975 research outputs found

    A Prehispanic Maya Pit Oven? Microanalysis of Fired Clay Balls from the Puuc Region, Yucatán, Mexico

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    This is a postprint (author's final draft) version of an article published in Journal of Archaeological Science in 2013. The final version of this article may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2012.10.014 (login may be required). The version made available in OpenBU was supplied by the author.Excavations of a kitchen at Escalera al Cielo in the Puuc Maya region of Yucatán, Mexico uncovered a concentration of fired clay balls (ca. 3–5 cm in diameter), in addition to other de facto domestic refuse. The kitchen pertains to an intensively excavated elite residential group that was rapidly abandoned sometime near the end of the Terminal Classic period (A.D. 800–950), resulting in floor assemblages that provide an opportunity to explore the types and distribution of daily household activities. The results of experimental replications and a suite of analyses comprising modal analysis, ceramic petrography, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and microbotanical residue analysis reveal aspects of clay preparation, firing temperatures, repeated use of the balls, firing conditions, and specific plant food or fuel residues adhering to them. We show that the fired clay balls were manufactured with local, clay-rich soil and employed by the inhabitants of Escalera al Cielo as heating elements; relatively high concentrations of microbotanical residues from edible plants adhering to them support the hypothesis that they were involved in kitchen activities related to food processing

    Magnetic Fluctuations, Precursor Phenomena and Phase Transition in MnSi under Magnetic Field

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    The reference chiral helimagnet MnSi is the first system where skyrmion lattice correlations have been reported. At zero magnetic field the transition at TCT_C to the helimagnetic state is of first order. Above TCT_C, in a region dominated by precursor phenomena, neutron scattering shows the build up of strong chiral fluctuating correlations over the surface of a sphere with radius 2π/2\pi/\ell, where \ell is the pitch of the helix. It has been suggested that these fluctuating correlations drive the helical transition to first order following a scenario proposed by Brazovskii for liquid crystals. We present a comprehensive neutron scattering study under magnetic fields, which provides evidence that this is not the case. The sharp first order transition persists for magnetic fields up to 0.4 T whereas the fluctuating correlations weaken and start to concentrate along the field direction already above 0.2 T. Our results thus disconnect the first order nature of the transition from the precursor fluctuating correlations. They also show no indication for a tricritical point, where the first order transition crosses over to second order with increasing magnetic field. In this light, the nature of the first order helical transition and the precursor phenomena above TCT_C, both of general relevance to chiral magnetism, remain an open question

    Strong HI Lyman-α\alpha variations from the 11 Gyr-old host star Kepler-444: a planetary origin ?

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    Kepler-444 provides a unique opportunity to probe the atmospheric composition and evolution of a compact system of exoplanets smaller than the Earth. Five planets transit this bright K star at close orbital distances, but they are too small for their putative lower atmosphere to be probed at optical/infrared wavelengths. We used the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph instrument onboard the Hubble Space Telescope to search for the signature of the planet's upper atmospheres at six independent epochs in the Ly-α\alpha line. We detect significant flux variations during the transits of both Kepler-444e and f (~20%), and also at a time when none of the known planets was transiting (~40%). Variability in the transition region and corona of the host star might be the source of these variations. Yet, their amplitude over short time scales (~2-3 hours) is surprisingly strong for this old (11.2+-1.0Gyr) and apparently quiet main-sequence star. Alternatively, we show that the in-transits variations could be explained by absorption from neutral hydrogen exospheres trailing the two outer planets (Kepler-444e and f). They would have to contain substantial amounts of water to replenish such hydrogen exospheres, which would reveal them as the first confirmed ocean-planets. The out-of-transit variations, however, would require the presence of a yet-undetected Kepler-444g at larger orbital distance, casting doubt on the planetary origin scenario. Using HARPS-N observations in the sodium doublet, we derived the properties of two Interstellar Medium clouds along the line-of-sight toward Kepler-444. This allowed us to reconstruct the stellar Ly-α\alpha line profile and to estimate the XUV irradiation from the star, which would still allow for a moderate mass loss from the outer planets after 11.2Gyr. Follow-up of the system at XUV wavelengths will be required to assess this tantalizing possibility.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Name of the system added to the title in most recent versio

    Universality of the helimagnetic transition in cubic chiral magnets: Small angle neutron scattering and neutron spin echo spectroscopy studies of Fe1x_{1-x}Cox_xSi

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    We present a comprehensive Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) and Neutron Spin Echo Spectroscopy (NSE) study of the structural and dynamical aspects of the helimagnetic transition in Fe1x_{1-x}Cox_xSi with xx = 0.30. In contrast to the sharp transition observed in the archetype chiral magnet MnSi, the transition in Fe1x_{1-x}Cox_xSi is gradual and long-range helimagnetic ordering coexists with short-range correlations over a wide temperature range. The dynamics are more complex than in MnSi and involve long relaxation times with a stretched exponential relaxation which persists even under magnetic field. These results in conjunction with an analysis of the hierarchy of the relevant length scales show that the helimagnetic transition in Fe1x_{1-x}Cox_xSi differs substantially from the transition in MnSi and question the validity of a universal approach to the helimagnetic transition in chiral magnets

    Better than Expected or as Bad as You Thought? The Neurocognitive Development of Probabilistic Feedback Processing

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    Learning from feedback lies at the foundation of adaptive behavior. Two prior neuroimaging studies have suggested that there are qualitative differences in how children and adults use feedback by demonstrating that dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and parietal cortex were more active after negative feedback for adults, but after positive feedback for children. In the current study we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to test whether this difference is related to valence or informative value of the feedback by examining neural responses to negative and positive feedback while applying probabilistic rules. In total, 67 healthy volunteers between ages 8 and 22 participated in the study (8–11 years, n = 18; 13–16 years, n = 27; 18–22 years, n = 22). Behavioral comparisons showed that all participants were able to learn probabilistic rules equally well. DLPFC and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex were more active in younger children following positive feedback and in adults following negative feedback, but only when exploring alternative rules, not when applying the most advantageous rules. These findings suggest that developmental differences in neural responses to feedback are not related to valence per se, but that there is an age-related change in processing learning signals with different informative value

    Folding of a donor–acceptor polyrotaxane by using noncovalent bonding interactions

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    Mechanically interlocked compounds, such as bistable catenanes and bistable rotaxanes, have been used to bring about actuation in nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) and molecular electronic devices (MEDs). The elaboration of the structural features of such rotaxanes into macromolecular materials might allow the utilization of molecular motion to impact their bulk properties. We report here the synthesis and characterization of polymers that contain π electron-donating 1,5-dioxynaphthalene (DNP) units encircled by cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene) (CBPQT4+), a π electron-accepting tetracationic cyclophane, synthesized by using the copper(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). The polyrotaxanes adopt a well defined “folded” secondary structure by virtue of the judicious design of two DNP-containing monomers with different binding affinities for CBPQT4+. This efficient approach to the preparation of polyrotaxanes, taken alongside the initial investigations of their chemical properties, sets the stage for the preparation of a previously undescribed class of macromolecular architectures

    Magnetization jump in the XXZ chain with next-nearest-neighbor exchange

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    We study the dependence of the magnetization M with magnetic field B at zero temperature in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain with nearest-neighbor (NN) J1 and next-NN J2 exchange interactions, with anisotropies Delta1 and Delta2 respectively. The region of parameters for which a jump in M(B) exists is studied using numerical diagonalization, and analytical results for two magnons on a ferromagnetic background in the thermodynamic limit. We find a line in the parameter space (J2/J1, Delta1/J1, Delta2/J2) (determined by two simple equations) at which the ground state is highly degenerate. M(B) has a jump near this line, and at or near the isotropic case with ferromagnetic J1 and antiferromagnetic J2, with |J2/J1| near 1/4. These results are relevant for some systems containing CuO chains with edge-sharing CuO4 units.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Tratamiento de la escoliosis idiopática mediante artrodesis anterior e instrumentación de Zielke

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    —Hemos revisado 16 pacientes afectos de escoliosis toracolumbar y lumbar tratados mediante artrodesis anterior e instrumentación de Zielke. La corrección de la curva en el plano anteroposterior ha sido del 68%. La escoliosis torácica asociada se ha corregido de forma espontánea un 30%. La lordosis global final ha sido de 40°, sin embargo la instrumentación provoca un aumento de la cifosis regional de 10°. Las complicaciones de la serie han sido 3 roturas de barra, una progresión de la curva torácica y un derrame pleural.The authors showed the clinical outcome of 16 patients with thoracolumbar and lumbar curvatures treated by Zielke instrumentation and anterior fusion. The correction obtained in the primary curvature was 68%. The average correction in the compensatory thoracic curvature was 30%. The average lordosis correction at follow was 40°. However the Zielke's system lead to an increase of 10° of kyphotic at the instrumented levels. Complications included 3 browen rods, a progression of the thoracic curve and one pleural spilling