703 research outputs found

    Inclusive Displaced Vertex Searches for Heavy Neutral Leptons at the LHC

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    The inclusion of heavy neutral leptons to the Standard Model particle content could provide solutions to many open questions in particle physics and cosmology. The modification of the charged and neutral currents from active-sterile mixing of neutral leptons can provide novel signatures in Standard Model processes. We revisit the displaced vertex signature that could occur in collisions at the LHC via the decay of heavy neutral leptons with masses of a few GeV emphasizing the implications of flavor, kinematics, inclusive production and number of these extra neutral fermions. We study in particular the implication on the parameter space sensitivity when all mixings to active flavors are taken into account. We also discuss alternative cases where the new particles are produced in a boosted regime.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures. Extended analysis. Published versio

    Variabilidad en la inactivación de Listeria monocytogenes frente a la aplicación de altas presiones hidrostáticas (HPP) en zumos modelo”

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    En la presente memoria se recogen los resultados del estudio en el que se evaluó el comportamiento de distintas cepas de Listeria monocytogenes frente a su inactivación por altas presiones hidrostáticas en zumos modelo. Se trabajó con 48 cepas (cubriendo un amplio rango de linajes, serotipos, reservorios y virulencia), unas condiciones de procesado de 500 MPa 1 min, dos valores de pH (4.5 y 6) y realizando un seguimiento en el tiempo (días 1, 7 y 22) de las muestras incubadas a 12 ºC. Se observó un gran variabilidad de L. monocytogenes frente a las altas presiones, con inactivaciones que a las 24 horas variaron entre 5.3 y 1.1 log UFC/mL. También se observaron diferencias en cuanto a su capacidad de recuperación en el tiempo. Teniendo en cuenta todas las variables del proceso se seleccionaron como cepas más resistentes la ILSI 10, la ILSI 19, ILSI 40 y Listeria innocua UBU (esta última incluida en el estudio para evaluar su uso como surrogate o sustituto del patógeno). En este trabajo también se recogen los resultados de la caracterización de una de las cepas más resistentes (ILSI 40) frente a diferentes valores de pH (3, 4, 5 y 6), presiones (500 y 600 MPa) y tiempos (1, 2, 3, 4, y 5 min). La inactivación completa para el tratamiento de 500 MPa y 1 min se obtuvo a pH < 5. Un tratamiento superior a 600 MPa durante 4 min produjo la inactivación completa de la cepa en el zumo modelo con pH = 6.Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola y ForestalMáster en Calidad, Desarrollo e Innovación de Alimento

    L. Caldwell. Roman Girldhood and the Fashioning of Feminity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [Reseña]

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    Ethical reconstruction of citizenship: A proposal between the intimate self and the public sphere

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    When, in societies today, civic commitment decreases, there is a call for the need to strengthen citizenship education, identified uniquely with its public dimension and, on the other hand, the requirement for character education has been advocated, which is a cultivator of the most strictly private dimension. Setting out from the recognition of the new social conditions, mediated by the phenomenon of globalisation and of the place that people have in these new contexts, we ask ourselves about the new profile which the construction of citizenship must adopt. We endeavor to show that the moral dimension is the core of reconsidering the link between the private and the public, so it would currently be meaningless to propose an education of citizenship exclusively focused on its public dimensio

    Socio-Economic Determinants Of Abortion Rates

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    Abortion rates are increasing all around the world, especially for young women. Our proposals for public policies to reduce unwanted pregnancies are based on an analysis of the socio-economic determinants of abortion rates. Special attention is paid to regional levels of alcohol consumption, living conditions, and public spending on health and education. We carry out estimations using data on regions in Spain from 1999 to 2004. There is empirical evidence that socioeconomic conditions, lifestyles and regional characteristics determine regional abortion rates. Our results suggest that it is important to design public policies to reduce alcohol abuse, improve citizens’ working conditions and promote gender equality through government subsidized childcare.abortion rates; unplanned pregnancy; public policies.

    Professional profile of graduates with a degree in physical activity and sports science in Spain

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    The new job opportunities that resulted from the growth of the sports industry, due to the impact of sports on society and the increase of sports practice, along with the concern about the influence of such practice on health, have led experts in this field to demand the professionalization of the sector. Thereby, a regulatory development is being carried out, which, although at the regional level, recognises the professions of sports, determining the official academic titles or professional qualifications required for the professional practice and assigning to each profession its corresponding functional scope. Despite the fact that the affiliation rate of the Professional Association of Graduates in Physical Activity and Sports Science does not exceed 15% of the university graduates in Spain, such rate has increased in the last years. As an example, in Andalusia, the number of members has doubled in the last four years. This increase in affiliation may be a reflection of the professionalization process that the sports sector has been experiencing. The aim of this study was to determine the professional profile of graduates with a university degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science. As the main results, there continues to be a higher percentage of men who opt to take these courses, most of them have complementary training/education and there is a high percentage of multiple employment, that is, they combine more than one job, although teaching is still the most popular profession of choice. However, the percentage of graduates who choose teaching as a career is decreasing, which could be due to the diversification of the sector and of the sports professions

    Un enfoque comunicativo desde la perspectiva de género en la clase de inglés de secundaria: un estudio a pequeña escala

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    The implicit ideology behind sexist proverbs and sayings such as who has a fair wife needs more than two eyes; many women, many words, many geese, many turds; a woman without a man is like a handle without a pan or a good wife is a perfect lady in the living room, a good cook in the kitchen, and a harlot in the bedroom proves that we have been living in a men’s world, made by men and for men, for a very long time. As a matter of fact, male chauvinism is quite deep-rooted in the Spanish patriarchal society and, therefore, gender stereotypes still seem very resistant to change. However, it is undeniable that gender awareness has also positively increased in the last few decades. Nevertheless, this gender awareness is not present everywhere and in the same way. That is to say, taking the education field as an example, both the national and the regional curricula of the obligatory secondary education make explicit reference to the education system’s duty to promote initiatives and measures to raise gender awareness, yet this duty is not so extensively carried out in the everyday teaching practice. Thereby, this dissertation claims that gender awareness is not addressed in secondary education classes on a daily basis and even less so in the EFL class. The aforementioned thesis statement leads one to wonder whether the instructional resources and teaching aids used in the EFL class take the gender awareness into consideration or not. This research question has to do with the fact that the curricula clearly state that gender equality should be promoted in class but it turns out that it is not completely like this. Thus, textbooks, which are supposed to be designed in compliance with the curricular goals, should also promote this value, or at least, they should be free of gender bias, but is it really so? Does the representation of gender in textbooks reinforce or fight against gender stereotypes? Together with the goal of answering this key research question, this dissertation would like to achieve the following objectives: 1) to define gender stereotypes and the influence of school in their promotion and justify why the EFL context may be the adequate site to fight against this so-called gender bias; 2) to create a list of criteria which will allow me to spot all the existing marks of gender stereotypes in the teaching materials used in the EFL class; 3) to test this checklist as a double-edged tool: on the one hand, it will allow me to analyse the results and conclude whether instructional materials are gender-biased or not and, on the other hand, it will let me design curricular activities, both according to the results and keeping the gender awareness in mind; 4) to demonstrate that it is possible for contemporary teachers to adapt, revise and/or create EFL materials that show the social awareness with gender issues. All in all, I hope that at the end of this study I will have been able to detect to what extent some instructional materials used in the EFL class may be gender-biased, although the curricula expect the contrary, as well as to create a tool aimed at analysing and designing bias-free activities, which will probably be highly efficient when it comes to raising gender awareness in students

    Translation, Mediation and Accessibility for Linguistic Minorities

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    Linguistic minorities are everywhere, and they are diverse. In this context, linguistic mediation activities – whether translation or interpreting – are key to the social inclusion of any kind of linguistic minority. In most societies autochthonous linguistic minorities coexist with foreignspeaking minorities and people with (or without) disabilities who rely linguistically or medially adapted on texts to access information. The present volume draws on this broad understanding of the concept of linguistic minorities to explore some of the newest developments in the field of translation studies and linguistics. The articles are structured around three main axes: • accessibility of content, especially audiovisual translation • intralingual translation, including initiatives regarding plain language, easy-to-read and easy language • mediation for minorities in a broader sense and language ideologies

    A Critical Reflection on the Teaching-Learning Process

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    El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Fin de Máster (Modalidad A)es realizar un análisis crítico de dos trabajos realizados durante el curso, demostrando la adquisición de conocimientos y competencias necesarias para la docencia y el proceso de formación. Los trabajos elegidos son la Programación Anual y la Unidad Didáctica dada su importancia

    The flavor of a light charged Higgs

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    The ATLAS Collaboration has recently reported a search for light-charged Higgs in tH+bt\to H^+ b decay, with H+cbˉH^+\to c\bar b. An excess with a local significance of approximately 3σ3\sigma is found at mH+130m_{H^+}\approx130 GeV, with a best-fit value of BR(tH+b)×BR(H+cbˉ)=(1.6±0.6)×103{\rm BR}(t\to H^+b)\times {\rm BR}(H^+\to c\bar b)=(1.6\pm0.6)\times10^{-3}. We study the implications of such a hypothetical signal in multi-Higgs doublet models. We take into account constraints from searches for other charged Higgs decays and from flavor-changing neutral current processes. Two Higgs doublet models with flavor structure dictated by natural flavor conservation (NFC), minimal flavor violation (MFV), or the Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) mechanism cannot account for such excess. A three-Higgs doublet model with NFC can account for the signal. The Yukawa couplings of the neutral pseudoscalar AA in the down sector, Y^AD\hat Y_A^D, should be larger by a factor of 464-6 compared to the corresponding Yukawa couplings of the Higgs hh, Y^hD\hat Y_h^D. We further present two minimal scenarios, one in which a single Yukawa coupling in the down sector, (Y^AD)bb(\hat Y_A^D)_{bb}, gives the only significant contribution, and one in which two Yukawa couplings in the up sector, (Y^AU)tt(\hat Y_A^U)_{tt} and (Y^AU)tc(\hat Y_A^U)_{tc}, give the only significant contributions, and we discuss possible tests of these scenarios.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure