73 research outputs found

    Polyharmonic homogenization, rough polyharmonic splines and sparse super-localization

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    We introduce a new variational method for the numerical homogenization of divergence form elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic equations with arbitrary rough (L∞L^\infty) coefficients. Our method does not rely on concepts of ergodicity or scale-separation but on compactness properties of the solution space and a new variational approach to homogenization. The approximation space is generated by an interpolation basis (over scattered points forming a mesh of resolution HH) minimizing the L2L^2 norm of the source terms; its (pre-)computation involves minimizing O(H−d)\mathcal{O}(H^{-d}) quadratic (cell) problems on (super-)localized sub-domains of size O(Hln⁥(1/H))\mathcal{O}(H \ln (1/ H)). The resulting localized linear systems remain sparse and banded. The resulting interpolation basis functions are biharmonic for d≀3d\leq 3, and polyharmonic for d≄4d\geq 4, for the operator -\diiv(a\nabla \cdot) and can be seen as a generalization of polyharmonic splines to differential operators with arbitrary rough coefficients. The accuracy of the method (O(H)\mathcal{O}(H) in energy norm and independent from aspect ratios of the mesh formed by the scattered points) is established via the introduction of a new class of higher-order Poincar\'{e} inequalities. The method bypasses (pre-)computations on the full domain and naturally generalizes to time dependent problems, it also provides a natural solution to the inverse problem of recovering the solution of a divergence form elliptic equation from a finite number of point measurements.Comment: ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. Special issue (2013

    Rise of correlations of transformation strains in random polycrystals

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    We investigate the statistics of the transformation strains that arise in random martensitic polycrystals as boundary conditions cause its component crystallites to undergo martensitic phase transitions. In our laminated polycrystal model the orientation of the n grains (crystallites) is given by an uncorrelated random array of the orientation angles Ξ_i, i = 1, . . . ,n. Under imposed boundary conditions the polycrystal grains may undergo a martensitic transformation. The associated transformation strains Δ_i, i = 1, . . . ,n depend on the array of orientation angles, and they can be obtained as a solution to a nonlinear optimization problem. While the random variables Ξ_i, i = 1, . . . ,n are uncorrelated, the random variables Δ_i, i = 1, . . . ,n may be correlated. This issue is central in our considerations. We investigate it in following three different scaling limits: (i) Infinitely long grains (laminated polycrystal of height L = ∞); (ii) Grains of finite but large height (L » 1); and (iii) Chain of short grains (L = l_0/(2n), l_0 « 1). With references to de Finetti’s theorem, Riesz’ rearrangement inequality, and near neighbor approximations, our analyses establish that under the scaling limits (i), (ii), and (iii) the arrays of transformation strains arising from given boundary conditions exhibit no correlations, long-range correlations, and exponentially decaying short-range correlations, respectivel

    Effective Rheological Properties in Semidilute Bacterial Suspensions

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    Interactions between swimming bacteria have led to remarkable experimentally observable macroscopic properties such as the reduction of the effective viscosity, enhanced mixing, and diffusion. In this work, we study an individual based model for a suspension of interacting point dipoles representing bacteria in order to gain greater insight into the physical mechanisms responsible for the drastic reduction in the effective viscosity. In particular, asymptotic analysis is carried out on the corresponding kinetic equation governing the distribution of bacteria orientations. This allows one to derive an explicit asymptotic formula for the effective viscosity of the bacterial suspension in the limit of bacterium non-sphericity. The results show good qualitative agreement with numerical simulations and previous experimental observations. Finally, we justify our approach by proving existence, uniqueness, and regularity properties for this kinetic PDE model
