385 research outputs found

    Skills Training in Laboratory and Clerkship: Connections, Similarities, and Differences

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    Context: During the third semester of a 6 year long curriculum medical students train clinical skills in the skills laboratory (2 hours per week for 9 weeks) as well as in an early, 8 week clinical clerkship at county hospitals. Objectives: to study students’ expectations and attitudes towards skills training in the skills laboratory and clerkship. Subjects: 126 medical students in their 3rd semester. Methods: During the fall of 2001 three consecutive, constructed questionnaires were distributed prior to laboratory training, following laboratory training but prior to clerkships, and following clerkships respectively. Results: Almost all (98%) respondents found that training in skills laboratory improved the outcome of the early clerkship and 70% believed in transferability of skills from the laboratory setting to clerkship. Still, a majority (93%) of students thought that the clerkship provided students with a better opportunity to learn clinical skills when compared to the skills laboratory. Skills training in laboratory as well as in clerkship motivated students for becoming doctors. Teachers in both settings were perceived as being committed to their teaching jobs, to demonstrate skills prior to practice, and to give students feed back with a small but significant more positive rating of the laboratory. Of the 22 skills that students had trained in the laboratory, a majority of students tried out skills associated with physical examination in the clerkship, whereas only a minority of students tried out more intimate skills. Female medical students tried significantly fewer skills during their clerkship compared to male students. Conclusions: Students believe that skills laboratory training prepare them for their subsequent early clerkship but favour the clerkship over the laboratory

    Perceived stress as a risk factor for peptic ulcers:a register-based cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: The association between stress and peptic ulcers has been questioned since the discovery of helicobacter pylori. This study examined whether high perceived everyday life stress was associated with an increased risk of either receiving a triple treatment or being diagnosed with a peptic ulcer. METHODS: Cohen’s perceived stress scale measured the level of stress in a general health survey in 2010 of 17,525 residents of northern Jutland, Denmark, and was linked with National Danish registers on prescription drugs and hospital diagnoses. Cox proportional hazard regression was used to estimate the risk of either receiving a triple treatment or being diagnosed in a hospital with a peptic ulcer, in relation to quintiles of stress levels. RESULTS: A total of 121 peptic ulcer incidents were recorded within 33 months of follow-up. The lowest stress group had a cumulative incidence proportion of either receiving triple treatment or being diagnosed with peptic ulcer of approximately 0.4%, whereas the highest stress group had a cumulative incidence proportion of approximately 1.2%. Compared with that of the lowest stress group, those in the highest stress group had a 2.2-fold increase in risk of either receiving triple treatment or being diagnosed with peptic ulcer (HR 2.24; CI 95% 1.16:4.35) after adjustment for age, gender, socioeconomic status, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug use, former ulcer and health behaviours. There was no difference in risk between the four least stressed quintiles. Subgroup analysis of diagnosed peptic ulcer patients revealed the same pattern as the main analysis, although the results were not significant. CONCLUSION: The highest level of perceived everyday life stress raised the risk of either receiving triple treatment or being diagnosed with peptic ulcer during the following 33 months more than twice compared with that of the lowest level of perceived stress

    LibGuide som social platform

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    Artiklens formål er at belyse udviklingsprojektet omkring udformningen af e-læringsværktøjet LibGuide.LibGuide er planlagt som en digital og didaktisk værktøjskasse, der skal understøtte informationskompetence i gymnasierne. Undervisere og bibliotekarer skal sammen ved brug af værktøjet udarbejde undervisningsforløb. Det er formålet herved at højne både kvaliteten af undervisningen og udviklingen af elevernes informationskompetence. LibGuide er planlagt til at skulle understøtte en kommunikativ forståelse og samarbejdet mellem eleverne og bibliotekar/lærer, dvs. der er fokus på det sociale aspekt. Artiklen viser at de nævnte mål indebærer et eksplorativt udviklingsforløb. Udviklingen af et værktøj, der skal indfri de nævnte samarbejdsmæssige aspekter, forudsætter en evalueringsproces, hvor der gives tid til erhvervelsen af mange erfaringer og refleksioner.Artiklen gør rede for de ideer, der ligger bag udviklingen af prototypen i fase 1 samt hvilket indhold denne første prototype havde. Dernæst beskrives fase 2, hvorledes prototypen er anvendt i undervisningen, hvordan den blev evalueret og herunder hvilke resultater der kom ud af dette. I artiklens sidste del gennemgås fase 3, nemlig kravspecifikationen, der bygger på de nævnte resultater samt øvrige erfaringer.Afslutningsvis reflekteres der over projektets forløb

    Increased glomerular filtration rate after withdrawal of long-term antihypertensive treatment in diabetic nephropathy

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    Increased glomerular filtration rate after withdrawal of long-term antihypertensive treatment in diabetic nephropathy. Initiation of antihypertensive treatment (AHT) in hypertensive insulin-dependent diabetic (IDDM) patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN) induces a faster initial (0 to 6 months) and a slower subsequent (6 months to end of observation) decline in GFR [ΔGFR (ml/min/month) approximately 1.5 vs. 0.35]. Whether this initial phenomenon is reversible (hemodynamic) or irreversible (structural damage) after prolonged AHT is not known. To elucidate these mechanisms we investigated 42 hypertensive IDDM patients (16F/26M, age 40 ± 7 years, mean ± SD) with DN receiving AHT (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition, N = 30) for 6 (2 to 15) years [median (range)]. GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2), arterial blood pressure (BP, mm Hg) and albuminuria (mg/24 hr) were measured the last day on AHT and one month after withdrawal of AHT. The measured variables were all significantly elevated after withdrawal of AHT: GFR [mean(SEM)] from 76(4) to 81(4) (P < 0.0001), BP [mean(SEM)] from 140/82 (2/1) to 151/89 (2/1) (P < 0.0005) and albuminuria [geometric mean(antilog SEM)] from 704 (1.2) to 1122 (1.2) (P < 0.0001). A correlation between relative rise in systolic blood pressure (ΔSys%) and relative change in GFR (ΔGFR%) was found (r = 0.44, P < 0.005). Our results render some support of the hypothesis that the faster initial decline in GFR is due to a functional (hemodynamic) effect of AHT, which does not attenuate over time, while the subsequent slower decline reflects the beneficial effect on progression of diabetic nephropathy

    ICF-Based Assessment of Functioning in Daily Clinical Practice. A Promising Direction Toward Patient-Centred Care in Patients With Low Back Pain

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    Background: Patient-centred care has received increased attention in recent years. Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) and shared decision-making are key components of Patient-Centred care. Low back pain (LBP) is a complex symptom affected by multiple, interacting factors. Therefore, evidence strongly recommend a biopsychosocial and patient-centred approach in the assessment and management. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) provide a biopsychosocial model for describing functioning and disability. ICF is widely acknowledged, but implementation into clinical practice is lacking. To support the use of a biopsychosocial and patient-centred approach in daily clinical practice among patients with LBP we developed a practice-friendly tool based on ICF; the LBP assessment tool.Objective: To compare an ICF-based assessment facilitated by the LBP assessment tool with standard care in terms of the use of PROs and shared decision-making in order to promote patient-centred care in patients with LBP.Methods: A non-randomized controlled design was used. Eligible patients were allocated to one of two groups: the ICF group, assessed with the LBP assessment tool or the control group, assessed with a conventional LBP assessment. Primary outcome includes use of PROs. Secondary outcomes include use of a graphical overview displaying the patient profile and shared decision-making. A patient evaluation questionnaire was used to collect data.Results: Seven hundred ten patients were assessed for eligibility of whom 531 were allocated to the ICF group (n = 299) or the control group (n = 232). A significantly higher use of PRO data (p &lt; 0.00) and the patient profile (p &lt; 0.00) was reported in favor of the ICF group. Patients in the ICF group also experienced being more involved in decision-making (p = 0.01).Conclusions: This study showed that a functioning assessment, by means of the LBP assessment tool, increased use of PROs and shared decision-making when compared to a conventional LBP assessment. Additionally, this study demonstrated that routine use of ICF-based PRO data and shared decision-making promoted patient-centred care in patients with LBP. The LBP assessment tool may be a strong candidate for a user-friendly ICF-based tool with the potential to support health professionals in a shift toward a biopsychosocial and patient-centred approach to patients with LBP