6 research outputs found

    Reflexivity as a ground-clearing activity within the context of early years' pedagogy

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    The article concerns itself with the struggles that are prompted by the question, “What is my position as a teacher who whilst wanting to pursue emancipatory practices nevertheless is fearful of finding herself supporting and perpetuating normalizing structures?” An extract drawn from a journal entry serves as a base on which a series of reflexive readings are rehearsed. These have spanned over a period of time (2000-2009) and, as a consequence, convey the theoretical vantage points that have been used to create conceptual openings where there are possibilities for thinking “differently.” Both practices of deconstruction (Derrida) and anthropological work on purification rites (Douglas and Kristeva) are used to shift the means with which the author makes sense. Overall, the article depicts an individual’s attempts at creating a becoming space, where thinking and doing may be a little less bounded

    Australian Indigenous students: addressing equity issues in assessment

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    This article provides the background and context to the important issue of assessment and equity in relation to Indigenous students in Australia. Questions about the validity and fairness of assessment are raised and ways forward are suggested by attending to assessment questions in relation to equity and culture-fair assessment. Patterns of under-achievement by Indigenous students are reflected in national benchmark data and international testing programmes like the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Sstudy and the Program for International Student Assessment. The argument developed views equity, in relation to assessment, as more of a sociocultural issue than a technical matter. It highlights how teachers need to distinguish the "funds of knowledge" that Indigenous students draw on and how teachers need to adopt culturally responsive pedagogy to open up the curriculum and assessment practice to allow for different ways of knowing and being

    Source Tree Composition

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    Dividing software systems in components improves software reusability as well as software maintainability. Components live at several levels, we concentrate on the implementation level where components are formed by source files, divided over directory structures. Such source code components are usually strongly coupled in the directory structure of a software system. Their compilation is usually controlled by a single global build process. This entangling of source trees and build processes often makes reuse of source code components in different software systems difficult. It also makes software systems inflexible because integration of additional source code components in source trees and build processes is difficult. This paper's subject is to increase software reuse by decreasing coupling of source code components. It is achieved by automized assembly of software systems from reusable source code components and involves integration of source trees, build processes, and configuration processes. Application domains include generative programming, product-line architectures, and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software engineering