problemática de la sociedad actual Alexander Aldana Piñeros 4. La cortesía, expresión de la responsabilidad social Edilberto Cruz Espejo 5. Construcción de ciudadanía y de ciudadano: la formación del profesional incluyente Edgar Javier Garzón P. 6. Evaluación e impacto de un programa de formación humanística en instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Bogotá Katherin Hurtado Morales, Humberto Grimaldo Durán, Floralba Barrero Rivera y Alba Lucía Meneses Báez 7. Caritas in veritate: verdad y acción, un paso a la responsabilidad social en el mundo globalizado Elizabeth Duvanca Reyes 8. Doctrina Social de la Iglesia y desarrollo humano: ejemplo de responsabilidad social Giovanni Reyes Ortiz 9. La responsabilidad social universitaria desde el paradigma de la psicología comunitaria Nelly Ayala Rodríguez María Constanza del Portillo Obando María Victoria Neira Roa 10. Informática comunitaria y acciones de mejoramiento para la proyección social Jorge Fernando Bejarano Lobo 11. Responsabilidad social en la educación matemática Jacinto Eloy Puig Portal 12. Responsabilidad social. Recuento de experiencias Doris Carda de Bernal Bibliografí

    Performance of two questionnaires to measure treatment adherence in patients with Type-2 Diabetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most valid methods to measure treatment adherence require time and resources, and they are not easily applied in highly demanding Primary Health Care Clinics (PHCC). The objective of this study was to determine sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios, and post-test probabilities of two novel questionnaires as proxy measurements of treatment adherence in Type-2 diabetic patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two questionnaires were developed by a group of experts to identify the patient's medical prescription knowledge (knowledge) and their attitudes toward treatment adherence (attitudes) as proxy measurements of adherence. The questionnaires were completed by patients receiving care in PHCC pertaining to the Mexican Institute of Social Security in Aguascalientes (Mexico). Pill count was used as gold standard. Participants were selected randomly, and their oral hypoglycemic prescriptions were studied. The main outcome measures for each questionnaire were sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios, and post-test probabilities, all as an independent questionnaire test and in a serial analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Adherence prevalence was 27.0% using pill count. Knowledge questionnaire showed the highest sensitivity (68.1%) and negative predictive value (82.2%), the lowest negative likelihood ratio (0.58) and post-test probability for a negative result (0.16). Serial analysis showed the highest specificity (77.4%) and positive predictive value (40.1%) as well as the highest positive likelihood ratio (1.8) and post-test probability for a positive result (0.39).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Medical Prescription Knowledge questionnaire showed the best performance as proxy measurement to identify non-adherence in type 2 diabetic patients regarding negative predictive value, negative likelihood ratio, and post-test probability for a negative result. However, Medical Prescription Knowledge questionnaire performance may change in contexts with higher adherence prevalence. Therefore, more research is needed before using this method in other contexts.</p

    Timing of surgery for hip fracture and in-hospital mortality: a retrospective population-based cohort study in the Spanish National Health System

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While the benefits or otherwise of early hip fracture repair is a long-running controversy with studies showing contradictory results, this practice is being adopted as a quality indicator in several health care organizations. The aim of this study is to analyze the association between early hip fracture repair and in-hospital mortality in elderly people attending public hospitals in the Spanish National Health System and, additionally, to explore factors associated with the decision to perform early hip fracture repair.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cohort of 56,500 patients of 60-years-old and over, hospitalized for hip fracture during the period 2002 to 2005 in all the public hospitals in 8 Spanish regions, were followed up using administrative databases to identify the time to surgical repair and in-hospital mortality. We used a multivariate logistic regression model to analyze the relationship between the timing of surgery (< 2 days from admission) and in-hospital mortality, controlling for several confounding factors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Early surgery was performed on 25% of the patients. In the unadjusted analysis early surgery showed an absolute difference in risk of mortality of 0.57 (from 4.42% to 3.85%). However, patients undergoing delayed surgery were older and had higher comorbidity and severity of illness. Timeliness for surgery was not found to be related to in-hospital mortality once confounding factors such as age, sex, chronic comorbidities as well as the severity of illness were controlled for in the multivariate analysis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Older age, male gender, higher chronic comorbidity and higher severity measured by the Risk Mortality Index were associated with higher mortality, but the time to surgery was not.</p

    Economía y finanzas sociales: avances en la investigación

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    Esta obra colectiva propone un cambio de paradigma en la investigación científica, financiera y económica, cuyo centro de atención es reducir las desigualdades sociales y económicas, mejorar la sostenibilidad ambiental y la creación eficiente de valor económico. Desde un punto de vista crítico y mediante diversos enfoques teóricos, metodológicos y disciplinares, los autores analizan el esquema financiero predominante en las economías de mercado, al tiempo que abordan temas como la inclusión financiera, la banca ética o las experiencias e intervenciones en y sobre la economía social.ITESO, A.C

    Assessment of plasma chitotriosidase activity, CCL18/PARC concentration and NP-C suspicion index in the diagnosis of Niemann-Pick disease type C: A prospective observational study

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    Background: Niemann-Pick disease type C (NP-C) is a rare, autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease caused by mutations in either the NPC1 or NPC2 genes. The diagnosis of NP-C remains challenging due to the non-specific, heterogeneous nature of signs/symptoms. This study assessed the utility of plasma chitotriosidase (ChT) and Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 (CCL18)/pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokine (PARC) in conjunction with the NP-C suspicion index (NP-C SI) for guiding confirmatory laboratory testing in patients with suspected NP-C. Methods: In a prospective observational cohort study, incorporating a retrospective determination of NP-C SI scores, two different diagnostic approaches were applied in two separate groups of unrelated patients from 51 Spanish medical centers (n = 118 in both groups). From Jan 2010 to Apr 2012 (Period 1), patients with =2 clinical signs/symptoms of NP-C were considered ''suspected NP-C'' cases, and NPC1/NPC2 sequencing, plasma chitotriosidase (ChT), CCL18/PARC and sphingomyelinase levels were assessed. Based on findings in Period 1, plasma ChT and CCL18/PARC, and NP-C SI prediction scores were determined in a second group of patients between May 2012 and Apr 2014 (Period 2), and NPC1 and NPC2 were sequenced only in those with elevated ChT and/or elevated CCL18/PARC and/or NP-C SI =70. Filipin staining and 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC) measurements were performed in all patients with NP-C gene mutations, where possible. Results: In total across Periods 1 and 2, 10/236 (4%) patients had a confirmed diagnosis o NP-C based on gene sequencing (5/118 4.2%] in each Period): all of these patients had two causal NPC1 mutations. Single mutant NPC1 alleles were detected in 8/236 (3%) patients, overall. Positive filipin staining results comprised three classical and five variant biochemical phenotypes. No NPC2 mutations were detected. All patients with NPC1 mutations had high ChT activity, high CCL18/PARC concentrations and/or NP-C SI scores =70. Plasma 7-KC was higher than control cut-off values in all patients with two NPC1 mutations, and in the majority of patients with single mutations. Family studies identified three further NP-C patients. Conclusion: This approach may be very useful for laboratories that do not have mass spectrometry facilities and therefore, they cannot use other NP-C biomarkers for diagnosis

    Memorias del 4o. coloquio de estudios sobre juegos de rol

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    Aquí se recopilan las ponencias recibidas para ser publicadas en el 4o. Coloquio de estudios sobre juegos de rol (2019), realizado en el Tec de Monterrey campus Puebla el 4 y 5 de julio de 2019. Únicamente se publican las ponencias cuyos autores dieron permiso explícito para ello y que facilitaron copia de su trabajo. Los resúmenes de las ponencias pasaron por un proceso de revisión doble ciego para ser admitidas en el coloquio. Editor: Mauricio Rangel Jiménezhttps://digitalcommons.njit.edu/stemresources/1021/thumbnail.jp