377 research outputs found

    Acceptance Towards LGB Persons Is an Independent Protective Factor Against Suicide on a Country Level

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    Background: Sexual minorities such as lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people have an increased risk for suicide, whose reasons are not sufficiently understood. We aimed to test if differences in LGB acceptance explain variations in general suicide rates on a country level. Methods: We used linear regression models to explain the variation in age-standardized suicide rates in 34 OECD countries based on LGB acceptance, which was recently assessed in large international surveys polling the general population about their attitude towards homosexuality. We included economic and sociological variables, which have been shown to be related to suicide rates in previous work, as covariates. We then used backward elimination, leave-one-out cross-validation, and the Bayesian information criterion to identify best-fitting models (i.e., to select relevant predictors). Results: All employed model selection methods favored a 4-predictor model, where higher LGB acceptance, fertility rate, religiosity, and unemployment rate were significantly related to lower suicide rates. Suicide rates were well explained by this sparse model (R2 adjusted = 0.442). In the full model with all predictors, as well as in the selected four-predictor model, higher LGB acceptance was significantly related to lower suicide rates. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that low LGB acceptance, as measured by international surveys, might be a risk factor for suicide

    Can “Model Projects of Need-Adapted Care” Reduce Involuntary Hospital Treatment and the Use of Coercive Measures?

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    Intensive outpatient models of need-adapted psychiatric care have been shown to reduce the length of hospital stays and to improve retention in care for people with severe mental illnesses. In contrast, evidence regarding the impact of such models on involuntary hospital treatment and other coercive measures in inpatient settings is still sparse, although these represent important indicators of the patients' wellbeing. In Germany, intensive models of care still have not been routinely implemented, and their effectiveness within the German psychiatric system is only studied in a few pioneering regions. An innovative model of flexible, assertive, need-adapted care established in Berlin, Germany, in 2014, treating unselected 14% of the catchment area's patients, was evaluated on the basis of routine clinical data. Records of n = 302 patients diagnosed with severe mental disorders, who had been hospitalized at least once during a 4-year-observational period, were analyzed in a retrospective individual mirror-image design, comparing the 2 years before and after inclusion in the model project regarding the time spent in hospital, the number and duration of involuntary hospital treatments and the use of direct coercive interventions like restraint or isolation. After inclusion to the project, patients spent significantly less time in hospital. Among patients treated on acute wards and patients with a diagnosis of psychosis, the number of patients subjected to provisional detention due to acute endangerment of self or others decreased significantly, as did the time spent under involuntary hospital treatment. The number of patients subjected to mechanical restraint, but not to isolation, on the ward decreased significantly, while the total number of coercive interventions remained unchanged. Findings suggest some potential of intensive models of need-adapted care to reduce coercive interventions in psychiatry. However, results must be substantiated by evidence from randomized-controlled trials and longer observation periods

    Connected to the spirit of the frog: An Internet-based survey on KambĂ´, the secretion of the Amazonian Giant Maki Frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor): Motivations for use, settings and subjective experiences

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    Background/aim: Kambô is a name for the secretion of the Giant Maki Frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor), which has been used by indigenous cultures from the Amazonas basin and has recently become popular in alternative healing circles in Western countries, with a certain overlap with psychedelic self-exploration. Methods: We carried out an online-based survey in English (54.92%) and German investigating motivations for using Kambô, settings in which rituals take place, and subjective experiences during and after the application. Results: Participants (n = 386, mean age: 38.08 years, (standard deviation = 9.95)) were well-educated individuals with an increased lifetime prevalence of the use of ayahuasca (67.88%). A plethora of motivations for using Kambô was reported, including general healing, detoxification and spiritual growth. Acute effects included severe physical reactions and mild psychoactive effects, most surprisingly, the feeling of being connected to the frog’s spirit (41.97%), whereas predominantly positive persisting psychological effects were reported. Few participants reported long-lasting physical (2.85%) or mental (1.81%) health problems which they attributed to Kambô. Of the participants, 87.31% reported an increase in personal well-being or life satisfaction, and 64.26% considered Kambô to have been at least of ‘very much’ spiritual significance for their lives. Conclusions: The majority of users claimed beneficial effects including more health-orientated behaviors, whereas only very few participants complained about new health problems which they ascribed to Kambô. In retrospect, Kambô was given a high personal and spiritual significance by many participants. Additional research is needed to determine in how far reported effects are modulated by setting and subjective expectations

    Impaired empathy, but intact theory of mind

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    Aggressive, violent behaviour is a major burden and challenge for society. It has been linked to deficits in social understanding, but the evidence is inconsistent and the specifics of such deficits are unclear. Here, we investigated affective (empathy) and cognitive (Theory of Mind) routes to understanding other people in aggressive individuals. Twenty-nine men with a history of legally relevant aggressive behaviour (i.e. serious assault) and 32 control participants were tested using a social video task (EmpaToM) that differentiates empathy and Theory of Mind and completed questionnaires on aggression and alexithymia. Aggressive participants showed reduced empathic responses to emotional videos of others’ suffering, which correlated with aggression severity. Theory of Mind performance, in contrast, was intact. A mediation analysis revealed that reduced empathy in aggressive men was mediated by alexithymia. These findings stress the importance of distinguishing between socio-affective and socio-cognitive deficits for understanding aggressive behaviour and thereby contribute to the development of more efficient treatments

    Psychosocial Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Elderly Psychiatric Patients: a Longitudinal Study

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    The study was designed to investigate the impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on mental health and perceived psychosocial support for elderly psychiatric patients in a longitudinal design. n = 32 patients with affective or anxiety disorders aged >= 60 years were included. Telephone interviews were conducted in April/May 2020 (T1) and August 2020 (T2). The psychosocial impact (PSI) of the pandemic and psychopathology were measured. Changes between T1 and T2 were examined. Patients' psychosocial support system six months before the pandemic and at T1/T2 was assessed. We found a significant positive correlation between general PSI and depression as well as severity of illness. General PSI differed significantly depending on social contact. Neither general PSI nor psychopathology changed significantly between T1 and T2. At T1, patients' psychosocial support systems were reduced as compared to six months before. Patients reported an increase in psychosocial support between T1 and T2 and high demand for additional support (sports, arts/occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy). Elderly psychiatric patients show a negative PSI of the pandemic. They are likely to suffer from an impaired psychosocial situation, emphasizing the importance of developing concepts for sufficient psychosocial support during a pandemic

    Evidence for a hijacked brain reward system but no desensitized threat system in quitting‐motivated smokers: An fMRI study

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    Background and aims: Several aspects of how quitting-motivated tobacco use disorder (TUD) subjects and never-smokers differ in terms of reward and threat processing remain unresolved. We aimed to examine aberrant reward and threat processes in TUD and the association with smoking characteristics. Design: A between- and within-subjects functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment with a 2 (groups) × 4 (stimulus type) factorial design. The experimental paradigm had four conditions: pictures of (1) cigarettes served as drug-related-positive cues, (2) food as alternative reward cues, (3) long-term consequences of smoking as drug-related-negative cues and (4) neutral pictures as control. Setting/participants: Adult participants (n = 38 TUD subjects and n = 42 never-smokers) were recruited in Berlin, Germany. Measurements: As contrasts of primary interest, the interactions of group × stimulus-type were assessed. Significance threshold correction for multiple testing was carried out with the family-wise error method. Correlation analyses were used to test the association with smoking characteristics. Findings: The 2 × 2 interaction of smoking status and stimulus type revealed activations in the brain reward system to drug-related-positive cues in TUD subjects (between-subjects effect: P-values ≤ 0.036). As a response to drug-related-negative cues, TUD subjects showed no reduced activation of the aversive brain network. Within the TUD group, a significant negative association was found between response of the aversive brain system to drug-related-negative cues (within-subjects effect: P-values ≤ 0.021) and the number of cigarettes smoked per day (right insula r = -0.386, P = 0.024; left insula r = -0.351, P = 0.042; right ACC r = -0.359, P = 0.037). Conclusions: Moderate smokers with tobacco use disorder appear to have altered brain reward processing of drug-related-positive (but not negative) cues compared with never smokers

    Aversive drug cues reduce cigarette craving and increase prefrontal cortex activation during processing of cigarette cues in quitting motivated smokers

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    Aversive drug cues can be used to support smoking cessation and create awareness of negative health consequences of smoking. Better understanding of the effects of aversive drug cues on craving and the processing of appetitive drug cues in abstinence motivated smokers is important to further improve their use in cessation therapy and smoking-related public health measures. In this study, 38 quitting motivated smokers underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning while performing a novel extended cue-reactivity paradigm. Pictures of cigarettes served as appetitive drug cues, which were preceded by either aversive drug cues (e.g., smokers' leg) or other cues (neutral or alternative reward cues). Participants were instructed to rate their craving for cigarettes after presentation of drug cues. When aversive drug cues preceded the presentation of appetitive drug cues, behavioural craving was reduced and activations in prefrontal (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) and paralimbic (dorsal anterior cingulate cortex [dACC] and anterior insulae) areas were enhanced. A positive association between behavioural craving reduction and neurofunctional activation changes was shown for the right dACC. Our results suggest that aversive drug cues have an impact on the processing of appetitive drug cues, both on a neurofunctional and a behavioural level. A proposed model states that aversive drug-related cues activate control-associated brain areas (e.g., dACC), leading to increased inhibitory control on reward-associated brain areas (e.g., putamen) and a reduction in subjective cravings

    Housing situation and healthcare for patients in a psychiatric centre in Berlin, Germany: a cross-sectional patient survey

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the housing situation among people seeking psychiatric treatment in relation to morbidity and service utilisation. DESIGN: Cross-sectional patient survey. SETTING: Psychiatric centre with a defined catchment area in Berlin, Germany, March-September 2016. PARTICIPANTS: 540 psychiatric inpatients including day clinics (43.2% of all admitted patients in the study period (n=1251)). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Housing status 30 days prior the interview as well as influencing variables including service use, psychiatric morbidity and sociodemographic variables. RESULTS: In our survey, 327 participants (68.7%) currently rented or owned an own apartment; 62 (13.0%) reported to be homeless (living on the street or in shelters for homeless or refugees); 87 (18.3%) were accommodated in sociotherapeutic facilities. Participants without an own apartment were more likely to be male and younger and to have a lower level of education. Homeless participants were diagnosed with a substance use disorder significantly more often (74.2%). Psychotic disorders were the highest among homeless participants (29.0%). Concerning service use, we did neither find a lower utilisation of ambulatory services nor a higher utilisation of hospital-based care among homeless participants. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings underline the need for effective housing for people with mental illness. Despite many sociotherapeutic facilities, a concerning number of people with mental illness is living in homelessness. Especially early interventions addressing substance use might prevent future homelessness

    Motherhood and theory of mind: increased activation in the posterior cingulate cortex and insulae

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    Despite growing evidence on effects of parenthood on social understanding, little is known about the influence of parenthood on theory of mind (ToM), the capacity to infer mental and affective states of others. It is also unclear whether any possible effects of parenthood on ToM would generalise to inferring states of adults or are specific to children. We investigated neural activation in mothers and women without children while they predicted action intentions from child and adult faces. Region-of-interest analyses showed stronger activation in mothers in the bilateral posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus (ToM-related areas) and insulae (emotion-related areas). Whole-brain analyses revealed that mothers compared to non-mothers more strongly activated areas including the left angular gyrus and the ventral prefrontal cortex but less strongly activated the right supramarginal gyrus and the dorsal prefrontal cortex. These differences were not specific to child stimuli but occurred in response to both adult and child stimuli and might indicate that mothers and non-mothers employ different strategies to infer action intentions from affective faces. Whether these general differences in affective ToM between mothers and non-mothers are due to biological or experience-related changes should be subject of further investigation.Peer Reviewe

    Mothers need more information to recognise associated emotions inchild facial expressions

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    This article was supported by the Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.Parenting requires mothers to read social cues and understand their children. It is particularly important that they recognise their child’s emotions to react appropriately, for example, with compassion to sadness or compersion to happiness. Despite this importance, it is unclear how motherhood affects women’s ability to recognise emotions associated with facial expressions in children. Using videos of an emotionally neutral face continually and gradually taking on a facial expression associated with an emotion, we quantified the amount of information needed to match the emotion with the facial expression. Mothers needed more information than non-mothers to match the emotions with the facial expressions. Both mothers and non-mothers performed equally on a control task identifying animals instead of emotions, and both groups needed less information when recognising the emotions associated with facial expressions in adolescents than pre-schoolers. These results indicate that mothers need more information for to correctly recognise typically associated emotions in child facial expressions but not for similar tasks not involving emotions. A possible explanation is that child facial expressions associated with emotions may have a greater emotional impact on mothers than non-mothers leading to task interference but possibly also to increased compassion and compersion.Peer Reviewe
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