795 research outputs found

    Market possibilities for using new films for MA packaging

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    Industrial heritage in tourism marketing:legitimizing post-industrial development strategies of the Ruhr Region, Germany

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    Many post-industrial regions reinterpret their industrial past as a heritage resource for marketing purposes. This paper explores how two sites in the Ruhr area in Germany, Zollverein and Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, are narrated in marketing brochures with selective industrial heritage narratives. Industrial heritage is utilized for both immediate marketing purposes and as a tool for memory and identity politics. Through thematic analysis, we uncover that industrial heritage legitimizes the Ruhrā€“Europeā€™s largest post-industrial regionā€“as a distinct region by providing a seemingly uncontested, neutral and universal industrial history targeted at a wide audience. Simultaneously, the established narratives reinterpret industrial heritage as places of consumption, valued for their aesthetics and facilities for sports, arts and leisure. Such a marketing practice attempts to tap into the growing demand for postmodern consumption of culture, and simultaneously justifies and institutionalizes a specific, consumption-driven post-industrial development strategy for the Ruhr. The study reveals how the marketing of a post-industrial region promotes a select set of industrial heritage narratives that aim to strengthen the regionā€™s economic position in a neoliberal setting of interregional economic competition

    Folie vergelijking seizoen 1988

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    Gebieden met bijzondere ecologische waarden op het Nederlands Continentaal Plat

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    Coproductie van Rijkswaterstaat RIKZ en Alterra Texel, met medewerking van RIVO en NIOZ, in opdracht van Verkeer en Waterstaat (directie Water) en LNV (directie Natuur). In navolging van wat Nota Ruimte aangeeft, komen de territoriale wateren van Noordzee in aanmerking voor beschermd gebied. Dit onderzoek zal meegenomen worden in het medio 2005 uit te brengen Integraal Beheerplan Noordzee 2015. Dit onderzoek behandelt namelijk de nadere begrenzing van het aan te wijzen gebied, aan de hand van internationaal in EU en OSPAR kader overeengekomen criteri
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