10 research outputs found

    Optimal Overhaul-Replacement Policies for Repairable Machine Sold with Warranty

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    This research deals with an overhaul-replacement policy for a repairable machine sold with Free Replacement Warranty (FRW). The machine will be used for a finite horizon, T (T <ï‚¥), and evaluated at a fixed interval, s (s< T). At each evaluation point, the buyer considers three alternative decisions i.e. Keep the machine, Overhaul it, or Replace it with a new identical one. An overhaul can reduce the machine age virtually, but not to a point that the machine is as good as new. If the machine fails during the warranty period, it is rectified at no cost to the buyer. Any failure occurring before and after the expiry of the warranty is restored by minimal repair. An overhaul-replacement policy is formulated for such machines by using dynamic programming approach to obtain the buyer's optimal policy. The results show that a significant rejuvenation effect due to overhaul may extend the length of machine life cycle and delay the replacement decision. In contrast, the warranty stimulates early machine replacement and by then increases the replacement frequencies for a certain range of replacement cost. This demonstrates that to minimize the total ownership cost over T the buyer needs to consider the minimal repair cost reduction due to rejuvenation effect of overhaul as well as the warranty benefit due to replacement. Numerical examples are presented for both illustrating the optimal policy and describing the behavior of the optimal solution

    An Extended Opportunity-Based Age Replacement Policy

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    The present study proposes an extended opportunity-based age replacement policy where opportunities occur according to a Poisson process. When the age, x of the system satisfies x < S for a prespecified value S, a corrective replacement is conducted if the objective system fails. In case x satisfies S ≤ x < T for another prespecified value T, we take an opportunity to preventively replace the system by a new one with probability p, and do not take the opportunity with probability 1 - p. At the moment x reaches T, a preventive replacement is executed independently of opportunities. The long-term average cost of the proposed policy is formulated. The conditions under which optimal values for S and T exist for a prespecified value of T and S, respectively, are then clarified. Numerical examples are also presented to illustrate the theoretical underpinnings of the proposed replacement policy formulation

    Pengembangan Model Consignment Stock pada Sistem Rantai Pasok Dua Eselon dengan Permintaan Berfluktuasi dan Perubahan Order Awal

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    Scheduling changes on the production floor are common in practice to meet the consumer demand and these cause the nervousness. The nervousness in turn will result in increased costs and reduced service level. This research deals with  production batch size and buffer stock taking into account changes in a preliminary order. Change in the demand for a given day is announced one day before and this is viewed as it occurs randomly. This research was considered in two echelon supply chain system with a single supplier and single manufacturer. The development of model is transactional relationship and consignment stock contract relationship. This study also considers the backorder and production capacity according to the real condition. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the performance of the models. From the numerical results, it appears that coefficient variation (CV) of the demand affects the results obtained using method of SM and LUC

    Model Penjadwalan Batch Multi Item dengan Dependent Processing Time

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    This paper investigates a development of single machine batch scheduling for multi items with dependent processing time. The batch scheduling problem is to determine simultaneously number of batch (N), which item and its size allocated for each batch, and processing sequences of resulting batches. We use total actual flow time as the objective of schedule performance. The multi item batch scheduling problem could be formulated into a biner-integer nonlinear programming model because the number of batch should be in integer value, the allocation of items to resulting batch need binary values, and also there are some non-linearity on objective function and constraint due to the dependent processing time. By applying relaxation on the decision variable of number of batch (N) as parameter, a heuristic procedure could be applied to find solution of the single machine batch scheduling problem for multi items


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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of varying demand on the production lot size and the schedule of delivery in the integrated inventory system. This system is consisted of a single manufacturer as the supplier and a single buyer. Mostly, the problems on the economic lot size model are assumed that demand is continuous with time. Actually, demand occurs are varying in time rather than continuously over the planning time horizon. In this case, the buyer has decided the amount of order for each period is varied, because of the changing market environment. The integrated inventory system model between a supplier and a buyer are developed and implemented under the condition with varied demand. Forward dynamic programming is implemented for searching the solution. The objective is to minimize the total cost, associated with a single product for a deterministic varying demand. Two conditions are examined here, i.e., the integrated model with uncapacitated and capacitated production system. The difference between these two models is in the constraints formulation. The capacity constraints will give higher total cost, especially if the setup cost higher than the holding cost. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the implementation of the solution algorithm. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Pada makalah ini diteliti pengaruh permintaan yang berfluktuasi terhadap penentuan ukuran lot produksi dan jadwal pengiriman pada sistem persediaan terintegrasi, dengan total ongkos persediaan melibatkan sistem persediaan pemanufaktur dan pembeli secara bersama. Sistem terdiri atas pemanufaktur tunggal dan pembeli tunggal untuk pemesanan satu jenis produk.Umumnya permasalahan penentuan ukuran lot produksi memiliki asumsi bahwa permintaan bersifat kontinu terhadap waktu. Penentuan ukuran lot pada model integrasi sistem persediaan antara pemanufaktur dan pembeli dengan kondisi permintaan berfluktuatif bertujuan meminimasi total ongkos. Pencarian solusi penentuan ukuran lot produksi dengan permintaan berfluktuatif mempergunakan pendekatan forward dynamic programming. Adapun model integrasi yang dikemukakan mempertimbangkan dua kondisi, yaitu kondisi kapasitas produksi tidak terbatas dan kapasitas produksi terbatas. Perbedaan formulasi terletak pada kondisi pembatas yang digunakan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa apabila ongkos setup jauh lebih tinggi dari pada ongkos simpan, maka kondisi dengan mempertimbangkan kapasitas akan menghasilkan total ongkos yang lebih tinggi. Suatu contoh numerik diberikan sebagai ilustrasi dari algoritma yang diusulkan. Kata kunci: ukuran lot produksi, fluktuasi permintaan, jadwal pengiriman, integrasi pemanufaktur-pembeli, programa dinamis


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    This research discusses batch scheduling model accommodating the condition of machine deterioration. The proposed model has changed the formulation of quality cost from that discussed in Indrapriyatna et al. (2007a), especially in the internal and external failure costs. It is assumed that the distribution of time between out-of-control conditions follows the exponential distribution. An algorithm has been proposed. This research concludes that, for continue batch size, the greater the sample size proportion of the batch size, the greater the total cost and number of batches. In addition, the greater the probability of producing nonconforming products, the greater the total cost. For any values of the probability, the number of batches will be the same, but the batch sizes are different. On the other hand, for model with discrete batch sizes, we used Indrapriyatna et al. (2007b) approach to solve the problem. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Penelitian ini membahas model penjadwalan batch yang mengakomodasikan kondisi mesin terdeteriorasi, yang akan menyebabkan produk menjadi nonconforming. Pengembangan ini mengubah formulasi biaya kualitas yang telah dirumuskan pada model Indrapriyatna et al. (2007a), khususnya untuk Biaya Kegagalan Internal dan Biaya Kegagalan Eksternal. Dalam model usulan, waktu antar kondisi out-of-control diasumsikan berdistribusi eksponensial. Sebuah algoritma penyelesaian dirancang untuk model usulan tersebut. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa, untuk model dengan ukuran batch kontinu, semakin besar proporsi ukuran sampel menyebabkan biaya total dan jumlah batch yang semakin besar. Selain itu, semakin besar peluang produk nonconforming dihasilkan maka akan menyebabkan semakin besar total biaya. Observasi lain menunjukkan bahwa jumlah batch selalu sama untuk sebarang nilai peluang; walaupun ukuran masing-masing batch berbeda. Pada model dengan ukuran batch diskrit digunakan 3 buah metode untuk mengubah ukuran batch menjadi integer yang diusulkan oleh Indrapriyatna et al. (2007b) dan menghasilkan kesimpulan yang sama. Kata kunci: mesin terdeteriorasi, produk nonconforming, ukuran batch kontinu, ukuran batch diskrit


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    This paper develops a two-dimensional lease contract for repairable products. During the contract period, all maintenance actions are carried out by the lessor. There are two customer types considered – the one whose lease contract end because a usage limit and the other type whose lease contract cease because the time limit has reached first. The proposed model uses a two-dimensional approach, and model failures using a bivariate Weibull distribution. When the age or usage of equipment reaches a specified limit, an imperfect preventive maintenance is conducted and each PM will reduce the failure rate level of the equipment.  Furthermore, if the equipment fails, a minimal repair corrective maintenance is performed. As an illustration, a numerical example is presented to show the optimal preventive maintenance that minimizes lessor’s maintenance cost, and the expected number of breakdowns during leased contract period. This proposed model will be compared with a recent relevant approach through numerical computation